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Gears of War 2 |OT| ...Maria...MARIA!!!


Anyone have any information on getting back your rank in gears of war? I signed on today and was rank 1 instead of 49 without my 60,000+kills


Little question : is there any way to retrieve the screenshots directly from the hard drive ?
USB key, windows media center, another software ? The publication process on the official site is really not practical.

Some months ago, I did a copy of some screenshots to a usb key. But now you can't do that, since the screens are labeled as game saves.

Any help would be appreciated.


Coldsnap said:
Yeah. After poking around online I guess there is not way.
Oh well.. Its just a game but I'm not gonna lie I'm a bit upset.

It's said if that happens not to play any games online and just keep resetting the game, if you play a game with that rank, it will be stuck there.


Ok, critical post incoming. I will preface this with me saying I really want some sort of response from Cliff to try and explain some of Gears 2's design decisions. They baffle me.

Firstly, in numerous interviews post launch Rod Ferguson and Cliff declared that they were altering significant parts of the gameplay to meet their original vision with the title. Pre launch none of us fans understood just how drastic these changes would be which lead to a post launch sting as Gears 2 multiplayer was an absolute disaster. The game suffered from not only terrible design decisions which contradicted what the fans wanted from the sequel but also became a swimming pool of online problems from severe latency issues which still plague the game just like the previous installment and matchmaking issues which prevented fans from playing the game, despite fans not actually wanting the matchmaking system in the first place after Gears 1's freedom of choice system.

Many players played the previous game with first to 19 rounds on small maps, this focused on Gears close quarters combat and tight movement and cover mechanic. The feeling of mantling round cover to charge an unsuspected enemy with a shotgun spread to the torso which ripped them in two was unmatched. Ranged combat was still present in the game with the Boomshot and the Sniper rifle which were fan favourites and provided the game with enough depth to remain fresh.

The "sequel" changed all this with the first initial disgusting design decision. Cripple the players list of movements. Not only was the game pace slowed to the point where movement became a chore, characters now couldn't fire as soon as the player pressed the trigger. When coming out of cover it takes roughly a second for the character to lift the shotgun into a firing position. An archaic decision which causes players to frustratingly die to the games devolved design. This change to the fundamental design of the shotgun alienated the fans from the game as everything they did in Gears 1 didn't work in the "sequel". Combine this with the games fundamental latency issues and the game becomes a chore.

Why can you afford to provide servers for UT3 when you can't provide servers for your flagship franchise which has surpassed UT as the game that EPIC made from a public point of view. Especially when it seems Gears 2 wasn't a particularly expensive game to make considering your estimated knowledge of what sort of return you would make.

You guys made the claim that everbody was shotgunning and that was not your original design decision, well it turns out you made a better game than the one you intended to make, you should treat that as a positive not a negative. Gears 1 is not some unwanted child, many people loved it, moreso than the "sequel". Why is it that people pick up other weapons such as the Sniper Rifle and the Boomshot but don't wish to swap their shotgun for a Lancer? Because the Lancer isn't a cool weapon to use. The shotgun blew off limbs, the Sniper exploded heads, the Boomshot caused a vertical explosion of body parts when it even skimmed the slightest of players and grenades caused players to disintegrate into a plethora of chunks. What does the Lancer do apart from cause instant death to whoever happens to be sucked into its unnatural radius, fuck all. It is an unrewarding weapon when fired. Hell, even the pistol could pop a head every now and then. Why did people tolerate these power weapons of instant body destruction?

Because they can be fucking countered. Shotgun fights were intense and close. Unlike the "sequel" where bullets don't appear and players are too fat to evade. This lack of agility makes you feel like you are running away from a bull with your legs tied together. This is the case with all the power weapons in Gears 2. None of them come close to these two North Carolina fuck ups though...

The mortar and the Grenade planting. Firstly, in a game where you are told to value cover, why can somebody with little skill rain mortar rounds from above. Not just one either, multiple pieces of bullshit that you don't have to be under to be destroyed by. It is a terrible addition that goes against the initial Gears of War design you originated with. Then you have the grenade planting. People can plant frag grenades in walls which are unavoidable and cheap. How was this ever a good idea. It promotes camping and lack of map movement. God it makes me angry just thinking about why you guys decided to implement it.

