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Gamespot reviews Metroid Prime 2


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
lockii said:
Halo 2 is only 0.3 better than MP2!11!!one

Great score, will be purchasing when I have the money.

Sometimes I wonder what the scores would be if they were on the same system.

I will also pick up Echoes eventually, but not this fall.


Sweet. I just know the seriously uptight hate filled pigs were praying for anything below a 9. Hehe.

So glad it delivered. I will be constantly left wondering how the game would score without the multi, but it just doesn't matter. Great stuff.
Really positive review if you read the actual text. Seems like a really, really good game and I won't hesitate to pick it up at all.
blah blah blah. whingey pigs. There's fucking morphball battles in this game. And its 20 hours! Fuck-in AWESOME. Fuck. But instead of kudos, we have whingey fuck pigs.


Is Matt C from IGN going to be the only reviewer who seriously enjoyed the original MP? It seems that all the reviews made thus far hark on gameplay that are staples of the Metroid series.


efralope said:
way too low...
Because you've obviously played it and can speak from first hand experience.

You know, you are quite possibly the most annoying fanboy on the forums. You pick a side in the console wars and cheer blindly, bitch and whine when things don't go your way. And you do the same for politics.

Your posts are poorly reasoned and poorly constructed. You make reading these forums a more of a chore than it needs to be.

Please, for the love of God and in respect for those posters that want well reasoned, well articulated posts and arguments, stop posting Efralope. Save us from yourself.


rollin' in the gutter
MParisSM = this thread's whining + RE4 to PS2 thread's whining + Re-election of GWB thread's whining



deadlifter said:
MParisSM = this thread's whining + RE4 to PS2 thread's whining + Re-election of GWB thread's whining

1/3 ain't bad...

btw, I already said I was being sarcastic, though I would have preferred Kasavin's opinion, he's the only Gamespot editor I know cause of the 2002 Awards show and Metroid Prime review...


Nice score. The Metroid series made a big entrance into the 3D world with Metroid Prime. It's always exciting/terrifying to see how a 2D game series will look and function in 3D. Then there's a second game which improves on the first 3D game, but playing a Metroid game in 3D for the first time has already been done. The impact from it being in 3D isn't as big in the 2nd game, which is why it has to struggle harder in other areas to recieve a high score. At least that's why I think.

And I really appreciate that it's 60 fps. Some developers DO understand! :D


go eat paint
Wow, it looks like 9.4 and 9.1 are the new 6.8....

Personally, I'd like to slit the throat of anyone that feels that 94% and 91% are to be taken in any form of negative connotation. Considering how rare 9+ is at GameSpot, the only thing people should be saying are "Sold" or "There goes my wallet" or "Why does my finger smell like poo?"

The most amusing thing is that once someone sees a score they don't like, they hardly bother to comment on the review text, and usually quickly launch into a diatribe against the writer's qualifications--often without checking to see how long they've been writing for a particular site or how long they've been involved in the industry.

Brad has been on staff at GameSpot for close to two years now, and a freelancer for them for a good 3+ years before that. He's probably written a good 200-300 reviews by now. I'd figure he's qualified to chime in on Metroid, considering he wrote their History of Metroid back in 2001. (Heck, he's been freelancing for them longer than I have, so at least prior to February 2000)

Plus, personally, I've known the little bastard (with a big "fuck me" voice, like Luther Vandross) for many years. He's more than qualified to discuss any game that involves gunplay and an FPS viewpoint.

I read the review and consider the score in this context--Metroid Prime 2 is an improvement in every way over Metroid Prime, but it's look and feel are no longer revolutionary (GameSpot's review guidelines mention taking "originality into account"). You have to admit, seeing something for the first time and being blown away by it does contribute to the overall experience--certainly in terms of visuals, audio, and overall replay. Who didn't roam around Phendrana Drifts for days on end just taking in the ambience? The same can be said for gameplay as well, now that I think about it. Discovering and using Samus' abilities in Metroid Prime was quite an eye opener, and many people probably spent a lot of time futzing around with them because of that. My gut is that in MP2, people will spend less time futzing around and less time going "woah" and just going through the game. In that regard, I can certainly accept the "lower" score...

But, dear lord, I reiterate--people who feel the need to whine about any 9+ score really need to find a less stressful hobby, or perhaps just slam their head into a wall until they calm the hell down.


mosaic said:
The most amusing thing is that once someone sees a score they don't like, they hardly bother to comment on the review text
and when they do, they usually willfully misinterpret it anyway.



Wow, it looks like 9.4 and 9.1 are the new 6.8....

And C- and 7.9.

Seriously though, I haven't really seen much blowup over this score. I'd say the 8.5 was much more controversial than the 9.1. Most people are coming in heere, haven't read the thread, and assume it's full of hate towards Gamespot. That is not the case at all.


Project Midway said:
Nice score...but...cant...resist....myself......urgh...



This NEVER gets old......


Someone needs to come up with a new review system. 9.5 is what 80% used to be. The scores are worthless.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Sarcasm, efralope? You don't know the meaning of the fucking word. Your display in this thread was beyong pathetic; spend some time at OA honing your cognitive functions.


I'm talking to everyone complaining about the score. If you loved the first game, then chances are you'll love the sequel.

BTW, is this the same person that reviewed MP1?


AssMan said:
I'm talking to everyone complaining about the score. If you loved the first game, then chances are you'll love the sequel.

BTW, is this the same person that reviewed MP1?

1. Only one person complained about the score and he's now BANNED.

2. No.

Seriously though, I haven't really seen much blowup over this score. I'd say the 8.5 was much more controversial than the 9.1. Most people are coming in heere, haven't read the thread, and assume it's full of hate towards Gamespot. That is not the case at all.

It was just a few posts up. Jesus.


TheGreenGiant said:
efralope got banned? I thought he was one of GAF's untouchables. :lol

He hasn't been around long enough to be an untouchable. His last banning was under a year ago, IIRC. Still fair game and whatnot.

I don't know why jarrod was banned. Why was jarrod banned?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
SantaCruZer said:
He owned a GBA SP and Saturn only If I remember correctly.

He used to own all of the current machines (not sure about XBOX, though), but sold all of them off...
I don't wanna read or watch teh review ..

but hell .. 9.1 means its only .9 points away from perfection... and thats more than enouhg for me ..

and those screens that were posted earlier are GORGEOUS

I can't wait for this babe :) ..
The world would be so much more reasonable if games sites threw out the decimals. There is no point having a 1-10 scoring system when anything under 8 is crap and nohing is notable unless it gets a 9.x. Metroid got a 9, buy it. Halo 2 got a 9, buy it. Killzone on the other hand...


Jibber Hack said:
The world would be so much more reasonable if games sites threw out the decimals. There is no point having a 1-10 scoring system when anything under 8 is crap and nohing is notable unless it gets a 9.x. Metroid got a 9, buy it. Halo 2 got a 9, buy it. Killzone on the other hand...
Yeah, but people WANT the extra scoring precision. They want to be able to quantify how much better one game is than another game, even if the comparison is totally pointless.
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