Union Carbine
I had a really hard time getting into any Horde games over the weekend? Is there an issue with the matchmaking or was it connectivity on my end?
Mr Vociferous said:I've played the level a handful of times and didn't have really any of the issues you've stated
Union Carbine said:I had a really hard time getting into any Horde games over the weekend? Is there an issue with the matchmaking or was it connectivity on my end?
Kestastrophe said:The multiplayer is completely fucked up, and even worse than the first one to me. The matchmaking is absolutely ridiculous and it routinely takes 5-10 minutes to find a game, plus it is completely uneven (finished a match in which it was 5 on 3, with the 3 man team having all lower ranked players. WTF?). Plus, I thought that they said you weren't going to be able to run up on people and shotgun/chainsaw spam? Well that certainly isn't the case, as I have been chainsawed whilst shooting the guy in the face repeatedly, which is bullshit. The range on grenade tags is still ridiculous, and the splash damage on the mortar seems to be just random (I have been killed while standing a good 10 feet away from a blast, but I have also seen players escape unharmed while being only a few feet away).
It's not all bad, as the smoke grenades have been greatly enhanced and they add a great deal of depth to the gameplay. Same goes for planting grenades. I just wish that they would have made a cleaner and more fair online part instead of the random bullshit that is there now.
Good to know, thanks!zaidr said:Public horde matches where it has to find all members doesn't work very well / takes too long.
Will do.zaidr said:it works better / faster. I say just build up a large friends list of people playing Gears2. Start by adding me! GT: Shihab
zaidr said:I agree that the chainsaws have to get fixed. Its just too easy to run up to someone and chainsaw them. Why did they take away that thing from the last game where if you were being fired upon, you couldn't start revving your chainsaw? It needs to be easier to lower someone's chainsaw...
ThirdEngine said:Speaking of bugs, there are a few sound issues that need to be patched ASAP. Say you're playing Execution and you and two other teammates get killed, but the other two end up winning the round for you. For some odd reason, you are not able to talk to them or hear anything they say until the new round starts. Same thing for if you win the round, but everyone else gets killed. Also the sound clips from Prescott and the Queen are really fucked up. They'll play for half a second then it sounds like they're being played backwards while slowing down and will eventually fade out. It's nothing too bad, but it does need to be addressed.
No, I'm talking about when the round is over while you have those few seconds to wait for the new one to begin. You still cannot talk to them until the new round starts.DancingJesus said:The Execution sound "issue" isn't a bug at all. It's intentional, this happened in Gears of War 1 as well. It's so that you can't give off locations by viewing the enemies on the ghost cam.
Router said:Humans experimenting on the locust. Seems like a weapons program.
ThirdEngine said:No, I'm talking about when the round is over while you have those few seconds to wait for the new one to begin. You still cannot talk to them until the new round starts.
If anything, Epic needs to add search filters to the matchmaking system first and foremost. Matchmaking would be a lot less broken or laggy if Europeans / Americans could only join rooms hosted by players from the same region. This is the only reason why I've hardly played Ranked Matches as it is right now, long waiting times be damned.Kestastrophe said:The multiplayer is completely fucked up, and even worse than the first one to me. The matchmaking is absolutely ridiculous and it routinely takes 5-10 minutes to find a game, plus it is completely uneven (finished a match in which it was 5 on 3, with the 3 man team having all lower ranked players. WTF?). Plus, I thought that they said you weren't going to be able to run up on people and shotgun/chainsaw spam? Well that certainly isn't the case, as I have been chainsawed whilst shooting the guy in the face repeatedly, which is bullshit. The range on grenade tags is still ridiculous, and the splash damage on the mortar seems to be just random (I have been killed while standing a good 10 feet away from a blast, but I have also seen players escape unharmed while being only a few feet away).
It's not all bad, as the smoke grenades have been greatly enhanced and they add a great deal of depth to the gameplay. Same goes for planting grenades. I just wish that they would have made a cleaner and more fair online part instead of the random bullshit that is there now.
DancingJesus said:That is still in the game. Although, I think it takes more bullets now to stop the revving.
