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[Gaming Industry] Helldivers 2 has sold overall, over 60% of it's sales on PC


There is no need to be upset at this news.

Big Hero GIF
lol but its true, that's why the top PC games are live service with mtx or gambling involved (COD, CSGO, Valorant, Apex, PUBG, Dota 2, LoL)

PC's are more expensive, it's likely PC gamers are more financially stable enough to invest in GaaS.

All sony live service games should be PC day and date.


I honestly don’t know what the big deal is. It’s the same game. Its not helldivers vs starfield. Its helldivers vs helldivers. Who cares where it sells more? lol

If anything I’d be upset if i was a ps5 owner paying $85 a year for ps+ and unable to login because us PC gamers are hogging all the servers. But even then I’d expect them to be mad at Sony for not allocating more servers for paying ps+ customers and ps5 owners, not at PC gamers who still paid the same price for the actual game.
As a PS-only gamer, I'm happy the game is this successful on PC, because it means that the community will be alive and kicking longer than if it was exclusive to PlayStation.
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If anything I’d be upset if i was a ps5 owner paying $85 a year for ps+ and unable to login because us PC gamers are hogging all the servers. But even then I’d expect them to be mad at Sony for not allocating more servers for paying ps+ customers and ps5 owners, not at PC gamers who still paid the same price for the actual game.
FWIW It's been much easier to get in a game on PS5 than it has PC.
Can someone explain why the other threads devolved into people arguing about PC versus ps sales?

Just saw pages of arguments and my eyes glazed over. Who is upset about a larger player base?

I didn't see people complaining about cheating which seems like the biggest concern BTW ps and PC games working together.

Just seems like a really weird thing to argue about as a Playstation lover.

Well, there are a LOT of disingenuous Xbox fanboys who are trying to masquerade as PlayStation players wanting both all Sony 1P games on PC Day 1, and for Sony to bring Helldivers 2 to Xbox (really: Game Pass. They just aren't saying the quiet part out loud yet).

That compounds with Good Guy Phil™ crying and port-begging about Helldivers 2 not being on Xbox, and trying to signal that a world without exclusives is better for everyone (because exclusives haven't done much for boosting Xbox consoles in particular...maybe because all of its "exclusives" are also Day 1 on PC?). So, two related narratives feeding off each other, and of course you have the Steam & PCMR diehards who have their own reasons for pushing Sony to make all their games Day 1 on PC, at the very real detriment of their own console hardware, similar to what's happened with Xbox.

Therefore it's important to keep the knowledge of those dubious narratives in mind because if someone like Dring reports 60^% of HD2 sales are on PC, it inevitably leads to those aforementioned narratives being spun up. Without even taking into considering factors such as PS5/PC owners who opted to buy the game on Steam due to potentially cheaper prices, better performance, streamer/influencer element (if all the biggest streamers/content creators are playing it on Steam, that's a network effect convincing new people to buy it on Steam rather than PS5), and free online play.

Notice that when Sony waived the PS+ requirement last weekend there was an even bigger surge of purchasing & playing behavior on the console? Well, Steam regularly enjoys that benefit, plus things like transparent player data metrics, game metrics (CCUs, pricing history, etc.) and integrated forums that consoles like PlayStation lack. With those factors accounted for, I'm not surprised that even a good number of PS5 owners prob bought the game on Steam instead, and why Steam consists of 60%+ of current sales.

However, many of these are things Sony could be a lot more competitive with PlayStation on, if they take Jim Ryan's quote about PC being competition for PlayStation to heart. Because clearly Xbox consoles aren't providing much competition anymore and Nintendo "competes" but in a very different way, so which platform is the one most directly similar to Sony's? PC.

Ironically I'd say say Sony are in a similar spot Microsoft were in during the late '90s/early '00s when they feared PlayStation would destroy Windows. Let's just hope Sony doesn't make the same mistake Microsoft did. Microsoft's mistake was they left PC behind (assuming it'd be there for them always in terms of PC gaming dominance) to chase Sony in the console market, then Valve came in and usurped PC gaming from right under Microsoft altogether (in terms of the platform getting the vast majority of the money).

Sony "chasing Valve" to put all their games on PC storefronts like Steam would be effectively the same mistake, leaving a big gap open for someone like Nintendo, a new company (maybe Valve decides to make a console?), or even a resurgent Xbox (not likely, but until they officially exit the traditional console market with their hardware you can't say it's a 0% chance) to erode away their console market presence.

More day and date PC releases is just a no-brainer at this point.

For GaaS titles yes it probably makes sense. For the tentpole AAA single-player titles it would be detrimental to the console's value appeal towards a subset of core gamers, and lead to a decline in early adoption of new hardware (meaning overall decline in lifetime hardware sales since non-core gamers buy in later based a lot on early momentum set by core gamers), plus decline in revenue & even profits.

What uptick there'd be in PC sales wouldn't offset it because a lot of that "uptick" would just be a lateral transfer of console owners shifting to PC instead.

