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GC outselling XBox in Germany



Over 600,000 sold. Nintendo consoles take 52% of 2004 first half sales. GC sales are 4x higher this year(duh).

Gamecube überholt Xbox in Deutschland
Seit Start insgesamt 600.000 Gamecubes verkauft

Nintendo hat laut GfK im ersten Halbjahr 2004 vier Mal so viele Gamecubes verkauft, wie im gleichen Zeitraum des Vorjahres. Damit habe die Spielekonsole Microsofts Xbox überholt und sitze nun auf dem zweiten Platz hinter dem Marktführer, der PlayStation 2 von Sony.


works for Gamestop (lol)


Gamecube, the Hasselhoff of consoles.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
GC sells better than Xbox in pretty much all of europe except the UK.


thats def gonna close the gap that xbox has had over the cube by almost 150-250 thousand each MONTH in 2004 in the US and Canada and Uk and Australia

Kon Tiki

Lukas said:
thats def gonna close the gap that xbox has had over the cube by almost 150-250 thousand each MONTH in 2004 in the US and Canada and Uk and Australia

I think that counts as 1 post.


border said:
So is it outselling Xbox for the calendar year, or the entire life of the products?

it's outselling it period.

as for the dumb comment about canada.. well xbox and gc are dead even in canada, there nothing to brag abotu in australia, and gc's almost 3 millions lead in japan ofsets ms's 1.6 millions lead in the US by a fair margin

That said, I hate foot missions in Rebel strike :p


Fularu said:
it's outselling it period.

as for the dumb comment about canada.. well xbox and gc are dead even in canada, there nothing to brag abotu in australia, and gc's almost 3 millions lead in japan ofsets ms's 1.6 millions lead in the US by a fair margin

That said, I hate foot missions in Rebel strike :p

Xbox and GC are dead even in Canada huh? Xbox has 54% of the market share in Canada, it has sold more there than the PS2. Explain to me how GC and Xbox are dead even.


Lukas said:
Xbox and GC are dead even in Canada huh? Xbox has 54% of the market share in Canada, it has sold more there than the PS2. Explain to me how GC and Xbox are dead even.

give me a link with your 54% figure...

As of January, MS and Nintendo had each sold 800k units in canada (read sold, not shipped) while sony sold 2.8 million PS2. It was an NPD Canada released figure and was thorougly discussed in the old forum


Fularu said:
it's outselling it period.
That doesn't exactly answer the question. It's outselling Xbox, but over what time period? Just the first half of 2004? Or since 2002 when they launched?


Lukas said:
Xbox and GC are dead even in Canada huh? Xbox has 54% of the market share in Canada, it has sold more there than the PS2. Explain to me how GC and Xbox are dead even.

Can you at least back that up? Last I heard from the annual NPD Canadian report, the Xbox and GC were nearly tied.


border said:
That doesn't exactly answer the question. It's outselling Xbox, but over what time period? Just the first half of 2004? Or since 2002 when they launched?

since its introduction in May 2k2


Fafracer forever
I was just joking around - actually I don't know GCs Korea figures. :p
I've heard they were supposed to be in 3rd place, so I made up a number.
Last I heard XBox really was at around 50k though.


do GC Korea figures even exist?

can anyone make the most comprehensive worldwide sales [sold, not shipped] chart of console sales yet?

i still believe Xbox is out in front worldwide, but hey, that's just me.
GameSpot has on their site today in the Peter Moore interview that the Xbox has a 34% market share in Canada. PS2 is in (Edit - First, sorry I wasn't thinking when I typed that) and the GameCube is in a distant 3rd from what I've read in other articles.

In Germany and France it's PS2, Cube, and Xbox in that order. I think in all other countries it's PS2, Xbox, and then Cube.


CrimsonSkies said:
GameSpot has on their site today in the Peter Moore interview that the Xbox has a 34% market share in Canada. PS2 is in second and the GameCube is in a distant 3rd from what I've read in other articles.

May I ask how that works? If Nintendo is in distant third, PS2 must be in far ahead first, not second. It would have to be over 50% actually, for GameCube to be in distant third.


Fafracer forever
do GC Korea figures even exist?
Well, it's selling if that's what you're asking. But Nintendo's market presence is all but non-existant. Then again MS isn't a whole lot better, though at least you can notice them. But compared to Sony it's a lot like Japan really.
Accounting for market size one could argue that XBox is worse off in Japan though :p


CrimsonSkies said:
GameSpot has on their site today in the Peter Moore interview that the Xbox has a 34% market share in Canada. PS2 is in second and the GameCube is in a distant 3rd from what I've read in other articles.
It's 34% for the year I'd imagine, given they also said XBox has the largest console marketshare in the region (meaning GC & PS2 both have under 33%)... so XBox might have a slight lead if any going by Januray's NPD figures (where XBox/GC both tied around 800k).

CrimsonSkies said:
In Germany and France it's PS2, Cube, and Xbox in that order. I think in all other countries it's PS2, Xbox, and then Cube.
GameCube also leads XBox in Spain and Italy for Euro regions iirc. XBox was leading in Germany until recently evidently.


