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Gametrailers Thread: Good Night and Good Game

I reckon their game of the year will be Bloodborne. They'll have Ian and Brad really championing it, with Huber and Ben probably also giving it high praise. Jones will have nothing else to nominate truly, and Bosman also seemed to really enjoy it.
Only Blood will be really pushing for The Witcher I think.

Does Don have a say? Maybe he'll choose Super Mario Maker which will persuade Bosman a little.

Elyse votes for Ori and the Blind Forest


I reckon their game of the year will be Bloodborne. They'll have Ian and Brad really championing it, with Huber and Ben probably also giving it high praise. Jones will have nothing else to nominate truly, and Bosman also seemed to really enjoy it.
Only Blood will be really pushing for The Witcher I think.

Does Don have a say? Maybe he'll choose Super Mario Maker which will persuade Bosman a little.

Elyse votes for Ori and the Blind Forest

Totally agree.
Ugh, bad idea to watch Huber Hype while eating. Greg Miller's Xavier Woods call out made me bite my tongue. Damn that man.

Great show though. Poor Huber lost his voice at the worst time.


Brandon said something along the lines of if a game takes over the office and has everyone talking about it and playing it at the same time that game has a good chance of becoming their GotY, like Hearthstone did. I feel pretty safe Bloodborne has this, and it deserves it, because no doubt every other outlet will go with Witcher 3 or Fallout 4. Yawnnnnnnn.
Listening to the stream lastnight, it sounded like Huber wanted Yakuza 5 (lol) and Bosman wanted Mario Maker,but the Baron of Budweiser said he was silly to push for MM,so he backed down for sure.
Brandon said on the Old Hunters stream it was between BB and Witcher 3 for him. Blood said Witcher 3 was almost a 10 for him a few weeks ago and he's clearly its biggest fan in the office. Brad and Ian obviously vote BB.
We don't know who Don would vote for and obviously Ben will vote Dying Light.

Wish they'd filmed the discussion, sounded a blast; especially Hubers antics.


Brandon said something along the lines of if a game takes over the office and has everyone talking about it and playing it at the same time that game has a good chance of becoming their GotY, like Hearthstone did. I feel pretty safe Bloodborne has this, and it deserves it, because no doubt every other outlet will go with Witcher 3 or Fallout 4. Yawnnnnnnn.

You're saying Bloodborne deserves it cause every other outlet will award the other two games? Firstly, since when did Bloodborne become the underdog (it's going to get hammered with awards over the next two weeks) and secondly, why would Witcher 3 receiving GOTY be a bad thing anyway?

I do feel sorry for Blood that he's sort of fighting his corner despite the rest of the staff slowly managing to play Witcher 3 but frankly, imo, it's the better game. It's a bigger technical achievement, its scale is unmatched as a WRPG and it's a looker to boot. There's no reason it doesn't deserve the GOTY award.

However, Bloodborne probably will be GT's GOTY for the reason stated above that like Hearthstone, it captured the attention of all the staff and they were playing it all at once (a solid subjective reason). But at least they've entertained the thought of other games being GOTY as well. Additionally, they're an outlet that can recognise Bloodborne's shortcomings etc. (Such as lack of build variety) unlike the many parrots in the current community that are all BLOODBORNE GOTY purely because it's Souls which makes it inherently better than every other game.


i feel like the only pro witcher 3 person will be bloodworth since he's probably also the only person who has finished it. meanwhile i think everyone except maybe blair and ben haven't beaten bloodborne


The only GOTY that matters is your own, but if there's another one I'm looking forward to, it's GT's.

But I'd honestly be happier seeing their debate



Yeah, for me the staff's deliberations are more important than their actual goty picks

Doesn't sound like they'll do it though. Bloodworth on one of the FF7 streams said it's not off the table, but editing down 10 hours of footage isn't something that's really feasible.
Doesn't sound like they'll do it though. Bloodworth on one of the FF7 streams said it's not off the table, but editing down 10 hours of footage isn't something that's really feasible.

Jones said last night they're not doing it, maybe talk about doing it next year.
i feel like the only pro witcher 3 person will be bloodworth since he's probably also the only person who has finished it. meanwhile i think everyone except maybe blair and ben haven't beaten bloodborne

Blood is not the only pro Witcher person in the office. We're all pretty hot on it. Also, myself, Huber, Brad, Jones, Kyle, and Ian have finished Bloodborne.


Blood is not the only pro Witcher person in the office. We're all pretty hot on it. Also, myself, Huber, Brad, Jones, Kyle, and Ian have finished Bloodborne.

Ben don't chime in on the GotY talk, that makes the speculation impure! :p

Also when are you guys gonna announce your picks?



