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Gears of War 2 |OT| ...Maria...MARIA!!!


Neo Member
Boycott, schmoycott. I have loads of MS points sitting around and nothing to spend them on. Since I tire of most XBL arcade games quickly, map-packs are the only worthwhile purchase for me. Bring 'em on I say.

I took a quick run around the new maps last night / this morning. Both Fuel Station and Gold Rush have a lot of potential. Level design allows for alot of dashing from cover to cover possibly culminating in some CQC endgame and both have a multi-tier aspect that I like. Flood seemed a little meh", though I haven't experienced the promised ebb and flow of the emulsion level.

For the most part, I play with friends so the matchmaking problems haven't been much of a factor for me. However, I have noticed a recent improvement in game setup speed the few times I used the MM system as of late.
Well I'm definitely downloading the Map Pack trailer:lol But not the map pack itself. I'm still disgusted with the Smoke Grenade spam. It's really ruining the core Gears gameplay for me. And I'm one of those people that played Gears of War multiplayer pretty much from launch, to the release of Gears 2.

Couple Smoke spam fest, with 800 points I currently don't have, with a shitty internet connection from school, and finals week and...I'm definitely not getting this map pack now.
Morph-0 said:
800msp for 3 new locations, now somebody tell me how maps for a broken game are a more worth while purchase than Bionic Commando 800msp, Marble Blast Ultra 400msp. These 3 new maps are a complete rip off Oh but I forgot MS are so greedy they wont even pass on the 2.5% VAT reduction.

Good luck to anyone still playing Gears 2 online, asthma attacks guaranteed.

I agree that releasing these maps so soon and in this manner is a load of bullshit, but you should be aware the VAT reduction is applied when you buy MSPoints - not when you buy games with MS Points.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Finally, after a long 2 months of long hard work, it's vacation time... too bad I only have 2 and a half days to game before I fly out for Xmas... :lol

Just got home and saw that the announcement was new maps - awesome, but come on Geoff - that was some ridiculous hype that went far and beyond MP maps man...

Regardless, since I, and the friends I play with never really have lag, or complain about things that are obviously being worked on to be fixed soon, I'm grabbing the map pack to support Epic...

Just watched the trailer, and it's a must-buy for me especially for the environmental hazards which I always love about Gears - and they even have a map with elevators...


Hey, didn't realize DLC maps were released. Since I've had zero problems playing Horde online, have no interest in PvP whatsover, and Horde is supported in every map by default, sounds like something I can easily support if my other buddies get on board.

I love Horde. This is my GOTY for that single mode.


Llyranor said:
Hey, didn't realize DLC maps were released. Since I've had zero problems playing Horde online, have no interest in PvP whatsover, and Horde is supported in every map by default, sounds like something I can easily support if my other buddies get on board.

I love Horde. This is my GOTY for that single mode.

I wish I had more friends like you. They always want to play versus, but I can't stand waiting 10min for a match. Horde is so much more fun since we can actually strategize and there's more variation with the different enemies.


My group of buddies ONLY play Horde and love it. We've never even touched PvP (though I know one of them plays Wingman in secret, the traitor).


Has anyone on GAF actually played on the maps/can give us an impression on whether or not they suck, or is everyone too butthurt to buy them?
Frester said:
Has anyone on GAF actually played on the maps/can give us an impression on whether or not they suck, or is everyone too butthurt to buy them?

Good point...I haven't seen anyone mention that they played the maps. I am going to download the trailer for them though:lol
GuessWho said:
this is ridiculous. I hope no one buys this shit.

It's funny how little people would be saying this if Epic and Microsoft had just freaking released a patch before they released the maps...

Fuck you Microsoft.

Feeling that way today. First them give the RE5 demo to Japan exclusively, and now this...Sucks.


I ask because the map trailer doesn't really show you shit. I didn't like the free Gears 1 maps, but the 4 I actually paid for were great (except Bullet Marsh). Might be a moot point as far as I'm concerned since I'll be abroad next semester and won't be able to play.
You know what makes me sad...I just watch the Combustion Map Pack trailer. And I was reminded by it of how much I do love the Gears gameplay at it's core. I am saddened by how far online matches are from what that core gameplay is supposed to be. It's just Smoke Spams, and a Shotgun Fest. I want to love you Gears of War 2, but...Right now, you're not ready.
Mixed reception of the maps as far as I can tell. Personally haven't played them but from what I hear...

Gold Rush: Good all around map
Flood: Bad
Fuel Station: Mostly flawed...but some potential.

Overall pretty I haven't talked to anyone who actually feels like it was worth it.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
I'm ready to start seeing gears 2 again, will probably spend some quality time together every night.

anyone interested in joining in, gamertag = kaizoku7

I don't want to buy the maps, cos I think they're crazy overpriced, but will probably experience a moment of weakness as I'm huddled up with the bitch.

Horde, pvp, co-op campaign run through on insane, I'm up for whatever.


