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tagged by Blackace
Alienshogun said:
It's the internet, and this is a video game forum. You're gonna get hyperbole when it pertains to things people don't like, especially when that "don't like" may be the only thing keeping them from absolutely loving a game.
I think GearsGAF just needs something new to talk about. Maybe the November DLC will help.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
enzo_gt said:
I think GearsGAF just needs something new to talk about. Maybe the November DLC will help.

Oh, you mean the fact that it's completely useless until they get the maps working on servers?

(I don't give two shits about horde or beast.)

Kydd BlaZe

Alienshogun said:
Oh, you mean the fact that it's completely useless until they get the maps working on servers?

(I don't give two shits about horde or beast.)
Lol...same here.

I'm not buying any DLC until they figure out a way to get the new maps into the matchmaking rotation.

Glad I held off from purchasing the Season Pass.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
LeonSKennedy90 said:
Yeah, this thread got really boring after release. Just SOS bitching on every fucking page.
Just think, if the classic playlist happens, no one will ever complain about the SOS again here!


tagged by Blackace
malfcn said:
Can Silver people participate in the event with themselves? Gotta friend whose live just ran out.
It requires you to go into matchmaking, no?

I doubt he'd be able to participate.


Seth Balmore said:
Quinn is currently discussing the Hammerburst with the community over at the official forums. Again, I'm really happy to see he's taking the time to talk MP balancing with the players.

Personally speaking I'd be ecstatic they made the clip just a teensy bit larger, I wouldn't even touch the regular damage values, headshot multiplier or active reload at all. Let's see how this discussion develops...

Hm. I thought the Hburst was fine as it was? Wasn't PXG specifically saying it's the coveted rifle of Gods?

If any rifle deserves a tweak it's the original Lancer which needs its clip size reduced. I use it, and it's the weapon I get the 2nd most amount of my kills with, but it does SO much work. I feel the other two rifles are situational , but the Lancer has the answer for all occasions in the right players hands.

Maybe the Lancer getting a smaller clip would in fact be a buff to the H.Burst within the eco system of guns. Then again I'm fine with Hburst getting more bullets if that makes people happy who feel the gun is not up to par.

Oh and SOS complaints will probably be here and there in this thread from non-frequent players or attenders to the thread, but if a Classic Playlist is thrown in then I won't be looking back. I'll no longer be exposed to it and therefore that'll be the end of any saltiness from that gun.

The issue of perma dedi servers however is still at the top of my shit list. They don't have to be permanent if they just can't do it, but please let me know when they are up or when they are down in game, or somehow tell me if the game I join is P2P or if it's dedicated. I could at least prepare within game my overall approach on P2P.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
LeonSKennedy90 said:
You know damn well that's a fucking lie
Fuck no! If people hate the SOS, why would they play in a playlist where they exist? If a classic playlist comes out, people that hate the SOS have no business playing anything else provided the Classic Playlist has all modes available.

Don't like the SOS? There's a playlist without it, if someone is complaining about it where they have a choice to play with them in the game, that's just asinine. Right now, there's no way to get away from the SOS.


Stat Flow said:
Fuck no! If people hate the SOS, why would they play in a playlist where they exist? If a classic playlist comes out, people that hate the SOS have no business playing anything else provided the Classic Playlist has all modes available.

Don't like the SOS? There's a playlist without it, if someone is complaining about it where they have a choice to play with them in the game, that's just asinine. Right now, there's no way to get away from the SOS.

There's one way that worked for me: Play Battlefield 3. :p


enzo_gt said:
It requires you to go into matchmaking, no?

I doubt he'd be able to participate.

It should work privately too, but..

And it'd be smart if they had the bots use weapon skins. It'd be advertising.


Stat Flow said:
Just think, if the classic playlist happens, no one will ever complain about the SOS again here!
whats up



It is a camp fest, that's for sure.

Everybody just hiding behind corners and shit.

But the headshot is so rewarding in this game, especially with the snipe, that I will play this list a lot this weekend.


Alienshogun said:
Except the SOS is infact a noob weapon. It was intentionally designed for new unskilled players. This has been said time and time again by the developers.

