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Gears of War 2 |OT| ...Maria...MARIA!!!


This game on Insane solo is too much. I can't even get pass
the last Brumak on the Derrick escort. Shoot the guns he said and by second salvo of missiles I'm dead.


Ryder said:
Really? I recall Cliff commenting that they rarely if ever change up the number of enemies between difficulties, opting for tweaked health and strength, etc. instead.

Maybe that's just in co-op?

There was a distinction in the number enemies between his playthrough and mine. I was surprised in one section especially where i was hit with a second wave of shiteaters, when he came to the same spot i told him to brace himself after the first wave, but no more came.
I can't connect to a multiplayer game. I tried three separate times today. I doubt it's my connection because I played two other games online with no trouble in between trying to get into a Gears game. It just kept searching for players for 20 minutes before I gave up.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
beat the final 2 chapters tonight in split screen co-op, can't help but shake the feeling that it was nowhere near as satisfying as the first game though.

the training section was dull, but fair enough it was a reminder of the first gears. From there it ramped it up to awesome levels - apart from the dull vehicle sections.

But then the final act was a bit meh (although the weaker ending kind of suited me). maybe the urgency I'm used to wasn't there because my partner was playing in normal mode and I was in hardcore. but the set pieces felt sedentary compared to say defending the mansion from an invading army of locusts. or maybe horde mode has readjusted my expectations and the regular game is just too easy now. When we split up there wasn't that sense of dread I used to get from Gears 1 and I probably prefer the more interactive and intertwined split up bits in gears 1 (not the damn mine carts). For example if I was meant to cover Dom from above, I felt like if I didn't he would die. and he would die, many times! on top of that I was tackling my own enemies and if I didn't move fast enough he'd get taken out with no hope of revival. I didnt get that this time. It felt like he could wait calmly for me to do my bit then he does his bit and we all move along smoothly.

however, while it felt a little anti-climactic and easy, it does what I talked about earlier. Where the vehicle levels were hard and frustrating as opposed to exhilerating, the reaver and brumak sections were rather easy and were more about the ride and the fun than the challenge (again might have been different had I been in solo/both hardcore). So it was nice that I could finish the game relatively smoothly, but there was definitely no sense of "did we do it? is he dead? oh fuck yeah we did it we fucking beat it!! YEEAAHHH" that I got from finishing the first game.

All in all though, awesome campaign, hard to think of any shooters I'd say match it. No doubt Insane will drive me nuts when I come to tackle it, and MP will keep likely keep me busy until the next gears comes out. Definitely a bad feeling of "oh...is that it?" left behind though.
kaizoku said:
beat the final 2 chapters tonight in split screen co-op, can't help but shake the feeling that it was nowhere near as satisfying as the first game though.
Odd... I felt quite the opposite. I enjoyed this one far more than the first game.


I just finsihed the whole game in Co-op with a friend but I didn't get the achievement... :(

In the achievement section I still have a slither left...even though I completed all the acts and chapter with my friend. Grr...


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
The jump from hardcore to insane is pretty big. I'm having a harder time with this game on Insane (co-op mind you) than the first one. Some of the encounters are nuts, like the one in act 4 where you need to split up and take on a long hallway of strong locust each
(you know, just before the queen)
. That battle in itself wasn't the problem though, it was my buddy's Baird who kept going berserk, throwing himself into enemy lines. He had to go revive him every time. The signature 'end of encounter' sound never felt so good. The monks are the n°1 annoying enemy, by far. If you don't focus on taking these fuckers on first, their tickers and ink nades will destroy you. This was never that urgent on Hardcore since tickers weren't that much of a threat there.

This playthrough has pretty much confirmed Gears as goty though. Going through insane co-op is just incredibly satisfying. In act 4 my partner kept blowing the locust to bits with the bow, while I went for the head shots. It's funny how little you use your lancer in that mode.


I'm thinking of trading this game in but i'm holding out incase Epic fixes this. Online multiplayer is basically trash. Trash that is a little soggy and you don't even wanna touch it but you can't leave it on your floor so you DO touch it just to put it back in the bin. Waiting for about 5 minutes inbetween EVERY multiplayer match and having people drop so half the damn time it's waiting 5 minutes for an uneven crappy experience...it's just inexcusable how this game can be so terrible in this regard yet be showered by praise every direction you look at. Where the hell did Epic think this was a good idea prior to releasing the game and how did game reviewers not make a big deal about this? Disgusting.


striKeVillain! said:
So sick of this. At least have bots fill in.

No shit...no clue why this isn't in their. When half your team quits before the fucking match starts what is the point of even playing it. And what is with the 25 seconds after the match is over before you find out that you have to spend another 10 minutes searching for a game to play..... Don't get how some stuff is overlooked.
F#A#Oo said:
I just finsihed the whole game in Co-op with a friend but I didn't get the achievement... :(

In the achievement section I still have a slither left...even though I completed all the acts and chapter with my friend. Grr...
Did you train Carmine?


So am I missing something? Why is the Flashback Map Pack $20 - $30 on eBay. Doesn't it come with every new unit of the game? Why would someone buy used for $5 less and buy this?