There is zero chance that the console-demographic will collectively move to PC gaming for the foreseeable future.

And console-exclusivity will always be important to Playstation and especially Nintendo.

Yeah, most console owners won't, even if Sony did for example push Day 1 for all games to PC.

But it's the ones who would jump to PC that would be troubling. Say out of a typical 100 million PS install base for console, 30 million are hardcore/core gamers, 55 million are mainstream/casual, and the other 15 million aren't unique players but hardcore/core who buy multiple consoles for whatever reason.

Say out of the 30 million hardcore/core, 50% are the highest ARPU customer type in the ecosystem. They're the ones who mainly buy those other 15 million "leftover" systems, for example. So that's 15 million. And out of that, 50% will stay locked into console no matter what but the other 50% could be swayed one way or another. Considering 20 million PS4 Pros were sold, and PS4 Pros mostly sold to (I'd assume) hardcore & core gamers, I don't think it's a reach to say that there are ~ 30 million hardcore/core gamers in that ecosystem and roughly half being among the highest ARPU customer.

So say the customers with the highest ARPU not only spend the most (let's say $7,500 each over the course of the console generation), but also buy new hardware Day 1 (or within the launch period), sub at the highest subscription tier, spend the most on peripherals etc. They also are the ones Sony have to spend the least money on to net into the ecosystem, so ROI they make on these customers is highest. That's a total of $56.25 billion Sony are making in revenue off those 7.5 million highest-ARPU hardcore/core customers who WOULD consider switching to PC if given enough reasons to, during the course of a console generation.

7.5 million out of 85 million (in terms of unique users) is still pretty small, but it's the money that goes with them where it'd hurt PlayStation console-wise. If they go PC, they likely aren't buying consoles anymore, they likely aren't buying as many 1P peripherals anymore, any 3P peripherals they buy won't get Sony a cut, they likely aren't subbing to any tier PS+, they aren't buying any of their 3P games through PS Store or for a console (no 30% cut for Sony), etc. And they do all of that at far higher frequency ($$$ spent) than the majority of mainstream & casual console owners, or even some of the mid-ARPU hardcore/core enthusiasts.

That's an inherent risk Sony runs if they decide to push Day 1 on PC for all their games, without some serious contingencies on the PC side like relegating that push to their own launcher/storefront (which has its own major risks). And it's way too soon to be considering that anyhow, because consoles overall are still doing very well. This weird obsession with "growth" is what will end up probably killing the industry. I don't see analysts saying the cable industry needs to constantly keep getting new viewers, or the book publishing industry needs more and more readers in order to be considered "healthy". The need for "growth" is really just capitalist greed from investors & shareholders who don't even truly understand the non-monetary qualities and value of the gaming market, because many of them aren't gamers and don't know or appreciate gaming history from a cultural POV.

I'd even bet most of them are just vulture capitalists and speculators, we've seen the same happen with industries like comics in the past (and that led to the direct implosion of the physical comics market in the '90s).
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Well, there are a LOT of disingenuous Xbox fanboys who are trying to masquerade as PlayStation players wanting both all Sony 1P games on PC Day 1, and for Sony to bring Helldivers 2 to Xbox (really: Game Pass. They just aren't saying the quiet part out loud yet).

That compounds with Good Guy Phil™ crying and port-begging about Helldivers 2 not being on Xbox, and trying to signal that a world without exclusives is better for everyone (because exclusives haven't done much for boosting Xbox consoles in particular...maybe because all of its "exclusives" are also Day 1 on PC?). So, two related narratives feeding off each other, and of course you have the Steam & PCMR diehards who have their own reasons for pushing Sony to make all their games Day 1 on PC, at the very real detriment of their own console hardware, similar to what's happened with Xbox.

Therefore it's important to keep the knowledge of those dubious narratives in mind because if someone like Dring reports 60^% of HD2 sales are on PC, it inevitably leads to those aforementioned narratives being spun up. Without even taking into considering factors such as PS5/PC owners who opted to buy the game on Steam due to potentially cheaper prices, better performance, streamer/influencer element (if all the biggest streamers/content creators are playing it on Steam, that's a network effect convincing new people to buy it on Steam rather than PS5), and free online play.

Notice that when Sony waived the PS+ requirement last weekend there was an even bigger surge of purchasing & playing behavior on the console? Well, Steam regularly enjoys that benefit, plus things like transparent player data metrics, game metrics (CCUs, pricing history, etc.) and integrated forums that consoles like PlayStation lack. With those factors accounted for, I'm not surprised that even a good number of PS5 owners prob bought the game on Steam instead, and why Steam consists of 60%+ of current sales.

However, many of these are things Sony could be a lot more competitive with PlayStation on, if they take Jim Ryan's quote about PC being competition for PlayStation to heart. Because clearly Xbox consoles aren't providing much competition anymore and Nintendo "competes" but in a very different way, so which platform is the one most directly similar to Sony's? PC.

