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Genshin Impact |OT| 5.0 (Natlan) - Everything Changed When the Fire Nation Arrived


If you haven't started already, I'd suggest using your pins in the new island map. Even if you've used most of them on the normal map, the new map gives you 99 of them again. I'm marking every little island as I explore it. The plan is when the new islands pop up in a day or so, I'll know exactly where I've explored already and where I haven't.
I hope that with Inazuma's release we will get more pins. 99 is nowhere near enough even for the current content ;(
I'm actually more concerned about the team builds. Theres way too many characters and they still didn't think on increasing the limit above 4.
Surely they must be considering this. There's a bunch of story quests where you have 5 characters to pick from, so there doesn't seem to be any limitation in the engine or hardware (phones).


Looks like god boy is even stronger now.

Thats because elemental master get buffed, so elemental users got stronger now. My Lisa is very strong in comparison with 1.5.

Now is worthy invest into elemental master.

- Increases the damage caused by major reactions (i.e. Electro-Charged, Superconduct, Overloaded, Swirl, and Shatter), when a character reaches Level 60 or above.

- Increases the Base Shield DMG Absorption for shields generated by Crystallize reactions.

- Increases the DMG Bonus provided by Elemental Mastery for major reactions. (Refer to the attributes panel in-game for the exact DMG Bonus amount.)

Guess I need to learn how swirl works now...

Never really used my Venti or Beanette.

Swirl sprend the others element around, I guess between 4x4 or 3x3, dealing additional damage. The fun thing is, you can make elemental reaction inside swirl.

Venti is probably the most powerful anemo char inside the game. Just make sure you have a good computer or not playing on PS4 when you use his elemental burst.

My recomendation is, while into open world, look for beach areas because you can make loads of elemental reaction with water.

Challenges, abyss, farms, you can ask others chars like Rosaria to help Swirl get stronger. Chars with persistence elemental area help anemo users.
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Uh oh...

We're either getting different prototypes that craft different/newer weapons, prototypes that we can use to craft into the "gold" prototypes, 5* prototypes (least likely possibility), 3* prototypes, or something else.

In other words, if you were saving a bunch of prototypes to see what new weapons we can craft in Inazuma, you may not have to do that anymore. Probably should wait for more info, but this is kinda scummy unless it's items we can get easily to craft into the normal prototypes.


Speaking of prototypes, this event finally allowed me to get another bow prototype. I have 2-4 of all the other prototypes in my inventory, but RNG never gave me a bow prototype & I've been playing since launch.
This limited event with the islands is kinda lame. But it finally got me to play again since Ganyu came out. So I guess it worked on me. Klee is just too cute. The island exploration is a little awkward, but at least it is something to do while saving up some primos for Ayaka. I definitely agree that the Jean skin is just a terrible missed opportunity. Maybe when MHY see the poor sales they will make an amazing skin for Mona 😳



Apparently the video will be delisted in a couple of hours. Does show the charged shot, but no homing since enemies are not present.

Cool, I like her kit a lot. Wonder if her fire imbue skill has a ridiculously long cooldown like child's ele skill. C1 Yoimiya, here we go. It's saving time.


Sayu kit looks fun. I like the rolling ball move, but I'm disappointed she never transforms into the tanuki. Her burst is like a Jean lite™
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Sayu looks way more interesting to play than I had originally thought.

Looks like they downscaled the size of the claymore to make it look less ridiculous that a kid-sized character would be swinging it around.
To be honest, I was hoping for more with the claymore animations on the kid character size. Something like barely being able to lift it or using the whole body as a counterweight to swing it around. There's a bit of it for the last hit, but the first few swings are pretty standard claymore fare.

New Statue of the Seven for Inazuma:



To be honest, I was hoping for more with the claymore animations on the kid character size. Something like barely being able to lift it
Same ahaha. Although it probably wouldn't work with her character being a ninja and all that lol Still. Disappointment ;(


Not really a big surprise here, but here's the current list of seeds for our upcoming gardening feature in the teapot.



"Full" Inazuma map. Not going to lie, it looks pretty small considering that this is our next big major nation.

There's also some talk that we'll enter a "dream/fairy tale" like area through different means that will be a part of Inazuma similar to Dragonspine. So it won't be on this map.


Electro Traveler skill:

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Her kit is actually pretty cool.

Regarding Yoimiya, I though her burst was supposed to leave a fire field like Ganyu?
It's more like Childe's little riptide currents or Hu Tao's Papillion bud things. It's like a debuff that stays on the enemy that does DoT and can spread to other enemies if they're near when the target dies. So her off-field support is on the enemy itself. The duration increase is on Constellation 1, which is why I'm saving for it to make her a better off-field pyro support.