Skilotonn said:
Yes, that's my room, and I sound as nerdy as that, because the first console I started with, the only console I own right now, and will ever own, is an Xbox 360.


Holy shit :lol :lol

Love the built in mini fridge though. :D
800msp for 3 maps is steep no matter how it looks, lost planet had it's map packs at 400msp each and it was a lovely price for 3 or so maps per pack. The thing that really makes it bad though is that online is still riddled with glitches and item abuses that are yet to be fixed, the map pack should have waited more then a month before being released.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
whitehawk said:
Holy shit :lol :lol

Love the built in mini fridge though. :D

Built-in mini-fridge? Now I have to finish watching the video!

Oh and _dementia, I hope you didn't take my response as an insult - I just read it again, and even with the smiley it sounded a bit harsh - my bad...


Felium Defensor
800 Points for 3 maps? :lol
No sale unless you make this shit free. Don't care if I have to wait, maybe by that time the fucking thing is patched anyway.


Neo Member
I think it's safe to assume that if the vs. is not living up to your expectations and you're already miffed that they're charging for content this early on, the maps will disappoint you. On the other hand, if you're currently enjoying the game, 800 pts isn't much to expand the map selection.

If I remember correctly, Cliff B. was wishy washy whether Gears2 would ship with 10 or more maps. It was always "at least 10" in interviews. My guess is these are the others that didn't quite make launch. Whether this means they should be free I'll leave for others to debate.

I've played a few rounds on all of them. Horde seems especially fun (if a bit easy) from the rooftop of the gas station. Fuel Station and Gold Rush have smaller bits of cover placed fairly close together which feels a little different than a lot of the other maps. There are also some tight alleys and passageways that could present some opportunity for old-school shotgun battles. As mentioned earlier, Flood feels lame so far.

They seem polished and as solid as any other map out there (i.e. not rushed and buggy) but only time will tell.

For the record, I agree that Smoke Grenade spam is a blight on the game play and should be tweaked or removed.


New maps are pretty solid. Gold Rush is definitely the best out of the three. The whole vertical fighting aspect is great and it feels very unique for Gears.

Flood is decent, it's pretty damn big but shrinks like a motherfucker when that Immulsion starts creeping up towards you, and I do like the fact that the map is seemingly all connected so you don't have to run through the middle just to get to the other side (aka, hello there flanking opportunities), instead you can run around the edge of the map (unless it's begun to flood).

Fuel Station is one that's definitely a diamond in the rough, it seems like a map that will pick up in a week or two when people begin to get a good groove in how to play it. I would have liked a sniper on the roof as opposed to a Scorcher because it's the obvious choice, but I think it would have been far too easy to pick people off if there was one on the map so good choice on not adding one.

I'd say they were worth the $10, but I'm guessing not many people in here would agree since Epic haven't managed to pull this massive patch magically out of their ass that everyone's wanting. Hopefully some more of you pick these up once a patch does hit though.

Gig said:
Campaign then?
You're doing it wrong.
Aladuf said:
I'd say they were worth the $10, but I'm guessing not many people in here would agree since Epic haven't managed to pull this massive patch magically out of their ass that everyone's wanting.

All I really need to be intrigued to come back is for Smokes to disappear. Completely. Don't spawn players with them in ranked games. Ever. It wouldn't require a gigantic patch. Does the netcode need to be worked on? Absolutely, but just changing that one little aspect would get me playing again. I can look past some lag here and there every once in a while, every game has it's lag-related growing pains.


I personally like flood and gold rush. fuel station isn't so hot. Its too uneven. One team spawns at the roof top. It should be an equal rush to the top.


ToyMachine228 said:
All I really need to be intrigued to come back is for Smokes to disappear. Completely. Don't spawn players with them in ranked games. Ever. It wouldn't require a gigantic patch. Does the netcode need to be worked on? Absolutely, but just changing that one little aspect would get me playing again. I can look past some lag here and there every once in a while, every game has it's lag-related growing pains.
Did you ever play Wingman regularly? Wingman is like a whole different Gears thing on its own. Teams never use the Mortar/Mulcher on the maps (except Avalanche) and smokes are never whored like that since for you it's 2 vs. 8 and nobody can afford to slow down and do these things because it'll get them killed right away.

Smokes don't bother me when they're actually used strategically but they do bother me when you're playing Execution or something and people just spam 10 smokes into one area all at once. And it frustrated me last night when the few of us were messing around with the new maps and we got Submission one match and the fact that every person respawns with a smoke grenade is so fucking dumb. I can not figure out how anybody can successfully transfer the meatflag over to their area when you get smoked every time you have the flag and then once you stand back up the flag/stranded is already up before you and just blows you the fuck away with his shotty.
ToyMachine228 said:
All I really need to be intrigued to come back is for Smokes to disappear. Completely. Don't spawn players with them in ranked games. Ever. It wouldn't require a gigantic patch. Does the netcode need to be worked on? Absolutely, but just changing that one little aspect would get me playing again. I can look past some lag here and there every once in a while, every game has it's lag-related growing pains.
This, along with people wanting the shotgun to be a power weapon will be something that just won't happen.


