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Gamespot reviews Metroid Prime 2

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
CrimsonSkies said:
Someone dig back into that Halo 2 review thread for some quotes from folks who are in full damage control here.

Not to loose siight of the fact that a 9.1 is a great score for a game.

im not really in damage control.. i think the 9.4 blow up was pretty stupid as well. i just think people should pay more mind to the actual words in the review.


not an idiot
quadriplegicjon said:
did you read the same review as i did??? look at my quotes above.. he says none of that..

as I said, i watched the video review.

he said it looked better BUT you'd have to put them side by side to be able to see it

he said the multi mode was not nearly up to the quality of the single player and seemed a little tacked on (paraphrase)
Game looks gorgeous!









Kon Tiki

quadriplegicjon said:
im not really in damage control.. i think the 9.4 blow up was pretty stupid as well. i just think people should pay more mind to the actual words in the review.
Never happen. Not unless magazines and websites stop using numbers...hahahah.

Edit: That rock has a face. :p


And I bought a brand new surround system for Metroid Prime 2. I hope it atleast get close the the first experience.


Running off of Custom Firmware
He said the graphics are better, more detailed, and the atristry is exceptional. Seriously, MP STILL holds up well today. Any kind of improvement beyond that, without compromising the framerate, is amazing.

The multiplayer was always tacked on, we knew that 4 reviews ago. However, this game always was and is about the substantial single player mode, and it looks to be as long and robust as the original's, with better level design and puzzles, and more challenging combat.

Much like Halo 2, this game wasn't one that was going to reinvent the wheel, just attempt to perfect it further, and I don't see ANYTHING in the review that suggests that Retro failed, Shpankey.

It's taken some very creative reading/listening on your part to even suggest it.


SantaCruZer said:
And I bought a brand new surround system for Metroid Prime 2. I hope it atleast get close the the first experience.

Sound design's real nice. Wait'll you get to...it's the fourth area, that has some cool mixes of surround effects and vibration stuff.



efralope said:
his profile says "no reviews"

unless that's a typo, this is his first...

Just a little bit of swingback for you.


Owned? Owned.

The forum profile "reviews" bit is for USER REVIEWS, not site reviews.

Blame! said:
i haven't been here long, but has he always been this fucking retarded?

He's always been a special case, but ever since he went to OA...he's been...specialer.


I have to wonder what the score would be without the tacked on multiplayer component. I would say that the score would probably be up in the high 90's without it since the SP component is obviously superior to Prime's.


"What exactly is the reason for necessitating someone review every game in a series? What if Kasavin would have given it a 9.1?"

-they don't have too, but we know what he personally gave the first game, and if I thought it was just right or too low, then a 9.1 from him would have meant that he definitely felt it was a step down, especially if after playing the game then reading his review we would have a sense of how our tastes matched his...

"9.1 is excellent, by any standard. Get your panties out of a twist."

ANY standard?



That's an incredibly positive review for the game for it to get a lower score than the original. The text spends most the time praising the game and just a moment to say the multiplayer is not of the same level as the single player.

The score either has to do with A) a different person reviewing it this time. or B) precautionary move to rate it lower than Halo 2 in order to avoid Xbox fanboy backlash. Of course you get Nintendo fanboy backlash, but they've already been dismissed by the media and you might still get that even if you rate it higher.

I would like to say its A, but my gut says B has to do with it. =/


Ok,lets see here...

9.4 for Halo 2
9.1 for Metroid Prime 2

That means about....

7.4 for Prince of Persia:WW


"In the end, Star Fox Adventures delivers gamers with a fun, long quest with inspiration from the Zelda franchise at every turn. It's our opinion that Link's exploits still beat out Fox's in every gameplay related category, but that doesn't make this -- Rare's final GameCube offering -- any less sweet."

Yep, sounds like a 9.0 to me.

Too bad I don't agree with his opinion on the game, but eh.

Kon Tiki

efralope said:
"What exactly is the reason for necessitating someone review every game in a series? What if Kasavin would have given it a 9.1?"

-they don't have too, but we know what he personally gave the first game, and if I thought it was just right or too low, then a 9.1 from him would have meant that he definitely felt it was a step down, especially if after playing the game then reading his review we would have a sense of how our tastes matched his...