A lone chair in a dark room with a swinging ceiling light. Huber interrogating...

"Why did you vote for Mario Maker, Bosman? Why did you do it?!"

I want this...

no seriously, I really want something like this...

why you dare to pick witcher 3 over bloodborne? I thought your name was blood-worth!


Doesn't sound like they'll do it though. Bloodworth on one of the FF7 streams said it's not off the table, but editing down 10 hours of footage isn't something that's really feasible.

Jones said last night they're not doing it, maybe talk about doing it next year.

Well, i'm sad they're not doing it, but for next year i want to say: Even just an unedited audio file uploaded on soundcloud would be entertaining enough, in my opinion.

I'm happy that the personal videos will be back though.
As usual i repeat, it's the reasoning behind the pick to be interesting, not the pick itself; who cares who wins? I want to see the people "responsible" for the choice give their take on it.


You're saying Bloodborne deserves it cause every other outlet will award the other two games? Firstly, since when did Bloodborne become the underdog (it's going to get hammered with awards over the next two weeks) and secondly, why would Witcher 3 receiving GOTY be a bad thing anyway?

I feel Witcher 3 is the run of the mill safe option. Like last year with so many outlets giving that rubbish Shadow of Mordor & Dragon Age 3 GotY over Bayonetta 2.
Bloodborne is inherently better in every way except narration and story progression, and it's especially better in the category that should come first and foremost, gameplay. The Witcher 3's gameplay is utterly boring. Bloodborne's is exhilarating and every fight feels like it matters.
I feel Witcher 3 is the run of the mill safe option. Like last year with so many outlets giving that rubbish Shadow of Mordor & Dragon Age 3 GotY over Bayonetta 2.
Bloodborne is inherently better in every way except narration and story progression, and it's especially better in the category that should come first and foremost, gameplay. The Witcher 3's gameplay is utterly boring. Bloodborne's is exhilarating and every fight feels like it matters.



Bloodborne is inherently better in every way except narration and story progression, and it's especially better in the category that should come first and foremost, gameplay. The Witcher 3's gameplay is utterly boring. Bloodborne's is exhilarating and every fight feels like it matters.
No, it's not.

And "gameplay" is more than just combat.
Just admit that you personally don't like Witcher 3's approach to game design and call it a day, no reason to try and spin it into a "the sheeple out there just don't get it" bullshit narrative.

I loved both games, so i'm fine if either (or fuck it, even another game) wins, though personally my GOTY is (likely) Witcher 3.
But this absurd overreaction to Witcher 3's gameplay supposedly being utter shit (especially the combat) while Bloodborne's being the second coming, a perfectly crafted jewel of perfection, has reached absurd levels.

Both games have their glaring flaws, in different areas, but neither is obviously superior to the other, whether you like one's game design philosophy over the other it's up to you, and either is fine, really; no need to try and disenfranchise the other one, though, that's where it gets silly.


But it is. I've accepted it. May you see the light someday too.

I wonder if Huber's Yakuza stream will be long like Ben's, here's hoping

Hey man, i think Dark Souls is the best game of last gen, and i loved BB (though i think the gameplay got a bit too spam friendly for my taste), but that and W3 try to do such different things, that every time they get compared i remain puzzled.
Of course you're going to have to compare them in some form, when you deliberate on one GOTY, but the thing is, both more or less excel in what they set out to do.

It's not like Shadow of Mordor, which wasn't that special even in its own category (or Dragon Age Inquisition, that had god awful writing, though i haven't finished that one, so i won't comment too much on it).

Both Witcher 3 and Bloodborne are absolutely stellar games, with some flaws.
Witcher 3 winning GOTY awards left and right isn't journos being too casul to get it, it's just a damn fine game (in, yes, possibly a more appealing and accessible genre than BB).

After all last year Heartstone won several awards.


Man, someone give Huber a hug in my behalf. Crushes my soul seeing him stressed out.


I hope christmas brings the jollyness back into him.

I'm expecting GOTY to be either Bloodborne or The Witcher 3. MGS5 is incomplete and Kyle has been pretty adamant that it shouldn't even be a real contender due to that reason. Obviously he's not the be-all-end-all judge on that, but I'd have to imagine others feel the same. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Witcher. Possibly Fallout?


Fingers crossed for Bloodborne lol. Ian if you're reading this I'm counting on you man you gotta fight the good fight 🙏


Rewatching the Final Bets results video, Kyle missed some announced games from Tim Schafer during PSX.
Full Throttle HD is debatable since it's not technically a new game but he definitely missed Psychonauts In the Rhombus of Ruin.
Not sure if it changes anything, I think it doesn't but just pointing it out.
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