GC in Korea is still active. Capcom's released both biohazard games there, as well as Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO. But the last Nintendo release I know of was Wario World in 2003. Nintendo simply sends Japanese encoded GC consoles with English versions of software, so pretty much that region there's just an extra arm for Nintendo to make a bit of presence.


here is the piece translated:

Gamecube overhauls Xbox in Germany since start altogether 600,000 Gamecubes sold Nintendo sold 2004 four times as many Gamecubes according to GRP in the first half-year, as in the same period of the previous year. Thus the play console Microsofts Xbox overhauled and sits now on the second place behind the market leader, the PlayStation 2 of Sony. Altogether so far 600,000 Gamecubes a at home are to have found in Germany. However between January and June 2004 were there according to Nintendo over 100.000 pieces. The NINT DO market share was in the first half-year 2004 with on the average 22 per cent, in June 2004 alone already about 26 per cent. On the added sales figures of Gamecube and Game Boy Advance sees itself based to Nintendo as market leaders: For the first half-year 2004 GRP determined that all sold 52 per cent in Germany video game devices from Nintendo came. "Basis our success are characters and interactive plays, those partially a cult character geniessen", Dr. Bernd Fakesch, general manager says of Nintendo Germany on a press conference on the fair before day. "Der trend to the active Gaming verstaerken." itself with the next console generation, which already stands before the door,; Further growth expects Nintendo of the portable Nintendo DS, which comes as GBA successors still 2004 in Japan and the USA and at the beginning of of 2005 into Europe into the trade. The Gamecube successor "Revolution" Satoru Iwata, president of Nintendo announced, only recently.

thanks for finding this Deg

from what I can gather, if this article is accurate and not a fluke:

-Nintendo has sold a total of 600,000 Gamecubes in Germany
-Nintendo sold 4x as many Gamecubes during the first half of the year in 2004 than in 2003
-Nintendo now sits in 2nd place behind market leader Sony
-Nintendo sold 100,000 Gamecubes in 2004 during the Jan.-Jun period
-Gamecube has a 22% marketshare of game systems sold during the 2004 Jan-Jun period
-Game had a 26% marketshare during June 2004
-If you add the GBA to the GCN numbers, Nintendo had a 52% of the videogame market during the first 1/2 of 2004

edit: how do you use bullets?


Wow! This is unexpected news. I was under the impression that the GC has having kind of a hard time in Germany. That's a big improvement in sales to say the least. I wonder how many PS2s have sold in Germany (knowing full well that it's a lot more than anything the GC or XBox is putting up).


Fafalada said:
Yes those are the important figures. I think XBox is outselling GC in Korea 50k to 20k too!

Well Xbox:Gamecube is like 500,000:125,000 here, so we're actually more important than Japan is Xbox wise ;)


On a corporate and gamer level, Japan has been pretty inconsequential to the success of the Xbox on a worldwide scale, unlike the PS2 and GameCube.


Junior Member
GaimeGuy said:
GC sells better than Xbox in pretty much all of europe except the UK.

Amazing when you think about how Nintendo treats European gamers..

"Yeah, let's release Animal Crossing 2 years after it's released anywhere else because we have a shitty X-mas line-up"


Do we have any numbers for any other countries in Europe? The UK? France? Spain?

I think Germany is the 2nd biggest market over here after the UK, so not bad going. I also think the GC is very popular in France.


GC & XBox almost completely sell to different demographics (at least here in Sweden) so they're not really competing directly.


Broshnat said:
Do we have any numbers for any other countries in Europe? The UK? France? Spain?

I think Germany is the 2nd biggest market over here after the UK, so not bad going. I also think the GC is very popular in France.

GC is more or less twice as sold in France compared to the xbox.

in 2003, for example, the sales (in 1k)

ps2 1024
gba sp 537
gc 418
xbox 254
gba 199
psone 67
gbc 23
n gage 9
dc 4


wazoo said:
GC is more or less twice as sold in France compared to the xbox.

in 2003, for example, the sales (in 1k)

ps2 1024
gba sp 537
gc 418
xbox 254
gba 199
psone 67
gbc 23
n gage 9
dc 4

I know you said FOR EXAMPLE, so those are totally made up just to make an example, right?

that's quite the effort, why not just say:

my guess:
gc 418,000
xbox 254,000


Also GC has been HALF the price of XB and PS2 for a while here now (before the recent price drops). GC = 99€ vs. PS2/Xbox 200€.

With that price I'm not surprised that it sold so well (especially to parents).


efralope said:
I know you said FOR EXAMPLE, so those are totally made up just to make an example, right?

that's quite the effort, why not just say:

Excuse my english. I was meaning, I had only exact numbers for 2k3, not the whole picture LTD. I could get 2k2 numbers in my archives, but they are roughly the same 2:1 for the GC. For 2k4, I do not know.


wazoo said:
Excuse my english. I was meaning, I had only exact numbers for 2k3, not the whole picture LTD. I could get 2k2 numbers in my archives, but they are roughly the same 2:1 for the GC. For 2k4, I do not know.

well, if those are real numbers, THANKS, that's quite a breakthrough, as I think we've been looking for them for quite some time, at least it's something to hang on to



AniHawk said:
Nintendo: Germany loves it, so buy a Gamecube to-DU WERDEST EINE KRANKENSCHWESTER BRAUCHEN!

You can't speak German ;)


Nintendo: Germany loves it, so buy a GameCube to - DU WIRST EINE KRANKENSCHWESTER BRAUCHEN!

drohne said:

Die Playstation, not Der.

A German lesson by Shiggy^^

So I go now in my German shop and buy Wario Ware

I thought the Xbox wasn't before the GCN in Germany


hyperbolically metafictive
i don't know any german at all...i was just rearranging words from the press release. still, good to know.


Shiggy said:
You can't speak German ;)


Nintendo: Germany loves it, so buy a GameCube to - DU WIRST EINE KRANKENSCHWESTER BRAUCHEN!

Er, thanks. I copied it from some site.

I should know German. My grandma does.

I know Schlauffen means sleep and schlauggen means walk (At least I think it means walk. I probably just butchered their spelling).
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