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Gears of War 2 |OT| ...Maria...MARIA!!!

Shins said:
I like being able to vote. In Warzone/Execution, we could influence the vote enough to get Execution easily.

Playing after Lost tonight, guys? Let's schedule this shit up. Also, I had a turkey sandwich for lunch today. It was great! And I broke up with my boyfriend.

I hope this post passes muster, because otherwise I'm at the end of my rope.
Season 3 finale last night was insane.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Why is it that the Lancer and HB's bullets come out instantly when you shoot, but the Shotgun has the delay? Is there any sense to that at all?


Domino Theory said:
Why is it that the Lancer and HB's bullets come out instantly when you shoot, but the Shotgun has the delay? Is there any sense to that at all?
Different hit detection.

Lancer and HB bullets come out CSHD only when they hit objects in the map. They go HSHD when they "supposedly" hit an enemy and you see blood.

Shotgun was always HSHD, but I'm not sure how that has changed after TU2.


Full Recovery said:
Shotgun was always HSHD, but I'm not sure how that has changed after TU2.
IIRC, they said that was a combination of HSHD and CSHD.

Personally after the TU2 there was a great improvement, but still the shotgun has inconsistencies.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Full Recovery said:
Different hit detection.

Lancer and HB bullets come out CSHD only when they hit objects in the map. They go HSHD when they "supposedly" hit an enemy and you see blood.

Shotgun was always HSHD, but I'm not sure how that has changed after TU2.

So dumb. Just make all weapons CSHD. None of the "this and that" dogsnot.

The ideas underlying how Gears MP should and could be played is so well thought up and sounds amazing, but when executed it's just so poorly done because of the horrible netcode. People can have better online experiences on a Dreamcast.

Hopefully TU4 (if there is one) is devoted exclusively to removing the mortar and tweaking the netcode. It's so weird that subtle lag-related issues such as constant skipping when roading running and walking around (which I never noticed in Gears 1) can happen. :(


Domino Theory said:
Hopefully TU4 (if there is one) is devoted exclusively to removing the mortar and tweaking the netcode. It's so weird that subtle lag-related issues such as constant skipping when roading running and walking around (which I never noticed in Gears 1) can happen. :(
I hope that they can tweak it without another TU.

They said that they implemented some tools for allowing them to tweak things server side, but they didn't gave more detail about it AFAIK.


Comics, serious business!
Alright, I had the pleasure of experience both the new chainsaw and mortar glitches in one match! On River, I ran up to a guy using mortar, hoping to chainsaw the mofo in two. Then... WTF? I was dancing around with my chainsaw up in the air! I couldn't do anything for the rest of the round.

Next round I went to the mortar. Hit LT to aim... nope... insta shoots it from the hip, bounces off the van, and knocks me over :lol


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Zezboob said:
You are totally right, I should have the option to play Gears as it should be played. And be sure the day it happens I would not complain about it here. But reality is different, that's sad and you should remove Cliff dick from your mouth.

(thanks for your concern about my life, but on a gaming board, I speak (here, complain) about gaming stuff, one day you will understand that makes sense)

You are one bitter little man - the "Cliff dick in mouth" comment was classy too...

Defending the undefendable huh - I'll continue to enjoy the game just fine while you continue to assume that I and others have something to gain by talking about a game they enjoy - probably why discussions that are actually about the game hardly go down in here anymore...

JB1981 said:
Dude do you know who you're talking to? It's skiloton. He will never say anything bad about any 360 game. Ever.

Yup, me having a good experience like others in this thread and not being a whiny little bitch means everything is automatically good on every 360 game ever - you should all buddy up in the Assumption Club or something...


Skilotonn said:
You are one bitter little man - the "Cliff dick in mouth" comment was classy too...

Defending the undefendable huh - I'll continue to enjoy the game just fine while you continue to assume that I and others have something to gain by talking about a game they enjoy - probably why discussions that are actually about the game hardly go down in here anymore...
The big difference between you and me it's that I am not always coming complaining about guys who are having fun on Gears 2 or trying to say that people are wrong to enjoy the game.
The difference between critics and praises, it's critics leads to improvements. And you probably would not get the TU3 you like that much without all those "whiny little bitch".
And guess who is wasting more time in his life, the one who keeps praising forever a game instead of playing it or the guy who bitch about it because he can't play it ?
You said back then that people should stop complaining about it and just giving Epic some time... man, it's been 5 months since the game has been released !! THAT'S FIVE MOTHERFUCKERS !

