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Gears of War 2 |OT| ...Maria...MARIA!!!

JB1981 said:
Well, how the fuck do you move?
You push the left stick left, right, up or down, depending where the rockets dont go.

(I wasn't aware of that myself for the first time, as soon as you find out that you can move it's probably one of the easiest parts of the game :D )
That part was the WORST for me, Jables. Just make sure you're

a) Shooting at the turret when the turret is shooting at you.
b) Dodging when the rockets are firing
c) Shooting at the mouth when it's biting

If you do anything else during those three scenarios, you will die a billion times.

I know I did.
Aladuf said:
Yeah, I was getting a bit frustrated but that tends to happen when the bitching starts flowing back and forth between a couple people. I ended up leaving to go play Gears 1 so I could finally convince myself that it's not better than Gears 2, and once I played it for a good 10 minutes I rushed Gears 2 back into my console and was good to go again.

For all the problems Gears 2 has, Gears 1 is just a sloppy mess compared to it.

Change your avatar back, now.
Flunkie said:
Because you like crossing swords.
JB1981 said:
I just shut the game off last night in frustration because this Reaver sequence where you have to shoot the rockets ..... as your traveling out of the caves .... is soooo fucking annoying. And no, I'm not zoomed in as the rockets approach me.

Yeah as others have noted it's not obvious but you can doge with the left stick.

Just started co-op on Insane, and wow do the bad guys do a lot of damage now. I was outright killed at one point by a hammerburst, not downed, killed.


I got five slight annoyances that should be fairly simple to fix I think:

- A ready feature: WHY would you get rid of this, Epic? Can someone here explain the reasoning behind this? Did I missed a discussion on this? Is is still in the game but have magically avoided it? In private games, the host ought to be able to see who has readied up instead of asking every person in the room if they've picked their character and weapon of choice. There are people out there who haven't set their defaults in multiplayer options.

- Private games: A private game should be just that: private. I love my friends, really I do, but sometimes I'd like to get a public game going with 5 people and it's really awkward when a six player jumps in. What makes it worse is that friends of friends can also join.

- Chat in private games: I should be able to hear everyone or at the very least my entire team when the round is over. If one of my teammates manages to win a round by himself, all he hears are crickets at the end. Not cool. Also, sometimes I'm unable to hear a couple of my teammates while IN-GAME. Has happened to a lot of my friends also. No idea why.

- A map cycle: Is there one? Again, have I somehow missed it? You go back to the party lobby once the match is over, you then again have to go through a loading screen to reach the pre-game lobby. 5, 4, 3... another loading screen. 8, 7, 6... yay! Rinse and repeat for every map.

- Wait time at the end of every public game: This only encourages trash talking and bickering. Maybe Epic made it this way so that players could have a half-decent conversation about the game they've just played and perhaps even send some friend requests. This is RARE and not what you'll find on xbox live most of the time.

Again, these are just slight annoyances that don't kill the experience for me but would be wonderful to have them addressed.

Am I alone on this?


Could someone give me a list of these issues with GOW2?

Personally the most annoying thing I'm finding nowadays when I play is grenades...especially if your playing King of the Hill...people go out of their way to grenade tag walls, throw them from miles away so they can come up for the kill while your stuck in frozen animation.

Other then that I find sometimes my shotgun shots don't register...I know this is an issue in MP so L trigger is a must.

What else is there that is an issue?


Did anyone else have trouble getting the co-op campaign achievement? I just beat the game last night and didn't receive it despite playing campaign exclusively in co-op.


F#A#Oo said:
Could someone give me a list of these issues with GOW2?

Personally the most annoying thing I'm finding nowadays when I play is grenades...especially if your playing King of the Hill...people go out of their way to grenade tag walls, throw them from miles away so they can come up for the kill while your stuck in frozen animation.

Other then that I find sometimes my shotgun shots don't register...I know this is an issue in MP so L trigger is a must.

What else is there that is an issue?

This is what I've learn/gather so far from the complaints (I don't necessarily agree with all of them):

Matchmaking system:

No region filter/Lag: American players will sometimes end up with a host somewhere in the Middle East. This means extreme lag beyond your wildest nightmares and a host who'll be licking your chainsaw but still manage to shoot you 5 seconds later.