Ironically I'd say say Sony are in a similar spot Microsoft were in during the late '90s/early '00s when they feared PlayStation would destroy Windows. Let's just hope Sony doesn't make the same mistake Microsoft did. Microsoft's mistake was they left PC behind (assuming it'd be there for them always in terms of PC gaming dominance) to chase Sony in the console market, then Valve came in and usurped PC gaming from right under Microsoft altogether (in terms of the platform getting the vast majority of the money).

Sony "chasing Valve" to put all their games on PC storefronts like Steam would be effectively the same mistake, leaving a big gap open for someone like Nintendo, a new company (maybe Valve decides to make a console?), or even a resurgent Xbox (not likely, but until they officially exit the traditional console market with their hardware you can't say it's a 0% chance) to erode away their console market presence.

For GaaS titles yes it probably makes sense. For the tentpole AAA single-player titles it would be detrimental to the console's value appeal towards a subset of core gamers, and lead to a decline in early adoption of new hardware (meaning overall decline in lifetime hardware sales since non-core gamers buy in later based a lot on early momentum set by core gamers), plus decline in revenue & even profits.

What uptick there'd be in PC sales wouldn't offset it because a lot of that "uptick" would just be a lateral transfer of console owners shifting to PC instead.

I'm sorry, but this is a big ole' way to say Sony Ponies were just upset at the mere thought of PC outselling a PS game.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Can someone explain why the other threads devolved into people arguing about PC versus ps sales?

Just saw pages of arguments and my eyes glazed over. Who is upset about a larger player base?

I didn't see people complaining about cheating which seems like the biggest concern BTW ps and PC games working together.

Just seems like a really weird thing to argue about as a Playstation lover.

Because those people were saying 75% were PC gamers.


Gold Member
I'm sorry, but this is a big ole' way to say Sony Ponies were just upset at the mere thought of PC outselling a PS game.
Sony Ponies? Is that what you took away from that? I thought it was a well thought out position on where Sony is right now. They are going to bring more to PC. We already know that. They do not need to do it in a way that they compete head-to-head with Steam or destroy their console brand. If anything, they should leverage Steam. Helldivers 2 has shown exactly what they need to do. More Steam sales for a service title are bringing more PS5 sales due to word of mouth. They could not have bought better marketing than the coverage they received from the popularity of this title on Steam. First party single player, bring them 6-24 months out like they do now.
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Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Well, there are a LOT of disingenuous Xbox fanboys who are trying to masquerade as PlayStation players wanting both all Sony 1P games on PC Day 1, and for Sony to bring Helldivers 2 to Xbox (really: Game Pass. They just aren't saying the quiet part out loud yet).

That compounds with Good Guy Phil™ crying and port-begging about Helldivers 2 not being on Xbox, and trying to signal that a world without exclusives is better for everyone (because exclusives haven't done much for boosting Xbox consoles in particular...maybe because all of its "exclusives" are also Day 1 on PC?). So, two related narratives feeding off each other, and of course you have the Steam & PCMR diehards who have their own reasons for pushing Sony to make all their games Day 1 on PC, at the very real detriment of their own console hardware, similar to what's happened with Xbox.

Therefore it's important to keep the knowledge of those dubious narratives in mind because if someone like Dring reports 60^% of HD2 sales are on PC, it inevitably leads to those aforementioned narratives being spun up. Without even taking into considering factors such as PS5/PC owners who opted to buy the game on Steam due to potentially cheaper prices, better performance, streamer/influencer element (if all the biggest streamers/content creators are playing it on Steam, that's a network effect convincing new people to buy it on Steam rather than PS5), and free online play.

Notice that when Sony waived the PS+ requirement last weekend there was an even bigger surge of purchasing & playing behavior on the console? Well, Steam regularly enjoys that benefit, plus things like transparent player data metrics, game metrics (CCUs, pricing history, etc.) and integrated forums that consoles like PlayStation lack. With those factors accounted for, I'm not surprised that even a good number of PS5 owners prob bought the game on Steam instead, and why Steam consists of 60%+ of current sales.

However, many of these are things Sony could be a lot more competitive with PlayStation on, if they take Jim Ryan's quote about PC being competition for PlayStation to heart. Because clearly Xbox consoles aren't providing much competition anymore and Nintendo "competes" but in a very different way, so which platform is the one most directly similar to Sony's? PC.

Ironically I'd say say Sony are in a similar spot Microsoft were in during the late '90s/early '00s when they feared PlayStation would destroy Windows. Let's just hope Sony doesn't make the same mistake Microsoft did. Microsoft's mistake was they left PC behind (assuming it'd be there for them always in terms of PC gaming dominance) to chase Sony in the console market, then Valve came in and usurped PC gaming from right under Microsoft altogether (in terms of the platform getting the vast majority of the money).