But I already explained it to you, you're just hopeless.

And stop crying about my "classy" comment, I wouldn't said that if you were not always on my back. Talking about having a life eh, just play Gears2 since you're lucky.


NubCakes09 said:
Seconded, the shotgun is so fucked up now.

I consider myself pretty good at multiplayer games in general. I was also fairly good at the original Gears. I am so horrible at this game. If I play with you guys, I play pretty decently but I cannot play with randoms. Every game I get like 1 fucking kill and the other team just DESTROYS me. I just got done playing a game of Annex (big fucking mistake) and I just got WASTED by the other team. If I have to pull out my shotgun - the shit is just over, I will never take someone down. Ever. I just got owned. I can't imagine it's because the other players are THAT much better than I am, but maybe they are ... maybe it's lag ... maybe i just fucking SUCK w/ the shotgun. I really don't care anymore. The game is so fucking frustrating. Think I'm going back to Killzone 2 ... or just sticking with single player games ....
JB1981 said:
I consider myself pretty good at multiplayer games in general. I was also fairly good at the original Gears. I am so horrible at this game. If I play with you guys, I play pretty decently but I cannot play with randoms. Every game I get like 1 fucking kill and the other team just DESTROYS me. I just got done playing a game of Annex (big fucking mistake) and I just got WASTED by the other team. If I have to pull out my shotgun - the shit is just over, I will never take someone down. Ever. I just got owned. I can't imagine it's because the other players are THAT much better than I am, but maybe they are ... maybe it's lag ... maybe i just fucking SUCK w/ the shotgun. I really don't care anymore. The game is so fucking frustrating. Think I'm going back to Killzone 2 ... or just sticking with single player games ....

Before the update, I considered myself pretty good at Gears, I would win a good portion of my shotgun battles and usually have a positive kill death ration. Since that fucking update came out, I barely get any kills, and the ones I do get, I get by complete luck. I can pop two shots into a guy while aiming, and he can hip-fire once and I get killed. This has happened so many times, and its so fucking frustrating.

I hope to God I can figure this shit out.
Dang it looks like pretty even down the middle right now in terms of you people liking the update or hating it. Now I kind of regret double dipping (ebay at least $35). Well I guess it's too late now, I hope I like TU 3.
It's safe to say that TU3 has brought us some new issues.

  • Smoke grenades sending people flying all over the place instead of just knocking them down
  • The Mortar glitching out and just blowing up in your hands despite clearly loading it up
  • Randomly going gunless only to go DBNO and pop back up with a gun in your hand like nothing happened
  • An issue where when you are DBNO, you're walking around like normal on your screen but still down to everyone else
  • A weird graphical glitch on Day One where the video colors go wild
  • An XP bug where you get docked 1,500 points even though you quit out of no games

Anyone got anything else they've seen?


Notice to all GAF Gears 2 players: if you're not in the Aladuf-Renwood Gangbang 5-player club, screw you!

All I want to do is have some fun games with GAF people, but I can't even do that because everyone is being huge dicks about private matches and "5 players ololol." What makes Gears 2 fun is playing WITH you guys. You people booting me out just because I kicked you over the 5-player limit really pissed me off.
Flunkie said:
Notice to all GAF Gears 2 players: if you're not in the Aladuf-Renwood Gangbang 5-player club, screw you!

All I want to do is have some fun games with GAF people, but I can't even do that because everyone is being huge dicks about private matches and "5 players ololol." What makes Gears 2 fun is playing WITH you guys. You people booting me out just because I kicked you over the 5-player limit really pissed me off.
yeah they're buttholes i think i de-friended them when they pulled that shit on me
I've been owning all day with the shotgun today. It feels so much better since the update, like it actually rewards you for aiming instead of blind firing,but blind firing from behind cover has yielded me great results as well.
Yeah, TU3 has totally fucked up Smoke grenades. I got hit with a smoke grenade at the boomshot spawn on River and the blast pushed me UP AND THROUGH the bridge and I landed on the bridge.