Long Waiting times: This can be fixed by having a party of 2 or 5 people before you begin your search but it's still fucking unacceptable.

Uneven number of players in public teams.

Ranks: Aside from there being a mere 5 ranks available, there was no explanation from Epic about it until recently (win/lose ratio) and it's almost impossible to rank up. It should be based on your performance alone not your teams'. Join a game with a team of incompetent players and lose = you rank down. Win = increase your rank, lose on the next match = lower your rank. At least incorporate a 1 v. 1


Shotgun: If you hipfire your shotgun (blindfire), your bullets will hit the ground unless you're host or are in the host's team. When I shoot someone directly in front of me, that person should DIE. Many players are now two-piecing because the thing is simply too weak.

Boomshot: Why in god's name would they give more ammo to this thing? The hipfire issue also occurs with this weapon.

Chainsaw: If you shoot someone, they ought to lower it. End of story.

Smoke: The stunt effect is annoying and long.

Wall tagging is being abused for camping. They could increase the detonation time and they ought to disappear when the player dies (ala claymore in CoD)

Too many power weapons in maps.


Too many to name (weapon slide still in, invisibility, wingman @ jacinto, host advantage etc etc etc)

Plus what I wrote on my previous post. Again, this is what I've gathered so far. I still enjoy playing the game but would love to have a more stable/fair experience.

BigAT said:
Did anyone else have trouble getting the co-op campaign achievement? I just beat the game last night and didn't receive it despite playing campaign exclusively in co-op.

Did you trained the rook at the very beginning? I hear that could be it but can't be sure.


F#A#Oo said:
Could someone give me a list of these issues with GOW2?
What else is there that is an issue?

Since there are too many to list and I'm lazy, I C/Ped this from a post on the Epic forums and changed/added some things.

-Matchmaking is slow and broken, anyone should be able to join your private match Friend or not as well as having an invite only mode. (Fact)
-Ready symbol from Gears 1 needs to be brought back to lobby system.
-Quick mute function for lobby
-Ghost cam should be disabled in public matches (Subjective)
-Photo mode can glitch and give you the "Storage device full" message (Fact)
- Lag (Fact)
- Inaccurate Client shotgun and BoomShot- Bullets hitting floor - (Fact) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5ZXkzDZJY0 and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kLaYhwpGso
- Invincible Chainsaw - (Fact)
- Freezing - In game, Start screen, Campaign, Multiplayer - (Fact)
- Floating players - (Fact)
- Loss of weapons - No weapons in hands -(Fact)
- Invisible players - (Fact)
- Stuck in menu background - (Fact)
- Quitters not losing rank - (Fact)
- Wall frags -fuse too short not enough time to escape - (Subjective)
- Smoke frag stun takes too long to get up from /sliding down stairways can lead to 5-8 seconds before standing up - (Subjective)
- Inability to climb up some walls from cover - (Fact)
- Cannot quit out of a game - (Fact)
- Boomshot too much ammo, encourages spamming - (Subjective)
- Mortar too much ammo, encourages spamming - (Subjective)
- Game saves and achievements being lost (Fact)
- Smoke grenades can knock people out of the map (Fact)
- Use of Scorcher is possible while roadie running (Fact)

- The countdown timing between matches, rounds, start and end needs to be tweaked. There is no need to be forced to sit there at the end of the match for 20 seconds before going back to the lobby.
The countdown should also start as soon as all players have connected at the beginning of the match, not after the majority of the map has loaded. (Subjective)

- In Execution, sometimes you never get back up, even though everyone else sees you walking around, you have a full red screen and can only crawl. (Fact)

- Weapon select does not save on golden guns (Fact)

- Unfair advantage to one team at start of rounds e.g. Hail. Due to spawn/weapon cycling One team always gets frags, one team always gets Ink (Fact)

- Weapon pickup by sliding is possible again (Fact)

- Whilst roadie running pressing A,player moves slowly. Then when returning to walk the player moves in the 'walking animation' but at full Roadie-Run Speed. During which the player cannot fire weapons. Clears upon respawn (fact)

- Smoke grenades can:
--- blow the player through the red laser beams without dying (Fact)
--- Occaasionally kill a player by throwing the up in the air (Fact)

- During a Local or Private match, if all the 'human players die, we have to sit and wait for the 'bots' to kill each other. Bots have a habit of camping which means the wait can take a while.
Ideally, if all human players die, the match should instantly be called a draw.

