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Genshin Impact |OT| 5.0 (Natlan) - Everything Changed When the Fire Nation Arrived


I'm curious how many prototypes everyone's pulled so far. I've been playing since launch and have the following:

Bow - Total of 2 (second one was from the current Klee event) - Both used on R2 Prototype Crescent
Sword - Total of 4 , 3 Available, 1 used on R1 Prototype Rancour
Polearm - Total of 4, 3 available, 1 used on Dragonspine Spear (from the Dragonspine Tree)
Claymore - Total of 6 , 4 available, 2 used on a R2 Prototype Archaic
Catalyst - Total of 5, 3 available, 2 used on R2 Prototype Amber

Feels like the drop rate has maybe increased a bit since 1.4, but it's still pretty bad. If I remember correctly, you can buy the first bow prototype from one the shops, so that means that in all these months of playing, I've never has a boss drop a bow prototype :messenger_neutral:
You can buy 1 of each type from each region's sigil shop, if I recall, so that's 2 of each right there. Then the crimson wish tree gave out a free....claymore or spear, can't remember which.

Regardless, I actually got quite a few prototypes from the weekly bosses over time. I have:

R5 Crescent Pike, R4 Whiteblind, R4 Prototype Amber, Prototype Starglitter, Snow-Tombed Starsilver, Mappa Mare, Dragonspine Spear, Prototype Rancour, Prototype Crescent, and then I still have 2 sword prototypes, 3 bows, and the selector.

I really regret making some of those R1 weapons, but what can you do. Looks like I had a total of 25. Subtract 10 from the sigil shops, the selector, and the free Crimson Tree one, so I got 13 as drops since launch. Out of all those weapons that i made, I only use the Crescent Pike (Rosaria), Whiteblind (Noelle), Prototype Amber (healer Ning), Starsilver (Razor), and Starglitter for the ER occasionally, The rest are just sitting there.


You can buy 1 of each type from each region's sigil shop, if I recall, so that's 2 of each right there. Then the crimson wish tree gave out a free....claymore or spear, can't remember which.

Regardless, I actually got quite a few prototypes from the weekly bosses over time. I have:

R5 Crescent Pike, R4 Whiteblind, R4 Prototype Amber, Prototype Starglitter, Snow-Tombed Starsilver, Mappa Mare, Dragonspine Spear, Prototype Rancour, Prototype Crescent, and then I still have 2 sword prototypes, 3 bows, and the selector.

I really regret making some of those R1 weapons, but what can you do. Looks like I had a total of 25. Subtract 10 from the sigil shops, the selector, and the free Crimson Tree one, so I got 13 as drops since launch. Out of all those weapons that i made, I only use the Crescent Pike (Rosaria), Whiteblind (Noelle), Prototype Amber (healer Ning), Starsilver (Razor), and Starglitter for the ER occasionally, The rest are just sitting there.
Yeah, of the crafted weapons, I only currently use the bow on Ganyu. I did get some use out of the Amber and Archaic earlier in the game when I was lacking decent catalysts and claymores, but they're equipped to secondary characters now.

Never really used either sword, so I wish I had those back (I edited my original post since I forgot about crafting an Iron Sting, not a memorable weapon :messenger_expressionless:). I only have the dragonspire spear from the quest and I currently have it equipped on Rosaria, but I don't play her often.


So you're saying I get to buy these billets from the Sigil shops and can use them on Inazuma or later weapons? Guess I will save them till all 7 regions are unlocked lol.
I had to look this up, but you can buy the following with their respective regional sigils:

Monstadt "With Wind Comes Glory" Shop:
1 Sword prototype

Liyue "Mingxing Jewelry" Shop
1 Bow Prototype
1 Claymore Prototype
1 Catalyst Prototype
1 Polearm Prototype

These are the same shops you can buy constellations for the Traveler (1x in Mondstadt, 4x in Liyue).

We don't know for sure what future regions will require for craftable weapons. Earlier rumors pointed toward Inazuma potentially requiring a different type of billet, but now that seems to not be the case. I think you're probably fine using crafting the Whiteblind you mentioned earlier, but maybe hold off on using any other billets until more is known.


I'm curious how many prototypes everyone's pulled so far. I've been playing since launch and have the following:

Bow - Total of 2 (second one was from the current Klee event) - Both used on R2 Prototype Crescent
Sword - Total of 5, 3 Available, 1 used on Prototype Rancour, 1 used on Iron Sting.
Polearm - Total of 4, 3 available, 1 used on Dragonspine Spear (from the Dragonspine Tree)
Claymore - Total of 6 , 4 available, 2 used on a R2 Prototype Archaic
Catalyst - Total of 5, 3 available, 2 used on R2 Prototype Amber

Feels like the drop rate has maybe increased a bit since 1.4, but it's still pretty bad. If I remember correctly, you can buy the first bow prototype from one the shops, so that means that in all these months of playing, I've never has a boss drop a bow prototype :messenger_neutral:

3 sword
2 bow
2 claymore (I had zero for MONTHS and really wanted one for Noelle, then got the first one from the chest and another immediately dropped. And now I'm STILL not making Whiteblind 'cause I want Inazuma weapons) - crafted two Archaic, one for refinement. Yeah, I'm dumb.
5 catalyst
5 polearm (crafted a Prototype Starglitter for Xiao)

Ah, also 1 dragonspine claymore and 1 dragonspine spear.
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Depends. My Klee is using full 4+ Crinsom of Witch set, so the Sacrificial Fragments match the set.

