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Gears of War 2 |OT| ...Maria...MARIA!!!


Domino Theory said:
If it was you two only then one of you were hosting (whoever started the private match) so the person who wasn't hosting was trying those methods to down the chainsaw, right? If not then you're doing it wrong. :p
He hosted, I did the shooting. We did it right!


Domino Theory said:
God Bless both of you then because I've never had a moment where my shotgun blasts put a man's chainsaw down. Not once. :(
I can honestly say that besides a couple (literally, a couple) of times before we tested it out where my shotty ever dropped the saw as it was coming for me. It must have to do with lag because there's plenty of times where I'll shoot a guy as he's coming right for me and I just get sawed and then when I'm the one chainsawing I'll be rubbing up all over someone and they just blow me into chunks with their shotty. Inconsistency ftl.


dark10x said:
Any tips for playing online? I honestly haven't played Gears online much at all (either version) and, from what I've tried, I just don't know how to approach it at this point. I seem to die immediately from...something. I honestly don't know how they kill me so fast nor do I know how to attack. It's nothing like single player. Everyone seems to run around jumping side to side, throwing grenades, and hitting people with the shotgun and melee attacks. I'd like to get into it, but it seems that I've entered the party too late.
It's definitely not easy to get into. The multiplayer is 90% tricks and 10% tactics. If you don't know all the general tricks for how to use the weapons, you'll die. When you first start of, chainsawing is the most reliable way to get kills because it's very easy to use. Run close to an enemy, hold B, win! If you're able to flank enemies you can easily get a ton of kills that way.

The other weapons are a bit of a hit and miss. With the shotgun you need to make sure to always aim before shooting (hip fire magically gives the bullets much more spread). Rolling around (especially sideways and to/from cover) makes it much harder for the enemy to hit you. Ideally you should practice to roll around, quickly move your viewpoint to the enemy, hold the aim button and fire quickly, and then roll around some more. Doing this succesfully is pretty much impossible but there's tons of people online who has mastered it somehow.

Actually, I don't think writing about the other weapons is that necessary. Shotgun is definitely the one weapon to use unless you're going for power weapons or frag grenades.
Let's here some news about DLC and the upcoming patch!

Please address Smokes...Please address Smokes...Please address Smokes...Please address Smokes...Please address Smokes...Please address Smokes...Please address Smokes...Please address Smokes...Please address Smokes...Please address Smokes...


Incredibly Naive
So that article is bullshit, because gears 2 is just so much better than Halo 3, too much fanboy hype around the halo franchise. Either way I'm finishing up gears 2 now and I have to say it is just so much better than the first one. The visuals are absolutely incredible, made me say wow several times, and I've stopped quite a bit to just look around and admire what they've created. Some of it is a bit over the top,
The part INSIDE the worm was fun, it was just a little ridiculous.
also there was still a lot of shitty writing, however I felt much more of a connection this time
scene with maria :(
. The voice of the
queen at the end is stupid as hell too, especially what she's saying
either way huge step up, and so far my 2nd favorite game of the year.

edited for spoiler tags not working.


kaizoku said:
after a quick session last night, I guess its confirmed that hammerburst melee totally owns chainsaw? Either that or the host advantage was so powerful it made my chainsaw screw up.

If Epic thinks hammerburst melee is a good counter for a fucking huge chainsaw - they're stupid! Shooting people should lower the chainsaw, melee should not, switch it back EPIC!

I miss unranked matchmaking as well. Being able to search servers was so much better in gears 1, you could find matches where people would choose/disable wepaons to your liking, stay with them for multiple games etc, and friendly fire on.

Played King of the Hill with a couple of gaffers, oh man its so annoying when one guy on the opposition team just runs around collecting all the grenades and tagging up the spawn points and choke areas :lol its a good tactic but man its irritating!
I haven't been able to own anyone actually. I've tried to melee someone with the hammerbust (hammer >>>> lancer) while they ran at me chainsawing and it did not work.

I tend to just roll backwards and shoot off some quick rounds that downs the guy fairly quickly.

Hammerbust is so much better than the lancer now its ridiculous! I seriously down guys with only a few quick bursts and then proceed to meatshield them into the wall as if to signify my dominance with butt sex. Its a great, great feeling!


I asked this a few pages back, but I guess it got lost.

Just a general question, but the list of players just before starting a game (so, you see the map, but haven't spawned for the first time yet), some people's names are yellow (maybe 1 or 2 people), while everyone else is white? Are they the hosts? As in, one's the game host, and one's the audio host? Any significance to this?