- Preferred weapon resetting to "Lancer" if a "Golden" weapon is set to preferred. (Fact)

- It is possible to hold a meat/boom shield and use any weapon, not just pistol (Fact - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UB6sA51l63s)

-When picking up a weapon and then pulling back on the stick and hitting A, your player will often turn 180Degrees and then dive backwards. Usually at the feet of the opponent you were trying to dive away from. (Fact)

- If you down an enemy and then tag him/her with a frag, if you meatshield them before it blows, you and your shield don't get effected by the frag, but nearby enemies still do. (Fact)

-Crabwalking (Fact)

-In Submission on Ruins, smokes can knock the stranded into the immulsion, causing him to respawn either floating in the air or invisible. (Fact)

-Invisible Host, done by using Standby (Fact)

- If you have just been ragdolled by a smoke and an opposing player 'downs' you while you are still ragdolled you're automatically dead. This occurs in execution and wingman. (Fact)

-Sometimes your partner does not have the same character as you. (Fact)
-Sometimes other teams are the same character as you/your teammate (Fact)
-Spawn points are very unfair, sometimes a team spawns at the boomshot/torque each or every other round (Fact)
-Wingman should not contain any power weapons in order to balance gameplay (Subjective)
-Ghost cam should be disabled for public wingman matches (Subjective)
-When playing a private match and someone joins midway through the match he/she will be placed on their own Wingman team whether or not there is already a 1 manned team. (Fact)

-co-op gamerpic is blank (Fact)
-Sometimes you cannot open up your gamesave and continue from checkpoint, must restart Act (Fact)
-Often the two players do not load the checkpoint at the same time, host or not
-During the Centaur tank section sometimes the Gunner doesn't load the checkpoint in time while the driver is vulnerable to the enemies (Fact)
-Should not have to revive AI (Subjective)
-AI sometimes stands out in the open and does nothing (Fact)
-Character becomes jumpy/immovable during the lake monster fight (Fact)
-Many times upon reloading a checkpoint you and your partner are already bleeding out, causing you to reload the checkpoint again. (Fact)


Full Recovery said:
- During a match, if all the 'human players die, we have to sit and wait for the 'bots' to kill each other. This has two problems:
1) Bots have a habit of camping which means the wait can take a while.
2) The result of the match is at the mercy of the AI, and this affects peoples rank.

Since when did public matches have bots?


My nephew lent this to me and I started the SP the other night and frankly after playing the crap out of the original this one didn't grab me and I was bored after just encountering the crawling creatures that explode. It seems it's trying real hard but after being on that large vehicle and watching DOM and company dispatch the locusts without my help I completely lost interest in continuing.


Full Recovery said:
- Lag (Fact)
Lag is not fact. Its subjective. I've had like 5 laggy matches since the game has been released. For me the connections of the games have been either really good or pretty acceptable. I'm not saying the game does not suffer from lag, because it does, but saying it is fact makes it appear that everyone 100% suffers from it.

Alex P

Figure this one out.

The community won't support this game in it's current state. I don't even play competitive multiplayer in Gears, but have experienced a number of glitches in Horde.

I can't believe Gears shipped in this state.


Chinner said:
Lag is not fact. Its subjective. I've had like 5 laggy matches since the game has been released. For me the connections of the games have been either really good or pretty acceptable. I'm not saying the game does not suffer from lag, because it does, but saying it is fact makes it appear that everyone 100% suffers from it.
Eh... isn't the reason that it has indeed happened to you make it a fact? Whether it happens to everyone or not, fact remains that it's still in the game and some are affected by it.


Chinner said:
Lag is not fact. Its subjective. I've had like 5 laggy matches since the game has been released. For me the connections of the games have been either really good or pretty acceptable. I'm not saying the game does not suffer from lag, because it does, but saying it is fact makes it appear that everyone 100% suffers from it.

Everybody but the host suffers from lag.

