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"Flash Player required"Party donations in Germany between 2002 and 2017
Yeah, I would rather cut off both my hands than voting for CDU/CSU or FDP...
Wahl-O-Mat for the BTW17 is online.
Service Temporarily Unavailable
My Wahl-o-mat:
Quite a few things were I was neutral like speedlimits on Autobahn or weapon exports.
Greens it is.
EkelhaftWell you know, it's Neuland for us Germans afterall...
Ok, here is a Screenshot from that statistic
I will still vote for SPD.
Das hier hat mich einfach überzeugt:
As usual, no party in particular represents a distinctive majority of my positions. Meh
But I agree, some of the questions are a bit pointless without more detail or context.
I would normally vote Grüne but I don't want the CDU to win the majority so I'll probably help out ol' Martin and vote SPD.
as expected and the same as always
Hmm, I have not voted Green since 98.
Das hilft mir nicht weiter...
Tut es nicht? Stell dir einfach vor, du willst das möglichst viele deiner Wünsche durch die kommende Regierung umgesetzt werden, und dann wird deine Wahl schon sehr eng.
And why the heck are we writing in German?!
Oh, I thought this was DeutschGAF...
I have some fundamental disagreements with Grüne and Linke.
I don't really want to vote for them, especially not Linke.
But since SPD seems to have lost its way, and I am sure as hell not going to vote for CSU(since CDU isn't an option round here) there is not much left for me to vote for if I don't want to waste my vote on some tiny party.