I'll probably sell mine o_O; I have no interest in vs multiplayer.


Firestorm said:
So am I missing something? Why is the Flashback Map Pack $20 - $30 on eBay. Doesn't it come with every new unit of the game? Why would someone buy used for $5 less and buy this?

I'll probably sell mine o_O; I have no interest in vs multiplayer.

20-30 LOL???

every copy at best buy had the code...no idea if they all don't have it.


Firestorm said:
So am I missing something? Why is the Flashback Map Pack $20 - $30 on eBay. Doesn't it come with every new unit of the game? Why would someone buy used for $5 less and buy this?

I'll probably sell mine o_O; I have no interest in vs multiplayer.
Interestingly enough, I wouldn't be surprised if the code gets swiped from copies in my local supermarkets. The game boxes are displayed with the manuals (and associated card) still in them.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Shins said:
You say this, yet it doesn't seem you truly believe this. :p

Sure I do!

I may not agree with someone, but I won't berate them for that - I'm much more reasonable than that! :D

Beaulieu said:
Im a fan of gears (1 and 2) and really like the coop campaign and all, but my game of the gen so far is still fallout 3. And im not even a RPG fan.

Im working "in the industry" as some would say, so all my coworkers and I talk about is the games we are playing, and we are always playing together.

Gears 2 was really good, but we went through the campaign on insane, went through 50 waves in horde mode (normal), and played a little mp, but we already are all back to fallout 3.

We are always talking about the game and the way we are each doing the quests. Its never the same thing, and it's amazing.

Gears lasted maybe 20 hours.
I am 50 hours in Fallout 3 and barely scratched the main quest.

But Im going pretty off topic right now, move along.

I really wanted to play Fallout 3, but it just came out at the wrong time for me - Gears is my favorite new franchise this gen, and there was no way, especially with my schedule right now that I could even balance the two at the same time, which is a shame...

It's also worth mentioning that I spent the last 2 years playing Gears 1 MP ever since release - always making time for it, with local friends - we'd jump from Halo 3 to Gears and vice versa every night...

I can see why you and your co-workers are coming from, especially if that genre is more of your thing, along with the way the game was made also...


F#A#Oo said:
I just finsihed the whole game in Co-op with a friend but I didn't get the achievement... :(

In the achievement section I still have a slither left...even though I completed all the acts and chapter with my friend. Grr...

Same thing happened to me. My friend got the achievement but I didn't.


_dementia said:
Did you train Carmine?

No...:lol Holyshit...Thanks for pointing that out. WOWOOW...:lol

Big-E said:
Same thing happened to me. My friend got the achievement but I didn't.

I think I remember hearing...that only the host gets it but that would be silly...so I don't know.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Wow, great horde mode on hardcore tonight with Denog, MrBob, m0dus, and others.

Best shit ever!


chespace said:
Wow, great horde mode on hardcore tonight with Denog, MrBob, m0dus, and others.

Best shit ever!

It was so awesome! That last wave was crazy, it was like they spawned right on the steps under us! :lol (I'm munkeyhero btw)


I really enjoyed the whole game up until the final boss. I was more disappointed with him than first Gears boss. Time to play on insane :D
The only thing I encountered that I didn't like about this game as far as the campaign goes happened last night. I was doing some Co-op over Live on Insane and we got to the part where you
fight the Leviathan, and our characters kept glitching (doing this bouncing bullshit) and we would literally get stuck on parts of the boat/boxes on the boat and couldn't move (rolling didn't help) to do the necessary things to win---even trying to run into the mouth of the fish was a pain in the ass to get correct due to the glitch bouncing
. It ended up taking us many more tries than it should have.
I'm not sure if it was the water making us do that, but other than that battle, everything ran smoothly.
Anyone else have that happen to them while playing that particular section? Damn, it was frustrating.....


got2bekidding said:
The only thing I encountered that I didn't like about this game as far as the campaign goes happened last night. I was doing some Co-op over Live on Insane and we got to the part where you
fight the Leviathan, and our characters kept glitching (doing this bouncing bullshit) and we would literally get stuck on parts of the boat/boxes on the boat and couldn't move (rolling didn't help) to do the necessary things to win---even trying to run into the mouth of the fish was a pain in the ass to get correct due to the glitch bouncing
. It ended up taking us many more tries than it should have.
I'm not sure if it was the water making us do that, but other than that battle, everything ran smoothly.
Anyone else have that happen to them while playing that particular section? Damn, it was frustrating.....

yea and i wasnt even playing coop
it happened to me once earlier in the game also, on the thing dizzy was driving
i think it has to do with vehicles moving underneath you
Ran into two problems tonight. First of all, my roommate got that glitch like 3-4 times where your bullets don't register and you can't reload. I mentioned it once earlier. Second, whenever me or my roommate hosts, the game lags so bad no one on either team besides us can move. It's not fun, and I know I'm getting bad feedback for it. And it's out of my control. It sucks.

`Moe Joe.

