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Gears of War 2 |OT| ...Maria...MARIA!!!


Has anyone tried being in party chat while playing ranked games. I can see teams that play together exploiting this. When someone dies they'll still be able to talk to the dead teamates.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.

I have 40/41 collectibles, I know where the last one is...it just isn't there. If someone else picks it up in co-op, I'll still get it, right? Hopefully I can go online and get someone else to pick it up.


Just finished the game on normal...

I like the radio transmission at the end from Marcus's father Adam. Basically saying that what we just did was a terrible mistake and setups GoW3 nicely
jdub03 said:
Has anyone tried being in party chat while playing ranked games. I can see teams that play together exploiting this. When someone dies they'll still be able to talk to the dead teamates.

Yep, and this pretty much ruins elimination game types. The enemy team just ghost cams around telling their living counterparts where your team mates are, where grenades are planted, if the power weapons have respawned, etc...Makes it REALLY lame. I'll be playing Territories alot more now. Epic will have to disable the camera just like what happened in Gears 1.
h3ro said:
You predicted correctly...

Yes! :lol

The avatar parties will be a nightly thing from now on. Being in the new chat is awesome as well because now we can hear the other team's reactions while playing. Nice.
I given up on the MP, it's broken, I zoom in and shoot a guy that was down with a shotgun, a feet away from him and I zoomed as well, he doesn't die. I put the controller down after that.

SP and Horde is still fucking amazing, and this is the best shooter this gen, and definitly GOTY contender. LOVE IT but HATE online.

Will try to beat this on insane on the weekend though.

My 2 cents.


h3ro said:
You predicted correctly...



Whose avatar is that on the far left? (in the black monkey t shirt) because he has pretty much the exact same avatar as me :lol

I still don't think I've managed to play with any Gaffers :(
I've got a guy called teh 1337 h4x on my list who I've played with a few times, but I'm not sure if he's from GAF or not, I should probably ask him :lol


Anyone else underwhelmed by the campaign mode? I've just gotten past the worm section, which I assume is somewhere on the tail end of act 2.

When I'm playing Gears I expect very well done shooter design first and foremost so the other gripes people seem to have, I don't really care about. But what I'm seeing so far is very basic layouts and encounters. In the first Gears game the level design was such that you could advance from cover to cover, moving the line of fire closer and closer until you had the locust in a corner. Here it seems more like you have your cover on one side and they have theirs, most of your movement is lateral and locust are spawning out of one or two points to take the same places where their buddies died. From there it's just about eliminating them and then moving forward after the area is cleared. This also eliminates a lot of the flanking that was done well in the first Gears. There's a few mini boss like creatures but that simply means taking out the big boomer's gun you've been saving up and clearing those out.

The "defend the base" parts are also not nearly as good... atleast not yet. Instead of having a nicely designed encounter(the fight around the fountain area or defending the mansion from the first Gears) you have almost randomly placed cover with limited options. What I ended up doing is just trying to find a piece of cover where I was least exposed to locust flanking me and surviving for a period of time. :/

On top of that I'm fighting the exact same bad guys with the same weapons. Am I gonna have to rediscover the torque bow in Act 3 again? At what point do new situations and design ideas start? Cutting through some arteries and shooting down a reaver with the grenade launcher aren't it. Also, at what point do I start using the sniper rifle for more than just the long distance combat bits?

It's still Gears of War and it's still fun, but if you had to rank Gears 1 design at a 9... this would be an 8 at best, not a 10.


Had only one gaffer on my list around 2 years ago I think but had to remove him because he hadn't be on for months and I needed the spot. Sorry! Anyway, matchmaking takes way too long when you got a team of 4 in your party. I need more people on my list that play this game often online.
GT: Belix2b4k
I will go and play anything you want! ANYTHING! I just want to spend more time playing than searching for a match.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
last night was weird for me playing with the gaf crew. did you all go into a party chat or something and leave me alone cos no one was talking and it felt like no could hear me.

also none of my shots would hit unless I used boomshot or chainsaw, so annoying. I'd be getting head shots with the sniper, see blood come out but not get any points or kills. I did get annoyed by that (some of you may have heard!)

I'll just put it down to having to catch up with everyone else for now. I am abit rusty after not playing gears 1 or having an xbox for a full year before this


Okay, Horde mode needs its own ranking system. I've barely touched versus so I'm matched with the same type of idiots over and over again. Just because running and gunning like headless chickens worked for the first five waves doesn't mean it will work for the next five. But it seems like these morons never learn.