Now this is my final complaint but this is no means a full list, I am just too tired of typing and fucked off to continue with the knowledge that once again you guys will ignore your fans. The maps are shit. Why does River, the only initial map with any visual style have 6 power weapons on it? You preferred map from the original Gridlock had half that, and that was before grenades turned into bullshit bombs. Environemntal hazards are also cheap and cause uneeded frustration when a player dies from them. Especially when he dies from rain.

Ok, so to conclude. You made a "sequel" which was a major step backwards from the original as concluded by the fans themselves. Not only in design decisions and online implementation but also in visuals. Gears 1 was notably clear and crisp with sharp textures. Gears 2 is dull and flat with muddy textures. How did this happen. Did your need to escape the gritty stereotype of the original cause you to go overboard and forget to create detailed textures for the "sequel"?

I have written this post in the hope for an answer Cliff, I have used my time I would hope you can use yours. I care for the game and the franchise but Gears 2 is past the point of resurrection. I just hope you go back to the drawing board for Gears 3 and make the correct improvments this time, especiall with the added year of development time afforded to you by Halo: Reach. If Gears 3 releases with similar gameplay and design flaws then say goodbye to your fans, many of which have already moved on, or even moved back to the original.

And finally, test your games online.

I await some sort of response.


Facism said:
Would still love unranked playlists so we can LAN this game properly. Never going to happen, though, is it? :(
Yeah, developers seem to forget how popular Halo and pc games became on college campuses thanks to at least decent lan support.


Comics, serious business!
Arnie said:
I await some sort of response.

Don't hold your breath. Cliff disappeared from the scene shortly after the pre-launch advertising campaign ended. He hasn't shown any interest in fixing or addressing any of the game's fundamental problems and issues (probably because they cannot be fixed via a patch).

Gears was a blockbuster and is the 4th most played game on Live. Cliff is driving his Lambo and working on Epic's next game. He really doesn't give a fuck.


Arnie said:
... long post, with stuff that has been said before countless times...

I agree with almost everything you said, but it has all been said before.

Sometimes I wonder if game designers just fluke out and create a great game by accident. It's clear that with Gears 2 they added weapons and functionality without thinking about how they would affect the gameplay in their current state.

For example, planting grenades. It's not a terrible idea, but just isn't implemented properly. A planted frag grenade should give the player enough time to roll away if they're fast enough, and should explode on its own after a specific amount of time, say 45 seconds.

I personally think the biggest problem with Gears 2 is the hit detection when any lag is affecting a game.

I don't trust Epic, and I don't trust Gears 2. Any game that launches with a bug where firing shots from the hip doesn't shoot in the proper direction (fires down at the player's feet) is a game where I can't trust anything else they do. How does something like that make it past QA?

There's absolutely no consistency in the game, due to the hit detection and poor network implementation. You can't trust it, like you can't trust a wino to hold a vintage bottle of wine.


Agreed, this game is still one of my biggest disappointments on Xbox 360.

I played this past weekend after taking several months off, and lo and behold, I wasn't quite so annoyed. I nearly enjoyed myself, even. Part of it was that the smoke grenades have been toned down now to merely make my character cover his eyes instead of juggle him up into the air and fall back down to his death in an "out-of-bounds" area.

But even as I played and nearly enjoyed myself, I still found myself bothered by the bland, bleached-out visuals. Like a loose tooth you can't help but keep tonguing, I kept thinking over and over how much better looking I remember the original Gears to be.

I think this franchise seriously jumped the shark on its sophomore outing. At this point, I'm less excited than skeptical about the prospects of a Gears 3.

For shame.


I agree with all of you above and also understand these complaints have been voiced before, I guess I just wanted to make my thoughts clear. I have saved my post in a neat word document however and if Cliff ever shows his face on NeoGaf again I will be sure to post it.

Gears went from my favourite franchise right down into the depths of mediocrity. The prospect of Gears 3 should fill me with excitement, alas it does not. I will say that I thoroughly enjoyed Gears 2's singleplayer, much more than Gears 1.


Kolgar said:
But even as I played and nearly enjoyed myself, I still found myself bothered by the bland, bleached-out visuals. Like a loose tooth you can't help but keep tonguing, I kept thinking over and over how much better looking I remember the original Gears to be.

Bah, I couldn't give a flying fuck over the visuals. There's so many more important things to bitch about. It's gameplay I care about.