Sony "chasing Valve" to put all their games on PC storefronts like Steam would be effectively the same mistake, leaving a big gap open for someone like Nintendo, a new company (maybe Valve decides to make a console?), or even a resurgent Xbox (not likely, but until they officially exit the traditional console market with their hardware you can't say it's a 0% chance) to erode away their console market presence.

For GaaS titles yes it probably makes sense. For the tentpole AAA single-player titles it would be detrimental to the console's value appeal towards a subset of core gamers, and lead to a decline in early adoption of new hardware (meaning overall decline in lifetime hardware sales since non-core gamers buy in later based a lot on early momentum set by core gamers), plus decline in revenue & even profits.

What uptick there'd be in PC sales wouldn't offset it because a lot of that "uptick" would just be a lateral transfer of console owners shifting to PC instead.

They arent saying it, but you know with the way Game Pass is promoted, pushed by both MS and some Xbox users thats what they want.
I'm sorry, but this is a big ole' way to say Sony Ponies were just upset at the mere thought of PC outselling a PS game.

Way to miss the forest from the trees. The surrounding topic I touched on is way bigger & more important than some folks upset a Sony game's selling slightly more on PC than console.


They arent saying it, but you know with the way Game Pass is promoted, pushed by both MS and some Xbox users thats what they want.

Yeah and we've seen it happen multiple times in the past when games suddenly got confirmed for Xbox. Lots of people on Twitter, even some forums, just asking "is it coming to Game Pass?" instead of simply being excited an Xbox version got announced.

They want that five-star meal but on a dollar menu budget. That isn't really possible. And I'm only referring to the Xbox fans who constantly shill/praise Game Pass like it's the second coming of Christ. The ones who simply like the service but don't console war or campaign for it, well usually they aren't posting online I take it.

Sony Ponies? Is that what you took away from that? I thought it was a well thought out position on where Sony is right now. They are going to bring more to PC. We already know that. They do not need to do it in a way that they compete head-to-head with Steam or destroy their console brand. If anything, they should leverage Steam. Helldivers 2 has shown exactly what they need to do. More Steam sales for a service title are bringing more PS5 sales due to word of mouth. They could not have bought better marketing than the coverage they received from the popularity of this title on Steam. First party single player, bring them 6-24 months out like they do now.

Personally I'd call for a wider window than that for the 1P single-player/non-GaaS titles, but that does really depend on the type of game in particular. Like with 1P AA remakes for example, I could def see some being Day 1 on PC and even mobile as well as console, but others being 1-2 years between platforms. Remasters should preferably be small collections (like a Resistance Trilogy Remastered collection for example) and I think for games that old (give them QOL improvements tho of course) but I think those can be Day 1 across console/PC/mobile as well.

It's the 1P AAA non-GaaS titles where a sizable window between versions should be, and in all cases I think there should be a virtuous loop where the console gets a new exclusive within 1-2 years of it happening. That would be ideal.

I did want to do a big write-up for a thread, but I'm gonna try making the word count as small as possible, after that Xbox one o.0
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Ok, computer gamers. Keep it up. One thing to keep in mind here is that the game is considerably cheaper on PC, and CO-OP shooters are undeniably more popular on pc. This is exactly what people were hoping for; a good game that is recognized by more than just playstation owners. Soon you guys and gals will see how good of a game TLOU2 and Horizon Forbidden West is. :messenger_sunglasses:

Clapping Reaction GIF

Congrats to Arrowhead, I could see Sony acquiring them

Some one mentioned before, but ArrowHead has most of the leverage in this situation. They could benefit from a big publisher like Sony, but why sell now? Maybe if they wait a year or two, they could raise their asking price to reflect truth market value of what they've accomplished with the IP. It is a small company, so maybe they just count their blessing and dont let greed get in the way of their passion.


Gold Member
Can someone explain why the other threads devolved into people arguing about PC versus ps sales?

Just saw pages of arguments and my eyes glazed over. Who is upset about a larger player base?

I didn't see people complaining about cheating which seems like the biggest concern BTW ps and PC games working together.

Just seems like a really weird thing to argue about as a Playstation lover.

I think that was the one where Circana's Mat Piscatella had some crazy ratios pitting PC vs PS5 and making the argument that the game's success was due to PC.

I'm sorry, but this is a big ole' way to say Sony Ponies were just upset at the mere thought of PC outselling a PS game.

And this is a "big ole' way" to say you just don't like what he said, but can't come up with any real points to debate.

Awkward John Krasinski GIF by Saturday Night Live
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Yeah, most console owners won't, even if Sony did for example push Day 1 for all games to PC.

But it's the ones who would jump to PC that would be troubling. Say out of a typical 100 million PS install base for console, 30 million are hardcore/core gamers, 55 million are mainstream/casual, and the other 15 million aren't unique players but hardcore/core who buy multiple consoles for whatever reason.