Any way to keep track of friends' gifts inside the teapot?
Yea if you place one of the "gift sets" that the bird sells, there's an interact option with it that shows you who will gift you with that particular set, and if they have already gifted you or not.


Not really a big surprise here, but here's the current list of seeds for our upcoming gardening feature in the teapot.


Well, time to plant some green stuff.

Sayu looks way more interesting to play than I had originally thought.

Looks like they downscaled the size of the claymore to make it look less ridiculous that a kid-sized character would be swinging it around.

Really? I though she was a catalyst lmao
Cool stuff. I like the effect of claymore, looks like a proper sword in her hands.
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Holy shit...they really nerfed Ayaka. I'm 90% positive her old burst was a Cryo Virgil-DMC'ish multi sword slash. Now it's just a fan move. Why does MHY hate Ayaka and Ayaka fans so much?

*edit* I just looked up an old CBT1 video, I guess it's always been a fan move. Her only Virgil-esque move is that charge attack.

I guess the weird underground sprint animation at least seems faster now.
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Holy shit...they really nerfed Ayaka. I'm 90% positive her old burst was a Cryo Virgil-DMC'ish multi sword slash. Now it's just a fan move. Why does MHY hate Ayaka and Ayaka fans so much?

I would guess because of her panties.

But jokes aside, I wonder how people would react. Is this enought for them to reduce her level to 4 stars?

Edit: I even forgot about the Electro Abysm Mage.
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WTF was that prototype convertor? Is just a 'here sacrifice this item to get a prototype'. Totally fail.

The same channel has a video of Sayu as well.

She even have a spindash, but IDK if Claymore suits her. Anw, I like her kit.

Holy shit...they really nerfed Ayaka. I'm 90% positive her old burst was a Cryo Virgil-DMC'ish multi sword slash. Now it's just a fan move. Why does MHY hate Ayaka and Ayaka fans so much?

To be honest I like her burst. I just wish more Hydro char because I already have Rosaria.
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WTF was that prototype convertor? Is just a 'here sacrifice this item to get a prototype'. Totally fail.

She even have a spindash, but IDK if Claymore suits her. Anw, I like her kit.

To be honest I like her burst. I just wish more Hydro char because I already have Rosaria.
Keep in mind the video I posted is her Constellation 2. C0 and C1 only have that one bubble down the center.


Keep in mind the video I posted is her Constellation 2. C0 and C1 only have that one bubble down the center.

As usual, money reasons. I never saw Ayaka first build, so I can't say much about this new one.

We can guess the starts now?


Keep in mind the video I posted is her Constellation 2. C0 and C1 only have that one bubble down the center.
Hmm, Ayaka is looking kinda "meh" in that video. It's even more disappointing that the coolest feature from the video is locked behind her C2.


She's 5* if that's what you mean.

I hate beating a dead horse here, but this Jean skin is pretty much ideal for what I wanted for her. Classy and not too lewd but better than Momshorts McGhee that we got.

Basically a more revealing sukumizu. Gud. And just learned Jean's skin is a 4 star item? 5 star one with actual effort and more expensive incoming...


So Genshin showed just the samurai fight snippet of the 1.6 trailer at the Summerfest: Game magic or whatever the hell this event is today. So much for any exclusive reveals, though pretty much all of 1.7 is leaked already so I dunno what's left for them to show.
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So Genshin showed just the samurai fight snippet of the 1.6 trailer at the Summerfest: Game magic or whatever the hell this game is today. So much for any exclusive reveals, though pretty much all of 1.7 is leaked already so I dunno what's left for them to show.
So gracious of Mihoyo to deliver an update on their game that already released.


So this new 5* Katana is going to be good for Ayaka or anyone that can Imbue sword with an element. C6 Bennett and Chongus are going to be good supports if you want to main a sword character. Also, new Electro build BiS for Keqing?



The new 5* bow is the same kit, just with bow users obv. Good for only Yoimiya I guess so far?
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So this new 5* Katana is going to be good for Ayaka or anyone that can Imbue sword with an element. C6 Bennett and Chongus are going to be good supports if you want to main a sword character. Also, new Electro build BiS for Keqing?



The new 5* bow is the same kit, just with bow users obv. Good for only Yoimiya I guess so far?

Yeah, I think this would be pretty OP (I guess every R5 5 star weapon is OP in this game) on Keqing since you could at least meet the 2 stack requirements pretty much all the time (You get a stack just from being at less than 100% energy, come on). This is assuming I'm interpreting the description correctly, these weapon conditions seem to be getting longer as the game progresses.
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Good for only Yoimiya I guess so far?
Not like I will ever pull, but new bow looks like it was made only for electro heroes. Kinda a downgrade considering that all previous heroes had their BiS weapons being made in the same/fitting style. YMY got robbed of her own fire themed bow ;(
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