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Georgia's 6th Congressional District Special Election |OT| Round 2: Fight!


For whatever irrational reason I'm nervous about early voting and mail in voting. On a personal level I mean. Like that my vote won't be counted

I understand that, but on some level you don't really know it counted even in person. Just because you see your ballot go into a machine or use whatever electronic method in person, who's to say its being counted on the backend.

Democracy in general requires a bit of blind trust in electoral systems no matter what method you're using.


Came close in a hard Republicans district so thats a good sign just need to pull it off in 2018.

lol, 2018. A republican controlled government that is gonna let the Russians step their game up. Well and truly fucked. Plus im sure someone somewhere is feverishly redistricting something as we speak.


Republicans likely have these bonuses going for them:

- retirees with lots of time on their hands will consistently turn out and vote for whoever has that R
- Trump's ability to still churn up the crazies and get them to turn out
- people who are used to voting Republican but are turned off by trump will mentally disassociate the R they vote for from Trump's stupidity. This isn't a vote for Trump, it's a vote for miscellaneous R who will keep my taxes down!

Alot fewer people in the U.S. seem to be disgusted by Trump and the current Republican party than one would hope.

Trump is activating Democrats to vote in bigger numbers too, it seems, but there does not seem to be any mass Exodus of Republicans happening. That tells me that even when Trump is finally gone, the party will just bounce back from whatever drag he exerts. His base might grow cold, but Democrats will quiet down too.


For whatever irrational reason I'm nervous about early voting and mail in voting. On a personal level I mean. Like that my vote won't be counted

Our elections in Oregon are exclusively by mail, and we haven't had any major problems. In fact we have one of the best voter turnout percentages in he country. Every state needs vote by mail as the primary option.


Wow, the amount of hate towards Republicans here is impressive. If you voted for Handel you are automatically a bigot, redneck, ignorant or selfish.

You guys are making the same mistake Democrats made with Hillary ,by labeling the other half of the country. When was the last time you convinced somebody by calling them names?

PS: I did not even vote for Drumpf

I mean, Republicans literally want to screw over millions of minorities, the poor and anyone with health insurance under ACA. They're monsters. No other way to look at it.
Wow, the amount of hate towards Republicans here is impressive. If you voted for Handel you are automatically a bigot, redneck, ignorant or selfish.

You guys are making the same mistake Democrats made with Hillary ,by labeling the other half of the country. When was the last time you convinced somebody by calling them names?

PS: I did not even vote for Trump
When was the last time anyone actually convinced someone by doing literally anything at all?

Very, very rarely does anyone actually ever change their mind about something. It doesn't really matter if you insult them or provide 45 page PDFs on why they're wrong. So why go with the harder option of the two?

It's also kind of ridiculous to say "don't be mean to these people!!" when those people literally don't care if you live or die as long as they get a 1% tax break or whatever.
Wow, the amount of hate towards Republicans here is impressive. If you voted for Handel you are automatically a bigot, redneck, ignorant or selfish.

You guys are making the same mistake Democrats made with Hillary ,by labeling the other half of the country. When was the last time you convinced somebody by calling them names?

PS: I did not even vote for Trump

The labeling is a turn off but it is somewhat remarkable to see someone so manifestly unfit to be anywhere near the Presidency be overlooked by so many people. Should Democrats find themselves in the same situation with such an awful leader, would they act differently? I don't know for sure.

As someone who doesn't want to fully jump on board with either party but sees Trump as terrible, it's hard not to look at the Republican party and think what the hell is going on. The Democrats are still able to keep the true crazies like antifa out for now.


Wow, the amount of hate towards Republicans here is impressive. If you voted for Handel you are automatically a bigot, redneck, ignorant or selfish.

You guys are making the same mistake Democrats made with Hillary ,by labeling the other half of the country. When was the last time you convinced somebody by calling them names?

PS: I did not even vote for Trump
Uh... Handel was a literal bigot, we have her on record about her feeling with lesbians


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Our elections in Oregon are exclusively by mail, and we haven't had any major problems. In fact we have one of the best voter turnout percentages in he country. Every state needs vote by mail as the primary option.
They absolutely could, but a lot of Southern States don't register Voters when they hit 18, which means spending and hour or two at the DMV to make sure you have your correct ID and are registered, then going to city hall to get a mail-in ballot, then filling it out, and then mailing it in. You think people that work 30-40 hours a week and have college classes 20-30 hours a week are going to want to make time for that? Or the people that have to work 5 days a week and bus an hour to their job, meaning they need to take time off from work and risk losing their job are going to want to do that?

Some fair points. But I also ordered my ballot online back in 2006 I want to say. Again, this was FL. I completely get that things vary by state. Also, college campuses are generally inundated by people trying to register students leading up to elections.

The ID issue is a problem for sure, though. Closed offices, reduced hours, etc. That shit is intentional.

But Early Voting still is there to help with schedule issues. To this day, I've never actually voted on election day. EV has been open in the two elections I've participated in since I've moved (I'm in TX now) and it includes the weekend. And I've only went to a polling station here because TX is more strict with mail-in. You actually can't be in your home county for those.
Wow, the amount of hate towards Republicans here is impressive. If you voted for Handel you are automatically a bigot, redneck, ignorant or selfish.