EGM kept stating the game had Mario style platforming. Did it mean the worm level? I couldn't think of any real platforming segments considering you couldn't even jump in this game >.>;

I'm gonna be up for some Horde action later on in winter break =) Co-op campaign was fun but god the script is so so so bad. It was jRPG bad.


msdstc said:
So that article is bullshit, because gears 2 is just so much better than Halo 3, too much fanboy hype around the halo franchise. Either way I'm finishing up gears 2 now and I have to say it is just so much better than the first one. The visuals are absolutely incredible, made me say wow several times, and I've stopped quite a bit to just look around and admire what they've created. Some of it is a bit over the top,
The part INSIDE the worm was fun, it was just a little ridiculous.
also there was still a lot of shitty writing, however I felt much more of a connection this time
scene with maria :(
. The voice of the
queen at the end is stupid as hell too, especially what she's saying
either way huge step up, and so far my 2nd favorite game of the year.

edited for spoiler tags not working.

i am a humongous halo nerd but i must admit, GoW2 Campaign has been one of the best i've played EVER. I love the end of ACT3 probably one of my most memorable is gaming moments EVER.
OK can someone explain to me why the introduce mobile cover (the worms), and then it only gets used for 5 fucking minutes during the entire campaign!?

Such a crazy fun game mechanic that could have been used in multiplayer, more in singleplayer...I just don't get why they didn't use it more after they took so long to introduce how it actually works.


Incredibly Naive
Oh yeah and the vehicle section I actually liked. It's pretty intense and it got crapped on just a bit. the only thing I didn't like
the stupid learn by dying ice parts
, I hate learn by dying parts in games... shouldn't exist.




Junior Member
The Centaur section was a pain in the ass playing split-screen co-op with a friend, most of the tank is cut off on your screen so I could never tell how damaged I was.

Also I haven't seen the LotR movies in awhile so maybe I'm remembering wrong but don't some of the scenes in GoW2 look like straight copies of scenes from LotR? Especially the intro lol.


Nathan Rain said:
OK can someone explain to me why the introduce mobile cover (the worms), and then it only gets used for 5 fucking minutes during the entire campaign!?
So agreed. It looks like lots of work went into it, too.
So I just got to the part in the story where
Dom finds Maria
and I thought that was some
haunting stuff. I notice a lot of people saying they didn't think Epic did a good job on the whole emotional
aspect of the game but that scene along with when you find
Tai all fu@#$ed up
were really
well done and made we wonder just
wtf the Locust are doing to these people.

Chinner said:
Terrible. Just terrible. They claim that the voice acting in Gears 2 is bad. Thats so off the mark that its not even funny.

This is such BS and really pisses me off.
Especially against titles that are heralded as having great voice acting and solider chatter I think Gears
easily come out on top. I love the stuff him and Dom say.


BruceLeeRoy said:
So I just got to the part in the story where
Dom finds Maria
and I thought that was some
haunting stuff. I notice a lot of people saying they didn't think Epic did a good job on the whole emotional
aspect of the game but that scene along with when you find
Tai all fu@#$ed up
were really
well done and made we wonder just
wtf the Locust are doing to these people.

This is such BS and really pisses me off.
Especially against titles that are heralded as having great voice acting and solider chatter I think Gears
easily come out on top. I love the stuff him and Dom say.
It was pretty instense, but I don't like the way epic just sort of shrugged it off, you know? Wouldn't
dom be a complete mess to find his wife brutalized? Would he care about nother but that? Would he try to save her instead of SHOOT her just to keep the story moving forward?
thats the kind of thing that pissed me off about those to incidences
ergo said:
It was pretty instense, but I don't like the way epic just sort of shrugged it off, you know? Wouldn't
dom be a complete mess to find his wife brutalized? Would he care about nother but that? Would he try to save her instead of SHOOT her just to keep the story moving forward?
thats the kind of thing that pissed me off about those to incidences

Yeah your totally right about that part and it really did bother me. Especially in contrast to how well done
build up and revelation of that scene is.

And I will say again, best looking console game out right now. So gorgeous.


It blew playing wingman last night. As per usual, my partner quit on me during one of the matches. I decided to play one round just to see how i'd do. That second round i killed 5 guys at once with a grenade. The next I got two with the mortor. A few rounds later, my score was a nearly winning 12.

The next round, I pulled off some lucky shotgun blasts, taking out one dude with a single shot, then was ambushed by another team. Some fancy footwork netted me another kill against one of the duo and I almost took out the other partner, but he felled me.

