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Gamespy Reviews Killzone

Musashi Wins!



Pros: Strong design; nice particle effects; very good audio effects and music; solid online experience.

Cons: Terrible AI on both sides; tons of graphical glitches; lack of physics; repetitive gameplay.

"While the single player campaign has some issues, and these obviously crop up again in the split-screen cooperative mode, the online experience is a lot better. It's not packed with a ton of extras (I had a hard time accessing any stat tracking), but it seems pretty reliable as far as connection is concerned, and I didn't notice a ton of lag. The problems with the textures are still there, as as the draw distances, but I would actually recommend the online play over the single player missions. Most of the maps are pretty cool, and there are a nice selection of gametypes, from standard deathmatch to an intense, fun game that has players competing to pick up packets and bring them to their base."

"Well, folks, it happens to all of us. Sometimes you have high expectations for a game, but it just doesn't deliver. I'm sure there are plenty of people who will enjoy the game, but I honestly think that most of them will feel the same way that I do. Killzone is an ambitious, interesting game, but it's badly undercut by terrible AI and annoying and very distracting graphical glitches. They're bad enough to make the game feel like a chore, and nobody ever looks forward to those."
Ya know. This is just proof that its completely stupid to try to get hype for a game by comparing it to other proven franchises.

I believe Killzone will be fun. I'll give it a whirl as a rental.

Musashi Wins!

I wish Gamespot or the EGM scores would emerge. I kind of want this for online, but I'm getting the impression that the flaws follow the game there. I never paid attention to the Halo-killer shit seriously, but I'm bummed that it's not a better game.

oh, and I read a developer post from yesterday that says they have a ladder/rank system, so there are at least some stats for online play.


pilonv1 said:

:lol 3/5? I was surprised it even got that high. This game sucks! The graphics, scripted gameplay, controls, framerate, animations... I'm sure the PS2 fanboys will eat it up though. :D


These guys need to get their shit straight.

One review I read said no split screen co op, yet this does, which is it.
MrparisSM said:
:lol 3/5? I was surprised it even got that high. This game sucks! The graphics, scripted gameplay, controls, framerate, animations... I'm sure the PS2 fanboys will eat it up though. :D

I'm leaning towards agreeing that this is our latest incarnation of Daxter Too. Clearly GTA isn't an appropriate target anymore.


sonycowboy said:
I'm leaning towards agreeing that this is our latest incarnation of Daxter Too. Clearly GTA isn't an appropriate target anymore.

:rollseyes If you look at my previous posts you'll see that I actually praise GTA. I guess every reviewer for KillZone is a Sony Hater aswell right? Take your head out of Sony's ass long enough to realize that they make crap games just like everyone else....
I wonder if they reviewed a mid-September build ;)

Seriously though, it really sounds like this game needed more time and was simply rushed to make Xmas. Fucking sad :(
MrparisSM said:
:rollseyes If you look at my previous posts you'll see that I actually praise GTA. I guess every reviewer for KillZone is a Sony Hater aswell right? Take your head out of Sony's ass long enough to realize that they make crap games just like everyone else....

I think you've proven our point.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Ya know. This is just proof that its completely stupid to try to get hype for a game by comparing it to other proven franchises.
It worked for Splinter Cell though. It brought the game popularity and solid fanbase. It's just that when you compare your game with something famous, you absolutely, positively must DELIVER on your promises, or the backlash is going to be 10x worse than if you never compared it to anything.

Dave Long

I don't understand why unproven developers continue to generate so much hype with their games. Is it just the fans that do it? It doesn't seem that way since Sony put some heavy marketing into this game. Unproven devs miss a lot more often than they hit. Unless you see names working on a game that you can count on, it's good to remain very skeptical until a game ships.


MrparisSM said:
yes, lets. I'll let the review scores do all the talking for me. :)

I like a good troll as much as the next guy, but give it a rest dude. Killzone hasn't looked good ever. It was inappropriately marketed as a "Halo Killer" which only drew more hate -- its development was likely rushed and it seems like the hardware might have been stretched a little thin.
That being said, I'm glad my copy is in the mail. I look forward to at least checking it out, but am glad I don't spend money to play this stuff.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
its development was likely rushed and it seems like the hardware might have been stretched a little thin.
Frankly, I think neither is true. I think Guerilla are just not that good. They worked on this for approx three years, I think. In the meantime, some no-name team working for Midway, makes Area 51, that technically does everything Killzone promised to do but partially failed (detailed upclose textures, decent squad AI, good ligting, good framerate), and does it almost without breaking a sweat - without any nasty LOD issues, polygon seams and whatnot.

It's funny, but it seems that no matter how hard they try, SCEE just can't get anything right to the end, and when they do (Singstar), SCEA screws over and won't bring the game here. Even my favorite game made by them - Eyetoy: Groove - could have been better had they spent some more time on it.
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