Stupid bullshit.


AnEternalEnigma said:
Yeah, TU3 has totally fucked up Smoke grenades. I got hit with a smoke grenade at the boomshot spawn on River and the blast pushed me UP AND THROUGH the bridge and I landed on the bridge.

Stupid bullshit.

This has been happening since the game came out.


Someone's a little angry about the other night when Renwood booted him. Once again someone gets the shaft from another person and I'm getting all the rage-messages. If you want to play with GAF, then play with GAF. There's tons of people on here, there's not just me and this little group.

We don't like Private matches, that's been made perfectly clear in here.


Aladuf said:
Someone's a little angry about the other night when Renwood booted him. Once again someone gets the shaft from another person and I'm getting all the rage-messages. If you want to play with GAF, then play with GAF. There's tons of people on here, there's not just me and this little group.

We don't like Private matches, that's been made perfectly clear in here.
I like to play with GAF. Not Elite 5 People Only GAF.

And you mean "we" as in your 5-buddy circle jerk? Not everyone feels the exact same was as you do.

I'm also so glad I can't see Renwood's posts anymore. It's refreshing.


Full Recovery said:
So how is Gears 2 guys?
Win some, lose some. The alterations to the playlist are nice since a party of like minds can more or less force a specific choice. A lot less unwanted Submissions or Warzone. Its still not as good as just single-mode playlists, but it's better now.


Flunkie said:
I like to play with GAF. Not Elite 5 People Only GAF.

And you mean "we" as in your 5-buddy circle jerk? Not everyone feels the exact same was as you do.

I'm also so glad I can't see Renwood's posts anymore. It's refreshing.
Are you kidding me? You play with us all the time. You just think that you've got some free pass to get into our games despite if we're full or not. You're always part of the "circle-jerk", and now you're all bitchy because our party is full one time? Get over yourself.

There's tons of people in this thread who play, go find one of them, they're on your friends list!


Aladuf said:
Are you kidding me? You play with us all the time. You just think that you've got some free pass to get into our games despite if we're full or not. You're always part of the "circle-jerk", and now you're all bitchy because our party is full one time? Get over yourself.

There's tons of people in this thread who play, go find one of them, they're on your friends list!
I played with you guys because you were the only people who I had on my friends list who played Gears. I would love to play with more than just 4 other people at a time, in a party, having FUN. Private matches would eliminate standby-ing (which I got in two of my six full matches tonight), and most of the lag that come with public matches.

It's bullshit that you feel the need to segregate the community here.


Flunkie said:
It's bullshit that you feel the need to segregate the community here.
I don't fucking host games, I don't host lobbies. I play with about 15 different people on here all the time in Ranked matches. I don't segregate shit, stop acting like I do. I have no influence on anything anybody here does so shut the fuck up.


Flunkie said:
I played with you guys because you were the only people who I had on my friends list who played Gears. I would love to play with more than just 4 other people at a time, in a party, having FUN. Private matches would eliminate standby-ing (which I got in two of my six full matches tonight), and most of the lag that come with public matches.

It's bullshit that you feel the need to segregate the community here.
Wow. I'm a third party in this situation, but it sounds like you need to move on.

These guys obviously like playing ranked matches (I'm the same way), that doesn't mean they're trying to "segregate the community here".


Aladuf said:
I don't fucking host games, I don't host lobbies. I play with about 15 different people on here all the time in Ranked matches. I don't segregate shit, stop acting like I do. I have no influence on anything anybody here does so shut the fuck up.
You have no influence? Wow. You're the main one shitting private matches and refuse to play it anymore. People obviously like to play with you. You made this thread, you are Mr. Bigshot Gears around here, and people listen to you. You are THE biggest influence around here.

I asked you to play tonight, point blank, and you responded, "5 ppl."

Don't tell me that this is not segregation:

-5 people are playing
-more people want to play
-you/your party says no
-those people have to play with someone that is not you

It would be different if the total number of people you could have playing at one given time was 5, but since there's obviously more room and opportunity to have fun with your fellow GAFfers, it makes it a big deal.