Say out of the 30 million hardcore/core, 50% are the highest ARPU customer type in the ecosystem. They're the ones who mainly buy those other 15 million "leftover" systems, for example. So that's 15 million. And out of that, 50% will stay locked into console no matter what but the other 50% could be swayed one way or another. Considering 20 million PS4 Pros were sold, and PS4 Pros mostly sold to (I'd assume) hardcore & core gamers, I don't think it's a reach to say that there are ~ 30 million hardcore/core gamers in that ecosystem and roughly half being among the highest ARPU customer.

So say the customers with the highest ARPU not only spend the most (let's say $7,500 each over the course of the console generation), but also buy new hardware Day 1 (or within the launch period), sub at the highest subscription tier, spend the most on peripherals etc. They also are the ones Sony have to spend the least money on to net into the ecosystem, so ROI they make on these customers is highest. That's a total of $56.25 billion Sony are making in revenue off those 7.5 million highest-ARPU hardcore/core customers who WOULD consider switching to PC if given enough reasons to, during the course of a console generation.

7.5 million out of 85 million (in terms of unique users) is still pretty small, but it's the money that goes with them where it'd hurt PlayStation console-wise. If they go PC, they likely aren't buying consoles anymore, they likely aren't buying as many 1P peripherals anymore, any 3P peripherals they buy won't get Sony a cut, they likely aren't subbing to any tier PS+, they aren't buying any of their 3P games through PS Store or for a console (no 30% cut for Sony), etc. And they do all of that at far higher frequency ($$$ spent) than the majority of mainstream & casual console owners, or even some of the mid-ARPU hardcore/core enthusiasts.

That's an inherent risk Sony runs if they decide to push Day 1 on PC for all their games, without some serious contingencies on the PC side like relegating that push to their own launcher/storefront (which has its own major risks). And it's way too soon to be considering that anyhow, because consoles overall are still doing very well. This weird obsession with "growth" is what will end up probably killing the industry. I don't see analysts saying the cable industry needs to constantly keep getting new viewers, or the book publishing industry needs more and more readers in order to be considered "healthy". The need for "growth" is really just capitalist greed from investors & shareholders who don't even truly understand the non-monetary qualities and value of the gaming market, because many of them aren't gamers and don't know or appreciate gaming history from a cultural POV.

I'd even bet most of them are just vulture capitalists and speculators, we've seen the same happen with industries like comics in the past (and that led to the direct implosion of the physical comics market in the '90s).
Fair point.

On the other hand, once MS stops being a platform-holder and goes full 3rd party (they will eventually, at best they will try to reach the handheld market) there will only be Playstation left, which will offer all major 3rd party titles and Xbox titles, on top of Sony's own library.
If Sony plays their cards right and I have little doubt they will, the threshold to buy a PlayStation next to a PC will be much lower. Especially since MS has been talking about implementing things like cross-saves.

Most likely, the amount of people making the jump from Playstation to PC will be lower than those with a PC that will be a Playstation as an addition to PC.
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Gold Member
I don’t see any negative in this, whichever platform sells the most. I think the biggest thing Sony can learn from this is to stop wasting money on releasing their single player games on PC (which are clearly more popular on the PS platform), and just focus on day one gaas games.


Well, there are a LOT of disingenuous Xbox fanboys who are trying to masquerade as PlayStation players wanting both all Sony 1P games on PC Day 1, and for Sony to bring Helldivers 2 to Xbox (really: Game Pass. They just aren't saying the quiet part out loud yet).

That compounds with Good Guy Phil™ crying and port-begging about Helldivers 2 not being on Xbox, and trying to signal that a world without exclusives is better for everyone (because exclusives haven't done much for boosting Xbox consoles in particular...maybe because all of its "exclusives" are also Day 1 on PC?). So, two related narratives feeding off each other, and of course you have the Steam & PCMR diehards who have their own reasons for pushing Sony to make all their games Day 1 on PC, at the very real detriment of their own console hardware, similar to what's happened with Xbox.

Therefore it's important to keep the knowledge of those dubious narratives in mind because if someone like Dring reports 60^% of HD2 sales are on PC, it inevitably leads to those aforementioned narratives being spun up. Without even taking into considering factors such as PS5/PC owners who opted to buy the game on Steam due to potentially cheaper prices, better performance, streamer/influencer element (if all the biggest streamers/content creators are playing it on Steam, that's a network effect convincing new people to buy it on Steam rather than PS5), and free online play.

Notice that when Sony waived the PS+ requirement last weekend there was an even bigger surge of purchasing & playing behavior on the console? Well, Steam regularly enjoys that benefit, plus things like transparent player data metrics, game metrics (CCUs, pricing history, etc.) and integrated forums that consoles like PlayStation lack. With those factors accounted for, I'm not surprised that even a good number of PS5 owners prob bought the game on Steam instead, and why Steam consists of 60%+ of current sales.