"9.1 is excellent, by any standard. Get your panties out of a twist."

ANY standard?


See THIS is why I hate number reviews. People focus on the fucking numbers and not the words.


not an idiot
Mejilan said:
He said the graphics are better, more detailed, and the atristry is exceptional. Seriously, MP STILL holds up well today. Any kind of improvement beyond that, without compromising the framerate, is amazing.

The multiplayer was always tacked on, we knew that 4 reviews ago. However, this game always was and is about the substantial single player mode, and it looks to be as long and robust as the original's, with better level design and puzzles, and more challenging combat.

Much like Halo 2, this game wasn't one that was going to reinvent the wheel, just attempt to perfect it further, and I don't see ANYTHING in the review that suggests that Retro failed, Shpankey.

It's taken some very creative reading/listening on your part to even suggest it.

what the hell? i never suggested it failed. i was speaking for myself when i said there wasn't anything mentioned in the review to get me excited. obviously, since i said for me, i meant for me (i didn't care for part one so more of the same is not a big sale).

i think you read more into my post than what was there


Also, for those who want to obsess over the numerical standards, here's the highest 5 reviews he's given (that I can find, of course).

Metroid Prime 2 - 9.1
Jak II - 9.1
Dark Cloud 2 - 9.0*
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow - 8.5
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System - 8.3

*(some guy called him out as a "newb" reviewer on the GS forums for that, funny stuff)


Running off of Custom Firmware
shpankey said:
looks exactly the same, sounds the same, not much new, the reviewer said the added multiplayer mode sucked and wasn't very good. did they even do anything at all to improve this series? i think he gave it a higher score than it probably deserved based on what he was saying in the video review. sounds just like exactly more of the same with bare minimum improvements. maybe it's better than he let on tho, i dont know, but there was nothing there mentioned that got me excited to play it.

Well, to be fair, I didn't know your views about the first game. This post read, to me, more like a listing of (overly negative and inaccurate) factoids gleaned from a review, not your impression of the game or that review. My bad, kinda. :)


Drop the .1 for Echoes.

Drop the .4 for Halo2.

Both games got a 9 then.

For the ones that are too pissed to read and understand rationaly.....

Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to....fear.

no wait...

First you get the woman,then you get the power
Power leads to fear....

Bleh...just go buy the game already.


Matlock, have you even read this thread? (referring to your first few posts)

Blame! said:
i haven't been here long, but has he always been this fucking retarded?
As long as I can remember. Just as bad in the OT forum, too.
Matlock said:
First SuperFanboy, and then Darth Nintendo.
It's not my fault that you get all in a hissy fit whenever someone brings up image quality. Nor when you can't learn that Drinky Crow is to be ignored.

Yep that's the attitude. Calling names instead of dealing with the issue is so GAF.

I come here for news and intelligent discussion, not for folls jumping into thread like this is Gamefaqs just to point out that "DS SUXXORS"



krypt0nian said:
Yep that's the attitude. Calling names instead of dealing with the issue is so GAF.

I come here for news and intelligent discussion, not for folls jumping into thread like this is Gamefaqs just to point out that "DS SUXXORS"



So do something about it.


Ok, then...
Matlock said:
Also, for the parties involved in this embarassment of a thread: take your goddamn pudding and eat it. You are the only one finding fault here, while everyone else knows it's an alright game.


"It's not fair, mommy! Reviewers like Halo 2 better! And gamers will buy five times as many Halo 2's! This affects my like for the game!"
Who constitutes the "parties"? It's just... this happens so often - your type of post, I mean. I did it myself after one of Drinky's threads, only to go back and see that pretty much no one had responded to the troll itself. But, in your case, people had JUST mentioned how efralope was the only one to complain. So your post was made a touch more glaring.

Musashi Wins!

Chronicles of Riddick >> Metroid Prime 2

Seriously, though. You would think at this point in the long journey of despair Nbots would learn some karmic lessons and avoid their prancing in the Halo 2 thread.

The review really makes it sound like if you're a fan of the series, you'll dig this. Everyone happy now?