The last round was tied up at 14. I needed to get more points in that round than the other team I was tied with. I thought I had this one in the bag. I picked up the mortar to combat a small 3 person wave that was rushing towards me. I foolishly decided to shoot the mortar from the hip, which awkwardly lobs the explosive foreward in some manner. The fucker landed right in the midst of the mob, but nobody died. I was quickly shotgunned down, and lost the match.

Damn me and my achievement lust.
One other thing.
Playing this game on co-op to quote Wrika is pure sex.
I dont think I have ever had this much fun playing a game with someone else.

One thing epic does so perfectly is create all kinds of situations where you are
both dependent on each other to survive. It adds so much tension and excitement
to the game.


Firestorm said:
EGM kept stating the game had Mario style platforming. Did it mean the worm level? I couldn't think of any real platforming segments considering you couldn't even jump in this game >.>;

Yeah, just close your eyes and imagine those pillars you run under are Thwomps.


dark10x said:
Any tips for playing online? I honestly haven't played Gears online much at all (either version) and, from what I've tried, I just don't know how to approach it at this point. I seem to die immediately from...something. I honestly don't know how they kill me so fast nor do I know how to attack. It's nothing like single player. Everyone seems to run around jumping side to side, throwing grenades, and hitting people with the shotgun and melee attacks. I'd like to get into it, but it seems that I've entered the party too late.

Wish I could help, but I'm in the same boat. I love Horde. I haven't had that much fun since UT2K4, but I get owned way too often. I've been practicing Horde some in Local play with bots. It's helped me to learn Tyro Station very well, :)lol) and hone my timing some, but public is so dynamic that it's hard to apply. The tactics are just too dissimilar.

BruceLeeRoy said:
This is such BS and really pisses me off.
Especially against titles that are heralded as having great voice acting and solider chatter I think Gears easily come out on top. I love the stuff him and Dom say.

Yep. The voice acting in Gears2 and banter is damn good. Probably the best of any game I've played in recent memory.


flinging feces ---->
I was just wondering if I could get a quick response to this: I'm at the difficulty selection screen and I'm wondering what difficulty to play on. Epic has added a new "normal" difficulty to the selection and I'm just curious as to how difficult it is? Is it the equivalent of the original Gears of War's "hardcore" difficulty or is it less challenging? I played the original Gears on hardcore, so...

And also--I apologize for not having followed the game as extensively as other titles--do the different tiers in difficulty vary the enemy A.I. or do they adjust the damage that is dealt (to both you and the enemies)? I remember the original Gears was a mix of both--enemies would be a bit more aggressive and you would deal less damage (requiring you to hold down the right trigger on enemies for a LONG time to actually dispatch them) while the enemies would deal more.


dirtmonkey37 said:
I was just wondering if I could get a quick response to this: I'm at the difficulty selection screen and I'm wondering what difficulty to play on. Epic has added a new "normal" difficulty to the selection and I'm just curious as to how difficult it is? Is it the equivalent of the original Gears of War's "hardcore" difficulty or is it less challenging?

And also--I apologize for not having followed the game as extensively as other titles--do the different tiers in difficulty vary the enemy A.I. or do they adjust the damage that is dealt (to both you and the enemies)?

I'd choose Hardcore if this is your first SP play-thru .


flinging feces ---->
HokieJoe said:
I'd choose Hardcore if this is your first SP play-thru .

Yeah, it is. Thanks.

Actually, on second thought, how does the new Gears' "hardcore" compare to the original Gears' "hardcore"?


dirtmonkey37 said:
Yeah, it is. Thanks.

Actually, on second thought, how does the new Gears' "hardcore" compare to the original Gears' "hardcore"?

It's been a while, but IIRC, they're similar. Gears2 may seem a little easier if you've already played Gears.
Played my first game of Gears 2 tonight after a hiatus of a few days. Good stuff. Got two separate triple kills with a single grenade. And not wall tagging crap either.


flinging feces ---->
I miss the high-contrast, tinted look of the original Gears of War. Sure, some of the environments (namely the underground, organic cave and two levels before it in the forest) look gorgeous, but it lacks that sense of atmosphere. Gears 1 had purple, red, orange, green, and gray "screens" it would paste over the image, giving every environment its own, unique look. Here, it appears that Epic's ditched the "tinting" they had in place for the first game.

Also, this new lighting system can look very unrealistic at times. It highlights everything, making sure you see the little details but again, in the process, it loses that dark, gritty, high-contrast Gears of War ambiance. Things just looked better before the excessive "highlighting" they put into the game.

