neat, but I caught the loop and I can't stop paying attention to it
What do you all recommend to pass an employee drug test I might be taking soon? I have my final interview tomorrow and the job post says it's a drug free work place. Training is at the end of March so I have no idea when I might get tested. I'm scared it might be as early as after the interview tomorrow, which ends around 3:30. Hoping it's too late to take a test on a Friday and maybe have the weekend to buy me time.
I've read about the dilution method, which basically does the same as those $30 cleansing drinks. I would just have to drink lots of water two hours before the test, take a b vitamin supplement and workout creatine. I'm also suppose to get together with a bunch of friends tomorrow night for a bachelor party, which might be a perfect time to ask for a clean friends urine sample. It could end up really awkward and embarrassing though, and I'm sure offering money up front would demoralize me even more...
Anybody have suggestions or been through the same kind of hiring process? How long do companies like this usually give you to take the test? Like I said if I get the job, training starts in a month. This is for a customer service call center position btw.
It is going to be at the end of the interview. When is the last time you smoked? Also start drinking tons of water now and continue to do so until the interview.
Damn I might be screwed, do you think they do it in the same building or send me to a lab? Last time I smoked was today! I'm pretty nervous taking a chance on the dilution method, and no way I'm gonna be able to hold my bladder through an hour long interview after drinking gallons of water. Maybe I can find synthetic urine at a head shop or porn place. Head shop for the obvious reasons, and I've read people with urine fetishes sometimes use the stuff. Or maybe since I'm so desperate I might ask for a friends piss.
You can buy detox drinks that will work within a few hours. A few friends have passed tests with those.Fairly certain it has to be of a certain temperature as well, or else they will know it is fake piss, so be warned on that front. And no dilution method will help you within one day. Best chance is to ask for clean piss from a buddy, put it in a baggie, and tape it to your inner thigh, pray that the temp is right. Unless it is a government job they won't check to see if you have fake piss on your person.
You can buy detox drinks that will work within a few hours. A few friends have passed tests with those.
If you just rolled by a smoke shop on the way to the test you can buy fake pee. They come with hand warmers so you can get the liquid to the right temperature. That one worked for a friend of mine when he had to get a test for some retail job.
ayyyyy *highfive
Those drinks you can buy in a vitamin shop or smoothie shop, and of course head shops. The drinks are the same as the dilution method, you take it about an hour or two before the test and you have a window that lasts a couple hours for the test. Drinking water days or even many hours before the test does not necessarily give you better chances, since water isn't removing the thc from your body, just diluting what the tests are looking for. in a short time frame. So from what I've read, drink lots and lots of water atleast 2 hours before test, use the bathroom atleast once before taking the test, take a b vitamin and creatine (takes 24 hours for body to absorb) to give your urine the right color and properties of non diluted urine. Also don't use the start or end of the stream, where contents they are looking for will be most present. If I didn't have an interview right before I would try that.Where does one get these drinks? I'm on break to switch jobs, but would love to speed up the process. I've seen various teas, but surely it isn't those?
Hey man good luck. So what is it you're trying to do? Using synth urine? Let us know how it goes.dang
i have something to say.
i live right next to a university. the alley behind my house is always PACKED with 18-20 year old kids smoking weed. possession is legal in my state, but what they're doing is illegal. you can't smoke weed outside and you have to be 21, and none of these fools are.
growing up as an alleyway pot smoker, where we had to run and hide constantly, i find myself very jealous of these kids. i go out on my porch to smoke a cigarette and i'm like WHATS GOING ON HERE!?!. i dunno. the new reality is strange.
i walked out there the other night at like 2AM, with my landlord (who wants to tell them to get the fuck away). landlord accosts these people and is like, you cant be here, this is illegal, blah blah blah, and i was supposed to be backing him up. instead i was like HEY LET ME HIT THAT BONG BITCH. which i did.
Smoked too much last night. Passed out. Now at work and foggy as hell.