If you want to use Dodoco Tales make sure to use full 4+ Wanderer Trope for her.


Dodoco Tales or Eye of Perception for Klee?

If you use her charge attack often, probably Dodoco.

Looks like we're getting a free Beidou in 2.0.



If you use her charge attack often, probably Dodoco.

Looks like we're getting a free Beidou in 2.0.

Interesting, she's currently the only 4 star that I don't have. Probably won't bother building her at this point.

So we'll have received the following characters from events:

Barbara (permanent - AR limited quest)
Xiangling (permanent - Abyss)
Fischl (timed exclusive v1.1)
Liyue 4-star of your choice (timed exclusive v1.3)
Diona (timed exclusive 1.5)
Beido (timed exclusive?)

So they seem to have a pattern of dropping a free character every other update.


Yeah, just tested both weapons at Lv1, Dodoco Tales does more damage.
Both catalysts are 4 stars with the same base damage and bonus stat of attack %. Dodoco Tales definitely pulls ahead since its passive (bonus damage from charged and regular attacks) is easy to consistently achieve versus the Eye of Perception. Plus it's easier to max refine it.

Dodoco Tales would also work well with Yanfei and possibly Ningguang.

I have Klee with a lvl 85 Width, so not sure if I'll switch it out on her, but I'll still level up Dodoco Tales.


Both catalysts are 4 stars with the same base damage and bonus stat of attack %. Dodoco Tales definitely pulls ahead since its passive (bonus damage from charged and regular attacks) is easy to consistently achieve versus the Eye of Perception. Plus it's easier to max refine it.

Dodoco Tales would also work well with Yanfei and possibly Ningguang.

I have Klee with a lvl 85 Width, so not sure if I'll switch it out on her, but I'll still level up Dodoco Tales.


I'm kinda disappointed that they're not even giving us one of the free 4*s from Inazuma. Kinda like a "welcome to 2.0 gift". At least it's not another Barbara or Xingqiu though. IMO they should have made Kaz a 4* (since we have very few 4* Anemo anyways), given us the upcoming tournament/story event with him, then after getting to Inazuma he joins our party for free. Easy to tie in, lots of goodwill from players, and something new and useful for everyone.

But nope, that ain't gonna make $200k.


Don't worry, is not Beidou, but probably Xingqiu.

Anw, finally beat Abyss 12 and buy anything from the summer shop.


I'm really excited to see what Alice's design looks like. She sounds mega-OP from the lore they've built in this event. Hopefully not yet another Pyro Catalyst. Her and Varka are probably the two characters I'm most excited to see how they look visually. I'm picturing Varka to look like a grizzled old man with a brand new body type, something like the Anemo Fatui guys but obviously smaller since playable. Something like this for his face:



I'm really excited to see what Alice's design looks like. She sounds mega-OP from the lore they've built in this event. Hopefully not yet another Pyro Catalyst. Her and Varka are probably the two characters I'm most excited to see how they look visually. I'm picturing Varka to look like a grizzled old man with a brand new body type, something like the Anemo Fatui guys but obviously smaller since playable. Something like this for his face:

New body types would be cool, but I have a feeling Varka will be the standard adult male body with grey-ish hair and an eye patch. GI is heavily anime-influenced, so that means "anime old" = "late 20's, early 30's" :messenger_tears_of_joy:


New body types would be cool, but I have a feeling Varka will be the standard adult male body with grey-ish hair and an eye patch. GI is heavily anime-influenced, so that means "anime old" = "late 20's, early 30's" :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Well he found Razor as a child, and Razor looks to be at least 15-17 years old. Also he's missing an arm, if I remember correctly, so that will be new at any rate unless they just do the "dude alchemy arm that looks just like a real arm but it's made of metal" cop-out. I was hoping he'd have a hook or ball/chain hand.


Well he found Razor as a child, and Razor looks to be at least 15-17 years old. Also he's missing an arm, if I remember correctly, so that will be new at any rate unless they just do the "dude alchemy arm that looks just like a real arm but it's made of metal" cop-out. I was hoping he'd have a hook or ball/chain hand.

Perfect opportunity to "borrow" from BoTW 2 - An alchemic arm for Varka with special features :messenger_grinning_sweat:

(this is the OP's experience playing these characters)
  • Her dash is even faster than Mona's. It uses less stamina and has more (invincibility) frames than normal dashes.
  • The new sword + freeze team is incredible at freezing enemies.

