I wish we had more skin tones in general for the sake of variety in this game. All these characters, whether they're from not-Germany, not-China or not-Japan all look exactly the same. It's just a bit boring. Sumeru seemed like a great spot to improve that, since the cultures it tries to evoke consist of "brown" people (though not exclusively). In that sense it is a bit of a disappointment to me.
The part where I disagree vehemently with Twitter & co is the politicization of the issue. It's immediately about "institutions" and "representation." Thankfully my skin color is not the source of the issue for once. That's a breath of fresh air.
Skin tones, body shapes, facial hair (for the guys only please, not the women outside of Aloy). All of these things can be improved by MHY, yet they choose to release the exact same 5 body types and 2 skin shades. The only thing that really changes between character models so far have been hair and eyes.
The really messed up thing is that the character models actually do differ from each other, but to such an insignificant degree, they might as well not.
I still don't really get what they're doing leaving the big boobages off the table. Rosaria version 1.2 (the original) still paled in comparison to some of their Honkai Impact girls, yet they don't seem to want to go there in Genshin for some reason. They can still reuse skeletons and change the body shapes pretty significantly, look at how Monster Hunter handles their new monsters. There are rarely new monster "skeletons" added to the game, but they still manage to make each one different enough that you really don't notice most of the time.
Like Dendro Archon for instance, there's no reason we couldn't have had a taller than a child but not quite to the Mona/Amber/Ayaka/Ganyu height character. Just being lazy and not wanting to deviate. Itto should have been more muscular instead of a stringbean like Diluc/Childe/Kaeya. Instead they just textured some abs on him and called it a day. I don't really get their need to stick to those same 5 model templates for everyone.