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Gametrailers Thread: Good Night and Good Game


"It's set in Canada. No wonder they're all d-bags."

lol Elyse

edit: Aaand stream is dead. Good a time as any to go the bed.
Best stream ever hahaha, Sat through this whole thing super fun. Huber waiting 8 hours to press 1 button and move a few seconds lol. All of Don's characters dying instantly haha. Kyle inciting the wrath of nature haha.





Rofl. Would have never gotten to see this game without this stream cause it was not on my radar at all

[sums up how GT went about playing this lol]


That stream couldn't have ended any better. Bosman was just a distraction, Elyse and Brad were the true villains all along.


My little sister and I watched the stream from about 2.5 hours ago onward. So funny and so entertaining. RIP
"Wolfie's fine, honey. Wolfie's just fine." Fable wishes it had a dog that good in any of its games.

Great stream. Interested in seeing the other outcomes.

Game spoilers

I see where Ian was coming from with his problems regarding the end having such massive repercussions, but a lot of their characters had weak relationships and I feel like that scene was probably the culmination of those interpersonal choices over the course of the game rather than solely a direct response to your immediate actions. Ashley, Emily, and Chris were all pretty clear examples of that. Plus, like someone said somewhere along the line, you really do have to get things perfect to save everyone.

Loved the tone shift the game took, and Jones going on a near flawless shotgun run first time through the sanatorium was awesome.


Had to immediately go watch youtube videos of other endings after that. Seems like
Josh is doomed
no matter what. Kinda bummed there's nothing you can do to change that. But also the ending
was indeed because they messed up. If she stood still a few times and let everyone else get out first it would have been fine.
Was also fun to see the various ways people could die. Brad was insanely clutch during that one QTE section.


Until Dawn stream was so much fun. I watched it until like 7am here so... y'know, it kept me up... until... dawn. ahhahhh :/ I'll probably buy that game when I have a job.


Went through the whole stream, with a fever!
I want a (Darwin) medal!

Stream was absolutely hilarious, and the finale was the perfect punchline.

Also, Until Dawn looks great, if extremely creepy for the wrong reasons at times (those faces and animations).
Will watch stream after I beat the game.

But what's up with Huber?
Predicts Shenmue 3...Shenmue 3,is announced.
Makes a video, controversially, saying Dudley Boys were the best TLC tag team in the WWE and the week after they come back to the WWE after a 15 year hiatus...

What is mystic Huber's next prediction?


New Bosman is nice. Could be a First Fifteen kinda of deal, where sometimes, in place of regular Final Bosman, he talks one on one with someone from the crew about a particular topic about the industry.


That until dawn stream was very fun. I watched the whole thing. Watching the GT staff play this was kind of like a 90s horror movie experience in itself.


Regarding the stream, i gotta say Brandon was the MVP.
Best jokes + Most skilled player.

That chase/escape section with Mike at the end was ace.


final bosman
Didn't mind the change in format.
Calling out ign for clickbait and kotaku for spoiling, lol.

Surprised he had to do a Q&A, I could tell he was remarking more on gaming culture/community but I guess if he felt the need to clarify it must have not been clear enough. I was even joking how kyle does the same thing he made fun of in the last bosman, except replace ''gameplay'' with ''context''.


I hate these huge mega threads =[. No discussion about each video.

If the GT Time this week is back to its normal length, I'm going to try and do like the GB thread does with the Bombcasts. Think it would help get more eyes on these guys in general and therefore get more discussion.

I did suggest we did it with Bosman back when it was the only really discussed GT Thread on here at all, but the people in there weren't up for that. Some weren't up for this thread either, but it seemed slightly more popular!

The few guys left in the ManUps thread were very receptive showing that they were in fact the master race.


So all shows will now be people sitting on a couch?
They really got screwed with this new studio...
While the episode was fine, it's all in danger of feeling rather same-y. Disappointing. Will see how they will continue after they got used to the new place etc.


The content of the episode was great, but i agree that the format is getting too close to every other show in this way.
Might as well do 1 show and just call it "GT's backroom couch" or something.

Things like the desk, the suit&tie, the mugs, the back picture, gave Final Bosman a specific identity.

I guess it's what people who liked the old MU format were complaining about, too.
Did Huber play Ground Zeroes?

I can't help but feel his Duscae analogy crumbles if he did. TPP plays like GZ. If you playes GZ then you know how Snake will play,how the new cqc feels, how the slow down effect works, the new menus, the transition from cutscene to gameplay and the music style.
GZ was a 20 dollar Duscae.
The content of the episode was great, but i agree that the format is getting too close to every other show in this way.
Might as well do 1 show and just call it "GT's backroom couch" or something.

Things like the desk, the suit&tie, the mugs, the back picture, gave Final Bosman a specific identity.

I guess it's what people who liked the old MU format were complaining about, too.

Isn't just that they moved again and he isn't set up properly yet?

Did Huber play Ground Zeroes?

I can't help but feel his Duscae analogy crumbles if he did. TPP plays like GZ. If you playes GZ then you know how Snake will play,how the new cqc feels, how the slow down effect works, the new menus, the transition from cutscene to gameplay and the music style.
GZ was a 20 dollar Duscae.

Isn't Duscae going to be part of the final game?


But Huber specifically mentioned Duscae because he doesn't want anything spoiled, not just story. How those 1st hours learning how the game works can't be repeated.
While Bosman said it was just story for him.

GZ is still a separated game (however short and pricey) from TPP, the demo thing was always coming from the fanbase as a sarcastic remark, but they always sold it as a prequel made to get you used to the idea of an open world MGS (not that that's the real reason, of course) and to set up the events that fire up TPP.

Duscae is a bit different, since it's literally a contextless prototype, sold as a demo (not even sold, it's included in another game).

Once you played Phantom Pain, if you haven't played GZ you'll have to go back to it, if you want the full experience.
The same isn't true for Duscae.

I think the difference is that you want to experience that gameplay "feel" while in a meaningful setting with some context, instead of a random prototype.


Yeah, even with a lot of the systems being similar, being dropped in the middle of Afghanistan is going to be a totally different experience.
Can someone tell me what happened with the Until Dawn stream? I am watching the archives and finished up Part 1. I began Part 2, but it seems there's a HUGE chunk missing. What happened? Am I watching the wrong videos?


Can someone tell me what happened with the Until Dawn stream? I am watching the archives and finished up Part 1. I began Part 2, but it seems there's a HUGE chunk missing. What happened? Am I watching the wrong videos?

Going by what was said in the thread, it looks like there were some issues where the stream went down a couple of times. Not sure how long it was.


Avoiding Until Dawn stream spoilers so no idea if anyone's already mentioned this but...

100% no to the Final Bosman format this week.

Edit: Seriously good discussion though.


Can someone tell me what happened with the Until Dawn stream? I am watching the archives and finished up Part 1. I began Part 2, but it seems there's a HUGE chunk missing. What happened? Am I watching the wrong videos?

The 3 in the twitch archives are the right videos. The first time it went down it was maybe 5 minutes so not a huge chunk. They explain what was missed. The second time it went down they paused the game.


If manups needed their desk back, bosman DESPERATELY needs his desk back. Huber is awesome but I like the show when bosman is just talking by himself.
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