Cliff said that Lag had been reduced/optimized by ~30% from Gears 1

Go play a match of Gears 1 and come back and tell me that's not complete bull.


bimet said:
Eh... isn't the reason that it has indeed happened to you make it a fact? Whether it happens to everyone or not, fact remains that it's still in the game and some are affected by it.
Indeed. Although any game that is P2P is going to suffer from lag time to time. Even games that are held highly in terms of lag/mathcmaking like COD4 and Halo 3 suffer from it. Perhaps I'm nitpicking.
Cliff said that Lag had been reduced/optimized by ~30% from Gears 1

Go play a match of Gears 1 and come back and tell me that's not complete bull
Depends. If I play with someone with a good connection then all of my shots will hit pretty much instantly in Gears2. If I played with someone with a good connection in Gears 1 then there would still be a little bit of lag between a bullet being fired and it registering. Obivously, if a connection is average or shit then theres always going to be lag.

Gears 3 needs cilent side hit detection, still.
Level 8 Boss said:
The community won't support this game in it's current state. I don't even play competitive multiplayer in Gears, but have experienced a number of glitches in Horde.

I can't believe Gears shipped in this state.
Probably MS's urging to get Gears 2 out in time for the holidays.


Full Recovery said:

Holy cráp that is a long list:lol ...although some are purely subjective tbh.

Most of those I have encountered and didn't think much of it as issues...but on reflection I guess they are. :D

Dax01 said:
Probably MS's urging to get Gears 2 out in time for the holidays.

Yeah it kinda shows...

In the credits alot of the developers thank their family for putting up with the long hours...clearly it seems a few of the wokers had stretched working hours...
Working on the last act right now on hardcore but I can't remember how many time i died simply because I COULD NOT MOVE AN INCH! Not caught on anything at all, just couldn't move. Heck, there was one time I couldn't move OR shoot. Managed to actually do a roll somehow and saved myself though.


I agree with all the problems that full recovery has posted. But they are so many that i dont know if even a patch can fix them all. GoW2 MP sure feels like a beta. :(

For me after 2 years of nonstop playing Gears1 i cant see myself doing the same with Gears 2.


And while on the topic of Gears 2 issues, I have another ThirdEngine no-gun gallery.

First off he's on Canals, which seems to be his unlucky map for this happening.

The round starts and a fearless ThirdEngine carries his invisible weapon into battle..


A sniper-bearing Baird appears and Third evades..


The tense battle continues while both take cover to regain themselves..


The poor guy ran away because he couldn't hold his own against Third and his invisible weapon..


The guy came back and probably got a lucky shot, thus leaving Third to eat the pavement with a little motivation from the Sniper rifle


Now a match on Subway.

Once again with his trusty invisible weapon, Third takes cover and awaits his foes..


A shot is fired at Third and well.. you don't want to know what happened next.


A little bonus from the same match on Subway, this guy isn't Third but the poor bastard was struggling around the map like this after he got hit by a smoke grenade early on into the round.



Tomcat said:
I agree with all the problems that full recovery has posted. But they are so many that i dont know if even a patch can fix them all. GoW2 MP sure feels like a beta. :(

For me after 2 years of nonstop playing Gears1 i cant see myself doing the same with Gears 2.

They spent too much time making gears bigger and more badass when they should have just been working on making the core gameplay solid.

They bit off too much to chew and they just spit it out all over their fanbase so they could make their release date.
Horde mode Is the saving grace for me. Thank god for it.
BigAT said:
Did anyone else have trouble getting the co-op campaign achievement? I just beat the game last night and didn't receive it despite playing campaign exclusively in co-op.

Same thing happened to me.
Aladuf said:
And while on the topic of Gears 2 issues, I have another ThirdEngine no-gun gallery.

First off he's on Canals, which seems to be his unlucky map for this happening.
:lol :lol :lol

The way you desribed those reminded me of our new ritual after each round.

Full Recovery said:
Informative List
Nice job with this. Wheeere is our paaatch?!


Gleeky said:
How are they not going to have matchmaking fixed in time for Thanksgiving 4 day weekend?

It won't be fixed in time, the way I see it is they'll hopefully throw a patch out addressing the matchmaking issues first, and then sometime before their next DLC hits they'll release a patch addressing all the issues I listed in my previous post.

Gears 2 won't be ironed out until spring, and even then more glitches will come about between now and then.

