:lol i love the gibs in this game.RSTEIN said:And boom goes the dynamite:
Full Recovery said:Just convince them that halo is amazing and that it would be crazy fun if you all played halo online some. Then they'll most likely rebuy it.
Give it about 2 weeks, maybe 1 if they're bored.
Mistakes were made, repeated, and made again. Admittedly. Such is life.Full Recovery said:Just convince them that halo is amazing and that it would be crazy fun if you all played halo online some. Then they'll most likely rebuy it.
Give it about 2 weeks, maybe 1 if they're bored.
And adding to this.Full Recovery said:Just convince them that halo is amazing and that it would be crazy fun if you all played halo online some. Then they'll most likely rebuy it.
Give it about 2 weeks, maybe 1 if they're bored.
What mistake?Legs said:Mistakes were made, repeated, and made again. Admittedly. Such is life.
I am not sure that playing a martyr is better.
I have spread sheet set up for this.Full Refractory said:What mistake?
Sounds detailed.Sharpknees said:I have spread sheet set up for this.
Currently compiling revised and expanded report in time for annual review. It is amazing what the depths of procrastination can give life to.Flame Raven said:Sounds detailed.
Aladuf said:Yeah, I've felt kinda shitty seeing you join the party and then leave right away these past couple of nights because you see there's 5 people. The rooms have actually been (too) full lately as opposed to how it usually is with not enough people. Thing is, I'm pretty sure there's a few of us who pretty much hate Private matches so that's why we've stuck to Public.
We need you back in our matches badly, I guess we can do Private if it's too full tonight or we can *hopefully* just have 5 when we start up.
zedge said:Are the new maps worth the 800 points?
DevelopmentArrested said:who the fuck knows they're not up yet.
It depends on if you like all sorts of gametypes in Gears. The DLC playlist isn't split up into any separate gametypes (like elimination and territories) so you'll most likely be playing a cocktail of all gametypes while in there. The maps themselves are pretty damn good though, some of us played in the DLC playlist tonight and had a good time.zedge said:Are the new maps worth the 800 points?
Who is taking your place now? LOL. Pretty effed up. I haven't played since KZ 2's release (currently playing RE 5). I'll go back to Gears 2 MP to check out the T3 update, but I hate private matches too. For one, everyone likes to stay in a party (which fucks up private matches) and I'd rather kill with you than get killed BY you (Thirdengine why you are so good at games?)NubCakes09 said:Yeah, hopefully you noobs can stop hating on the private matches, cause once TU3 is out, there's gonna (hopefully) be a ton of people on.
Gears 1: All bullets come from the center of the screen.Aladuf said:Played some Gears 1 for a bit again this morning and I am the complete opposite with blindfiring in both games. In Gears 1, I can blindfire a dudes head off with the sniper without much problem but can't even get close to hitting with the Torque. In Gears 2, I can't ever pull off a sniper blindfire but always get the blindfire Torques. I wonder what it is that makes them feel so different between the games.
I held off on joining any Fuel Depot matches because I want the new version to seem nice and fresh to me but I wonder when we might be getting to see some real previews of the Snowblind maps before they come out? I want to see these sum bitches.
Nobody is really taking his place per say, just lots of people that we used to play with are all joining up together again so it's constantly way more full than it has been for a while. I agree too, staying in a party chat during Private matches is terrible, that's something I keep trying to get us to stop doing but it doesn't seem to go over too well. I've been pleading for us to cut down on doing the party chats in Ranked games too because it's fun to talk shit with some chump ass named "zXz BeAStG0d69 zXz" when we kick his teams collective ass.JB1981 said:Who is taking your place now? LOL. Pretty effed up. I haven't played since KZ 2's release (currently playing RE 5). I'll go back to Gears 2 MP to check out the T3 update, but I hate private matches too. For one, everyone likes to stay in a party (which fucks up private matches) and I'd rather kill with you than get killed BY you (Thirdengine why you are so good at games?)
You guys dropped KZ 2 pretty friggin' fast, btw :lol
JB1981 said:Who is taking your place now? LOL. Pretty effed up. I haven't played since KZ 2's release (currently playing RE 5). I'll go back to Gears 2 MP to check out the T3 update, but I hate private matches too. For one, everyone likes to stay in a party (which fucks up private matches) and I'd rather kill with you than get killed BY you (Thirdengine why you are so good at games?)
You guys dropped KZ 2 pretty friggin' fast, btw :lol
Aladuf said:but then he pops some ridiculous headshot with the sniper and doesn't say a word.
Well, it's not really about smack talking anyone, what I mean is like, I'll get some blindfire Torque headshot and I kinda just go "whoa! hell yeah" or something and he does his business with the sniper rifle and... doesn't react. It's just because it's nothing to him, he faces no challenges anymore! :lolPedroLumpy said:Most smack talkers are full of shit. Those who are truly awesome just let their action speak for them, no words are needed.
Much respect to all the non-smack talkers out there.
Aladuf said:Well, it's not really about smack talking anyone, what I mean is like, I'll get some blindfire Torque headshot and I kinda just go "whoa! hell yeah" or something and he does his business with the sniper rifle and... doesn't react. It's just because it's nothing to him, he faces no challenges anymore! :lol
Aladuf said:Well, it's not really about smack talking anyone, what I mean is like, I'll get some blindfire Torque headshot and I kinda just go "whoa! hell yeah" or something and he does his business with the sniper rifle and... doesn't react. It's just because it's nothing to him, he faces no challenges anymore! :lol
NubCakes09 said:Same bad time, same bad place tonight?
Nah, I gotcha. I knew you didn't mean anything like that. I remember playing with you too, I think you were on Third's friends list.. are you still playing Gears?PedroLumpy said:I certainly didn't mean to imply any sort of negative behavior on your part one way or another. I only played a couple games with ya, I had no complaints.
:lolRSTEIN said:Dude when I successfully two-piece I give a fist pump to myself and do a little jig in my living room. When Third takes down an entire team 1 vs. 5 it's just another boring day at the office.
Yeah, if your "brother" isn't too busy playing BF:BC all night.NubCakes09 said:Same bad time, same bad place tonight?
Whatever you want to do, man. They were damn fun to play last night though.RSTEIN said:I could just buy them now... was hoping for maybe a deal to be announced.
i had no idea that Epic tracked that stuff on their site. I just checked it out...pretty impressive stat tracking.Aladuf said:Whatever you want to do, man. They were damn fun to play last night though.
In the meantime, maybe you're not so bad at Gears..
Fuck you and your principles.JB1981 said:I was pretty annoyed with the state of the multiplayer when the Combustible Map Pack was released, so no, I don't have it.
Aladuf said:Nah, I gotcha. I knew you didn't mean anything like that. I remember playing with you too, I think you were on Third's friends list.. are you still playing Gears?
Aladuf said:Shit, guys.. you all have good K/D's. Mine is right on 1.00, I think this is because I'm such a suicide player. I have the mentality of if I run into 5 people and come out of it with 1 kill and die in the process, then it's all good. Or, probably, I just suck at this game... actually, I'm just gonna go with that.
Aladuf said:Shit, guys.. you all have good K/D's. Mine is right on 1.00, I think this is because I'm such a suicide player. I have the mentality of if I run into 5 people and come out of it with 1 kill and die in the process, then it's all good. Or, probably, I just suck at this game... actually, I'm just gonna go with that.
cold bloodedh3ro said:Or you're just a douche.
Fuck that, nobody can stalk people like you do in Gears.birdman said:lrn2stalk
birdman said:lrn2stalk