Got lost down the bottom of the thread.
Match Making has ruined the Gears of War 2 entire experience for me, lobby systems is very poor and im always connecting to bad servers and playing game modes and maps i dont necessaliary want to. 60% of matches ppl are quiting (3-4 players) due to clans,partys,lag,bad losers or modes which was not pick
**EPIC FAIL** no pun intended
EPIC Games forum administrators have been on a banning frenzy with ppl making simple threads of solutions on how to fix the matching with either region coding,status bar or options for private matches to be open for the public
they even banned me forever with no reason as to why for this thread... i have never flamed on this forum ever all called out anyone i just wanted to post about my experience with Gears 2 matching and leave some constructive criticism and i have been very good with ppl on the Gears of War forums.
heres is what i posted..
Dear Advid Gears Fans,
I have had the privelage of playing this title very early and i have to say that its everything i wanted it to be and it will not disappoint if you were in love with Gears 1 , but their are some very important and simple issues which need to be addressed and may be potentially game breaking in Gears of War 2 for some.
Im not talking about weapon balancing,Map layouts and shot guns for the matter, all the changing i have seen are genuine and are very well thought out and makes going back to gears Gears 1 very bare bones&bland. I wanted to post about the most apparent problems and divulge into the most important components and issues of Gears 2 that are easily stick out like a sore thumb.
Problem # 1
Matchmaking: With over 60 - 70% of matches played i have experienced at least 1-2 people leave each match early due to various reasons which im going to state below and can easily be addressed (which is highly doubtful, but my hopes are high)
The Most Important thing when playing any title online is having the ability to play in a Good/Fair Connection and due to Inadequate hosting ability's and bad connection issues it will leave players feeling frustrated in Gears 2, The apparent host migrating problems will leave most matches in a bad play state and atm it will/has encourage "most" players to quit early. This may solely ruin the entire experience of playing Public matches on Gears 2, and will leave all of Epics hard undone and left in the shadows.
''MY QUOTE'' "A Game is only as great as the connection you play in no matter how great the gameplay is"
1)Region Filter Options: This is the single most important feature that should be included either via patch or on launch day
2)Player Matches: with status bars similar to Gears 1 (Why are we going backwarks in Gears 2...)
Problem # 2 Players Preference
With the current lobby system its not entirely easy to play the mode in which you prefer, getting an Exection or Warzone match will be alot harder with the all new favorite respawn modes such as: King of the Hill, Guardian & Annex. these modes will be the pick of the pot most of the time, and a full friends party or clan usually has the say with the majority vote.
it says players choice but really its like putting a ballot slip in an empty box in a empty hall while the party is out having drinks
Search-able Modes: Add options for all search-able Modes Warzone,Execution,Submission,Wingman,King of the Hill, Guardian & Annex
Problem # 3
Individual players being outnumbered with party dominance
I, like many like to roll with my friends online and in doing so you may end up with playing all singled individual team, this can cause problems as most of the time these teams quit and leaves them with all odds STACKED againts them, eg (Clans/Full Party of friends) this will ruin some of the experience for the solo players and encourage them to leave or stop playing completely, also not to mention each individual player may be from another country which makes matters totally worst
Add a option for Single Indvidual players to play in players choice matches with no party/clans which will cater to those who like to run solo, Simalar to the Mercenary TeamDeathmatch option in CoD
Problem # 4
Early Quitters: The Bad losers or.. Ranking System:
I never quit matches ever. But i do see why ppl will either leave during or at the beggining of public matches, this is mainly due to the Host/Mode/Map not satisfied but the indiviadual player there is an increasing amount of quitters which will happly boot to dashboard to just to quit a match...
rank system: atm it has encouraged ppl to boost and emblem is very inconsistent with player performance ie stats
Also another one which is lame is the Fear of players losing Ranks/KDR & W-L ratio which in other words is STATS (I know its sounds bad but theres a ton of it happening)
I have even seen some professional teams leave early MLG/GB clans (not naming) its the "5th round Myth"
1)Public Matches: with status bars of
2)Quitters: Down Rank or loss sizable loss of points
Final Thought
I find all these problems can be fixed into 1, either with Player Matches or Region fitlering Options.
Gears of War 2 imho is Technically the best game of all and the multiplayer is a blast and with all the gameplay changes which intially had me worried are ALL gone now, but if you read my top quote you see how it will be spoilt with these most important missing features
thats all, thanks for reading.