You guys are making the same mistake Democrats made with Hillary ,by labeling the other half of the country. When was the last time you convinced somebody by calling them names?

PS: I did not even vote for Trum

Sure, I'm convinced
Wow, the amount of hate towards Republicans here is impressive. If you voted for Handel you are automatically a bigot, redneck, ignorant or selfish.

You guys are making the same mistake Democrats made with Hillary ,by labeling the other half of the country. When was the last time you convinced somebody by calling them names?

PS: I did not even vote for Trump

They aren't automatically any of those things. They are just factually support those kind of people.

So yeah, not much better.

Literally the enemies at this point.


Lesson learned: stop making these idiot pollsters and pundits stars with their garbage numbers. Pres election now this. When will you learn?
If this district included West Cobb it would be a lot more competitive, hell id say Ossoff would actually have a good chance at winning. Whoever drew up that district purposely left out West Cobb because there are sizable Black, Hispanic, younger Whites, and college students located here.
Isn't that in David Scott's' district?

I think the GOP would actually have preferred to split that up into other white districts. It would help make sure there were no black reps in the state at all if they could


Wow, the amount of hate towards Republicans here is impressive. If you voted for Handel you are automatically a bigot, redneck, ignorant or selfish.

You guys are making the same mistake Democrats made with Hillary ,by labeling the other half of the country. When was the last time you convinced somebody by calling them names?

PS: I did not even vote for Trump
Did you vote for Handel knowing her views on LGBT? She is literally the definition of a bigot.
Not exactly, the Democrats did virtually no campaigning there, and just assumed Ted Kennedy's Senate seat would stay Democratic without any effort. But Democrats quickly won it back with Elisabeth Warren, sooo.....

I think you entirely missed my point, sooooo...

Democrats were clearly hoping that this election would be indicative of a 2018 swing, much like Massachusetts Special Election in 2009 was indicative of a 2010 swing (which happened). I think it's still indicative of a swing, but unlike the 2009 election, the long-held seat from one party did not swing to the other party.
Wow, the amount of hate towards Republicans here is impressive. If you voted for Handel you are automatically a bigot, redneck, ignorant or selfish.

You guys are making the same mistake Democrats made with Hillary ,by labeling the other half of the country. When was the last time you convinced somebody by calling them names?

PS: I did not even vote for Trump
Republicans whole platform is calling people names. Look what trump did.
I mean, Republicans literally want to screw over millions of minorities, the poor and anyone with health insurance under ACA. They're monsters. No other way to look at it.

Pretty much

You can call yourself not a bigot, not a Trump supporter, etc etc until your face is blue. If you are actively still supporting these people, it factually means you're at least okay with the bigotry.


Nothing flipped but this was a rather good night for the Dems all things considered as the trend line has been holding steady for 2018.
Lesson learned: stop making these idiot pollsters and pundits stars with their garbage numbers. Pres election now this. When will you learn?

This is such anti-intellectual garbage you should be ashamed. Do you tell your pilots on the next flight you're on to step aside and let you handle it? Do you cut your own damn heart open and perform surgery on it?

These people know more about statistics than jokers like you will ever bother to even TRY to learn and because it's not perfect EVERY SINGLE TIME you come in here with your tough talk? Just a joke.


My takeaway is that spending a ton of money doesn't matter and can actually backfire. Same shit with Clinton. All that money to waste. So stop pouring fucking money into elections and actually respectfully talk to people on an individual level. That's the only way we're going to win anything.

Edit: Also, actually stand for something. Give people a real clear reason to vote for you. Let them see a true alternative in your policies.


You guys need to calm down. I was hoping Ossoff would win but I also knew the area. I had tempered expectations. And Georgia's 6th district far from represents all of the united states.

It doesn't help that she likely won because of early mail in votes before things really blew up on her.


Lesson learned: stop making these idiot pollsters and pundits stars with their garbage numbers. Pres election now this. When will you learn?

What are you talking about? There was no pollster saying Ossoff was going to win. Pretty much everywhere agreed it could go either way with the current results being on the worse side of what was within predictions.
My takeaway is that spending a ton of money doesn't matter and can actually backfire. Same shit with Clinton. All that money to waste. So stop pouring fucking money into elections and actually respectfully talk to people on an individual level. That's the only way we're going to win anything.

Finally someone that gets it.
What are you talking about? There was no pollster saying Ossoff was going to win. Pretty much everywhere agreed it could go either way with the current results being on the worse side of what was within predictions.

Yes but people were saying it would be within 1 or 2 points and now people are saying he loses by 5 or 6. That wasn't projected.


My takeaway is that spending a ton of money doesn't matter and can actually backfire. Same shit with Clinton. All that money to waste. So stop pouring fucking money into elections and actually respectfully talk to people on an individual level. That's the only way we're going to win anything.

How do you do that, though?

- I think the shooting of Philando Castile is a bad thing.
- The other side thinks it's a good thing.


Man fuck this.

Exactly. My generation has sucked at turning out and expecting others to in the process. But the bottom line? The others time is running out. We will win when it matters. Just keep showing up. Until then? You got to hold on!


Amazing that it was that close. Still so many incredibly low information voters out there that are supporting this current reprehensible party, but progress is progress. I don't know how Republicans in close districts can feel confidant about their chances when the traditionally red seats are now this close.
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