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Gametrailers Thread: Good Night and Good Game


This was a great year for GT E3 coverage. I have been watching GT for years for all gaming content. I miss a bunch of the crew from last year, however, this year the coverage felt intimate in a way that it never had before. It must be nice.

Also, first post on Neogaf . . . it had to be in the GT thread.

I wish Ryan Stevens was still there, and Damiani :(

Also, welcome :D


I really hope one of the staff dresses up as a lawyer for Bosman so he can try to legalese his way out of doing the stand up

(But I hope he loses, I wanna see the standup)


This weeks Twitch streaming schedule has been posted. Shenmue continues tonight and they're starting Final Fantasy VII on Friday! I wonder if that'll be the the Full Playthrough Friday game until they finish it.

Monday, June 22
Mike Huber & Matt Blair

Tuesday, June 23
GT Staff

Wednesday, June 24
Our Final E3 Discussions

Thursday, June 25
Elyse Willems & Don Casanova

Friday, June 26
Final Fantasy VII - Part I


Oh man, I would love for them to play through FF7 over a couple of weeks, that'd be so awesome.

Also yay for Elyse and Don streaming together.


This weeks Twitch streaming schedule has been posted. Shenmue continues tonight and they're starting Final Fantasy VII on Friday! I wonder if that'll be the the Full Playthrough Friday game until they finish it.

That is a solid line up for streaming. Too bad I'm at Glastonbury this weekend, will have lots go catching up to do.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
God dammit, I keep missing the Shenmue streams. I watched only the end.


Was close all the way up until the last few and then Huber just goes into smash mode.

Kind of wanting Guy Love from Scrubs to pay when they have their arms around each other.


Them speaking banally over their original bets is hilarious.

Edit: "As many as he can before they cut the feed!" hahahah

Double edit: Bosman getting worked up in to his wrestling voice towards the end, hahah


after so much bonus bits after the bosman episodes, I'm sure he could gather lots and LOTS of ideas from there to make the jokes.. I mean, only the bullshit boss bonus bit counts as a feature for a comedy stand up...


Boyes just handing out dreams! God I love Huber.

Just watched Huber Hype. I'm such a fan girl for Huber now omg! He's just so amazing live. He's gotten a lot better in his presentation. Was an absolute joy watching him meet people. He totally made my entire E3.
I am also one of the newly converted GT fans. I started listening to GT time in january this year I think, mostly because of Kyle Bosman. (Love Final Bosman). Have really enjoyed their content during this E3.

But I have to voice something about GT Time. I really, really disagree with Brandon Jones on almost everything. Which isn't a problem in it self, but he's been so consistent about making no sense that I'm starting to get annoyed. I love when the crew speculate about things, but his trains of thought are ususally very strange, and often seem to miss the point entirely. The fact that he talks a lot, and fast, but without making sense doesn't help. I also have wildly different gaming tastes, but that I don't care about really.

I also kinda hate how much he talks about video game advertising and messaging. It's fine that he's interested in this, but that doesn't mean that they should spend so much time on it on the air.

He also seems to sympathize more with the publishers than the gamers. I'm far from the first to scream from the roof tops when publishers/developers screw up, and gamers can be a whiny bunch. But it's not the press' job to defend the publishers, or developers for that matter.

I can't be bothered by finding any examples right now, was just wondering if anyone agreed with my sentiments.

On the other hand, I really like Daniel Bloodworth. He is easily one of the most knowledgable video game podcasters/journalists/personalities out there, and he often has thoughtful and well thought out responses. He also just seems like a really cool guy.

Bosman is of course awesome. I'm surprised at how good he is at hosting the podcasts, he's really great at steering the conversation in the right direction, playing the devil's advocate and asking really interesting questions. I also love the bets section in GT Time.


