Tart get! Took me 4 rolls and all my saved primos (and a few purchased wishes with starglitter), but got him. Also got 2 Diona and a Beidou.
I really like his gameplay in the trial stage, it'll be a long ass time until I can use him in regular content at WL5, but I'm super pumped.
Used those Geoculus locators to get the last 2 Geoculi I needed, and holy SHIT that fight at the end of the quest was something. I was mostly fine until the last phase of the hunter and that stone protected by the wind tunnel, but I got my shit pushed in at that part, 2/4 characters died, but I pulled out the win in the end.
Bounty system is kinda cool, I was surprised at the difficulty, it was actually pretty challenging, and especially since they can be immune to your best characters' damage type.
They added "viewpoints" in, seemingly as just a way to make you waste more time going back through all the zones again to get 100% completion. I'm not mad about it, but they could have put more effort in than just touching an icon.
Digging the patch so far! I'm not gonna touch story stuff yet though, just taking my time now that I have actual content to do again.
im not sure if i want childe, i really want to save my primos for Xiao (just because he has the voice of Kirito) xD