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Got out of a match with someone that was doing shady shit. I would chase him (on Old Town) and then he would just disappear. Then I would be in a shotgun battle with someone else, and the game would roll back to my death. Seriously?


Unconfirmed Member
from Cliffy's twitter

Halloween event



Pumpkin heads were pretty much expected.

And yeah, I haven't bothered playing the "Hardcore" playlist since it appears that it's one giant troll act from Epic. That, or they're in one severe, delusional, derpy ass trip right now.

Stop fucking around and just give us a Classic Playlist and be done with it. The bitching will cease once that happens. Everyone will be happy.


Alienshogun said:
Step 1: Scroll up.

Step 2: Read.

Step 3: ????

Step 4: Profit.

You're gonna end up having a stroke or getting banned if you keep on telling people to read. You're never gonna be the new host of Reading Rainbow with an attitude like that.

This is GAF...you know motherfuckers don't read

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
-PXG- said:
You're gonna end up having a stroke or getting banned if you keep on telling people to read. You're never gonna be the new host of Reading Rainbow with an attitude like that.

This is GAF...you know motherfuckers don't read

lol I know, I know.

What was I thinking.

I'm sorry everyone, just assume your post is the first post ever in the thread, as soon as you post it. My bad.


Actually, I would be playing Gears now, but I'm not even home. I'm playing games on Steam while watching SC2/ BlizzCon streams with friends. We had a big ass dinner and now debating going bar hopping. I feel like shit...ate too much...ugh.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
-PXG- said:
Actually, I would be playing Gears now, but I'm not even home. I'm playing games on Steam while watching SC2/ BlizzCon streams with friends. We had a big ass dinner and now debating going bar hopping. I feel like shit...ate too much...ugh.

Hit that bottle bud. I've been watching streams today too. Got about 6 shots of jamesons in me and had a fat ass plate of nachos to celebrate the drawdown in Iraq, and subsequently the end of "my war."

I haven't felt compelled to play GOW3 at all today.

I'll probably be on tomorrow after the gym.


Alienshogun said:
Hit that bottle bud. I've been watching streams today too. Got about 6 shots of jamesons in me and had a fat ass plate of nachos to celebrate the drawdown in Iraq, and subsequently the end of "my war."

I haven't felt compelled to play GOW3 at all today.

I'll probably be on tomorrow after the gym.

No. I'm full. And tired. Not in the mood for brews, noise or drunk morons. The passed two days have been long. Not gonna blow the last bit of energy I have tonight, doing something where I know I'm gonna regret the next day. Fuck it. Nothing wrong with a quiet night in, once in a while.

And then watch the US guvment troll you tomorrow, by saying you're being deployed to Afghanistan next month.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
-PXG- said:
No. I'm full. And tired. Not in the mood for brews, noise or drunk morons. The passed two days have been long. Not gonna blow the last bit of energy I have tonight, doing something where I know I'm gonna regret the next day. Fuck it. Nothing wrong with a quiet night in, once in a while.

And then watch the US guvment troll you tomorrow, by saying you're being deployed to Afghanistan next month.

I'm out broseph. Been out since 2008 with my honorable discharge. I'm a student of criminal justice now. ;)

I'm ecstatic MY war is over.
dmg04 said:
Cliff is more than likely laughing at this post.

He isn't the only one lol. Imagining it playing out is hilarious.

Lima : " For Honor!" *melee's the air*

The Other guy :".................?" * fill's Lima with lead*

Lima: "Fuuuuucckkkkk!"
Seth Balmore said:
C'mon Rod that's not cool.

Yooooo, what an asshole. When I was on the Epic boards a couple years ago I got that vibe from Rod though.

zlatko said:
People asked for snub pistol buffs from beta, and EPIC delivered.

I think it's just where it needs to be to be honest. On Overpass if you camp the top that thing is a monster. :)

I've preferred the pistol for long range to all of the rifles for pretty much my whole time with the game so far. Even in 2 I thought the snub was pretty good, it was no hammerbeast, but I still used since it's so fun to use while being somewhat effective.


So i always thought 20,000-30,000 was very low for the most popular playlist, then I realized horde is around 20,000.. beast around 10,000, but then I checked campaign... 102,000 worldwide! Dayum.

So in total, there's a modest 200k playing online.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Ballistik said:
So i always thought 20,000-30,000 was very low for the most popular playlist, then I realized horde is around 20,000.. beast around 10,000, but then I checked campaign... 102,000 worldwide! Dayum.

So in total, there's a modest 200k playing online.