However, many of these are things Sony could be a lot more competitive with PlayStation on, if they take Jim Ryan's quote about PC being competition for PlayStation to heart. Because clearly Xbox consoles aren't providing much competition anymore and Nintendo "competes" but in a very different way, so which platform is the one most directly similar to Sony's? PC.

Ironically I'd say say Sony are in a similar spot Microsoft were in during the late '90s/early '00s when they feared PlayStation would destroy Windows. Let's just hope Sony doesn't make the same mistake Microsoft did. Microsoft's mistake was they left PC behind (assuming it'd be there for them always in terms of PC gaming dominance) to chase Sony in the console market, then Valve came in and usurped PC gaming from right under Microsoft altogether (in terms of the platform getting the vast majority of the money).

Sony "chasing Valve" to put all their games on PC storefronts like Steam would be effectively the same mistake, leaving a big gap open for someone like Nintendo, a new company (maybe Valve decides to make a console?), or even a resurgent Xbox (not likely, but until they officially exit the traditional console market with their hardware you can't say it's a 0% chance) to erode away their console market presence.

For GaaS titles yes it probably makes sense. For the tentpole AAA single-player titles it would be detrimental to the console's value appeal towards a subset of core gamers, and lead to a decline in early adoption of new hardware (meaning overall decline in lifetime hardware sales since non-core gamers buy in later based a lot on early momentum set by core gamers), plus decline in revenue & even profits.

What uptick there'd be in PC sales wouldn't offset it because a lot of that "uptick" would just be a lateral transfer of console owners shifting to PC instead.

Yeah, most console owners won't, even if Sony did for example push Day 1 for all games to PC.

But it's the ones who would jump to PC that would be troubling. Say out of a typical 100 million PS install base for console, 30 million are hardcore/core gamers, 55 million are mainstream/casual, and the other 15 million aren't unique players but hardcore/core who buy multiple consoles for whatever reason.

Say out of the 30 million hardcore/core, 50% are the highest ARPU customer type in the ecosystem. They're the ones who mainly buy those other 15 million "leftover" systems, for example. So that's 15 million. And out of that, 50% will stay locked into console no matter what but the other 50% could be swayed one way or another. Considering 20 million PS4 Pros were sold, and PS4 Pros mostly sold to (I'd assume) hardcore & core gamers, I don't think it's a reach to say that there are ~ 30 million hardcore/core gamers in that ecosystem and roughly half being among the highest ARPU customer.

So say the customers with the highest ARPU not only spend the most (let's say $7,500 each over the course of the console generation), but also buy new hardware Day 1 (or within the launch period), sub at the highest subscription tier, spend the most on peripherals etc. They also are the ones Sony have to spend the least money on to net into the ecosystem, so ROI they make on these customers is highest. That's a total of $56.25 billion Sony are making in revenue off those 7.5 million highest-ARPU hardcore/core customers who WOULD consider switching to PC if given enough reasons to, during the course of a console generation.

7.5 million out of 85 million (in terms of unique users) is still pretty small, but it's the money that goes with them where it'd hurt PlayStation console-wise. If they go PC, they likely aren't buying consoles anymore, they likely aren't buying as many 1P peripherals anymore, any 3P peripherals they buy won't get Sony a cut, they likely aren't subbing to any tier PS+, they aren't buying any of their 3P games through PS Store or for a console (no 30% cut for Sony), etc. And they do all of that at far higher frequency ($$$ spent) than the majority of mainstream & casual console owners, or even some of the mid-ARPU hardcore/core enthusiasts.

That's an inherent risk Sony runs if they decide to push Day 1 on PC for all their games, without some serious contingencies on the PC side like relegating that push to their own launcher/storefront (which has its own major risks). And it's way too soon to be considering that anyhow, because consoles overall are still doing very well. This weird obsession with "growth" is what will end up probably killing the industry. I don't see analysts saying the cable industry needs to constantly keep getting new viewers, or the book publishing industry needs more and more readers in order to be considered "healthy". The need for "growth" is really just capitalist greed from investors & shareholders who don't even truly understand the non-monetary qualities and value of the gaming market, because many of them aren't gamers and don't know or appreciate gaming history from a cultural POV.

I'd even bet most of them are just vulture capitalists and speculators, we've seen the same happen with industries like comics in the past (and that led to the direct implosion of the physical comics market in the '90s).


Way to miss the forest from the trees. The surrounding topic I touched on is way bigger & more important than some folks upset a Sony game's selling slightly more on PC than console.

Well, there are a LOT of disingenuous Xbox fanboys who are trying to masquerade as PlayStation players wanting both all Sony 1P games on PC Day 1, and for Sony to bring Helldivers 2 to Xbox (really: Game Pass. They just aren't saying the quiet part out loud yet).

This is what I keep seeing when PlayStation is criticized, or any mere little negative. Which is hilarious for Helldivers 2 since it's a big win for Sony, even if sells on more on PC obviously. But this was not acceptable by disingenuous Sony fanboys from the earlier thread. The whole "undercover Xbox agents thing" is way the fuck overblown.