I move for a title change "Gears of War 2 BETA Discussion Thread"

All for say Aye


So I played a submission game on river last night. What a frustrating annoyance. That game type is fucking IRRITATING! I spend 30 minutes trying to get this stupid ass hole back to one side, just to lose him to a fucking smoke grenade and then pick his ass back up just to have to go BACK to the other side.

After this back and forth cockfight, i ended up losing because they got the capping area moved to their advantage.



ergo said:
So I played a submission game on river last night. What a frustrating annoyance. That game type is fucking IRRITATING! I spend 30 minutes trying to get this stupid ass hole back to one side, just to lose him to a fucking smoke grenade and then pick his ass back up just to have to go BACK to the other side.

After this back and forth cockfight, i ended up losing because they got the capping area moved to their advantage.

I don't touch that playlist for fear of getting Submission. Its too bad. King of the Hill can be a fun change of pace with a good team.


Evonus said:
I don't touch that playlist for fear of getting Submission. Its too bad. King of the Hill can be a fun change of pace with a good team.
I played in a party with four other guys yesterday and I actually did not enjoy any of the 3 gametypes. I found that KotH was just nade spam and chainsaws. It's a nice change of pace, but I hate spawning, running down to the area, and then getting knocked down and then chainsawed. Rinse, Repeat, and DIE.

Got old really fast. I stick to execution/warzone because its not such a cluster fuck.

Really hate I can't choose the gametype I want to play. way to fucking fail epic. I really only have enough money for one game this fall and I'm sad to say I am sorry I spent it on this shit.

Why have games gotten to the point where its ok to release a game in this sort of state? What happened? Did live do this?


Evonus said:
Epic did this.
It's not just this game, its most of the games being released today. PC games have been notorious for this for a long time...Not since the internet is a primary focus of console games, dev's are allowed to get away with shipping a game that doesn't have all the bugs worked out. What happened to quality over quantity? Seriously annoying...I don't pay $60 on a game to get this level of quality. I shouldn't get frustrated because they can't get something as simple as a matchmaking system to work correctly.

I want my money back epic. Seriously...


With a good team Submission can be really fun IMO. However, several times I've had the meatflag glitch into mid-air where no one can shoot/down/grab him...and there's no way to quit out of the match if this happens :(


shooting blanks
Aye for Gears of War 2 BETA name change.

They should've put a demo with UT3, they would've sold more UT3 and could've tested out the shit mp.



-Matchmaking is slow and broken, anyone should be able to join your private match Friend or not as well as having an invite only mode. (Fact)
-Ready symbol from Gears 1 needs to be brought back to lobby system.
-Quick mute function for lobby
-Ghost cam should be disabled in public matches (Subjective)
-Photo mode can glitch and give you the "Storage device full" message (Fact)
- Lag (Fact)
- Inaccurate Client shotgun and BoomShot- Bullets hitting floor - (Fact) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5ZXkzDZJY0 and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kLaYhwpGso
- Invincible Chainsaw - (Fact)
- Freezing - In game, Start screen, Campaign, Multiplayer - (Fact)
- Floating players - (Fact)
- Loss of weapons - No weapons in hands -(Fact)
- Invisible players - (Fact)
- Stuck in menu background - (Fact)
- Quitters not losing rank - (Fact)
- Wall frags -fuse too short not enough time to escape - (Subjective)
- Smoke frag stun takes too long to get up from /sliding down stairways can lead to 5-8 seconds before standing up - (Subjective)
- Inability to climb up some walls from cover - (Fact)
- Cannot quit out of a game - (Fact)
- Boomshot too much ammo, encourages spamming - (Subjective)
- Mortar too much ammo, encourages spamming - (Subjective)
- Game saves and achievements being lost (Fact)
- Smoke grenades can knock people out of the map (Fact)
- Use of Scorcher is possible while roadie running (Fact)

- The countdown timing between matches, rounds, start and end needs to be tweaked. There is no need to be forced to sit there at the end of the match for 20 seconds before going back to the lobby.
The countdown should also start as soon as all players have connected at the beginning of the match, not after the majority of the map has loaded. (Subjective)

- Unable to talk with dead people when you're alive, or with alive people when you're dead after a round has finished. Only works after the final round. Worked without problems in the first. (Fact)

- In Execution, sometimes you never get back up, even though everyone else sees you walking around, you have a full red screen and can only crawl. (Fact)

