All you tubers are paid, at least once they monetize their channels. And once they're depending on that money, yes, that absolutely influences how they speak about the products that they cover.He's a paid idiot. If he's not paid... he's even bigger idiot.
You laugh, and to an extent I laugh and agree along with you, but that really is the case due to powercreep. If they don't make new characters more powerful all the time, people will just stick with who they have. Anyhow, I mostly just posted it as a way of saying that they might be taking away some of the sexier and more unique elements of the character, but at least they're also making sure she will compete with some of the best damage dealers.No way man, it's just that every single new character CHANGES EVERYTHING and is better than the last.
That said, he does have good info, but i wish he'd just post his .txt file that he always reads off of so I could skip all of the hyperbole.
Guy is a 1 trick pony, leave him be at C0.Is there any Xiao constelation worthy?
So far they did a terrible job lol. If you ask me, there's not enough powercreep. And I'm not talking strictly about the numbers, no. But look at Cocogoat, Klee, Venti, hell C6 Noelle slaps too... Where's a comparable 5☆? Most new heroes has some serious downsides. Some may call it "balancing" , I call it a headache. Especially considering the fact that previously we were getting all around strong/er more useful heroes.If they don't make new characters more powerful all the time, people will just stick with who they have.
...but that's the whole point of the new characters haha. Plus who needs another flat DMG dealer anyway. Her previous talent was amazing for bosses/more annoying single enemies. Now it's up to influencers like that guy to sell us on that "buff" lol.they might be taking away some of the sexier and more unique elements of the character, but
He's a slow reader, that's for sure lolNo way. I just skip around in his videos and read the .txt file at my own pace.
I would be shocked if the developers were ever going to allow the last 30 percent of every bosses health to be eliminated in one hit. In fact, the developers have made sure a lot of useful abilities can't be used with bosses. An attack buff and cryo application after dashing seems like a nice change to me.Plus who needs another flat DMG dealer anyway. Her previous talent was amazing for bosses/more annoying single enemies. Now it's up to influencers like that guy to sell us on that "buff" lol.
Very good to see. I'd take being able to use a burst more often any day over it doing more damage. Waiting for your abilities to come back isn't my idea of fun.Skill DMG: 179.2% -> 127%
Aurous Blaze Explosion DMG: 129.6% -> 122%
CD: 20 -> 15
Energy 80 -> 60
Skill DMG: 179.2% -> 127%
Aurous Blaze Explosion DMG: 129.6% -> 122%
CD: 20 -> 15
Energy 80 -> 60
More like make their last 30 % fall in line with previous 70%, as we are constantly getting enemies who put shields instead of dying. With her old skill she could delete trash mobs while bosses could suffer from multiple "below 30%" finishers. She never killed 30% hp bosses in 1 hit. Besides we already have EULA and Hu Tao who can pretty much delete bosses with 100% of HP lol.last 30 percent of every bosses health to be eliminated in one hit
Very good to see. I'd take being able to use a burst more often any day over it doing more damage.
Damn support lovers.That's exactly what I wanted from her kit.
You sound like you have a good strategy, it's probably going to come down to artifacts and some good luck. Are you using Sacrificial Bow on Diona, and do you have her HP as high as you can get it? That will allow you for the most uptime on your cryo shield which could help survivability.Hey there, lads! I believe this is my first time posting in this thread. I'm looking for some help.
Ok, so the thing is this is pretty much my best team and I'm having a horrible time in the Spiral Abyss 12-2-2. My main DPS is Eula C0, and Diona C0 has her special charged and ready as well. XL C1 and Fischl C2 are both built as sub-DPS. I've read that the best strategy is to straight for the ducks first, then the mage, and after that the rest of the enemies one by one, but I always end up getting overwhelmed at the beginning and die soon after I kill the ducks (if I'm lucky enough to do so) and start focusing on the rest.
Any last resort tips before I give up? My other team is ZL, Diluc, Kaeya (all C0) and C5 XQ. At first I tried to beat the water cunts with this team, but I found out that Diluc's damage is not that good vs them and was advised to swap the teams around. This is now my last day to clear this, and I don't think the new Anemo-related upcoming bonuses will benefit my team much, so I'm motivated to at least finish 12-3 if possible so I can get the trophy sooner rather than later.