For Yoimiya fans, the new bow 5* and an overload comp is extremely strong with her. I've seen her hit 50-60k per autos. Team comp is looking to be Yoimiya, Fischl, Bennett, and Venti/Kazuha/Sucrose.

This is going to require some careful thought. My last guaranteed pull was Venti, and both look like they'd be pretty fun.


I'm a sucker for family stories so that was a cute little end to the event story. Bit sad that Maguu Kenki is just a puppet though...


According to Jean Alice is close to omnipotent and according to her close to immortal, so she would probably not show Klee any borders, while the others do.

I like the idea of such a powerful character and mother, that she has the self-awareness, that quality time with her daughter could lead to a huge amount of destruction.

She sent her to summer vacation to an island with nobody but some hilichurls far away from everybody else.
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This was a fun event, but the last portion was pretty half-assed. Clearing the final shop took very little effort since the bomb mechanic made these battles last a few moments each. This seems to be a reoccurring issue as several of these events just kind of peter out at the end.

+ Brought back exploring and puzzles, with some lore included
+ Plenty of Mondstadt character interaction
+ Mixed up challenges for each phase so they didn't overstay their welcome
+ Free R5 4-star catalyst that's pretty powerful
+ New boss that's not related to geovishaps

- The boat was a little clunky to use
- The whole region is only temporary. I get that the devs lean on FOMO with these timed events, but removing regions, even small ones, seems counter-productive for a game lacking in content.
- Most of the puzzles were pretty brain-dead, especially the "shoot the harpastum through the portal" puzzles.


New Artifact set coming in Inazuma that adds and scales off to Energy recharge. The 4 piece set looks like a good option for burst sub DPS characters. It's also nice to another ER artifact option since the Exile set doesn't have a 5 star set.
Yea I was HYPED about the ER set. I have so many support characters running 2 piece Exile right now that I'll be able to upgrade. I am so glad that I didn't waste a bunch of time farming other artifacts for them.

Anybody else disappointed that they didn't keep on going with the "i'll leave you in charge" gag? Like Jean left -> Kaeya in charge. Kaeya left -> Lisa in charge. Then they could have gone Lisa left -> Amber in charge. Amber left -> Eula, etc all the way down to Noelle who is extremely nervous and panicky sitting in that office chair by herself as the acting acting acting acting acting acting acting grandmaster.

I really liked the story for the archipelago. A bit of old world lore mixed with some upcoming character teases and most importantly some time to interact with the playable characters both in cutscenes and in the world. The puzzles could have been harder, but I still enjoyed what we got. I do agree with crumbs crumbs though, they never finish off events or patches with a bang, it's always with a fart. I mean I guess it's technically not over yet, but the bomb thing could have been a phase 2 or 3 thing instead of the last phase. They probably should have built up more about the samurai-bot and made that the last portion of the event AND he should have dropped xp writs or something else other than standard boss drops + the new material. Like a reason to farm him during the event other than getting ahead on Inazuma materials.

I guess the dodoking ping pong event is going to come up in part 2 of the patch when Kazuha drops, so maybe there's quite a bit more that's going to open up in the archipelago, and I'm just jumping to conclusions. I am curious how they're going to explain Beidou and the gang getting there, unless the story section happens back in Liyue or something.


Dafuck is this?
I want that artifact so bad for my Chelde, you have no idea. Set doesn't even matter since you can have a 4pc set and have one mismatch. That's godlike and almost doesn't matter how it rolls. Hope you get a strong Hydro character to take advantage of that.
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Anybody else disappointed that they didn't keep on going with the "i'll leave you in charge" gag? Like Jean left -> Kaeya in charge. Kaeya left -> Lisa in charge. Then they could have gone Lisa left -> Amber in charge. Amber left -> Eula, etc all the way down to Noelle who is extremely nervous and panicky sitting in that office chair by herself as the acting acting acting acting acting acting acting grandmaster.
Yeah, that would have been a fun joke. Someone on reddit thought the same as you. Can't find the thread anymore.
I want that artifact so bad for my Chelde, you have no idea. Set doesn't even matter since you can have a 4pc set and have one mismatch. That's godlike and almost doesn't matter how it rolls. Hope you get a strong Hydro character to take advantage of that.
Tart's banner gave me fucking Mona.

And yeah, you can have ONE mismatch. That's the problem.


doesn't even matter since you can have a 4pc set and have one mismatch.
Yeah, especially considering that I for example is yet to get ANY matching Goblet for any of my sets. Klee runs Pyro goblet from a Geo Set lmao 6 months of farming the Witch set is not enough apparently.


Yeah, that would have been a fun joke. Someone on reddit thought the same as you. Can't find the thread anymore.

Tart's banner gave me fucking Mona.

And yeah, you can have ONE mismatch. That's the problem.
That's still a godly goblet for Mona too though. Even if it rolls all into EM it's still great for her. Goblet is usually the mismatch piece in all of my sets considering it's the only one that can roll damage type bonus.


Description, name and icon. Any other artifact has been "dressed up"?
That's the way they've been since they released:

If Genshin had been developed in JP and not on Playstation, what could have been...

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