The Gears of War 2 Game Of The Year Edition comes with:

* Gears of War 2
* Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection
o The Flashback Map Pack
o Combustible Map Pack
o Snowblind Map Pack

Gears of War 2 Game of the Year Edition
Gears of War 2 Celebrates Award with Extra Content
Just when the inhabitants of Sera thought they were safe, the Locust Horde attacked from below. Just when you thought Gears of War 2 couldn't get any better, it attacks with the Game of the Year Edition, which includes 19 additional maps and a deleted campaign chapter

Got this in my email from gamestop



Arnie said:

i agree with you entirely i could right up a post of how they butchered there franchise with all the gamebreaking gameplay changes, but i wont.
you echo the thoughts of alot of post here and my online friends (former Gears enthusiast)

Gamefly's new BAD GAME trailer pretty much sums up Gears 2 lol


i think this is also how the EPIC team reacted when they went online after Gears 1 realized that chainsawing was not the most effective tactic to use, i think that have been wall bounced to many times

:lol :lol :lol

Heres a Video on backing up this theory

its a video of EPIC Team Playing Gears 2 vs Gamepro's Team there's a summary at the end with GamePro's Sid Shuman and Cliff Bleszinski,
Sid comments about being chainsawed 50 times in a row by the EPIC team and he actually looks kinda frustrated lmao, CLiff actually thinks hes good at this pos.


(video is down the bottom)


Arnie said:
I await some sort of response.

Even though I agree with your grievances, this has to be one of the most obnoxious call-outs I've ever seen on GAF. You think CliffB gives a shit about your random internet forum opinion? I'm sure they're hard at work on Gears 3 and they are probably looking for ways to improve the experience. Even though Gears 2 multiplayer has myriad issues, the SP and co-op delivered and then some. Hopefully they'll get it right with the third game. I doubt Cliffy will ever give you a fucking personal explanation as to what went wrong with the game, though.


I started playing Gears 1 again. God damn Epic. What the fuck happened?

The only thing better things in Gears 2 is the the ability to cancel wall bounces, and that you don't get stuck on cover as often.

The release of Gears 3 may be the first time where boycotting may actually be effective for once. If it doesn't have any kind of MP demo/ beta, no way in hell am I buying it the first day.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Gears 2 is still in the top 5 on 360 games played. I still play it Friday nights with friends.

Is it perfect? No it isn't, but it still is fun in MP. Looking at this thread you would think it is the worst MP game in the history of gaming. I am not sure if it is a matter of people taking the game too seriously or people trying to make a name for themselves by complaining on a board the people from Epic visit.

Kydd BlaZe

-PXG- said:
I started playing Gears 1 again. God damn Epic. What the fuck happened?

The only thing better things in Gears 2 is the the ability to cancel wall bounces, and that you don't get stuck on cover as often.

The release of Gears 3 may be the first time where boycotting may actually be effective for once. If it doesn't have any kind of MP demo/ beta, no way in hell am I buying it the first day.
I'm pretty sure the campaign in Geas 3 will rock, which will definitely warrant a purchase. But with that said, I have an extreme lack of faith in Epic to deliver in the MP space. They consistently prove to me that they are incapable of putting together something that actually works and isn't broken to point of endless frustration. Prove me wrong Epic....prove me wrong


dskillzhtown said:
Gears 2 is still in the top 5 on 360 games played. I still play it Friday nights with friends.

Is it perfect? No it isn't, but it still is fun in MP. Looking at this thread you would think it is the worst MP game in the history of gaming. I am not sure if it is a matter of people taking the game too seriously or people trying to make a name for themselves by complaining on a board the people from Epic visit.

It's the latter. A lot of us were hardcore Gears 1 fans. We just feel fucked over and betrayed. There is just sooooooo much bullshit in Gears 2. Sure, Gears 1 had lame stuff in it too (host advantage, active snipe downs, host advantage, glitches, host advatage). But the original's level of stupidity is no where near the one of Gears 2.

Kydd BlaZe

dskillzhtown said:
I am not sure if it is a matter of people taking the game too seriously or people trying to make a name for themselves by complaining on a board the people from Epic visit.
Quite a few gamers play online multiplayer games for the competitive aspect of it all. I love to compete at a high level in any game I play, however due to the unfairness and just downright awfulness that is Gears 2 MP, playing competitively just isn't an option. Its a game that you just can't take seriously. It can be fun at times, yes, but that fun is jammed in between long stretches of frustration. It almost feels like the game works against you at times.