I have to echo the earlier posters point that there was a certain special joy in playing games before discussing reviews became a norm, haha.


I just suggest you get a little thicker skin, or start firing off selective ignores. 'course, if something on a forum offends you that deeply, maybe you'd better rethink a couple of things.
Matlock said:
I just suggest you get a little thicker skin, or start firing off selective ignores. 'course, if something on a forum offends you that deeply, maybe you'd better rethink a couple of things.

No ones offended. I find it ridiculous that adults act this way. Oh yeah thats right its my fault.


Matlock said:
Buggy: I was also referring to Guru, of whom I didn't notice the bit of sarcasm later.
I suppose then you would have had two people. Certainly a cataclysmic situation!

And I'm not Buggy, Luciverse.
Matlock said:
Also, for those who want to obsess over the numerical standards, here's the highest 5 reviews he's given (that I can find, of course).

Metroid Prime 2 - 9.1
Jak II - 9.1
Dark Cloud 2 - 9.0*
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow - 8.5
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System - 8.3

*(some guy called him out as a "newb" reviewer on the GS forums for that, funny stuff)

OK, now we have a problem. :p

Seriously, great score. If I only had some money around to buy the game the second it comes out.


If anything, this thread proves that disappointed Metroid fans aren't nearly as insane as disappointed Halo fans.


And, because I'm feeling merry, and because I also kept reading the jedi as multiple users...the love:

Gregory said:
Not too bad.

bitwise said:
great score!

Dr.Guru of Peru said:
actually, after the 8.5 from 1up im surprised it got this high.

Kanbee-san said:
Good score.

TheGreenGiant said:

Justin Bailey said:
Great score.

Spike said:
It doesn't matter if this game got a 1.0, I'll still be first in line at my local EB to get my copy.

paul777 said:
It's a good review, and a pretty glowing one at that.

DaBuddaDa said:
Anyway, great score, and I can't friggin wait for next monday.

soundwave05 said:
That's a great score.

Mejilan said:
Very glowing review. I really can't fucking wait!

adelgary said:
Otherwise, great review.

Society said:
Nice postive review in my eyes. Glad it is still the Metroid Prime I love with a new story on a planet.

king zell said:
nice score and review :)

GSG Flash said:
Was expecting it to get it under Halo 2's score, but 9.1 is still a great score and I will be getting the game. Fuck the haters.

CrimsonSkies said:
a 9.1 is a great score for a game.

<3 you guys for making good posts

quadriplegicjon said:
im not really in damage control.. i think the 9.4 blow up was pretty stupid as well. i just think people should pay more mind to the actual words in the review.

Post of the fucking year.

That is all.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Just read the entire review, and it seems like the game builds on everything Prime was and adds completely new content. Upgraded graphics at 60 FRAMES (the first was no slouch), wicked art, more story-driven plot = ME SOLD. The reviewer didn't even really have anything negative to say about the game, save the obligatory minor backtracking nitpick and the multiplayer mode.

First off, backtracking complaints makes absolutely no sense to me. Familiar area + new powers + weaker enemies compared to you = Awesomeness! Tedious to travel? Not if the world was designed well and didn't really take that long. And Prime never really annoyed me with the artifact quests anyway, with OBVIOUS clues for each artifact. I actually feel bad for level designers that spend hundreds of hours working on one area just to have the player run by it, be done in a couple of minutes and never appreciate the cleverness of the design. One thing that Prime always did was to make me think. Made me remember strange spots in areas I travelled to and apply new powers to get to places I haven't been to before. That made it a memorable and a genuine Metroid game.

As for multiplayer, well blame Nintendo for listening to its fans. Blame the majority of people (not me!) that voted for it on the "things you would like to see in Prime 2" poll. Without being online, it was obvious that the multi was just fan service that was going to be fun, but nothing spectacular. Honestly, I'm surprised Retro was able to make it quite good with what was obviously a single player franchise.

Someone said that it was the highest review that this guy has ever put out? Well from his praise, the game seems to deserve it. Definitely going to be one of the year's best, and before anyone whining about the score, read the damn review.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
9.1 sounds great, what the hell did people expect?

I can’t stand the people on this message broad that need to beat their chest about how there console is better then others.
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