Nah, I love Brandon Jones. Of course he loves the messaging and everything around it, he co-set up gametrailers.com because he love game trailers and likes analysing them and getting into it too. I love it as well hence loving Trailer Score. GT Time and the site in general would be much worse without him.
Nah, I love Brandon Jones. Of course he loves the messaging and everything around it, he co-set up gametrailers.com because he love game trailers and likes analysing them and getting into it too. I love it as well hence loving Trailer Score. GT Time and the site in general would be much worse without him.

I should clarify, I only recently discovered a lot of their more personal content, but I'm not new to GT as a review/preview/trailer/top 5 site. So I am aware of Jones' background, and I think he's a great voice over guy, and probably has other talents. But as a video games commenter I think he's lackluster.

Sometimes I get the impression that he tries too hard to sound smart, reflected and eloquent, This leads to him stating all kinds of strange explanations and thoughts that in my opinion often completely miss the point.

Kyle is almost the opposite, I find that he very often gets straight to the core of the argument, and expresses his opinion in a simple, precise way.


I like Jones and actually I generally like how he talks about messaging etc as it's something that isn't discussed widely.

I will agree that there have been times where he's probably been a little bit too lenient towards a publisher or developer but he still has a point.


The best part about GT is the variety of the hosts interests. People like Brandon and Elyse are what sets them apart from other outlets.


RE: Brandon Jones
I honestly think that BJ is still figuring out his roles as an onscreen personality. For longtime GT fans, it is a bit weird because BJ has always been the voice of GT. We have heard him narrating content for many years, but afaik he was never an editor or content creator with GT before the Defy acquisition. Now he is in a new role where his opinions and insights are highlighted onscreen. There are very few games media personalities that discuss marketing or press event flow. I think that his first real content for the site was GT Academy where he discussed the technical methodology for creating game trailers. This is where he really shines. I personally believe that his insight in this area is top amongst games media sites. His unique perspective on game marketing is what personally draws me to him.


Yeah, I'll have to defend Brandon Jones as well. While I've disagreed with him on a few things (and there have been cases where many have), I've appreciated his insight more times than I can count, and I think he's a perspective that you don't hear very often in game commentary. He's very upfront about how much he loves marketing: while I don't, we can bond over trailers, as they are, in the best cases, where marketing meets art. That they have a show that breaks down and analyses a trailer not based on its content, but its presentation and its message, is unique to Brandon's perspective, and I like it.

And as to his siding with publishers over players, I can't think of any particular examples from memory. What I will say though, is that "the customer is always right" is sometimes a fallacy. Not always (just look at the Destiny news this week), but sometimes, like the Mass Effect 3 ending furore.

N° 2048

Can I just say how GT has taken over my life the past couple of years. Such amazing content and everyone is super chill and adds their own little style to the mix.



I don't always agree with Brandon BUT I love how he operates. His way of analyzing advertising in games is awesome and completely unique to GameTrailers, giving them something no other site has. I also think even when he has a differing opinion he is usually polite or willing to respect the views of others. I know some weren't around when Shane was EIC but at times he was just a complete dick towards anyone who disagreed with him and held a much tighter leash over what kind of games GameTrailers would heavily endorse. Brandon's attitude is much more my speed.


I also kinda hate how much he talks about video game advertising and messaging. It's fine that he's interested in this, but that doesn't mean that they should spend so much time on it on the air.

The site (his site, might i add) is called "game trailers".
Trailers are nothing but advertisement and marketing and, as he pointed out multiple times, GT isn't just a general site about gaming, but it has a specific bend regarding trailers and videogame marketing.
Which is why they didn't really get into the whole GamerGate debacle, for example.

That's the whole thematic of the site, really.
Personally i don't always agree with him, but i really like how fast and concise he can make a point, instead of meandering around a concept with a lot of "uhm" and "ehm".


I don't always agree with Brandon BUT I love how he operates. His way of analyzing advertising in games is awesome and completely unique to GameTrailers, giving them something no other site has. I also think even when he has a differing opinion he is usually polite or willing to respect the views of others. I know some weren't around when Shane was EIC but at times he was just a complete dick towards anyone who disagreed with him and held a much tighter leash over what kind of games GameTrailers would heavily endorse. Brandon's attitude is much more my speed.