If people were a bit more careful and aware of there surroundings, smoke grenades wouldn't be a problem. You guys have some serious issues with adapting.
Aladuf said:
Smokes don't bother me when they're actually used strategically but they do bother me when you're playing Execution or something and people just spam 10 smokes into one area all at once.

My roommate and I play a lot of respawn game-types together. Annex, King of the Hill etc. And those gametypes are ruined by Smokes. The "annex point" is constantly exploding into a smoke-filled mess.


Baker said:
Don't forget Pavilion!
Pavilion has never given us too many issues with that. Nobody can touch the Mulcher on that map, and the Mortar spawn is opened up to both teams from the start so it's just a big fight down there that usually doesn't end up with the winner taking Mortar. That's just my experience with Wingman on Pavilion though, and tbh, it doesn't come up a lot in matchmaking so maybe it's different for others.
I'm surprised people actually play wingman.

Actually I'm surprised that people play anything other than Warzone/Execution. The game is clearly NOT balanced for anything else. Hell I'd even argue that the game isn't balanced for execution either...just Warzone.

DarK SouL

jdub03 said:
If people were a bit more careful and aware of there surroundings, smoke grenades wouldn't be a problem. You guys have some serious issues with adapting.


I think smoke/stun grenades bring a little more strategy to the game and so far for me they have not been a problem, they can be avoided easily if you can guess when they are going to be used.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
jdub03 said:
If people were a bit more careful and aware of there surroundings, smoke grenades wouldn't be a problem. You guys have some serious issues with adapting.

Damn straight man... if only I could shake your hand...

Ken Masters said:
......and this is why these boycotts for this shit map packs never work

Don't stop there, take it to the next level and start a petition!

For crying out loud... you'd think Epic did absolutely nothing and denied any existence of problems with the game...


LMAO @ the people defending Gears 2 mp...the smoke/frag grenade wall tagging wouldn't be such a problem if the bullet lag wasn't so horrible, the pathetic netcode is the biggest problem with the game.

Also what's with the size of the map pack? it's only 78mb when the first map pack for the Gears 1 was 99mb and that was 2 maps...


Dark FaZe said:
I'm surprised people actually play wingman.

Actually I'm surprised that people play anything other than Warzone/Execution. The game is clearly NOT balanced for anything else. Hell I'd even argue that the game isn't balanced for execution either...just Warzone.
Wingman is the best thing Gears 2 has going for it, imo. Spawns are pretty evenly done too, each team rotates around and only once will have the prime spot for a good power weapon.
Feindflug said:
Also what's with the size of the map pack? it's only 78mb when the first map pack for the Gears 1 was 99mb and that was 2 maps...
unlock code confirmed?

but seriously, probably better compression


Feindflug said:
LMAO @ the people defending Gears 2 mp...the smoke/frag grenade wall tagging wouldn't be such a problem if the bullet lag wasn't so horrible, the pathetic netcode is the biggest problem with the game.
There seem to be a selection of people who actually have good games in terms of lag. Before my Xbox broke, I was in the same situtation as well. In some games, the connection was actually so good that I thought I was the host, untill I did the blindire shotgun test to see that its still affecting me.


Feindflug said:
LMAO @ the people defending Gears 2 mp...the smoke/frag grenade wall tagging wouldn't be such a problem if the bullet lag wasn't so horrible, the pathetic netcode is the biggest problem with the game.
What does grenade tagging have to do with lag? And I still don't know what 1995 internet connection people are using if they have such unbearable lag in every match they play.

Feindflug said:
Also what's with the size of the map pack? it's only 78mb when the first map pack for the Gears 1 was 99mb and that was 2 maps...
And I have no clue what point you're trying to make here. _dementia said it, better compression most likely.
Feindflug said:
Also what's with the size of the map pack? it's only 78mb when the first map pack for the Gears 1 was 99mb and that was 2 maps...

and the flashback map pack is five maps @ 116mb

so i would assume as others have said that they're using better compression
jdub03 said:
If people were a bit more careful and aware of there surroundings, smoke grenades wouldn't be a problem. You guys have some serious issues with adapting.

OK, I change my petition...Take Smoke Grenades out of RESPAWN game-types. How's that? In Warzone and Execution I don't mind them as much anyway. Don't call me out for being a shitty player when I don't like an aspect of the gameplay in a certain gametype.


WickedLaharl said:
the flashback map pack is five maps
He was talking about the original Gears 1 map pack. But also, the flashback map pack was about 120 mb as opposed to Gears 1's second map pack with was about 450 mb.. which was only 4 maps LOL @ EPIC amirite?!?!

oic, you edited.
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