Remember, everyone's bodies are different so this stuff can be different depending on the person.How is it on the heart? I think if my heart started racing I'd go into full panic mode. That happened to me twice smoking pot, though I think it was just me freaking out about work in the morning. I fucking hate it when I get high and start panicking about work.
How long does the Lucy high last? Does it come on fast or gradually? When you say 'amazing visuals,' are you embellishing or is it really actually crazy? Because having now smoked for the better part of a year, I cringe whenever pot smokers are portrayed on TV or movies due to the completely exaggerated behaviour.
Acid can last a really long time, 8+ hours. The first time I did it I was awake for about 50 hours. Not high the entire time just really awake. Last time I did it I was tripping hard for like 8 hours.
The visuals aren't extreme but they're really cool and really fun. It's not the dumb shit they show in movies or tv like seeing pink elephants or any of that junk. They're more amazing because they don't scare you at all, they just make you insanely happy and curious. For instance the last time I did it was in SF. There's this stretch of sidewalk in downtown that has a whole bunch of crystal like stones in it. They reflect light all crazy at night. Walking over it was like walking on the night sky. Black ground and the rocks made stars. You just perceive things differently which is where a lot of the "visuals" come from.