Yeah, campaign is fucking packed all the time.

P.S I found some legend of zelda dubstep, zomg.

TRios Zen

I understand the hardcore community is not the only community that ANY game wants. More sales = more dollars = more games, business is business, I get it.

But pissing on the hardcore, those who would support your game by buying all the DLC and playing the hell out of it, for the casuals who will leave your game when the next flash hits, seems...well, not very smart. Not very business smart either.

What does EPIC have to gain by dissing gnasher lovers? Do they think the casuals (who probably wouldn't follow them on twitter anyway) are suddenly going to flock to the game?

Hmmm, I don't get it. I love this game, I want them to give me a reason to keep it spinning in my 360 for a very long time. Throwing me a bone, that I didn't want ("hardcore" playlist) then laughing at me for wanting something like that is not the way to convince me that you care about me as a consumer. When the hell did I become second class to them because I prefer the gnasher to that skill-less POS SOS?


TRios Zen said:
I understand the hardcore community is not the only community that ANY game wants. More sales = more dollars = more games, business is business, I get it.

But pissing on the hardcore, those who would support your game by buying all the DLC and playing the hell out of it, for the casuals who will leave your game when the next flash hits, seems...well, not very smart. Not very business smart either.

What does EPIC have to gain by dissing gnasher lovers? Do they think the casuals (who probably wouldn't follow them on twitter anyway) or suddenly going to flock to the game?

Hmmm, I don't get it. I love this game, I want them to give me a reason to keep it spinning in my 360 for a very long time. Throwing me a bone, that I didn't want ("hardcore" playlist) then laughing at me for wanting something like that is not the way to convince me that you care about me as a consumer. When the hell did I become second class to them because I prefer the gnasher to that skill-less POS SOS?

This so much.

I don't know why Epic, or any company honestly, does this. Why bother catering to a group of people who are just gonna trade your game in for Call of Duty a few weeks later. Sure, you might get their $60, but you're sure as hell not getting DLC or more games out of them down the road.

Ultimately, companies should just focus on finding a niche and sticking with it. There can only be one CoD. There is only room for one mega hit. Just let it be and focus on what you've done right and love those who love you back.


Did Epic suggest before this weekend that the Hardcore Gnasher playlist was supposed to appeal to members who dislike the Retro Lancer and Sawed Off and prefer the old-style Gears?

Because if they did, then okay, I understand all the negativity, and that's totally on Epic. Otherwise, you guys might be looking for contempt where there is none. I saw the hardcore playlist today in the events list and I did not immediately attach the word hardcore with people who prefer playing without the retro and sawed off. I saw the word hardcore and just associated it with this weekend's fun, dumb little distraction - a cute gnasher-only playlist with a twist. That's all. I really don't think it's anything sinister.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
-PXG- said:
This so much.

I don't know why Epic, or any company honestly, does this. Why bother catering to a group of people who are just gonna trade your game in for Call of Duty a few weeks later. Sure, you might get their $60, but you're sure as hell not getting DLC or more games out of them down the road.

Ultimately, companies should just focus on finding a niche and sticking with it. There can only be one CoD. There is only room for one mega hit. Just let it be and focus on what you've done right and love those who love you back.

TBH that Hitler video about the sawed off is totally pertinent. I'm totally ready to abandon Epic for the BS that is BF3 and the COD million.

If this is the trend, fuck those who pretend to coddle the hardcore.


Companies need to embrace their fans not fuck them, the Arma guys know it, and other devs need to learn it. Either embrace your fanbase, or make a new fucking game. Don't make what we hope for, then fuck us in the ass with your hope dildo, it will only fuck you in the end.

Cliff, I know you read this. If you mother fuckers don't embrace those who support you, we WILL stop, and the gravy train will end.


Alienshogun said:
TBH that Hitler video about the sawed off is totally pertinent. I'm totally ready to abandon Epic for the BS that is BF3 and the COD million.

If this is the trend, fuck those who pretend to coddle the hardcore.


Companies need to embrace their fans not fuck them, the Arma guys know it, and other devs need to learn it. Either embrace your fanbase, or make a new fucking game. Don't make what we hope for, then fuck us in the ass with your hope dildo, it will only fuck you in the end.

Cliff, I know you read this. If you mother fuckers don't embrace those who support you, we WILL stop, and the gravy train will end.

It's simple:

Their eyes are bigger than their stomachs.

They see the numbers CoD gets. Who doesn't want that? But like I said, there can only be one CoD. The market can only bare one game like that. So, instead of persuing this Sisyphean task of trying to be the next Call of Duty, companies should just cater to their loyal fans. There's still tons of money to be made.

