This phenomenon has been going on for quite a few games. Weird way to show support but still nice of EA
Why in the world did you ever think it would be appropriate to make this thread?
Tiger Woods standing on water (and EA making a commercial out of it) was the most brilliant thing I'd seen in a long time.EA Sports games always have weird glitches.
Why in the world did you ever think it would be appropriate to make this thread?
Is that a glitch or intentional?
I mean, if it keeps happening...
I thought you'd try a little harder to avoid getting banned again Salsa.
So what's the consensus on this, is this all happening on the fly, or is there some coding that is encouraging the occurrence of lip lock?
I really can't tell anymore.
what exactly is inappropiate about it? it's funny and it's been happening for a while on the FIFA engine
glitch definition: "A minor malfunction"
Tiger Woods standing on water (and EA making a commercial out of it) was the most brilliant thing I'd seen in a long time.
is GAY a curse word or something? jesus christ people im not making fun of anything other than a game with glitches
Nah, but the thread does seem a tad on the trollish side, which can easily backfire.
With some of the reactions here you would have thought Salsa said the F word. The hell's going on here?
Huh?Why in the world did you ever think it would be appropriate to make this thread?
As a lesbian I can verify that those glitches are pretty gay.