Lostconfused said:Wow, centaur level, tower. Absolutely retarded, shitiest part of the game yet.
Such a pain in the ass. I love horde, but when my team (of me and two others) went to multiplayer we were matched up 3 times in a row against and with nothing but Spanish speaking people...who were VERY chatty...drove me insane not being able to communicate with everyone, but not being able to talk over the other teammates to relay info to people who could use it was horrible.CaptainStrong said:You basically have to mute everyone through the dashboard which is a total pain in the ass. How can you not have a built in mute system like Halo at this point?
Darklord said:Now I just hope they fix multiplayer. It's near unplayable for me at the moment.
ShinAmano said:Such a pain in the ass. I love horde, but when my team (of me and two others) went to multiplayer we were matched up 3 times in a row against and with nothing but Spanish speaking people...who were VERY chatty...drove me insane not being able to communicate with everyone, but not being able to talk over the other teammates to relay info to people who could use it was horrible.
Darklord said:It never answered one thing though,Who the hell were those mutant locusts? The ones from that secret base, they were called sires or something.
Honestly...they need an option added stat or I will be staying well clear of multiplayer. Annoying people are annoying :lolAcidote said:There should be a quick mute option. Yesterday I had the same problem as you but switching languages, we were 3 Spanish speaking players and 2 English speaking kids (with their annoying kid voices) joined our team. We all had to mute them one by one (at least it's not a game with 8 players a team) because it's not like they were simply talking as usual, they were non-stop screaming. So annoying.
_dementia said:lol I can never win chainsaw duels online.
RSTEIN said:Yes. Absolute shit. Worse than the vehicle level in Gears 1. But... the good news is the best parts of the game are right around the corner...
I swear to God every one these motherfuckers have turbo controllers.RSTEIN said::lol At first I was skeptical about the whole button mashing thing but I've grown to love it. It brings back a lot of old school gaming memories.
levious said:fuck wave 50 on horde mode, seriously
RSTEIN said:How so? Lag issues?
Lostconfused said:They were probably humans that were being experimented on in that facility
Beaulieu said:The furtest I reached is wave 20 on normal
_dementia said:Horde doesn't scale according to the number of players does it?
I was having a hard time with only 2 allies.
forgeforsaken said:Man, am I the only one that had absolutely no problems with this level? Played through on Hardcore and only died maybe two or three times driving it, and at least one of those was at theand the other was due to pure stupidity on my part in driving off a cliff.corpsers
forgeforsaken said:Man, am I the only one that had absolutely no problems with this level? Played through on Hardcore and only died maybe two or three times driving it, and at least one of those was at theand the other was due to pure stupidity on my part in driving off a cliff.corpsers
Chinner said:Theres prety much a reason for this. What the dashboard classes as a open nat isnt really open. Halo 3 has always complained about it to me and so did Gears 2. The first few games I actually tried to get of Gears 2 just took sooo looong and were so laggy.
I had enough. Luckily due to portforwading I knew all of my I.P and DNS details, so I went into the dashboard, went to the DNS section and swapped it from automatic to manual and entered in the correct details. The message has stopped appearing on Gears 2 (so far) and the few games I have played had loaded quickly and didnt suffer from any lag. This isn't touch wood yet, but I'm just gonna test H3 and G2 to see if the nat messages come up and play a few games of Gears 2 to see how it goes.
Chinner said:not sure if anyone has bothered to watch the LE yet, but im just wathcing the character design for Marcus and its really good. Very detailed and has some good comparison shots of Marcus from Gears 1 and 2.
Ha ha, yeah, I noticed that too. I don't mind the cutscenes either, but during CO-OP, it did become a bit of a drain as they constantly interrupt the action (especially since the guy I was playing with just couldn't stop cracking jokes at the huge armor these guys wear).Dark Octave said:This game is hella cenematic. I thought we were trying to get away from cut scenes? Gears 2 is way more cut scene intensive than the first one. :lol I thought Cliffy said he didn't make games like MGS?
I love cut scenes so no complaining here, but the action is broken up quite a bit by them. I'm surprised that the "proposition NO cut scene" supporters aren't up in arms over this.
FFChris said:Which difficulty mode did you finish it on?
I assume there are different difficulties for Horde?
Dark Octave said:This game is hella cenematic. I thought we were trying to get away from cut scenes? Gears 2 is way more cut scene intensive than the first one. :lol I thought Cliffy said he didn't make games like MGS?
