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Gears of War 2 |OT| ...Maria...MARIA!!!


godhandiscen said:
I haven't seen Gear 1 in a long while but this game feels more like an expansion pack rather than a sequel. Also, the texture loading issues are there and worse than ever.

so much bullshit in one post, wow.


Linkzg said:
So far the games campaign is much better than the first ones with the exception of the horrible, horrible rig sequence and the embarassing Dom sub-plot.
They are laying it on a bit thick. I just read the prequel book and thought it was great, and love getting into a good story. But so far, after an hour of gameplay, Dom's search for Maria has come up more than enough times. We get it. He's looking for her. No need to beat us over the head with it.

EDIT: Aside from that, this game rules.
godhandiscen said:
I haven't seen Gear 1 in a long while but this game feels more like an expansion pack rather than a sequel.



There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Black_Ice said:
You mad?

I didn't like playing this game alone. I got bored. I am posting my impressions. Any problem with that? Since when is a fucking rule to only post positive impressions?

Also, as I mentioned earlier, I am barely 30 minutes or into the campaign. According to other people the game doesn't pick up until later, but I only have very little free time today, so patience isn't something I have righ't now.

S1kkZ said:
so much bullshit in one post, wow.
It is there, don't deny it. I started horde mode and stared at a non textured wall for a couple seconds. Also, at the beggining of the first level, a couple beds don't get textured inmediately. It is not as bad as Mass Effect, but it is there.


ciaossu said:
I haven't opened my copy yet but I already know this is the kind of game that is only fun with other people. This is no Fable 2 where you can have loads of fun solo.

I didn't even read your post but I already know it sucks.



The cruel irony of life.

The game came just as I was leaving for work.

So there is another 5-6 hours between myself and the game. :(


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
S1kkZ said:
oh boy...how about playing some more before posting bullshit?
bullshit? I am definitely not lying. Just go on, people can't be honest in these threads. You either praise the game or don't post at all.
Jtyettis said:
The scale is awesome and I'm loving the Hammerburst just something about it feels right.
Me too. I never liked the Hammerburst in the first one but I'm digging it right now. BTW, are people finding they're having more success with it by firing each shot manually as fast as possible or by going fully auto for increased accuracy?


I played the first two chapters and am not impressed.

What is up with all the interupting cutscenes? I am not interested in seeing He-man and his beefy friends talk. Feels like Metal Gear only the cutscenes suck, I hope there are less of the as you progress.

Gameplaywise it is as expected. Gears is still fun but I can´t help but feeling a little bored by the cover mechanic...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yeah, the beginning of the campaign SUCKS. I mean, really, they totally failed to kick off the campaign with a bang. The original was *MUCH* better in that regard.

It obviously picks up, though, but I'm concerned as I'm going to be playing CO-OP with a friend this weekend who never played the original game and is very skeptical of this one. He also hates the character designs (bulky suits) and I fear the beginning of the game is going to cause some initial hate that may be difficult to clear. :\

I don't know what it is with this and Resistance 2, but both games really start off with a whimper. MGS4 had such an amazing opening sequence (both interactive and non-interactive bits). What happened to starting off on the right foot? The Gears 2 opening level really fails to take advantage of what the game offers and doesn't seem well thought out.

I'm also of the opinion that the game looks pretty weak visually at first. The lighting feels bland and models look awful as a result. Also, I'm running in VGA mode without overscan and I noticed that they are using the overscan area for drawing details. When you spin the camera quickly you see these small blips of empty space. It's very subtle, but kind of strange.

I know my opinion is going to change drastically, though. ;) Back to the game!
Huzzah! I have the LE. Got a question, though: On one of the last pages in the art book, it gives a picture of all those who worked on the game, and of course CliffyB is pictured, but what does the rest of his shirt say?

"Frankie says ____"
ciaossu said:
I haven't opened my copy yet but I already know this is the kind of game that is only fun with other people. This is no Fable 2 where you can have loads of fun solo.

Dunno, I'm quite enjoying the bot matches.

Gaming oldschool.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Dax01 said:
Huzzah! I have the LE. Got a question, though: On one of the last pages in the art book, it gives a picture of all those who worked on the game, and of course CliffyB is pictured, but what does the rest of his shirt say?