Generally, the load time isn't a problem for me. It takes 20 seconds for me to find a game. Nevertheless, my problem is that coming from Australia; every game pitches me against americans. Not even an option to find local games when you match make? I don't mean to bitch but it becomes unplayable and laggy; it would be better if we had the option to play with each other so games would be a bit more balanced.

I am not saying it doesn't happen to you americans though, it does - and I don't see how EPIC thought it was a good idea to randomize the games you enter.


It's a fantastic game. I'm on act 5(I think) and gonna try and finish the game solo(Hardcore) tomorrow. Then I'll be down to go at it again in co-op if anyone wants to play. Or Horde mode is cool too smile.gif

Send me a friend request. Tag = Isamuu


Is anyone up for some horde? My friend and I keep getting games with randoms who just don't get the team aspect, and we'd really like to have a go at it with some competent players. GT - PetriesLastWord, or post yours here and I'll add you.


I need some people to play with me on horde later tonight (Friday night). I'm tired with playing with strangers who haven't even finished campaign yet.

Add me please: KlavierTekky

Also, please send me a msg saying who you are on GAF.


Facism said:
I also beat it solo on hardcore. watched my brother play it a little on Normal, and there were less than half the enemies i had to fight :d

I'm not seeing this as I'm playing through on Hardcore now (did Normal on my first run). Where is this supposedly happening?
I'm trying to catch up with the thread, but was there ever a solution for the non-downloading Gold Lancers? I got the code when I bought the game, it was accepted, but then never downloaded. When I go back into my history to try again, it errors out...


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Brakara said:
I'm not seeing this as I'm playing through on Hardcore now (did Normal on my first run). Where is this supposedly happening?

just one small example, playing hardcore myself but with my brother as a "normal" guest, when you run through the ringworm, trying to escape from the big ball of rubble, in co-op no enemies appear and its just a straightforward dash.

In solo lots of enemies appeared to block/impede me and it was slightly more annoying.

No doubt some of this is repeated elsewhere....


Man I've been away from GAF for so long (my PC got a virus two weeks back and has only now been fixed) and have missed out on all the GAF Gears 2 excitement :(

Anyway I've been playing the game pretty solidly for the past week and really enjoy it. Obviously there are a ton of little problems and glitches, which have probably been discussed here already, but for the most part the game is great and has lived up to my expectations.

I'm still getting over the learning curve as far as MP is concerned however. Simply put I seem to suck pretty bad, yet have somehow made rank 3? I'm still trying to change up my playstyle because my Gears1 tactics don't seem to work very well anymore, and I'm still not all that great with the new shotgun.

Anyway I imagine GAF gets together to play games pretty often so hopefully I'll et o play with some of you guys soon :D

Edit: Also is there a thread in the online section just for Horde mode? I see the thread for the Wednesday meetups but because of scheduling difficulties I doubt I'll be able to participate in them. I'd certainly be up for playing some Horde with Gaffers though since I've barely touched that mode and none of my friends seem to want to play it :(


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
NutJobJim said:
Anyway I imagine GAF gets together to play games pretty often so hopefully I'll et o play with some of you guys soon :D

Edit: Also is there a thread in the online section just for Horde mode? I see the thread for the Wednesday meetups but because of scheduling difficulties I doubt I'll be able to participate in them. I'd certainly be up for playing some Horde with Gaffers though since I've barely touched that mode and none of my friends seem to want to play it :(

I'm always up for some games, but I'm in the UK so time differences have an affect.

gt: kaizoku7

the online thread is mainly for people who play the game, the wednesday thing is just a hark back to the first game where we formailised a day to play - but even then most of us played everyday anyway.


kaizoku said:
just one small example, playing hardcore myself but with my brother as a "normal" guest, when you run through the ringworm, trying to escape from the big ball of rubble, in co-op no enemies appear and its just a straightforward dash.

In solo lots of enemies appeared to block/impede me and it was slightly more annoying.

No doubt some of this is repeated elsewhere....

ah yes how did i forget that segment. I told him there to ignore the little enemies and just run, but their weren't any :lol they didn't appear in his normal solo game.


kaizoku said:
I'm always up for some games, but I'm in the UK so time differences have an affect.

gt: kaizoku7

the online thread is mainly for people who play the game, the wednesday thing is just a hark back to the first game where we formailised a day to play - but even then most of us played everyday anyway.

I'm in the UK too so I'll be sure to add you. It'd be cool if we could get a UK GAF group together because I doubt I'll be able to be playing at 4am when US GAF gets on.


How does the matchmaking work? I just want to join a random elimination game. Why is it taking so long? No big online shooter I've played has taken this long to find a random game. This is just bizarre. By the way, add HIPPO SMASH if you wanna play

Darkman M

kbear said:
How does the matchmaking work? I just want to join a random elimination game. Why is it taking so long? No big online shooter I've played has taken this long to find a random game. This is just bizarre. By the way, add HIPPO SMASH if you wanna play

Yeah at first i couldn't hardly get any public online matches till i opened these ports in my router. Things are alot better now haven't dropped out of a match yet.

• UDP 88
• UDP 3074
• TCP 3074
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