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Georgia special election heads to runoff as Ossoff earns 48% of vote

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For a seat that we could win? Yes? Trump is slobbering all over it on twitter.

I don't think Trump slobbering helped in the slightest - the district barely went for him and he's becoming increasingly unpopular. Entirely possible it hurt the R candidates.
He's only doing 1 to 2% better than Trump did.

Looks like Cobb County, Ossoff's worst county, is almost fully counted. The remaining Fulton is going to be super close.


No Scrubs
124,917 votes for Dem candidate in 2016. Once again Dems well short of that number, like Kansas 04. Republicans are handing Dems these seats but too many Dem voters continue to only show up in Presidential years.

Dude still has a shot but there's once again tens of thousands of Dems doing nothing.

You do realize there's another vote right? That this is only part 1 and there's another vote coming up right?


Where the fuck is Obama? Leading members of the party would help some.

I think he's in French Polynesia (picture taken yesterday):

You do realize there's another vote right? That this is only part 1 and there's another vote coming up right?

Still kinda disappointing that so many dems don't seem to think impeding Trump is a big enough deal to go cast a vote. Polling says the race is close enough to potentially avoid a runoff, and yet literally thousands of people didn't bother.

Sean C

124,917 votes for Dem candidate in 2016. Once again Dems well short of that number, like Kansas 04. Republicans are handing Dems these seats but too many Dem voters continue to only show up in Presidential years.

Dude still has a shot but there's once again tens of thousands of Dems doing nothing.
Republican turnout is down too. That's simply a factor with non-presidential years.


Kills Photobucket
This is already an L for the Republicans even if they win a runoff. They lost ground thanks to a shitshow president and the slow creeping realization that abortions n homos ain't stealing jerbs.

Half the chicken lickens in here are not even being intellectually honest in the first place.

"Well, we lost in a runoff because we're totally incapable of running a competent campaign, or unifying our voters. But we came close, and that makes us winners" ~ Democrats on June 21
I think a lot of dems do better without the end. I think the more it's kept local the better.

This is why Trump tweeting stupid bullshit is a problem for the GOP. The moment Agent Orange leapt into this with both feet, the race became nationalized. Ossoff, as a candidate from the opposition party, got his preferred outcome.


All this worrying in this thread is giving me flashbacks to Election Night....

Except this time its PTSD, there is nothing about this result that is worrying so far, just wish he could have pulled off a miracle, not over but I don't think we are going to avoid a runoff. He loses in the runoff it shouldn't be a discouraging factor either, the fact this is even semi competitive is amazing achievement.


"Well, we lost in a runoff because we're totally incapable of running a competent campaign, or unifying our voters. But we came close, and that makes us winners" ~ Democrats on June 21

Again. This is still a heavy R District.

This man is already over performing.

Do you just want to complain for the sake of it?

I mean I want a win as well, but look at the context. You're really upset we're not going to win by over 50% of the vote in this sort of district?


Ossoff voters just need to stay motivated. Handel is not popular st all. Uninspiring. Enough Gray and Hill voters might not show up in June considering the fact that those three were constantly attackig each other during the jungle election.


"Well, we lost in a runoff because we're totally incapable of running a competent campaign, or unifying our voters. But we came close, and that makes us winners" ~ Democrats on June 21

Ossoff needs to convince 2,000-3,000 voters to switch to him. The Republican needs to convince 40,000-50,000 voters to switch to her.

Ossoff needs to convince 2,000-3,000 voters to switch to him. The Republican needs to convince 40,000-50,000 voters to switch to her.

Ossoff needs to convince 2,000-3,000 voters to switch to him. The Republican needs to convince 40,000-50,000 voters to switch to her.

Ossoff needs to convince 2,000-3,000 voters to switch to him. The Republican needs to convince 40,000-50,000 voters to switch to her.

Ossoff needs to convince 2,000-3,000 voters to switch to him. The Republican needs to convince 40,000-50,000 voters to switch to her.
Republican turnout is down too. That's simply a factor with non-presidential years.

Yup. Which goes back to my post. The Republicans are handing this to us. Dems are more motivated to vote but not enough of them, still. Tens of thousands stayed at home...they dont care...on both sides.


This kind of ignorance is why we lose.

It's not even why we lose. It's just someone complaining just because. Without factoring in the context.

This is a heavy R district.

EVERYONE knew getting 50+1 was a damn longshot and most likely no possible.

But somehow that translates to dems not unifying or running a good campaign? How when he's overperforming?

AYF 001

And like clockwork, the Yahoo comments moron brigade are already calling the results Soros-funded communist fake news. I wonder how they'll react if he actually gets into office? Surely not with blatant hypocrisy and cries of victimization.


Cobb is fully in I believe. Ossoff has to get 50+ of the election day vote in Fulton. Unlikely but we will see how the percentage changes from here


There. Is. Not. That. Many. Democrats. In. This. District.
Yeah it's very white, Asian, college educated and wealthy, especially compared to Georgia as a whole. The wealthiest district in the South. These types of voters don't respond well to Trump but also would never be caught dead voting for a tax raising Democrat. At least until now. If these demographics were in North Carolina, Florida, Pennsylvania, Colorado... it would be an easier Democratic win. But it is Newt's former seat. It won't flip without a fight.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
"Well, we lost in a runoff because we're totally incapable of running a competent campaign, or unifying our voters. But we came close, and that makes us winners" ~ Democrats on June 21

I don't know what to tell you, but if I came second in the Boston marathon next week it would be a big deal. If I came last it wouldn't.
Then tonight was an amazing feat. Even if he loses in the runoff. Hopefully this spells doom for R's in 2018.

It's absolutely encouraging AND soul-crushingly disappointing.

But doom for the Republicans in 2018 depends on your definition. I don't see them losing control of either side.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I have a feeling we won't be hearing from Obama on anything political until the results of the investigations into Trump and Russia are concluded and released to the public. He needs to be as apolitical as possible until then.
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