Those of us who don't want crutches in our game play shouldn't have to put up with them.
This pretty much sums it up right here.

Epic can leave the SOS in the game. Leave it be and not change it. Just include an alternative for those who don't want it. It's that simple.

That's not asking for much, really.
The existence of the SOS really goes to show you that after 5 years and 3 games, Epic still doesn't understand their goddamn fanbase at all.
AnEternalEnigma said:
The existence of the SOS really goes to show you that after 5 years and 3 games, Epic still doesn't understand their goddamn fanbase at all.

Or maybe they understand their fanbase too well and like to troll us... maybe.
Skilotonn said:
I don't get his "true precision" stance, because the Lancer has a headshot modifier, and I'm not sure, but I think the Retro has one as well.
This is exactly what I pointed out to him yesterday and he replied with this:

You are right. The Lancer isn't a precision weapon. The headshot multiplier on the Lancer was added for Gears 2 to help it deal with Gnasher rushers b/c the player's head is most prominent when someone is "Roadie Running" toward you. It was a partner in crime to "Stopping Power".

We never felt the need to touch that aspect of the Lancer b/c to be honest it never was in danger of being too powerful.
I think the Hammerburst by itself is the most balanced of all three rifles and the one that rewards skillful players the most, hence why I don't think it really needs to be tweaked that much, just add a couple more bullets to the clip if anything.

Unfortunately the same can't be said if you compare it directly with the other two starting rifles. The bigger problem here are the Lancer and Retro Lancer being OP in some ways, especially the monster that is the Lancer in its current state (I really don't get how Quinn can say there's no danger of the Lancer being too powerful as it stands right now).

Weapon balancing would benefit much more from the Lancer being toned down a bit rather than the Hammerburst receiving changes, in my humble opinion. It all boils down to the rifles in this game dealing way too much damage per second, which only promotes camping and stifles CQC.


-PXG- said:
This pretty much sums it up right here.

Epic can leave the SOS in the game. Leave it be and not change it. Just include an alternative for those who don't want it. It's that simple.

That's not asking for much, really.


I really dont have a Huge problem with SOS but it certainly does dumb down and take away some of Gears of War great CQC encounters,
theres only a handfull of here that defend the SOS. its been stated numerous times that it is a noob weapon so i wouldn't go down that road
and because of this its being taken advantage of.

Also the Hammerburst is great as it is, beefing up the Power will make it overpowered and discourage more map movement, you find the main reason the HB is underused is because of how easy/effective the Lancer is to use, not because its ineffective. Im always rocking the HB and do great with it

reducing the Lancers clip size will help even out the numbers not a HB tweak, if anything only add 2 more extra bullets, but even thats stretching


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Seth Balmore said:
This is exactly what I pointed out to him yesterday and he replied with this:

I think the Hammerburst by itself is the most balanced of all three rifles and the one that rewards skillful players the most, hence why I don't think it really needs to be tweaked that much, just add a couple more bullets to the clip if anything.

Unfortunately the same can't be said if you compare it directly with the other two starting rifles. The bigger problem here are the Lancer and Retro Lancer being OP in some ways, especially the monster that is the Lancer in its current state (I really don't get how Quinn can say there's no danger of the Lancer being too powerful as it stands right now).

Weapon balancing would benefit much more from the Lancer being toned down a bit rather than the Hammerburst receiving changes, in my humble opinion. It all boils down to the rifles in this game dealing way too much damage per second, which only promotes camping and stifles CQC.

And that's the thing, even with how powerful the Lancer & Retro are, Hammerburst is still my choice rifle because it's all about control and accuracy for me - I love lighting up people from the other side of the map when a teammate is in trouble or if I see someone in a spot where I don't want them to be - I love that I can get someone down on the other end of the map in the same amount of time as if they were right in front of me - if I catch them sleeping, and they think it's an inaccurate Lancer, I can down them before they realize that they should have went into cover.