Match Making has ruined the Gears of War 2 entire experience for me, lobby systems is very poor and im always connecting to bad servers and playing game modes and maps i dont necessaliary want to. 60% of matches ppl are quiting (3-4 players) due to clans,partys,lag,bad losers or modes which was not pick
**EPIC FAIL** no pun intended
EPIC Games forum administrators have been on a banning frenzy with ppl making simple threads of solutions on how to fix the matching with either region coding,status bar or options for private matches to be open for the public
they even banned me forever with no reason as to why for this thread... i have never flamed on this forum ever all called out anyone i just wanted to post about my experience with Gears 2 matching and leave some constructive criticism and i have been very good with ppl on the Gears of War forums.
heres is what i posted..
Dear Advid Gears Fans,
I have had the privelage of playing this title very early and i have to say that its everything i wanted it to be and it will not disappoint if you were in love with Gears 1 , but their are some very important and simple issues which need to be addressed and may be potentially game breaking in Gears of War 2 for some.
Im not talking about weapon balancing,Map layouts and shot guns for the matter, all the changing i have seen are genuine and are very well thought out and makes going back to gears Gears 1 very bare bones&bland. I wanted to post about the most apparent problems and divulge into the most important components and issues of Gears 2 that are easily stick out like a sore thumb.
Problem # 1
Matchmaking: With over 60 - 70% of matches played i have experienced at least 1-2 people leave each match early due to various reasons which im going to state below and can easily be addressed (which is highly doubtful, but my hopes are high)
The Most Important thing when playing any title online is having the ability to play in a Good/Fair Connection and due to Inadequate hosting ability's and bad connection issues it will leave players feeling frustrated in Gears 2, The apparent host migrating problems will leave most matches in a bad play state and atm it will/has encourage "most" players to quit early. This may solely ruin the entire experience of playing Public matches on Gears 2, and will leave all of Epics hard undone and left in the shadows.
''MY QUOTE'' "A Game is only as great as the connection you play in no matter how great the gameplay is"
1)Region Filter Options: This is the single most important feature that should be included either via patch or on launch day
2)Player Matches: with status bars similar to Gears 1 (Why are we going backwarks in Gears 2...)
Problem # 2 Players Preference
With the current lobby system its not entirely easy to play the mode in which you prefer, getting an Exection or Warzone match will be alot harder with the all new favorite respawn modes such as: King of the Hill, Guardian & Annex. these modes will be the pick of the pot most of the time, and a full friends party or clan usually has the say with the majority vote.
it says players choice but really its like putting a ballot slip in an empty box in a empty hall while the party is out having drinks
Search-able Modes: Add options for all search-able Modes Warzone,Execution,Submission,Wingman,King of the Hill, Guardian & Annex
Problem # 3
Individual players being outnumbered with party dominance
I, like many like to roll with my friends online and in doing so you may end up with playing all singled individual team, this can cause problems as most of the time these teams quit and leaves them with all odds STACKED againts them, eg (Clans/Full Party of friends) this will ruin some of the experience for the solo players and encourage them to leave or stop playing completely, also not to mention each individual player may be from another country which makes matters totally worst
Add a option for Single Indvidual players to play in players choice matches with no party/clans which will cater to those who like to run solo, Simalar to the Mercenary TeamDeathmatch option in CoD
Problem # 4
Early Quitters: The Bad losers or.. Ranking System:
I never quit matches ever. But i do see why ppl will either leave during or at the beggining of public matches, this is mainly due to the Host/Mode/Map not satisfied but the indiviadual player there is an increasing amount of quitters which will happly boot to dashboard to just to quit a match...
rank system: atm it has encouraged ppl to boost and emblem is very inconsistent with player performance ie stats
Also another one which is lame is the Fear of players losing Ranks/KDR & W-L ratio which in other words is STATS (I know its sounds bad but theres a ton of it happening)
I have even seen some professional teams leave early MLG/GB clans (not naming) its the "5th round Myth"
1)Public Matches: with status bars of
2)Quitters: Down Rank or loss sizable loss of points
Final Thought
I find all these problems can be fixed into 1, either with Player Matches or Region fitlering Options.
Gears of War 2 imho is Technically the best game of all and the multiplayer is a blast and with all the gameplay changes which intially had me worried are ALL gone now, but if you read my top quote you see how it will be spoilt with these most important missing features
thats all, thanks for reading.