Kydd BlaZe said:
Quite a few gamers play online multiplayer games for the competitive aspect of it all. I love to compete at a high level in any game I play, however due to the unfairness and just downright awfulness that is Gears 2 MP, playing competitively just isn't an option. Its a game that you just can't take seriously. It can be fun at times, yes, but that fun is jammed in between long stretches of frustration. It almost feels like the game works against you at times.

I forget where I read it, or how it was written exactly, but someone said something like "Gears 2 is about beating the lag and bad design, not your opponent".


Comics, serious business!
dskillzhtown said:
Is it perfect? No it isn't, but it still is fun in MP. Looking at this thread you would think it is the worst MP game in the history of gaming. I am not sure if it is a matter of people taking the game too seriously or people trying to make a name for themselves by complaining on a board the people from Epic visit.

I had your attitude with Gears 1. It was the first real next gen experience for me. I was really wowed by everything. As you said, the MP wasn't perfect (host advantage, shotty, lag issues, etc). But there was just so much fun to be had that it was easy to look beyond these issues. Next gen was in its infancy and my expectations weren't that high.

Look what has happened between Gears 1 and Gears 2. There have been so many amazing games released. Halo 3 and CoD4 have 3 times as many playlists as Gears 2. Barely any lag at all. No ridiculous host advantage. Well designed and well balanced maps.

Rather than look around to survey the competitive landscape and take stock of the improvements made to the multiplayer gaming experience since Gears 1, Epic chose to sit back, relax, and basically release Gears 1 all over again (well, in some ways worse). What were annoying little problems in Gears 1 became huge, game breaking issues in Gears 2. Why? Because the standard has been raised. Host advantage isn't tolerable anymore. Spawning without a weapon isn't tolerable anymore. Warping across the map isn't tolerable anymore. No other AAA multiplayer game has the issues that Gears 2 has.

We're talking about Epic games. Published by MS. Huge resources and talent at their disposal. And they decide to phone it in and release this pile of shit. That's why we're mad.


Kydd BlaZe said:
Quite a few gamers play online multiplayer games for the competitive aspect of it all. I love to compete at a high level in any game I play, however due to the unfairness and just downright awfulness that is Gears 2 MP, playing competitively just isn't an option. Its a game that you just can't take seriously. It can be fun at times, yes, but that fun is jammed in between long stretches of frustration. It almost feels like the game works against you at times.



JB1981 said:
Even though I agree with your grievances, this has to be one of the most obnoxious call-outs I've ever seen on GAF. You think CliffB gives a shit about your random internet forum opinion? I'm sure they're hard at work on Gears 3 and they are probably looking for ways to improve the experience. Even though Gears 2 multiplayer has myriad issues, the SP and co-op delivered and then some. Hopefully they'll get it right with the third game. I doubt Cliffy will ever give you a fucking personal explanation as to what went wrong with the game, though.
I wasn't asking Cliff to respond to me alone. I wanted just some sort of response to the populace of this thread who fealt butt fucked by Gears 2. I wanted some sort of reason for making some of the changes that they implemented. To be fair I had just come off a terrible game of Gears that pretty much included every criticism of the "sequel" I could think of. Despite the glitch that causes you to spawn without a weapon in your hand.

I also knew I wouldn't get a response. You say it as if I didn't know he was cruising round North Carolina in his Lambo. I knew full well. I knew he was working on Gears 3. But what I don't know is that he fully understands level of shit that Gears 2 was, he seems like the sort of person to just close his ears when somebody tells him something he doesn't want to hear, and I am making that assumption upon the amount he has interacted with the fans on this forum, which we know he is a member of.

It is harsh posts like that that I hope he reads and keeps in mind during the Gears 3 development to bring back the awesomeness of the original. But I know he won't.


I noticed in the matchmaking options you can now search for games listed as 'Annex Achievement' which I guess will make it easier for anyone still working towards that one. Not sure how long its been available, or how long it will be there, but there ya go. Anyone know how long it's been up or if they plan on adding other game types to search for?


Double XP weekend from Sep 4th to Sep 8th. Fuck yes! And an extra 500 exp to winners of a multiplayer match.

I used to be level 42 and got reset to level 9. I might eventually get to Level 50 with the leg up I'll get thanks to this weekend. :D :D
nourali2 said:
Double XP weekend from Sep 4th to Sep 8th. Fuck yes! And an extra 500 exp to winners of a multiplayer match.