What do you guys think about the new clear lighting Epic has implemented in Gears 2?
dirtmonkey37 said:
I miss the high-contrast, tinted look of the original Gears of War. Sure, some of the environments (namely the underground, organic cave and two levels before it in the forest) look gorgeous, but it lacks that sense of atmosphere. Gears 1 had purple, red, orange, green, and gray "screens" it would paste over the image, giving every environment its own, unique look. Here, it appears that Epic's ditched the "tinting" they had in place for the first game.

Also, this new lighting system can look very unrealistic at times. It highlights everything, making sure you see the little details but again, in the process, it loses that dark, gritty, high-contrast Gears of War ambiance. Things just looked better before the excessive "highlighting" they put into the game.

What do you guys think about the new clear lighting Epic has implemented in Gears 2?

I think as a whole Gears 2 looks a lot more impressive to me than the first game so based
on that I like it quite a bit.


dirtmonkey37 said:
I miss the high-contrast, tinted look of the original Gears of War. Sure, some of the environments (namely the underground, organic cave and two levels before it in the forest) look gorgeous, but it lacks that sense of atmosphere. Gears 1 had purple, red, orange, green, and gray "screens" it would paste over the image, giving every environment its own, unique look. Here, it appears that Epic's ditched the "tinting" they had in place for the first game.

Also, this new lighting system can look very unrealistic at times. It highlights everything, making sure you see the little details but again, in the process, it loses that dark, gritty, high-contrast Gears of War ambiance. Things just looked better before the excessive "highlighting" they put into the game.

What do you guys think about the new clear lighting Epic has implemented in Gears 2?

Not speaking to the lighting specifically, but I think Gears2 looks amazing in some levels. So much stuff going on and still looking quite gorgeous to my eyes.
I just had easily the greatest moment of my short gears career. playing Guardian on Pavilion, I found the enemy leader and two friends camping in the hallway between the magnum/gorgon spawns, adjacent to the riot shield. upping the ante, the leader was wielding said riot shield. I started the smackdown with a perfect smoke grenade, knocking all three on their asses. after downing the leader with a couple quick hammerburst headshots, I proceeded to charge in and beat the shit out of the other two with the butt of my rifle. a few more swings put them all out of their misery. the screen was covered in my name and tons of bloody fists. can you say triple kill?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I've been replaying gears 1 and it really holds up.

I love the gears 1 campaign except the shitty kryll bits, the part from where you get underground and first meet the theron guards on is excellent. (slightly annoying that you must sit through the cutscene again if you take a theron arrow to the face though)

gears 1 feels a lot quicker as well. I might be crazy but I think the lancer runs out of bullets quicker and movement in general is faster.

The graphics i swear look just about the same as well.

EDIT: I swear to god some dick was lagging the game in fucking hoarde mode the other day. We were all bitching that we couldn't move/see and thendying for no reason and this other guy is getting 10 kills with headshots.

it was weird. I mean, why in the hell would you lag a hoarde match?!


CliffyB said:
Alright, that shit was fucking ace once Cole Train popped in. I was laughing at the kid saying "I don't feel so good" but then follows right up by taking another bite.

RSTEIN said:
damn I loled

Cliff... man... even the guy who made this thread has quit playing the game.
Ehh, yeah.. I want to want to play Gears 2 again. But I just lost that feeling a few days ago, once we get a patch and as long as it's a good gameplay-fixer, I'm right back. But right now PoP has got me by the balls so I can "patiently" wait for that patch.


flinging feces ---->
I like the game...a lot :D. I'm only playing single-player right now, but it's an exciting, well-paced, and varied adventure. I'm always doing something new, using a new gun, watching something new explode before me. Definitely the epitome of BIG BUDGET BRUCKHEIMER-ESQUE VIDEO GAME.

I wish enemies didn't take extra hits to kill in the higher difficulties though, and instead, the challenge would derive solely from more aggressive AI.


flinging feces ---->
HokieJoe said:
Not speaking to the lighting specifically, but I think Gears2 looks amazing in some levels. So much stuff going on and still looking quite gorgeous to my eyes.

Absolutely. It's been a couple hours since I made that comment and I've, until now, seen not only a substantial variety of environments, but some visually stunning areas as well. The forest looked amazing, the
Locust cave looked amazing, the organs of the giant, swallowing worm looked amazing, and the rain level looks amazing as well

It's a terrible shame that the first level looks like trash both technically and aesthetically. Everything about it just looks generic, bland, and clunky. I don't understand why the developers would start the game off in one of the worst looking environments in both Gears 1 and Gears 2.

Regardless, the game is holding up nicely.
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