Hey guys, Jgaffer here, but would love to rock some GoW with some gaffers (as well as populate my newly puchased xbox's friend list) add me at: OsorakuCloudv, thanks!

Definitely want to try playing horde as well, only managed to get to level 6 with random internet people.


Brakara said:
Okay, Horde mode needs its own ranking system. I've barely touched versus so I'm matched with the same type of idiots over and over again. Just because running and gunning like headless chickens worked for the first five waves doesn't mean it will work for the next five. But it seems like these morons never learn.

Private games are best for Horde...

That being said I played a public game of Horde the other day and we managed to get to 19 or 20 and then the Blood Mounts came and cleaned us up...


Two very informative videos on the broken shotgun, and it is a glitch.



Apparently, if you are not on the hosts team your shotgun and Boomshot bullets hit the ground at your feet (during a blindfire), even on system link. But if you come in a close proximity to the host your shotgun bullets shoot perfectly fine.

The only way to correct this is to hold the L trigger and zoom, this fixes your bullet spread.

How the hell this could have ever made it through bug testing is beyond me.

And why on earth am I searching youtube with the UK extension? I'm in the US.


F#A#Oo said:
Private games are best for Horde...

That being said I played a public game of Horde the other day and we managed to get to 19 or 20 and then the Blood Mounts came and cleaned us up...

Well, I rather play public matches with random idiots than alone. But I would prefer to have Horde matchmaking being actually related to Horde mode instead of versus.

I have been matched with a good crew two or three times though. Got to around wave 18 or 19, but always got overrun due to dropouts/disconnects by at least two people.


Brakara said:
Well, I rather play public matches with random idiots than alone.

I have been matched with a good crew two or three times though. Got to around wave 18 or 19, but always got overrun due to dropouts/disconnects by at least two people.

Your on my friends list...your one of the few that when I send out an invite to join a game of MP you never even reply... :(


Full Recovery said:
Two very informative videos on the broken shotgun, and it is a glitch.



Apparently, if you are not on the hosts team your shotgun and Boomshot bullets hit the ground at your feet (during a blindfire), even on system link. But if you come in a close proximity to the host your shotgun bullets shoot perfectly fine.

The only way to correct this is to hold the L trigger and zoom, this fixes your bullet spread.

How the hell this could have ever made it through bug testing is beyond me.

And why on earth am I searching youtube with the UK extension? I'm in the US.

Yeah this has happened to me plenty of times. Hopefully they patch it, along with the annoying chainsaw and overpowered grenades, soon.


bigswords said:
I fixed this issue finally by

1) Use any other gamertag
2) start campaign
3) See the "saving checkpoint..."
4) Exit game.
5) Use your original gamertag and load your save.
6) Save game loads.

What are you talking about? I can't find the post you quoted, and I just installed Gears 2 and haven't played it yet so I'm worried.


F#A#Oo said:
Your on my friends list...your one of the few that when I send out an invite to join a game of MP you never even reply... :(

Hmmm, you're Mr Affluenza, right? I'm pretty sure I sent you a reply last time I got an invite. I tried to join after the public match was finished, but I got a "Could not connect to host" error message.

I have missed several invites when I've been in matchmaking though. But that's because I've been browsing GAF (and other sites) while waiting for the matchmaking to complete.


Full Recovery said:
^ party chat, next time view one of our profiles and join the party chat if you don't get an invite.
Theres always going to be two people left out considering the max amount of people in a match can be ten players.


Brakara said:
Hmmm, you're Mr Affluenza, right? I'm pretty sure I sent you a reply last time I got an invite. I tried to join after the public match was finished, but I got a "Could not connect to host" error message.

I have missed several invites when I've been in matchmaking though. But that's because I've been browsing GAF (and other sites) while waiting for the matchmaking to complete.

Yeah alot of people seem to get connection problems. Epic need to look into quite a bit of the whole online matchmaking process...


h3ro said:
You predicted correctly...


I'm the brown guy in front and center... :p

Those matches were damn fun fellas, especially that Baird on Baird team killing action...
How do I get in on this sausage fest? I wanna play with gaffers
Yeah, I don't think I like the fact that it's possible to enable parties during Gears of War 2, especially in Ranked Matches. Could potentially ruin the match types where you only have one life per round, so I hope Epic will or can patch this soon so that you can't compete in Ranked Matches until you disband your current (dashboard) party.

Rapping Granny said:
I given up on the MP, it's broken, I zoom in and shoot a guy that was down with a shotgun, a feet away from him and I zoomed as well, he doesn't die. I put the controller down after that.