If it's so bad, call them the fuck out. Why tolerate such operatives here.
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Some one mentioned before, but ArrowHead has most of the leverage in this situation. They could benefit from a big publisher like Sony, but why sell now? Maybe if they wait a year or two, they could raise their asking price to reflect truth market value of what they've accomplished with the IP. It is a small company, so maybe they just count their blessing and dont let greed get in the way of their passion.

IIRC Arrowhead said they aren't "on the market" for being acquired, tho I'm sure they and Sony are having regular talks. At the very least, I'd expect SIE will form a robust strategic partnership with Arrowhead going forward, and pump more investments into the studio plus give them a lot more access to 1P teams, tech, support, distribution etc.

They don't really have to buy Arrowhead to establish that type of mutual partnership dynamic. But if they do acquire them, then hey, that's perfectly fine too.

Fair point.

On the other hand, once MS stops being a platform-holder and goes full 3rd party (they will eventually, at best they will try to reach the handheld market) there will only be Playstation left, which will offer all major 3rd party titles and Xbox titles, on top of Sony's own library.
If Sony plays their cards right and I have little doubt they will, the threshold to buy a PlayStation next to a PC will be much lower. Especially since MS has been talking about implementating things like cross-saves.

Most likely, the amount of people making the jump from Playstation to PC will be lower than those with a PC that will be a Playstation as an addition to PC.

Man, I genuinely don't know what Microsoft are going to do. IMO I think they're doing a half-in approach with the multi-console stuff, hence why it's smaller games to start and why any of the bigger games don't seem to be Day 1. They're probably weighing options between leaving the traditional console altogether or giving the business model one more push with another Xbox console gen, and they're probably going to weigh how these ports do with uptick (if any) for Xbox consoles and Game Pass this year.

Again, I think there's a way for PC and mobile to work within a "PlayStation ecosystem" approach that doesn't cannibalize the identity or value of the console itself, it'd just be a much more multi-tiered and calculated approach. The people trying to use Helldivers 2's success on Steam as a catch-all that Sony should go "Day 1" on PC for all their games, just aren't being anywhere near considerate or analytical enough.

I don’t see any negative in this, whichever platform sells the most. I think the biggest thing Sony can learn from this is to stop wasting money on releasing their single player games on PC (which are clearly more popular on the PS platform), and just focus on day one gaas games.

That would probably be ideal, but realistically I don't think they (Sony) are going to completely stop with non-GaaS ports to PC, and in some cases I don't think they should (because in those cases mobile could also be leveraged).

What I DO think is that the window between console to PC for the big AAA titles should be at least doubled, to 4-6 years and where console can get a new 1P AAA exclusive within like 1-2 years of that PC and/or mobile port. Sony need to cut out certain redundancies in 1P software development (ex. do you really need both a Days Gone 2 and TLOU Part 3? Why not just fold the best of both into TLOU Part 3 and get Bend & Naughty Dog devs to work on the project together. Would also cut down on outsourcing requirements), and simultaneous console/PC dev (which would be required if the windows are 1-2 years) means those games take longer to make overall, so console gamers are kind of getting less games 1P-wise.

But I think some 1P AA non-GaaS games could benefit from Day 1 on PC/mobile or with the shorter 1-2 (maybe 6 months in some cases) windows from console to those platforms. And, Sony just need more 1P AA games in general that don't need expensive licenses or $100+ million budgets. Some of their smaller legacy IP could be leveraged for titles like that, and they'd require smaller team sizes, shorter dev times and less marketing.

Remakes and remasters would play by different rules and I think in those cases PC and mobile can be more directly used as additional platforms earlier on (if not Day 1 in some or many cases). Again though, it'd be preferable if the console is getting some new 1P AAA or AA exclusive within a couple years of such ports (likely within the same IP).

This is what I keep seeing when PlayStation is criticized, or any mere little negative. Which is hilarious for Helldivers 2 since it's a big win for Sony, even if sells on more on PC obviously. But this was not acceptable by disingenuous Sony fanboys from the earlier thread. The whole "undercover Xbox agents thing" is way the fuck overblown.

If it's so bad, call them the fuck out. Why tolerate such operatives here.

I'm not saying most of them are here; from my experience they have been present a lot on Twitter. Even had one of them basically admit they were an Xbox-only owner, they didn't want to spend $500 on another box to play Helldivers 2 (so they apparently don't have a PC or a decent enough PC, either :/).

You can't deny there was a weird narrative being pushed though port-begging for Helldivers 2 on Xbox after Phil Spencer's off-handed comments; even journalists like Paul Tassi have been trying to push it. And when people like him are doing that, considering other stuff they've said in the past (like "it's a matter of time before Microsoft buys Pocketpair"), definitely seems there's some agenda.

But personally, I've got zero issues with the game's success on PC. Very happy for its success there and on console, actually.


