may 18th eula confirmed, june 8th klee and after that kazuha based on leakers.The next will be Klee or still another banner?
The frickin' teapot stuff is starting to creep into my normal gameplay. I'm running over to do a commission and get distracted by the trees in the area....
I was thinking about getting Kazuha to C4+ but I'm not too fond of seeing that he is heavily reliant on EM and has more of a support role. His best in slot sword is Mondstadt based. I'll pull for him but I really wanted him to be DPS focused like Xiao.may 18th eula confirmed, june 8th klee and after that kazuha based on leakers.
C4+ you say, hmmm...I was thinking about getting Kazuha to C4+ but I'm not too fond of seeing that he is heavily reliant on EM and has more of a support role. His best in slot sword is Mondstadt based. I'll pull for him but I really wanted him to be DPS focused like Xiao.
Next one is Eula, then it's speculated that it will be Klee -> Kazuha. Then if you really want to stretch it out based on heresay, it's gonna be a triple banner in 1.7 (like Liyue festival patch) with Ganyu Rerun, the new sexy pyro bow, and rumors of either Sae, Baal, or Ayaka. The 1.7 stuff is all pretty far out there though.The next will be Klee or still another banner?
C6 is what you want if you want him to main carry.I was thinking about getting Kazuha to C4+ but I'm not too fond of seeing that he is heavily reliant on EM and has more of a support role. His best in slot sword is Mondstadt based. I'll pull for him but I really wanted him to be DPS focused like Xiao.
In other news -Saber i tried to speed up your crafting timers but you aren't making anything. Get crafting!
and at least cut the grass so it's not knee-high everywhere.
This is the reason why I always recommend to pull for what you really like, this is an example of how honkai impact, the other game of mihoyo was affected by the power creep, today the first herrscher is the worst and they even gave it away recently.
Kinda off-topic, but I'd really like to use BKE, but I don't "get" her playstyle at all. She seems terrible until you have enough SP to use her Ult, is that how she's supposed to be?This is cool, but let's not pretend like HoV isn't still very powerful, she's also very simple to play and most importantly I can see mihoyo giving her a core update because of kiana being in control now (together with blue eyes costume unlock).
Just as easily as she slipped off, she can come back like a rocket ship.
But yeah pull for what you really like, I have dea anchora, but I use gloria much much more, she's just easier and more straightforward to use.
Kinda, she wants you to loop her charged attack over and over, so you do the 5th attack, do charge attack and then the next attack should be your 4th, so you just start over. This charges her ULT because the charge attack restores SP.Kinda off-topic, but I'd really like to use BKE, but I don't "get" her playstyle at all. She seems terrible until you have enough SP to use her Ult, is that how she's supposed to be?
Ok then I guess I've been doing it mostly correct. The loop is just so boring to play and for me, she doesn't actually "start" until you can Ult. Shame, I really like her elf costume design, and she's hella fun after you can use her stronger moves in Ult form.Kinda, she wants you to loop her charged attack over and over, so you do the 5th attack, do charge attack and then the next attack should be your 4th, so you just start over. This charges her ULT because the charge attack restores SP.
She can also do her charge attack after her parry/block, so think of playing her like playing metal gear rising, just keep looping your attacks and just stand still and block/parry everything for huge damage.
Yeah sp support stigmata like shrödinger band (B) and Dirac (B) work well on her for that reason. You could also use Bronya -sloth-(B), but then you'd have her switched out for most of the time, just so you can spam her ULT.Ok then I guess I've been doing it mostly correct. The loop is just so boring to play and for me, she doesn't actually "start" until you can Ult. Shame, I really like her elf costume design, and she's hella fun after you can use her stronger moves in Ult form.
Not willing to spend that much on character that I know I might not even main for a month or two. I'm looking forward to Baal, and Ayaka, plus every 4* that comes out with Inazuma.Next one is Eula, then it's speculated that it will be Klee -> Kazuha. Then if you really want to stretch it out based on heresay, it's gonna be a triple banner in 1.7 (like Liyue festival patch) with Ganyu Rerun, the new sexy pyro bow, and rumors of either Sae, Baal, or Ayaka. The 1.7 stuff is all pretty far out there though.
Rumors are also stating that 2.0 (Inazuma proper release) is on July 21st, and Chasm has been delayed indefinitely until they figure out Dendro.