"Frankie says ____"


First tragedy, then farce.
I have a whole chapter to go in replaying Gears 1 before I play Gears 2. I'm about to say fuck it and just go.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Dax01 said:
Huzzah! I have the LE. Got a question, though: On one of the last pages in the art book, it gives a picture of all those who worked on the game, and of course CliffyB is pictured, but what does the rest of his shirt say?

"Frankie says ____"
Bring back Sophie Ellix Bextor?


Holy crap I knew I would like this game but I didn't expect it to be this awesome. Just finished act 3 and so far it's been one wtf moment after another. Game just keeps on getting better :) This week I told a friend that no other game would take the GOTY place of MGS4 this year but I might have been wrong about that one :D...

One thing which sucks is that this LE also didn't come with a DLC card (no maps, no lancer, no 48 hours live). My Fable LE had the same problem :/ When I phoned MS (Europe) about the Fable thing they said they knew nothing about it and after 2 weeks the problem still isn't fixed (tried the US fix). Hope this won't be the case for the Gears DLC.


How the hell do I kill..

The water monster/boss. I chainsaw his tentacles. Then he swallows part of the boat. ONce he does that he kill the smaller tentacles inside his mouth. Once his throat opens, I shoot it until it closes (I also toss a grenade). Even though I do this, after about 4 times, he sinks the boat anyway.

What am I doing wrong?
dark10x said:
Yeah, the beginning of the campaign SUCKS. I mean, really, they totally failed to kick off the campaign with a bang. The original was *MUCH* better in that regard.

That's what openers are for. How did Empire Strikes Back start?

On an ice planet where everyone is just checking statistics and monitoring various processes and Han Solo and Princess Leia are bantering about Han leaving. Then the meteor comes down. It's not like Darth Vader and Luke have a super-awesome lightsaber duel 10 minutes in....

It's easing your way back into the story and establishing certain conflicts.
I actually think it was a good opener. It's kinda "open" and "free flowing". Great vibe. Doesn't come across as desperate which shows their confidence in their pacing.
godhandiscen said:
bullshit? I am definitely not lying. Just go on, people can't be honest in these threads. You either praise the game or don't post at all.

There's no problem with honesty and I am quite a hard crowd to please when it comes to technical issues but there's a GIANT difference between pop-in and muddled textures during ONLINE play during that of local campaign play.

And clearly you haven't played much Campaign, because apart from a couple of gripes the game looks fantastic.
wtf is going on in here, i see a ton of bitching, whats the deal, does the game live up to the hype, haven't played it yet. I would imagine it has.


Game is quite good!

Good that they kept to the basic formula that works.

The game is so sharp it's insane. My eyes are bleeding. :lol


Modesty becomes a woman
Trax416 said:
How the hell do I kill..

The water monster/boss. I chainsaw his tentacles. Then he swallows part of the boat. ONce he does that he kill the smaller tentacles inside his mouth. Once his throat opens, I shoot it until it closes (I also toss a grenade). Even though I do this, after about 4 times, he sinks the boat anyway.

What am I doing wrong?
Toss the grenade into a little opening once you shoot the tiny tentacles enough.

Does anyone know how to melee with the shield? I haven't been able to figure it out.


seriously, Horde is one of the best game modes of this generation. What a rush!! and we only made it to level 9. Incredible adrenaline, I was kicking so much arse too!
dreamer3kx said:
wtf is going on in here, i see a ton of bitching, whats the deal, does the game live up to the hype, haven't played it yet. I would imagine it has.

i'm a straight talker. a real maverick, so to speak (hurr hurr). i'll tell you this, if you liked gears, you'll love gears 2. the campaign is fucking awesome, horde mode is a total blast, wingman is crazy fun, regular old warzone still makes my dick hard, and dying is just as fun because the screenshot mode is dank as fuck. oh, and probably most important, the matchmaking in this game FUCKING OWNS. buy this game now. and buy the collector's edish too, trust me, you WANT that golden lancer.

does the game have faults? sure, every game does, no game is perfect
except anything made by valve or blizzard
. the texture pop in is still present, but it's a lot less frequent. and there are some very slight framerate hiccups in certain areas. are you going to let that prevent you from enjoying this? i sure hope not...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Buckethead said:
That's what openers are for. How did Empire Strikes Back start?

On an ice planet where everyone is just checking statistics and monitoring various processes and Han Solo and Princess Leia are bantering about Han leaving. Then the meteor comes down. It's not like Darth Vader and Luke have a super-awesome lightsaber duel 10 minutes in....