Aye, she's got a sac bow r1 and her HP is 22.6k. Both her Q and E are at 6 or 7, the max available talent lvl for level 70/80 charas. I was thinking that perhaps I should restart so I enter Chamber 2 with both Eula and Diona at full health? I don't know if that'd make a significant enough difference, though. And both her (Diona's) sands and crown are HP% IIRC. She heals around 3.5-4k per effect... so, while it's quite useful, her shield breaks down while I try to attack and/or dodge and the damage evens up the heals at the end.You sound like you have a good strategy, it's probably going to come down to artifacts and some good luck. Are you using Sacrificial Bow on Diona, and do you have her HP as high as you can get it? That will allow you for the most uptime on your cryo shield which could help survivability.
It seems like your biggest obstacle there is HP recovery too, since Diona only heals the on-field character. I personally have a healing % hat on mine, but that Maiden set with HP substats could be good too.
I feel like in Abyss it's just about getting that one good run sometimes.
Does this mean MHY is watching this thread and taking my advice? That's exactly what I wanted from her kit. (40 would be better, but I'll take 60).
Well, is possible. Remember the feedback page? There is a NeoGaf option there.
Not only that, but I also always teleport back to the 1st city because it's way better planned and way more convenient. Plus its weekly/hunting quests are less annoying to me. So yeah, I hope that Inazuma will finally make me to relocate my base after a whole year...really apparent how much more time we've spent with Mondstadt characters vs Liyue (other than Zhongli).
I've found Diluc in northwestern isle.Did any of you guys find Diluc or Albedo on the islands after today's story quest?
Wish they'd just expand the load within each area instead. I didn't realize how limiting it was until recently when you're actually trying to make something that looks good. I get that it's probably a RAM issue, but the overworld has tons of random shit in it as you're traveling, there has to be a way to do it. I could understand it being harder if there were more interactive furniture, but there are only a handful of pieces that even move/animate, much less interact with the player.10 are even too much, wonder if they're gonna expand the isles.
10 are even too much, wonder if they're gonna expand the isles.
Maybe it's for the people who create multi layered installations using mountains etc.10 are even too much, wonder if they're gonna expand the isles.
Did you level all your characters up? Are you also running out of mora?After a month now.
This game is great, however, I have no mats. People with hundreds of hero's wits. I have no idea how they do that. I pushing Eula right now and her 5 star weapon, everything I find is going to that. I don't want to spend money outside of the 90 daily primogems and the battle pass.
Today I got my last 4 star. I wanted Ningguang for my geo team, but how the hell am I supposed to level her? I hope Inazuma has a lot of chests as Liyue did.
I've never done that, except when they had double rewards.Ley Line Challenge for purple exp books.
World-level 6Did you level all your characters up? Are you also running out of mora?
LikeFake said, you'll need to start doing blue leylines for EXP books. What World Level are you currently at? That will determine how many EXP books you get from the leylines. You can check the leyline rewards at the various world levels here.
I've never done that, except when they had double rewards.
Don't level up every single character.
I see. At least at WL6 you can get max rewards for doing the blue leylines. They cost 20 resin each, so keep that in mind. I guess if you're desperate for EXP books, you could dedicate a couple of days worth of resin to build up some mats. That would be tedious, but the leyline challenges are pretty easy and there's not really an easy way to get EXP books outside of waiting for events.World-level 6
No, Level 80 are only Zhongli, Noelle and Razor. Eula is 76, Rosaria and Yangfei 70. Barbara, Diona and Geo MC are 60. Xinyan level 50 and Sucrose, Fischl and Bennett on 40. Rest ist between 30 and 20.
No, I have about 400k mora
It's not that I don't level my characters...Those tips are from those who want to level up their chars.
709930475btw. somebody from Europe playing here. I can really use a teapot friend.
Final station, please leave the train.All aboard the Barbara level 70 train choo choo!
Thx sent you a request
Thinking about Team 2 for the Abyss. Eula, Rosaria, Barbara, Razor or FischlFinal station, please leave the train.
Why the F do you need Barbie if you have Geo Lord, Noelle, Diona and Bennett lol
Thinking about Team 2 for the Abyss. Eula, Rosaria, Barbara, Razor or Fischl
Barbie will make you wet...