In other news -Saber i tried to speed up your crafting timers but you aren't making anything. Get crafting!
Also, just unlocked my 2nd island in my teapot. I definitely see more potential now, so I think later tonight I'll move my main house to the 2nd floor and put all the plebian houses on the first big island. I also like the floating cloud domain a lot more now that I can go up higher, it just looks cooler from up there. We need to be able to make paved walkways now, creeks, fountains, ponds, and at least cut the grass so it's not knee-high everywhere.
Anyone up for co-op on the event challenges later? I've been putting them off.
C6 is what you want if you want him to main carry.
They'll find your fetish alright, just you wait.Not willing to spend that much on character that I know I might not even main for a month or two. I'm looking forward to Baal, and Ayaka, plus every 4* that comes out with Inazuma.
Nothing in the game will make me go full on whale mode hahaha.
Stay strong.....I already see my downfall coming with the Klee banner.Nothing in the game will make me go full on whale mode hahaha.
Stay strong.....I already see my downfall coming with the Klee banner.
I have her...but I NEED her C6 (I don't...but I do...but...)
I had to look up what Klee's C6 even did. Pyro boost and energy charge. Honestly not bad. Not gamebreaking, but not bad.Stay strong.....I already see my downfall coming with the Klee banner.
I have her...but I NEED her C6 (I don't...but I do...but...)
I have her at C0 and I do ~35K damage on my charge attacks, I figure getting to C6 would just take her from "easy button" to...well...whatever is easier than easy button.I had to look up what Klee's C6 even did. Pyro boost and energy charge. Honestly not bad. Not gamebreaking, but not bad.
14600 after all 3. And I'm not gonna bother with another 400 points. Event is terrible. Cocogoat is basically an easy mode as she can freeze everything around her, but all the additional challenges/modifications are just straight up trash and I have no patience for this shit. Plus, "good news everyone", next patch is gonna have similar event again. It's like they can't properly balance challenges/heroes so they just cutting out our abilities and call it a day. Ridiculous. Why not let us use our heroes as we please? Bah.need 20k total to get all of the currency, so 5k per domain. The best I'm managing right now is a little over 4k on the first 3.
At least now we was able to buy the new hero and the crown in the very first day.Already cleared shop.
I've been carried.
Not if we don't get a matching tool in game.I actually like the harder even it meanss not clearing the shop, well, at least not alone. I rely on the discord people for helping/help. Even if I'm more of a lone wolf myself, we actually need some player interaction on some events (Liben, Teapot rank up, Hypostasis, and the current one).
I've been targeting and hitting right at 5k. Having a geo shield character is obviously important and probably the main reason I can clear 5k. Not needing to heal plus avoiding interrupts while attacking are key in all 3 challenges so far.What score are you guys looking at in the challenge? I think this might be the first one that I'm not going to be able to clear shop for. You need 20k total to get all of the currency, so 5k per domain. The best I'm managing right now is a little over 4k on the first 3. I can probably add a little more to the 2nd and 3rd ones, but that Geovishap one with the ice and freezing is just too damn frustrating. Am I missing an easy way to get 5k+ on these?
I think they're having a hard time balancing certain weapon/element combos. Cryo catalyst especially I suspect is going to be tough to prevent perma-freeze with Barbara/Mona to the point that nothing will ever be able to move. I'm curious to see if we ever get a Geo Bow healer. I think that particular combination would be OP for survival.We can probably expect a lot of electro characters from Inazuma when that releases. That might be why those seem to be lacking right now. I definitely think there's room for improvement though. They keep releasing element & weapon type combo's that are already present in the game, which seems like a bit of a waste at this point in time.
As for the Twisted Realm, I'm at 14625 score currently. I'll have to try the two earlier ones again to get 5000. I appreciate the challenge, but at the same time they're pretty cheap in how they increase the difficulty. Yesterday's challenge was a low point for me, with a damaging orb just spawning every 20 seconds or so. The only way to avoid that damage is to activate a burst at exactly the right time. Lame.
I really could write a big fuck you for ignoring Xynian so far but nah...not worth it.
I really could write a big fuck you for ignoring Xynian so far but nah...not worth it.
So I read that the characters you can give feedback on are randomized. If you want to leave specific feedback, you can back out and re-enter. I am considering doing this until I get Rosaria (for the usual reasons), in a sign of solidarity withAranea .
I dunno, Shenhe already looked pretty "developed" to me...