SP and Horde is still fucking amazing, and this is the best shooter this gen, and definitly GOTY contender. LOVE IT but HATE online.

Will try to beat this on insane on the weekend though.

My 2 cents.
Try playing with friends (from the same country preferably) in Private Matches or join a room with a good host. What you described sounds more like lag related issues instead of buggy gameplay / hitboxes.

Full Recovery said:
Two very informative videos on the broken shotgun, and it is a glitch.


Odd, never happened to me before.


Full Recovery said:
Two very informative videos on the broken shotgun, and it is a glitch.



Apparently, if you are not on the hosts team your shotgun and Boomshot bullets hit the ground at your feet (during a blindfire), even on system link. But if you come in a close proximity to the host your shotgun bullets shoot perfectly fine.

The only way to correct this is to hold the L trigger and zoom, this fixes your bullet spread.

How the hell this could have ever made it through bug testing is beyond me.

And why on earth am I searching youtube with the UK extension? I'm in the US.

When they fix the hip fire I wonder how long it's going to take for all the "the shotgun is so much better now" people to start complaining all over again? After knowing it's been a broken weapon this whole time, and how the hell does something like that get past testing? People have known about this since day 1, well people except those hosting ;)
Full Recovery said:
Two very informative videos on the broken shotgun, and it is a glitch.



Apparently, if you are not on the hosts team your shotgun and Boomshot bullets hit the ground at your feet (during a blindfire), even on system link. But if you come in a close proximity to the host your shotgun bullets shoot perfectly fine.

The only way to correct this is to hold the L trigger and zoom, this fixes your bullet spread.

How the hell this could have ever made it through bug testing is beyond me.

And why on earth am I searching youtube with the UK extension? I'm in the US.
This is fucking inexcusable.


_dementia said:
This is fucking inexcusable.

It was known about since the first day since most people that used the shotty in Gears 1 in CQC like to hip fire the weapon and those bullets go right into the ground. The online multi in this game is decent, but they need to fix a ton of things. Let's not even get into grenade mines and being albe to blow people up with them when they can't see them. I've put myself in the building with stairs in River quite a few times tagging the door and the beam on the stairs and gotten 2 easy frag kills in one round a few times. It's like they didn't think out the gameplay mechanics before implementing them. In Gears 1 it actually took skill to get a kill with a nade if you weren't tagging people with them, and don't get me started on smoke nades. They should be used for nothing but cover like they were before.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I've only played online with hoarde

(because it's great and because it eats all the time I have for any other gaming) but what is the huge problem with smoke grenades? Also that shotgun thing, does it advantage or disadvantage the host? If it's a host disadvantage, perhaps it was purposeful?


unomas said:
And this is new, how? His first shot was genuinely unlucky. I've gotten kills at that distance. Its pretty obivous what happens next and you can see it happening. He shoots from the hip and all the shots hit the ground.

We all know its needs patching. Videos about it have already been posted about it. Epic fixed alot of gameplay balance issues and bugs in Gears 1 and its only a matter of time untill the patch comes out fixing the chainsaw and and shotgun glitch.

dogfish said:
I've only played online with hoarde

(because it's great and because it eats all the time I have for any other gaming) but what is the huge problem with smoke grenades? Also that shotgun thing, does it advantage or disadvantage the host? If it's a host disadvantage, perhaps it was purposeful?
Its works to the advantage of the host because the glitch only affects the cilents. People are complaining about the grenades because the stun and detonation radius are far too big. Grenades also respawn too frequently so people take advantage of this and camp.


MicVlaD said:
That guy is clearly lagging. You can already tell it by his running.

Well his shots connected, you can see the blood splatter on all but one shot that he takes at his opponent. Looks like he took 5 shots and landed 4.


Chinner said:
And this is new, how? His first shot was genuinely unlucky. I've gotten kills at that distance. Its pretty obivous what happens next and you can see it happening. He shoots from the hip and all the shots hit the ground.

We all know its needs patching. Videos about it have already been posted about it. Epic fixed alot of gameplay balance issues and bugs in Gears 1 and its only a matter of time untill the patch comes out fixing the chainsaw and and shotgun glitch.

Its works to the advantage of the host because the glitch only affects the cilents. People are complaining about the grenades because the stun and detonation radius are far too big. Grenades also respawn too frequently so people take advantage of this and camp.