The newest trick I came up with on my own with the HB is to now just hipfire rapidly while walking away from a Sawed-Off user as he's walking towards me - as soon as he's out of cover, he's dead, because since hipfire is so accurate, I just have to keep the center of the screen on him - if he continues to advance, he's dead. If he rolls, he's dead. If he tries to run back to cover after realizing his mistake, it's too late and he's dead. Love it.

I actually don't want them to weaken the other two rifles, because if they do, then there's less of an argument as to the wide assortment of SOS counters - I'd rather them bring the HB up to the other two rifles - I hate when weapons get worsened in any game to tell you the truth.

So Quinn, I hope you take this into consideration - you've seen the weapon stats yourself, if you don't want the community to just keep hogging the Lancer while having to make it worse, improve the HB.


Thanks to gamertags semiarticulate (gaffer peabody), pinnoch1o, RevolverNed, and especially xAYSxTheDude for the awesome insane horde run. I apologize for not knowing all your gaf names. Me and AYS did all 50 waves in one run, and it took around 4 hours (the others hopped on throughout the run).

I already had the horde onyx medal but damn doing this in one run was satisfying as hell because you get massive consecutive match bonuses for doing all 50 waves in one sitting. After 40 waves I got a 10000 exp consecutive match bonus and after the 50th wave I got a 15000 exp consecutive match bonus.

And on top of all that you get the Long Hauler ribbon for doing the 50 waves in one sitting.

I still only have the silver beast medal for beating beast on normal without dying. I'd love to try for the onyx (on insane without dying) with gaffers today.


Lima said:
Sure hit me up for beast dude. My gamertag is Revolver Ned.

And as I said earlier. Dem Brumaks are glitching.

Yeah, I just logged on XBL and saw that your message to me from last night mentioned you were Lima. Sorry, >_<. Thanks again for insane horde buddy. ^_^

I'm heading out now to get a 407 transponder for my car (the 407 is a toll highway in the GTA), but after that I'll be able to play some beast mode.

I consider myself an achievement whore but you know, I've played hours and hours and hours of this game making zero progress towards any achievement. All I'm doing is just having a blast. It's gotta be the hundreds of stat trackers that pop up in the bottom right-hand corner every 30 seconds, whether it's for ribbons, medals, mutators, executions, etc.... =p


You have to look at the bigger picture. Every little medal you get gets you towards seriously 3.0

I'm at 29 onyx medals and I plan to unlock number 30 tonight to get the Embry Star.
Alienshogun said:
It's the internet, and this is a video game forum. You're gonna get hyperbole when it pertains to things people don't like, especially when that "don't like" may be the only thing keeping them from absolutely loving a game.

IMO, they should make a SOS playlist, and by default everything else should not have it. Let the new guys who want to use crutches play with each other. Let everyone else play Gears.

And this is coming from someone who doesn't even give a fuck that much about the SOS. It's not OP, it doesn't get me when I know it's there.

However, it's effect on the overall game has absolutely no redeeming value. It's hurt Gears more than help it.

The only thing it MAY have helped is to make Epic's wallet a bit fatter.


As for the hammerburst, couldn't the recoil just be reduced a bit? I never got why it had so few bullets when it has such a substantial amount of recoil to it.
Montresor said:
I consider myself an achievement whore but you know, I've played hours and hours and hours of this game making zero progress towards any achievement. All I'm doing is just having a blast. It's gotta be the hundreds of stat trackers that pop up in the bottom right-hand corner every 30 seconds, whether it's for ribbons, medals, mutators, executions, etc.... =p

Definitely feeling that sentiment.

I have other games to play but I keep coming back to Gears. Just had an awesome 5 on 5 with friends, all Capture the Leader matches for 2 hours. Pure insanity.


tagged by Blackace
AnEternalEnigma said:
The existence of the SOS really goes to show you that after 5 years and 3 games, Epic still doesn't understand their goddamn fanbase at all.
That's like saying the existence of Armor Lock indicated that after almost a decade and 5 games, Bungie doesn't understand their fanbase.

Your deduction is unsubstantial.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
enzo_gt said:
That's like saying the existence of Armor Lock indicated that after almost a decade and 5 games, Bungie doesn't understand their fanbase.