Hell, Epic makes a killing from engine licensing. That combined with the money made from the dedicated fans is more than enough. But no...even more than enough, isn't enough for some.

TRios Zen

Alienshogun said:
TBH that Hitler video about the sawed off is totally pertinent. I'm totally ready to abandon Epic for the BS that is BF3 and the COD million.

If this is the trend, fuck those who pretend to coddle the hardcore.


Companies need to embrace their fans not fuck them, the Arma guys know it, and other devs need to learn it. Either embrace your fanbase, or make a new fucking game. Don't make what we hope for, then fuck us in the ass with your hope dildo, it will only fuck you in the end.

Cliff, I know you read this. If you mother fuckers don't embrace those who support you, we WILL stop, and the gravy train will end.

1) That video was fucking hilarious, can't believe I missed it, thanks for re-posting
2) I'm not sure calling them mother fuckers is helping much here - respect should be a two way street - we may feel disrespected, but rise above man.

I know Cliff does read this too, I want to believe epic cares about all of their consumers, so I'd love a response, but I don't know that we will get one.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
-PXG- said:
It's simple:

Their eyes are bigger than their stomachs.

They see the numbers CoD gets. Who doesn't want that? But like I said, there can only be one CoD. The market can only bare one game like that. So, instead of persuing this Sisyphean task of trying to be the next Call of Duty, companies should just cater to their loyal fanbases. There's still tons of money to be made.

Hell, Epic makes a killing from engine licensing. That combined with the money made from the dedicated fans is more than enough. But no...even more than enough, isn't enough for some.

In the end, that will be their undoing, they will relegate themselves to engine developers and only niche players will buy their games.

It's already becoming that.

The hardcore embraced GOW2 and GOW 1, they still played until launch, GOW 3 completely shit on them at launch. Sure, there's "adapt and learn" but that "playstyle" is easily abused by the intelligent, thus ruining the entire experience.

By trying to garner interest by the casual, they have in fact, ruined their game.

I won't be buying the next GOW, I regret buying the season pack.

The MP is good, but the "respect" they are paying their fans is lacking, in fact, they are directly DISRESPECTING us with this SHIT that is "hardcore mode."

If they want to throw their fans under the bus, I have absolutely no issue in informing every gamer to refrain from bothering with Epic.

Rod/Cliff/Quinn prove me wrong.

Robot Pants

I agree with everything everyone is saying about Epic. I played one game of this playlist on Hotel, and on the first round rushed the sniper. When I saw there were no power weapons I just kinda stopped and sat there.
I've said this since gears 2, that Epic clearly has no idea what makes Gears great.
None. No idea at all. They have no idea what to do with this franchise besides cater to the casual.
However, I also think that the name hardcore weekend is more of a reference to hardcore horde mode.
If they really thought this hardcore playlist is what the gears vets wanted, then my first point is doubly true.
Also, the mantle kick is retarded. It has a 60 foot hit box at 180°. I think I'm done with the game forever, because since day one I've had marginal fun with it. So until some major changes are made.....Gears 1 for life


Good matches to the folks I was with (MetalGnomes here). Would've preferred a night of Warzone, but King of the Hill got chaotic and was a decent change of pace.


Alienshogun said:
In the end, that will be their undoing, they will relegate themselves to engine developers and only niche players will buy their games.

It's already becoming that.

The hardcore embraced GOW2 and GOW 1, they still played until launch, GOW 3 completely shit on them at launch. Sure, there's "adapt and learn" but that "playstyle" is easily abused by the intelligent, thus ruining the entire experience.

By trying to garner interest by the casual, they have in fact, ruined their game.

I won't be buying the next GOW, I regret buying the season pack.

The MP is good, but the "respect" they are paying their fans is lacking, in fact, they are directly DISRESPECTING us with this SHIT that is "hardcore mode."

If they want to throw their fans under the bus, I have absolutely no issue in informing every gamer to refrain from bothering with Epic.

Rod/Cliff/Quinn prove me wrong.

Epic is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from that. They're not id...look at them. Epic is relevant. They have a great franchise and an engine that is pretty much an industry standard.

Anyway, WoW and SC2 are being dumbed down. Street Fighter vs Tekken and those silly ass gems...good lord. Devs all over are going full retard it seems.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
-PXG- said:
Epic is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from that. They're not id...look at them. Epic is relevant. They have a great franchise and an engine that is pretty much an industry standard.