I love cut scenes so no complaining here, but the action is broken up quite a bit by them. I'm surprised that the "proposition NO cut scene" supporters aren't up in arms over this.
levious said:I can't imagine it on hardcore or insane, I was doing normal as well.
didn't seem like it, every tenth level is difficult, but 50 is just stupid.
:lol I HATE playing single player type games with other people around. Yesterday, my girlfriend was watching me play and she starts cracking up and "ZOMG!" about the extreeme size differences in the character's heads. Then, while I'm in the middle of an intense firefight, she's like "wait, turn around and let me see how they did that waterfall over there!"dark10x said:Ha ha, yeah, I noticed that too. I don't mind the cutscenes either, but during CO-OP, it did become a bit of a drain as they constantly interrupt the action (especially since the guy I was playing with just couldn't stop cracking jokes at the huge armor these guys wear).![]()
just out of curiosity (i'm still playing single player) do you happen to have pics of canals from gears 1 and how it looks now? i believe you, as i said, just curious to see the difference.godhandiscen said:Really? Are you telling me the new canals looks better than the old canals? Are you telling me that a map that used to be the best looking MP map ever is now thrumped by that ice castle?
The last boss of the first one could take 30 minutes to beat. I say why not just go for 10?
shpankey said:just out of curiosity (i'm still playing single player) do you happen to have pics of canals from gears 1 and how it looks now? i believe you, as i said, just curious to see the difference.
_dementia said:I swear to God every one these motherfuckers have turbo controllers.
What ever I got the achievement now it's back to HB as my default.
I've played the level a handful of times and didn't have really any of the issues you've stated. I can't believe people think it's worse than the Gears 1 vehicle level. I guess they're not remembering how absolutely frustrating and retarded that level was. The Centaur level is awesome in so many ways. If you go off the beaten path it opens up for some interesting exploration and allows you to cut across some of the encounters or get in behind them. The first time I played through it was coop on Hardcore, then I went through Normal by myself and then Insane alone just yesterday. Had an absolute blast every single time.RSTEIN said:I didn't have any problems with the level itself (except the). I found the controls horrendous. Like, seriously. My tank got stuck repeatedly. I went up a ramp, was slightly off, and my tank got stuck UNDER the ramp. I couldn't back up or get out. I hit a couple trees, couldn't back up, and died. Then, worst of all, at the final battleice, I fell through a couple times, I couldn't move because my tank got stuck in their dead bodies!after I killed the three spiders
shpankey said:just out of curiosity (i'm still playing single player) do you happen to have pics of canals from gears 1 and how it looks now? i believe you, as i said, just curious to see the difference.
It's important to have a good team play covering each other's ass. Once you split up, you're done in later levels unless you're insanely skilled.levious said:I can't imagine it on hardcore or insane, I was doing normal as well.
didn't seem like it, every tenth level is difficult, but 50 is just stupid.
I agree with this. Played it on co op and had a right blast with it. The gears 1 vehicle section was actually pretty shit because you couldn't do anything without stepping other being able to move or shoot. Handeling was pretty crap as well. In Gears 2 though, everything felt more solid and played alot better. It was fun for me!Mr Vociferous said:I've played the level a handful of times and didn't have really any of the issues you've stated. I can't believe people think it's worse than the Gears 1 vehicle level. I guess they're not remembering how absolutely frustrating and retarded that level was. The Centaur level is awesome in so many ways. If you go off the beaten path it opens up for some interesting exploration and allows you to cut across some of the encounters or get in behind them. The first time I played through it was coop on Hardcore, then I went through Normal by myself and then Insane alone just yesterday. Had an absolute blast every single time.
The vehicle has a steep learning curve, but it is definitely a highlight of the game for me. If you take your time and are strategic, the level offers very little difficulty apart from a few trial and error sequences. My only regret is that there is only one tank. Coop should have allowed two tanks for that portion of the game, rather than have both players occupy the same Centaur. Granted, the vehicle isn't anywhere as smooth as a Warthog, but once I learned how to control it there were no issues whatsoever.The Corpser and the Brumak portions of that level were some of the best in the game.
AlStrong said:Anyone have thoughts onAdam Fenix's message at the end of the credits?
ChrisGoldstein said:yeah me and this dude sat thru the credits cos we knew something would happen. Idk but what's interesting is that the locust queen told Marcus that he chose a different path than his father. So maybe the father was the scientist experimenting with the sires and he's responsible for the locust? idk, but I expected the locust queen to be a monster not a human