Well, there are a LOT of disingenuous Xbox fanboys who are trying to masquerade as PlayStation players wanting both all Sony 1P games on PC Day 1, and for Sony to bring Helldivers 2 to Xbox (really: Game Pass. They just aren't saying the quiet part out loud yet).

That compounds with Good Guy Phil™ crying and port-begging about Helldivers 2 not being on Xbox, and trying to signal that a world without exclusives is better for everyone (because exclusives haven't done much for boosting Xbox consoles in particular...maybe because all of its "exclusives" are also Day 1 on PC?). So, two related narratives feeding off each other, and of course you have the Steam & PCMR diehards who have their own reasons for pushing Sony to make all their games Day 1 on PC, at the very real detriment of their own console hardware, similar to what's happened with Xbox.
Curb Your Enthusiasm Bingo GIF by Jason Clarke


This is what I keep seeing when PlayStation is criticized, or any mere little negative. Which is hilarious for Helldivers 2 since it's a big win for Sony, even if sells on more on PC obviously. But this was not acceptable by disingenuous Sony fanboys from the earlier thread. The whole "undercover Xbox agents thing" is way the fuck overblown.

If it's so bad, call them the fuck out. Why tolerate such operatives here.
Make an identical thread with publicly visible votes. Do you actually believe that 30% of PS5 owners want xbox to get a Helldivers 2 port when this place is commonly referred to as Sonygaf? If we got to see who voted in that thread it would be hysterical. If the mods made it public and announced it beforehand you'd see the percentage dwindle to single digits.


Why are people so mad at this news? No, PC players don't like GAAS more that any other player (I for example despite them most of the time).
We just love good games, that's it.
You’re not a pc gamer. PC gamers are fine paying subscriptions to MMOs.


Make an identical thread with publicly visible votes. Do you actually believe that 30% of PS5 owners want xbox to get a Helldivers 2 port when this place is commonly referred to as Sonygaf? If we got to see who voted in that thread it would be hysterical. If the mods made it public and announced it beforehand you'd see the percentage dwindle to single digits.
Well than it should be so disingenuous folks can get lost, and maybe people stop having conspiracies.
The success of the game has been absolutely insane, even I'm thinking of buiyin it and I almost never play anything with MP.
I hardly ever play MP and have been all over this. I haven’t played this much MP since Titanfall 1. I’m still gonna prioritize my SP like Rebirth, but it’s awesome. Worth the $40. I wouldn’t do the $60 version.


I am still trying to figure out what the Gotcha is with this narrative. It is doing extremely well on both platforms. I think we all know Sony will bring more service games day one, they have pretty much confirmed it. I am surprised the gap is not a bit wider in favor of PC due to it being a shooter and being able to use m/kb. If/when I pick it up, it will be on PC for that reason. It is just a bit weird seeing this pushed as negative news when there is nothing negative about it.

The argument is when it does so great on pc they have no reason not to do day one on all games. Its stupid but it is what it is.


Gold Member
The argument is when it does so great on pc they have no reason not to do day one on all games. Its stupid but it is what it is.
The PlayStation brand and console are vital to Sony. They cannot allow the dilution of the PlayStation console by doing day one on PC for their story driven games that built their console following. They have to give players a reason to have a PlayStation. The fear of losing PlayStation players to PC is a real concern. At least for the foreseeable future.
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Snake Oil Salesman
Multiplayer games are a no brainer day one on PC.
I still can't wrap my head around the conversation here.

Multiplayer games: 100% from PS5 revenue + 100% from PC revenue. Day and date maximizes profits.

Single player games: 100% from PS5 revenue + 5% from PC revenue. Delayed releases bring diminished profits.

PlayStation is fast tracking all their multiplayer centric studios to become their dominant studios unless this changes. I mean, I love it but most of y'all should hate it.
There is zero chance that the console-demographic will collectively move to PC gaming for the foreseeable future.

And console-exclusivity will always be important to Playstation and especially Nintendo.
How long until 500,000,000+ USD development projects for a couple million buyers is no longer an attractive enough proposition for publishers?


More day and date PC releases is just a no-brainer at this point.
What its nice about having an long example of a failed strategy is that you can adapt your own and dont fuck up like the competition.

I dont think they are going day 01 pc for all titles.. and if they go they will devaluate their brand just like xbox did to what extent remain to be seen... because as I said they can adapt their strategy and avoid the exodus from their hardware.

Or they can fuck up just like it... chasing the same thing ... companys sometimes are just stupid go figure.
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I am still trying to figure out what the Gotcha is with this narrative. It is doing extremely well on both platforms. I think we all know Sony will bring more service games day one, they have pretty much confirmed it. I am surprised the gap is not a bit wider in favor of PC due to it being a shooter and being able to use m/kb. If/when I pick it up, it will be on PC for that reason. It is just a bit weird seeing this pushed as negative news when there is nothing negative about it.

I think the problem is you’re looking for a gotcha and a narrative.
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