It's easing your way back into the story and establishing certain conflicts.
I actually think it was a good opener. It's kinda "open" and "free flowing". Great vibe. Doesn't come across as desperate which shows their confidence in their pacing.
Heh, yeah, I suppose so. I was thinking from the perspective of someone who is going to come into this with a potentially negative attitude. :p

However, f*ck yes, the game is really kicking off. Once you leave the hospital area things get underway nicely. The music is just :O


HurricaneJesus said:
Where is the options to change the visual setting? I want it on Vibrant damnit!
That's not an option anymore, and tbh it doesn't really seem to need it this time around. The colors are incredible looking.
Haha, looks like someone took a page out of the book from RE4 in the
lake monster.
Very old school the way you had to fight in that particular section which was pretty awesome.
I am sorry but there is no good reason to remove these settings. Sometimes I liked it on Vibrant, other times it was good on hazier settings. i could have sworn this was in the game. Fuck.
Feral Youth said:
Dunno, I'm quite enjoying the bot matches.

Gaming oldschool.

Me too. The bot matches are really making this game for me. I'm not that great at shooters, so Gears 1 online was hopeless for me, but I'm already having a lot of fun against the bots on normal in Gears 2...


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Glad to hear bot matches are good, no Live in the dorm here. :(

First time I've actually been stoked to have bots in a game.
Wow, played co-op for about 2 hours last night and the game is fucking great. I feel like they took everything I loved about the first and just amped it: this plays better, it looks better, it's smoother, there's tons more enemies, and some of the environments are absolutely massive. The scale is just perfect, I love it.

I can understand people's complaints about the beginning not overwhelming them, but it ramps up so fast... I don't know, I'm sucked back in and loving it.

Well done Epic.

[And is anyone else just overwhelmed with games now? I was in the middle of FarCry 2, now I've got this, plus the Left4Dead demo and the Mirror's Edge demo, and both of those are dropping in the next two weeks. TOO MANY GAMES.]


godhandiscen said:
an expansion pack rather than a sequel. It is more of the same (which was to expect).
Stopped reading right there.

The first chapter /= the game. It gets SOOOOO much better.


he's Virgin Tight™
Frillen said:
OMG! I was absolutely blown away by the graphics
inside the giant worm
. Best graphics I've ever seen.

Yup. Freaking amazing. Much better than Halo 3's flood which i found quite good looking.

Just went into a Casual Horde. Holy. Shit. :lol I wasn't excited one bit for it but damn is it awesome. This game is made of win

Seth C

xS1TH L0RDx said:
i'm a straight talker. a real maverick, so to speak (hurr hurr). i'll tell you this, if you liked gears, you'll love gears 2. the campaign is fucking awesome, horde mode is a total blast, wingman is crazy fun, regular old warzone still makes my dick hard, and dying is just as fun because the screenshot mode is dank as fuck. oh, and probably most important, the matchmaking in this game FUCKING OWNS. buy this game now. and buy the collector's edish too, trust me, you WANT that golden lancer.

does the game have faults? sure, every game does, no game is perfect
except anything made by valve or blizzard
. the texture pop in is still present, but it's a lot less frequent. and there are some very slight framerate hiccups in certain areas. are you going to let that prevent you from enjoying this? i sure hope not...

The stuff with the rig near the beginning sucks, though. There is no avoiding that.

Seth C

zewone said:
There is no part of the campaign that "sucks".

Glad you think so, but I thought the entire rig section fucking sucked. Hardcore. Shouldn't be in the game levels of SUCK. Good since then though.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
darkpaladinmfc said:
He is misinformed, I've done all 50 waves and there are no Berserkers.

ahh, well this is what i read from Epic's forums where a moderator said they would be in before the launch of the game. I've only made it to wave 6 without having a host quit/lose connection or become decimated by the enemies.


Seth C said:
Glad you think so, but I thought the entire rig section fucking sucked. Hardcore. Shouldn't be in the game levels of SUCK. Good since then though.
That's like...your opinion, man.
Seth C said:
Glad you think so, but I thought the entire rig section fucking sucked. Hardcore. Shouldn't be in the game levels of SUCK. Good since then though.
As you said its an opinion. Personally i think there are much worse levels than the rig.
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