I used to be level 42 and got reset to level 9. I might eventually get to Level 50 with the leg up I'll get thanks to this weekend. :D :D
Nice! Thanks for the heads up.


nourali2 said:
Double XP weekend from Sep 4th to Sep 8th. Fuck yes! And an extra 500 exp to winners of a multiplayer match.

I used to be level 42 and got reset to level 9. I might eventually get to Level 50 with the leg up I'll get thanks to this weekend. :D :D

It should be this way all the time with their stupid amount of required xp.
goldenpp72 said:
It should be this way all the time with their stupid amount of required xp.
Heh, yeah I still don't even have 1 million XP. Hopefully I'll get to that after this weekend. But level 100 is so very far away...

Nelo Ice

anyone still play this?
wondering if i should trade in my original gears 2 copy to tru for around $12 then i'll head over to best buy and pick up the goty edition for $20(with the preorder deal)


Nelo Ice said:
anyone still play this?
wondering if i should trade in my original gears 2 copy to tru for around $12 then i'll head over to best buy and pick up the goty edition for $20(with the preorder deal)

Think the game is dead with players on this board. I'm still shooting for level 100, but I only play during double XP weekends. Level 62..... only 20% of the way there


I wanted to see if anyone wanted to do Horde on Memorial sometime this weekend. I'm on level 18 and I haven't been able to finish it. Won't be around until Saturday or Sunday.


BrokenBox said:
I wanted to see if anyone wanted to do Horde on Memorial sometime this weekend. I'm on level 18 and I haven't been able to finish it. Won't be around until Saturday or Sunday.

I'll help you out assuming I'm online. (I've been sick this entire week so I doubt I'm doing much this weekend besides playing Soul Calibur IV). Add my GT: RockGotham


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
mernst23 said:
Think the game is dead with players on this board. I'm still shooting for level 100, but I only play during double XP weekends. Level 62..... only 20% of the way there

Not at all - me and my friends still play every evening, and I know people here still do too, but they're probably the type to not post in the middle of the same people whining all the time.
Played the campaign about 4 hours today actually, and a bit of online. I'm thinking about getting the Dark Corners map with the free points that I got, is it worth it?


Nelo Ice said:
anyone still play this?
wondering if i should trade in my original gears 2 copy to tru for around $12 then i'll head over to best buy and pick up the goty edition for $20(with the preorder deal)
I've rediscovered my love for it the past few weekends. I've mostly been playing the "horde on map packs" playlist though. I hadn't played since just before TU3 -- when they rebooted rankings -- so I'm only at a meager 13 regardless of the days I logged before the switch.


Played it last week after a two month break, quit after about an hour.
Im level 48 and i don't even want to bother to hit 50, the game is so frustrating at times its not even funny


Oh man, I had the most epic (no pun intended) round of Horde last night on the Snowblind Fuel Depot map! It was a public XBL match where I hooked up with four random players, and not only did everyone stick around, but we made it through all 50 waves. It was nuts! All of us had our mics on so we were all able to communicate and strategize... Outside of the matches I played with some of NEOGAF's regulars -- Aladuf, Z|R0COOL, 3rd Engine, Flunkie, and Nub Cakes -- it's the most fun I've had with the game in quite some time. Dare I say it has reinvigorated my interest enough that I may keep playing to get some of the higher-level ranks/achievements. :D

I never got around to asking if any of them were from NEOGAF, but if so, it was a pleasure sharing the field of battle with you. Hope we get to do it again and rock some locusts soon! Here's the peeps who I tip my hat to...

D Nice 1 too


LTTP, but I just picked up a 360 last week and beat Gears 2 yesterday...what a game. I loved the first one, played it both on a friends' 360 and PC, but this game improves upon it in every single way. The graphics really impressed me, the set pieces in combination with the environment really made me go wow through out most of the game. This is coming from a guy with a PC that can close to maxing out Crysis BTW.
I kinda stopped playing after my Rank glitched back to 1 from 37. I made it back to 50 again and i am done with the game pretty much, may be i'm up for some Horde next year but i am sure i won't be playing this anytime soon...

Hawk SE

I liked this game a lot, I wish I had time to Co-Op on Insane - I could really go through the story again

Multiplayer is fun, but I can't ever tell if they're glitching or just me, but my connection is good elsewhere.
I had this game since last X-Mas and finally decided to play the campaign not too long ago. I was stuck on "the tip of the spear" mission for awhile because of that damn Burmack at the end was blowing me to bits.

Now, I got pass that sob and I am enjoying the game. :D
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