DancingJesus said:That is still in the game. Although, I think it takes more bullets now to stop the revving.
kbear said:I'm stuck
Pretty late in the game I think so don't read if you haven't beaten it yet:
I'm in the centaur tank and in the mountain and the power went out in the tank then there's these corpsers or some other monster in front of me. When Baird gets the power back up, what do I do? When I tried shooting at one, it just killed me right away, and it doesn't seem like I can move, either.
kbear said:I'm stuck
Pretty late in the game I think so don't read if you haven't beaten it yet:
I'm in the centaur tank and in the mountain and the power went out in the tank then there's these corpsers or some other monster in front of me. When Baird gets the power back up, what do I do? When I tried shooting at one, it just killed me right away, and it doesn't seem like I can move, either.
Btw, how far am I? Like what % you think? The campaign really packed it seemsdskillzhtown said:I don't think that is too far in the game. I just finished that part yesterday.
Good choice, man. You won't regret it, trust me. You know about cheapassgamer.com? Go there and register on the forum (they can only be read if you register) and check out the various 360 deals. There's always a lot of them. Here's one that gives 15% off all consoles at dell.com, free shipping too I think. http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=201706&page=2BruceLeeRoy said:So this and Fable 2 have pushed me over and I am going to pick up a 360
at lunch today instead of stealing my friends every time a good game comes out.
Where is the best place to get one?
Seems like Buy.com has a good warranty program right now any suggestions?
kbear said:Good choice, man. You won't regret it, trust me.
BruceLeeRoy said:Kbear I think I love you.
Thanks man.
h3ro said:This is great, now the only people who will complain about your official threads are Wii owners!![]()
Warm Machine said:On the story as a whole...
Go ahead and get the Pro.BruceLeeRoy said:Guys is it worth getting the arcade and a hard drive down the line or should I just get the pro?
ChrisGoldstein said:Any word on whether they'll make the golden lancer DLC? I know it's on the disc cos the hammerburst key was tiny. Crooks on ebay are selling the code for around 30 dollars, some clown even has it as buy it now for 80 :lol
ThirdEngine said:Go ahead and get the Pro.
Golden Lancer is the shit. Hammerburst, not so much.GDJustin said:The golden guns are absolutely hideous. Terrible. They should have given EVERYONE the golden guns, and then the reward for pre-ordering could have been the normal lancer and hammerburst.
Make sure you post your new tag in the Gears 2 online thread. There are a few of us who play every night.BruceLeeRoy said:Thanks man.
It gets here Wednesday I cant wait to finally play with some of you guys.
GDJustin said:The golden guns are absolutely hideous. Terrible. They should have given EVERYONE the golden guns, and then the reward for pre-ordering could have been the normal lancer and hammerburst.
BruceLeeRoy said:Thanks man.
It gets here Wednesday I cant wait to finally play with some of you guys.
Pai Pai Master said:Good choice Bruce.
I picked up a 360 last month and it's a great console. PS3 + 360 have me convinced that this is the best generation ever.
ChrisGoldstein said:I thought the same from the screen shots but in game I think they look awesome, especially when you're running and it's on your back.
I think I'm just going to go to blockbuster and trade in my regular edition. At least I got the hammerburst code and the comic from gamestop.
Clowns on ebay are selling the lancer code for no less than 30 dollars
ThirdEngine said:Golden Lancer is the shit. Hammerburst, not so much.
GDJustin said:The golden guns are absolutely hideous. Terrible. They should have given EVERYONE the golden guns, and then the reward for pre-ordering could have been the normal lancer and hammerburst.
I wholeheartedly agree with this. Because of the variety involved, there were a few portions that I wasn't a huge fan of, but the awesome parts more than made up for it. Act 4 is the most fun I've had in the campaign for a game in quite some time. I can't wait to go back and take a crack at it on insane sometime soon - I just hope the mildly frustrating bits aren't awful with the difficulty ramped up.sionyboy said:I love this game. The sheer amount of variety and scale in the locations you visit is what impresses me the most, when I think back of everything I saw and did just in one act I can't help but be impressed.
Oh my god, for real. The Golden Lancer is the hottest gun ever, it looks so great in those MP matches.ThirdEngine said:Golden Lancer is the shit. Hammerburst, not so much.
Pai Pai Master said:Like most Epic games the bots are actually worth playing against.
I really wish there was a Bots Balance Teams option for when people drop out of games. Tossing a bot back in there to balance the team could at least help them have a fair shot.