- Weapon select does not save on golden guns (Fact)

- Unfair advantage to one team at start of rounds e.g. Hail. Due to spawn/weapon cycling One team always gets frags, one team always gets Ink (Fact)

- Weapon pickup by sliding is possible again (Fact)

- Whilst roadie running pressing A,player moves slowly. Then when returning to walk the player moves in the 'walking animation' but at full Roadie-Run Speed. During which the player cannot fire weapons. Clears upon respawn (fact)

- Smoke grenades can:
--- blow the player through the red laser beams without dying (Fact)
--- Occaasionally kill a player by throwing the up in the air (Fact)

- During a Local or Private match, if all the 'human players die, we have to sit and wait for the 'bots' to kill each other. Bots have a habit of camping which means the wait can take a while.
Ideally, if all human players die, the match should instantly be called a draw.

- Preferred weapon resetting to "Lancer" if a "Golden" weapon is set to preferred. (Fact)

- It is possible to hold a meat/boom shield and use any weapon, not just pistol (Fact - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UB6sA51l63s)

-When picking up a weapon and then pulling back on the stick and hitting A, your player will often turn 180Degrees and then dive backwards. Usually at the feet of the opponent you were trying to dive away from. (Fact)

- If you down an enemy and then tag him/her with a frag, if you meatshield them before it blows, you and your shield don't get effected by the frag, but nearby enemies still do. (Fact)

-Crabwalking (Fact)

-In Submission on Ruins, smokes can knock the stranded into the immulsion, causing him to respawn either floating in the air or invisible. (Fact)

-Invisible Host, done by using Standby (Fact)

- If you have just been ragdolled by a smoke and an opposing player 'downs' you while you are still ragdolled you're automatically dead. This occurs in execution and wingman. (Fact)

-Sometimes your partner does not have the same character as you. (Fact)
-Sometimes other teams are the same character as you/your teammate (Fact)
-Spawn points are very unfair, sometimes a team spawns at the boomshot/torque each or every other round (Fact)
-Wingman should not contain any power weapons in order to balance gameplay (Subjective)
-Ghost cam should be disabled for public wingman matches (Subjective)
-When playing a private match and someone joins midway through the match he/she will be placed on their own Wingman team whether or not there is already a 1 manned team. (Fact)

-co-op gamerpic is blank (Fact)
-Sometimes you cannot open up your gamesave and continue from checkpoint, must restart Act (Fact)
-Often the two players do not load the checkpoint at the same time, host or not
-During the Centaur tank section sometimes the Gunner doesn't load the checkpoint in time while the driver is vulnerable to the enemies (Fact)
-Should not have to revive AI (Subjective)
-AI sometimes stands out in the open and does nothing (Fact)
-Character becomes jumpy/immovable during the lake monster fight (Fact)
-Many times upon reloading a checkpoint you and your partner are already bleeding out, causing you to reload the checkpoint again. (Fact)

Quoted for the new page.


ChrisGoldstein said:
Aye for Gears of War 2 BETA name change.

They should've put a demo with UT3, they would've sold more UT3 and could've tested out the shit mp.
Hindsight is always 20/20 right? -_-


Just beat the game, some thoughts:

First of all, let me get this out of the way: GOTY! I'm blown away at how amazing the campaign was. It was a blockbuster ride all the way through. I also don't understand the complaints about the "last boss"... he wasn't even a boss, it was 10 seconds. There simply wasn't a last boss in Gears 2. Not every game has to have a last boss. Act 5 overall was so amazing... the city sinking, the visuals, the gorgeous orange hues, the skybox, the variety in the gameplay, it was just insane. So much better than Act 5 in Gears 1. Overall, everything about the campaign was a massive improvement over Gears 1. Absolute masterpiece in every sense of the word and my GOTY.


Wait for Gears of War 3 guys! I'm sure they'll fix everything and give us a 21st century online multiplayer experience! Change is coming to Gears of War. Believe.


I've not been playing this game at all for the last 5 or 6 days (been playing Mirrors Edge instead) and it saddens me to admit that I haven't missed the game one little bit :(
I came in here to see if other Gaffers have been having fun with it-hoping that these stories of joy would inspire me to play the game tonight-and instead I see everyone moaning :lol
Poor Gears :(
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