Your deduction is unsubstantial.

I do wish developers would quit adding "that" mechanic which ruins their games.

Commando lunge, Armor lock, Sawed off,etc.


AnEternalEnigma said:
The existence of the SOS really goes to show you that after 5 years and 3 games, Epic still doesn't understand their goddamn fanbase at all.

At the end of the day, Epic knows that the dedicated fans will buy their stuff anyway. They have our money, so at this point, nothing really matters. Sure, some will drop off, but most will stick around, in hopes that, eventually, their suggestions will be addressed and put into effect. Some folks are pissed now, but let them simmer down, and once Epic announces their next game in a few years, watch those people jump back on board. People forget things quickly, especially when you put something shiny in front of them. I'm surprised Gears 3 sold as well as it did, after the train wreck that was Gears 2. Then again, the beta won back a lot of good will, and rightfully so. Gears actually works now. That alone makes the game worth buying. Aside from a few balancing issues, Gears 3 is a fantastic game.

They can ignore (to an extent) the "hardcore" players, knowing that most will put up with the game. There is no such guarantee with new/ casual players. Thats why things like the SOS, the Retro, progression bars, medals, ribbons and special events exist. It's to keep those who really aren't into Gears to stay hooked and not play (read: buy) something else. Epic knows that vets of the series will stay, because no other game offers the core mechanics that Gears has. Those players are content with the bread and butter close quarters combat that the series is known for. All the other accouterments are for everyone else, or those who want a little more bang for their buck.

Heavy's Sandvich said:
The more I play this the more I want to frisbee this out of my window.

Gears ain't Gears unless it pisses you off. Part of the fun is raging your ass off, and laughing about it later.
Finished the single player on Hardcore last night. I found the game to be my least favorite of the series. The combat situations didn't seem as interesting overall. The last full area of the game is probably my favorite environment in the entire series though. I think that having 4 and sometimes more AI with you is actually pretty messy and it takes way too much of the combat stress away from the player.

Obviously it is the nicest looking one of the series and there are loads of gorgeous moments. The evolution of the graphics in the series is really interesting to look at.

I'm finding the MP of the game to be really fun. Certainly the best Gears in this regard. It makes up for my SP experience.
enzo_gt said:
That's like saying the existence of Armor Lock indicated that after almost a decade and 5 games, Bungie doesn't understand their fanbase.

Your deduction is unsubstantial.
I would agree with the above statement. Along with reduced speed and jump height and added player inertia.


Alienshogun said:
I do wish developers would quit adding "that" mechanic which ruins their games.

Commando lunge, Armor lock, Sawed off,etc.

Add in Xfactor and Gems to that list :p

It seems like every game these days has that ONE feature that almost ruins the entire experience.

Gotta get dat cashzual monay


tagged by Blackace
-PXG- said:
Add in Xfactor and Gems to that list :p

It seems like every game these days has that ONE feature that almost ruins the entire experience.

Gotta get dat cashzual monay
Yeah, imagine a world where the Gnasher and SOS were pre-order DLC. We'd be in OT3 with the bitching.


Live Free or Die said:
Do you guys have any tips for horde mode? Like what to upgrade first or is it best to save your money for a while?

First off don't waste your money on barriers. They are useless. If you have some spare money build just the basic version to stop the enemies from rushing you.

One guy should save up all of his money to buy the silverback. You should be able to get one around wave 10/11.

Now an armored troika is also pretty useful so the other guys should save up their money for that.

On top of that you could build a level 3 sentry that will stun enemies which is pretty useful and stops them from rushing you.

Only thing I wouldn't buy is decoys. There are situations where they come in handy but that is really rare. And for all the money they cost they are not really helping you out that much. Maybe that will change with the onyx guard upgrade from the DLC though.

And from around wave 11 it is pretty basic stuff then. The guy in the silverback uses all his money to keep it alive and the other guys repair the turrets/sentries.

Using this we I got to wave 40 on insane without mutators last night with random people that I met while playing public horde.
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