Anyway, WoW and SC2 are being dumbed down. Street Fighter vs Tekken and those silly ass gems...good lord. Devs all over are going full retard it seems.

Hence, "in the end."

I've said multiple times GOW 3 is an amazing game, but their service to their fanbase will ultimately be their undoing.
Level 16 so far and I feel like I'm barely getting any better at this =[ I wanna be a great player online yet I just can't aim or hit people worth shit and I die before I know wtf just happened lol.


tagged by Blackace
Alienshogun said:
In the end, that will be their undoing, they will relegate themselves to engine developers and only niche players will buy their games.

It's already becoming that.

The hardcore embraced GOW2 and GOW 1, they still played until launch, GOW 3 completely shit on them at launch. Sure, there's "adapt and learn" but that "playstyle" is easily abused by the intelligent, thus ruining the entire experience.

By trying to garner interest by the casual, they have in fact, ruined their game.

I won't be buying the next GOW, I regret buying the season pack.

The MP is good, but the "respect" they are paying their fans is lacking, in fact, they are directly DISRESPECTING us with this SHIT that is "hardcore mode."

If they want to throw their fans under the bus, I have absolutely no issue in informing every gamer to refrain from bothering with Epic.

Rod/Cliff/Quinn prove me wrong.
Hyperbole to the nth degree, especially when you say you still enjoy the complete package they put out, and if your are indeed still playing the game. But if your trying to make some noise, this is how to do it.
From the onset of the beta, the sawed off seem like nothing more than a way to troll gnasher users; it's probably not, but I do believe Epic would go to such lengths because they seemingly have some petty vendetta against the gnasher.

balancing issues aside, the sawed-off is a horrible idea because it sucks the fun out of cqc
enzo_gt said:
Hyperbole to the nth degree, especially when you say you still enjoy the complete package they put out, and if your are indeed still playing the game. But if your trying to make some noise, this is how to do it.

Hilariously enough, it really is.


Liferebooted said:
Level 16 so far and I feel like I'm barely getting any better at this =[ I wanna be a great player online yet I just can't aim or hit people worth shit and I die before I know wtf just happened lol.

Gears is a game that will kick you down repeatedly when you are first starting. Gears 1 I got into late and it took me several months to finally get to getting at least 1 kill before I would die in a round.

Basic things you want to learn:

Map layouts. Knowing the playfield is huge. Walking around aimlessly is just a quick way to get someone to run up behind you and drop you with a shotgun.

Weapon positions on maps and which help your team the most. A sniper rifle CAN be brutal if you get all head shots, but a Boom shot is 3 rockets of doom that even a noobie can get free kills with.

Proper ways to utilize your starting weapons. Find the rifle you find most comfortable with. Knowing when to aim down the sights with it or hip fire, and the same goes for using a Gnasher. Active reloads are also a great way to end fights quicker before they even begin if you have active bullets in your clip as you engage.

Cover is important, but don't constantly sit in it. Use cover as "check points" to get you to the enemy safely bit by bit. Sitting on cover too long tends to get people to show up behind you.

Hope that helps you start to improve. Later on you can learn more complex things like wall sliding. :)


computers putin' said:
From the onset of the beta, the sawed off seem like nothing more than a way to troll gnasher users; it's probably not, but I do believe Epic would go to such lengths because they seemingly have some petty vendetta against the gnasher.

balancing issues aside, the sawed-off is a horrible idea because it sucks the fun out of cqc
I disagree I actually think it's still a great inclusion to the game because it and the rifles make it a whole better game.

The hyperbole and outrage over the hardcore mode and epic in general feels like a huge over reaction.


Just played this game tonight for the first time in a week........ and there are still douchebags running around using nothing but sos. I was in two different games, two different sets of people, and there were literally teams of kids who would not use anything but the sos. They would spawn, whip it out, and wouldn't even pull their lancers out for a long range battle.

The first map they raped me on overpass. Second map I got thrashball. Went 15-0 using nothing but lancer holding them off in the middle. They would literally charge me down to the mortar/mulcher and would never do anything else. It's so pathetic.
I have three green skin codes if anyone is willing to trade.

Also, how long is the gnasher weekend running? Does it ending Sunday night, or Monday?

EDIT: Only accepting Gears 3-related codes, or MS point codes or something. Codes for other games don't really help me since the 360 isn't my primary platform.


Ajemsuhgao said:
I have three green skin codes if anyone is willing to trade.

Also, how long is the gnasher weekend running? Does it ending Sunday night, or Monday?

L.A. Noire Car Consul's Traffic Case DLC Code for PS3 version?

Team Fortress 2 items?
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