Unlucky? :lol That should be a kill no matter what, luck should have nothing to do with it. The same exact thing has happened to me before. Every shot he took connected except for his second shot which was hip fire and we all know what happens when you do that off host.
Me and my brother just got to the part where were
inside the giant worm
and the game
just continues to blow my mind. It is by far the best looking console game currently. I spend just as much
time playing as I do gawking at all the scenery around me. Also I am loving the story so far and the part
where you meet up with
Tai again
was surprisingly disturbing and intense. I absolutely
love this game.
Pai Pai Master said:
Remind me to stop hip-firing then. Chances are I just suck at it but if that's what's causing my suckage, well, damn. :lol

That's not at all what it's like. I was in a game when I did a lot of hip firing last night and I gibbed multiple people. Hip fire IS inconsistent, as it should be, but it's not like you can't hit people with it.

Oh and here's a pro-tip to everyone...AIM YOUR WEAPONS.


unomas said:
Unlucky? :lol That should be a kill no matter what, luck should have nothing to do with it. The same exact thing has happened to me before. Every shot he took connected except for his second shot which was hip fire and we all know what happens when you do that off host.
. Unlucky was a fill in word. As MicVlaD said, the match is pretty laggy and that wasn't the guys fault.

You do realise that he doesn't shoot at the same guy throughout the video? You may have realised, I dunno, but your posts indicate otherwise. He shoots and hits the guy at close distance, he moves up and rolls away and the other guy climbs over. Whle this is happening Second shot doesn't appear to register, probably because of the lag. Third shot hits the floor because of the glitch. The next 3 shots all do hit but they're fired at a distance and the guy has full health. He shouldn't of been chainsawed though.
toymaster said:
That's not at all what it's like. I was in a game when I did a lot of hip firing last night and I gibbed multiple people. Hip fire IS inconsistent, as it should be, but it's not like you can't hit people with it.
This is true. Sometimes hip firing can be utterly shit like in the video above, while sometimes it can be bad but still usable.
unomas said:
Well his shots connected, you can see the blood splatter on all but one shot that he takes at his opponent. Looks like he took 5 shots and landed 4.
Doesn't matter, we can't tell in that video if ALL the shotgun pellets actually connected because there was lag involved. If the majority of them did connect, then the first guy would've been gibbed or almost down with that first shot of his. Which didn't happen obviously.

On a sidenote: I'm sure Epic will make the shotgun more reliable in due time (not necessarily by making it stronger), because there have been a lot of games (like Halo 2 and 3 for instance) where the shotgun was originally iffy at best solely because of latency issues.


Chinner said:
. Unlucky was a fill in word. As MicVlaD said, the match is pretty laggy and that wasn't the guys fault.

You do realise that he doesn't shoot at the same guy throughout the video? You may have realised, I dunno, but your posts indicate otherwise. He shoots and hits the guy at close distance, he moves up and rolls away and the other guy climbs over. Whle this is happening Second shot doesn't appear to register, probably because of the lag. Third shot hits the floor because of the glitch. The next 3 shots all do hit but they're fired at a distance and the guy has full health. He shouldn't of been chainsawed though.

This is true. Sometimes hip firing can be utterly shit like in the video above, while sometimes it can be bad but still usable.

I noticed that, he did however connect 3 times on the guy that ended up chainsawing him. Either way, some people are gonna defend the mess that is Gears 2 no matter what, for what reason I really don't know. Maybe Cliffy has GAF on payroll. I'll enjoy it much more after a patch.


unomas said:
I noticed that, he did however connect 3 times on the guy that ended up chainsawing him. Either way, some people are gonna defend the mess that is Gears 2 no matter what, for what reason I really don't know. Maybe Cliffy has GAF on payroll.
So, I win? Cool.


Chinner said:
So, I win? Cool.

Do you take pride in being an ass? If so you're full of win :lol


Ahhh yes the good ole days on Raven down


And before everyone starts crying overpowered shotty Raven down had no power weapons on it so you were forced to get into shotty battles. That was the beauty of the map, all the other maps in gears had power weapons to use to keep shotty guys at bay, and if someone in the original flanked you and shredded you maybe you should have been watching your back?
Brakara said:
Okay, Horde mode needs its own ranking system. I've barely touched versus so I'm matched with the same type of idiots over and over again. Just because running and gunning like headless chickens worked for the first five waves doesn't mean it will work for the next five. But it seems like these morons never learn.

Oh god yes people on public horde are stupid. That's why I have adopted the lead by example playstyle. I will get a shield as soon as I can and then the rest of my team will eventually be wiped out on like wave 6-7 with me left and my shield. Then I wipe out the last 5-10 locust with just a shield and pistol or a shield setup in a defensive position. It never fails the next wave after that I have at least 2 other people using shields for defense instead of just me. Basically on public you have to lead by example.
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