I don't care what you have to say in response.


someone's waking up tomorrow morning with slashed tires

(neutral) Flunkie
Aladuf's Personal Stalker
(Today, 12:33 AM)
Reply | Quote


Do people actually care what I have to say because I made one thread on NeoGAF, honestly?

You've obviously wanted to segregate yourself, man. Renwood boots you and then you delete me from your friends list. If we're the only ones you played with before, then have fun playing with nobody now.

Four of us are playing together now, wanna join?


Aladuf said:
Do people actually care what I have to say because I made one thread on NeoGAF, honestly?

You've obviously wanted to segregate yourself, man. Renwood boots you and then you delete me from your friends list. If we're the only ones you played with before, then have fun playing with nobody now.

Four of us are playing together now, wanna join?


Aladuf said:
Do people actually care what I have to say because I made one thread on NeoGAF, honestly?

You've obviously wanted to segregate yourself, man. Renwood boots you and then you delete me from your friends list. If we're the only ones you played with before, then have fun playing with nobody now.

Four of us are playing together now, wanna join?

I for one couldn't care less.

Unless it's about Burnout Paradise.

Flunkie said:

Hmm... me thinks Aladouche is being an enabler in this case...


Speaking of Gears 2 breaking people up, my cousin who plays a ton of Gears 2 loves to hit "Invite all" rather than individually picking who he wants to invite. The first few times I did that, I thought he was just sending me invites, but when I accept, I never end up joining cause he was in the middle of matchmaking.

But he kept doing it over and over, day after day. One of the other people on my friends list deleted him cause he was getting tired of the Gears 2 invite spams. Just earlier, I actually blocked communications from my own cousin cause I was getting tired of the damn invite spams. :lol
I've got too many people or nt enough people on at all times it seems. Can't ever get a full game going without someone from one of my various groups getting left out. Guess it'll even back out once the initial patch buzz has worn off.


Comics, serious business!
I'm going to stay out of this one :lol

All I will say is this: I hate private matches. As much as I like playing with people from GAF, I'd rather go on my own to play public matches than play private. It's nothing personal; private matches just don't do it for me.

I usually log on at 10:00 EST. First thing I do is hit LB to see who's on. Knowing that Aladuf probably has at least 3 people playing with him, I'll join his party. Sometimes there is space, sometimes there is not. If there's space, I join. If not, I go out on my own or try to join with some other GAF people. Due to the spike after the patch, there are more people on. If Duf doesn't have room, then that's the way it works. I don't expect him to boot someone out for my sake. Likewise, if Aladuf or Third joined a party and we had five there is no way in hell we'd ask someone to leave. There is no "in group" or whatever. If you have five then that's it, no more room.


RSTEIN said:
I'm going to stay out of this one :lol

All I will say is this: I hate private matches. As much as I like playing with people from GAF, I'd rather go on my own to play public matches than play private. It's nothing personal; private matches just don't do it for me.

I usually log on at 10:00 EST. First thing I do is hit LB to see who's on. Knowing that Aladuf probably has at least 3 people playing with him, I'll join his party. Sometimes there is space, sometimes there is not. If there's space, I join. If not, I go out on my own or try to join with some other GAF people. Due to the spike after the patch, there are more people on. If Duf doesn't have room, then that's the way it works. I don't expect him to boot someone out for my sake. Likewise, if Aladuf or Third joined a party and we had five there is no way in hell we'd ask someone to leave. There is no "in group" or whatever. If you have five then that's it, no more room.

Srsly. I play pretty sporadically with the new baby, and sometimes only for an hour. If it's full, I don't take it personally and join up another match with more neogaf people or on my own. Thankfully, the bots from TU3 mitigates the effect of random asshats dropping out from my team, so it's all good :D

EDIT: In fact, maybe the gamertag cycle should be done again for new players returning for TU3 . Anyone who needs an extra Gaffer, please feel free to add me: CidDelNorte. I pull my weight with the hammerburst, won't steal kills, and promise not to slash your tires in the morning :p
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