The site (his site, might i add) is called "game trailers".
Trailers are nothing but advertisement and marketing and, as he pointed out multiple times, GT isn't just a general site about gaming, but it has a specific bend regarding trailers and videogame marketing.
Which is why they didn't really get into the whole GamerGate debacle, for example.

That's the whole thematic of the site, really.
Personally i don't always agree with him, but i really like how fast and concise he can make a point, instead of meandering around a concept with a lot of "uhm" and "ehm".

I have to agree with you 2, that would be my opinion too, BJ made a very unique site with this, and I like it that way, even if I don't always agree with his points (like I mostly do with bosman, for example)

I also think it's because of his job that sometimes the other GT crew can joke about GT itself (like the time Bosman made his own Just Played and talk how bloodworth and the others didn't want to make it) and I really appreciate that, it makes the site not as serious as all the others, and I like that
I don't have a clue what all the different ages are but I find Brandon "Dad" Jones a good foil to all the diverse personality shenanigans around the office.
It's like... "Jones, hope you weren't too hard on the Huber".




I didn't even know Brandon Jones needed defending. I mean, yeah he came off as on the wrong side of that intense debate of NMS. But Ben Moore was technically over emotional and not entirely fair to the debate. I loved how Ian Hinck went Hulk in that debate too. So yeah Ian and Ben Moore were super passionate and a lot of people loved that. But realistically, they weren't really being fair in a technical debate forum. Being over emotional and not giving the other persons view point any consideration or a floor to be heard. That's technically not a good forum for debate.

So I don't see anything Brandon Jones did was wrong. I actually kind of felt bad for him, even though I agreed more with Ben Moore and Ian. Also Brandon Jones is great in everything he is in. He offers a different view point than the rest, and that is needed. They better not move him to the background.

For the record I love Ian and Ben in that debate. I'm just looking from the outside on it, and I don't think Jones did anything wrong.

Edit: oops looks like people find his opinions in general grating. I just don't agree at all. Sometimes I find myself not agreeing with what he's saying. His line of thought. But I love that he offers a different opinion. He has a great personality too.


I don't usually agree with Brandon's opinions and that's one of the reasons I like the site. Just agreeing with Kyle all the time would be really boring.


Edit: oops looks like people find his opinions in general grating. I just don't agree at all. Sometimes I find myself not agreeing with what he's saying. His line of thought. But I love that he offers a different opinion. He has a great personality too.

"not always agree" doesn't mean i never do.
I never "always" agree with anyone (in general).

I don't find the Jones grating, to be honest, on the contrary, his opinion is probably the one i look forward to the most, regardless if it aligns with mine or not.

The only one i find that way is Matt Blair a bit, i think we have diverging personalities, even though i like some of the games he likes.
Otherwise, i don't find anyone in the current GT team "grating".

Before the huge lay off shenanigan, i would've maybe added Hoffman to the mix, as i could barely ever agree with his opinions, and didn't really like his attitude on screen.

But of course, knowing someone in person and through some videos, are two different things, so i'm not laying on judgment on them as people.


I wonder what they will talk about for the e3 stream today. I want to see what their reactions are now that we are a couple days removed from Sony's epic show.


The only thing Brandon does that annoys me is talk about himself in the third person in videos he's narrating but not actually on. I think it's actually the correct way to do it when narrating in terms of doing it right, but because he's now an actual personality on the rest of the sites content, it's like "What? BUT YOU'RE BRANDON".


So glad I google my name constantly. Thanks!

Hope everything's going well!

I think Brandon looks at things a lot differently to the rest of the staff, so his opinions will obviously stand out to everyone else. I do enjoy the way he analyses things though so I can't say he's ever annoyed me or put me off any of the content. Plus who can be aggravated by that soothing voice?!
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