Hey man good luck. So what is it you're trying to do? Using synth urine? Let us know how it goes.
What drugs have you guys tried? My best friend has tried a bunch of shit like coke, lsd, shrooms, acid, and I dunno what else. I want to try some drugs at least once to see what it is and what it's like but only if I won't get addicted or fuck myself over. He told me that as long as it isn't something like meth or heroin that it's ok because those hook you instantly and that is something I want to stay away from.
I want to make educated choices here. I'm open to trying new things but only in moderation and a safe environment. Does anyone here have any experience or advice regarding this topic? Things to try and things to stay away from?
Smoked too much last night. Passed out. Now at work and foggy as hell.
Hey man good luck. So what is it you're trying to do? Using synth urine? Let us know how it goes.
What drugs have you guys tried? My best friend has tried a bunch of shit like coke, lsd, shrooms, acid, and I dunno what else. I want to try some drugs at least once to see what it is and what it's like but only if I won't get addicted or fuck myself over. He told me that as long as it isn't something like meth or heroin that it's ok because those hook you instantly and that is something I want to stay away from.
I want to make educated choices here. I'm open to trying new things but only in moderation and a safe environment. Does anyone here have any experience or advice regarding this topic? Things to try and things to stay away from?
like that.
I wanna try shrooms, but other than that I have no plans to try any other drugs. Only cocaine if I'm in the presence of an A-list celebrity and they offer.
Thanks dude, interview went well so I thought. Except I wasn't hired on the spot, and was only told I would get a call sometime soon. There was two interviewers and they were both asking me questions and taking notes on my answers. After the last question they said that completed the interview and if I had questions. So I have hope they didn't make their decision not to hire me right then without them communicating with each other about the interview.... or maybe that's a trick they use to make me think that, so nobody freaks out on them.
So I didn't even end up using the synthetic urine. Kinda was expecting to get hired and take the piss test right after, just from what I heard here. It's a good thing I can heat it up again and use it another day if needed. Kinda sucks I didn't sleep as much as I should have and went through all the hassle.
As far as other drugs to try, I myself tried shrooms, acid, coke, molly. It's smart that you only want to TRY them, knowing how serious some of the addictions or affects can be. My most pleasant experiences were with molly and mushrooms(didn't do them together). It's important to do as much research as possible before you take any of the stuff you listed. Most of the time your environment settings, personal life, and which people are around can greatly influence the direction of any trip and the same would apply to cocaine. So say if your girlfriend just dumped you, or you are at a uncomfortable location, or just stressed in general, you can have a very bad outcome. Two people taking the same exact thing can have very different trips. I would say molly is the most comfortable and relaxing, maybe start there and work up to mushrooms. Whenever I do coke it's just really random and happens once every few years. It's fun but definitely not something I would do often or want in my possession the following day of using it. Also avoid crowds or public places, I think it's critical the first time you trip or else it's a very easy way to start having a bad trip.
lol I know right?What waste of good smoke. Hold that shit in.
and take them in the day time
What waste of good smoke. Hold that shit in.
yeh relax its a hookah/shisha.
yeh relax its a hookah/shisha.
Not really the point though, since it's pretty much the same thing with a bong
People were freakin bout her wastin smoke, which isn't really a thing with hookah.
What kind of grub do you guys have for tonite?
Plaintain chips are fucking incredible.
Debating on running to get rolling papers and rolling one. Haven't done it in a while but I've never been a good roller. I just feel on edge right now and need a way to relax.
Most convenience stores sell papers right?
New Jimi Hendrix album is sooo good, I feel like I just time travelled.
Got a question for anyone who's had experience with shrooms and/or acid... So I'm normally quite anxious about things, and sometimes when just smoking weed I will start to worry almost immediately, which makes the high pretty shitty and panicky for the most part. Should I avoid ever doing the 2 mentioned above? They interest me somewhat, but is it possible to 'learn' how not to worry when I'm on them, and have a good time?