To be fair, there's no lack of roles where her inability to act is a plus.
She's truly is the female Keanu Reeves...
To be fair, there's no lack of roles where her inability to act is a plus.
Homie if it hasn't made your $200 million profit claim before home release, DVD isn't going to push it there. I think you are operating on some weird assumption that $310 million or thereabouts would equal that profit, which is just incorrect.Well, let's wait for the numbers and DVD / blu-ray sales and then you can tell me if I was wrong and also if playing it safe was a problem from a financial standpoint.
Pretty much. People keep trying to treat this as if it's some isolated incident instead of the latest of a long line of examples of Hollywood forgoing casting Asian actors in favor of white actors, and each time only being able to "justify" it with myths such as star power. Yeah, I suppose if we treat it like it's a one-off and everything's hunky-dory outside of GITS, it would be one thing and just something to shake our heads at. But it's not, and it's just another example of Hollywood treating Asian actors as if they're unmarketable for complete nonsense reasons and acting as if white actors are inherently more marketable to audiences, winding up with pie on their face, but doubling down anyway.You should read this: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/29/...-for-visibility-they-will-not-be-ignored.html
I don't know what to tell you if you don't give a crap about your own people in Hollywood after reading that.
Yep, and even less in China, I believe.People think studios get all that money from overseas? Aren't they lucky if they get 50 cents of every dollar it makes in some markets?
Yep, and even less in China, I believe.
This movie cratered harder than Yamcha in Dragonball Z. It'll be lucky if it hits 50 million domestically, especially since F8 is next weekend.
Still the only times I've seen leading Asian men involved in romance in Hollywood or American TV were Lost's Korean soap opera episodes and Janet Jackson's "If" video.
I know there's plenty more, but I'm fucking old, and this is all I've seen in my life. The problems of representation and social conditioning are obvious to me, but maybe many of the rest of you never even think about it this way.
Still the only times I've seen leading Asian men involved in romance in Hollywood or American TV were Lost's Korean soap opera episodes and Janet Jackson's "If" video.
I know there's plenty more, but I'm fucking old, and this is all I've seen in my life. The problems of representation and social conditioning are obvious to me, but maybe many of the rest of you never even think about it this way.
No one can say Michael Pitt's got the star power or box office draw, so I'm sure he was the best actor for the job.
Would you say this "I'm an Asian and I'm okay with this" spiel to the face of an Asian actress who couldnt even get an audition for this movie?
I can only imagine just how much begging theater owners are going to have to do in order to drop as many screens as they possibly can for GITS to fit in more for F8.
This has been an unqualified disaster for Paramount: they made a film that was dogged by casting controversy every step of the way, decided to double down on the bad vibes ScarJo's casting was giving people, and have now only realized that they just spent $100 million+ on a film that no one wanted or was asking for in the first place while alienating damn near everyone with a familiarity with the property. I know I keep saying it, but Paramount is really bad at this game.
I'm tired of people not of my race telling me how to feel about my race.
Pretty much. People keep trying to treat this as if it's some isolated incident instead of the latest of a long line of examples of Hollywood forgoing casting Asian actors in favor of white actors, and each time only being able to "justify" it with myths such as star power. Yeah, I suppose if we treat it like it's a one-off and everything's hunky-dory outside of GITS, it would be one thing and just something to shake our heads at. But it's not, and it's just another example of Hollywood treating Asian actors as if they're unmarketable for complete nonsense reasons and acting as if white actors are inherently more marketable to audiences, winding up with pie on their face, but doubling down anyway.
Isn't paramount already having a bad year?
Still the only times I've seen leading Asian men involved in romance in Hollywood or American TV were Lost's Korean soap opera episodes and Janet Jackson's "If" video.
I know there's plenty more, but I'm fucking old, and this is all I've seen in my life. The problems of representation and social conditioning are obvious to me, but maybe many of the rest of you never even think about it this way.
A great recent movie that had an Asian-American love interest was Edge of Seventeen. It was almost surreal seeing such a prominent role without any of the typical stereotypes.
A great recent movie that had an Asian-American love interest was Edge of Seventeen. It was almost surreal seeing such a prominent role without any of the typical stereotypes.
And what race would you say that human looking machine is? What if department stores only had white mannequins? What's that saying about standards of beauty? Or am I just supposed to look at it as a piece of painted wood and plastic and not a representation of a human being?No, they killed 98 people and put their brains into "machines". Stop identifying the Major as a person, because she isn't. That is literally the main character, a machine. Everything that the Major does is mechanical.
I'm trying to objectively look at this and I can't seem to agree on the level of outrage.
Correct if I'm wrong here, as I understood the film:
- Motoko and Hideo were abducted by Hanka. They were ethnically Japanese (although besides the name and the mothers accent, it wasn't explicitly stated).
- Their ghosts were put into Caucasian-looking shells.
- Hanka seemed to be a western company making caucasian looking shells.
Seems plausible to me, particularly in that world where nobody seemed to give a fuck about ethnicity. That's in line with the source material.
So is this outrage just an extension of the initial complaints that the cast wasn't mainly Asian?
Everyone's feigning of surprise is more surprising. A studio isn't going to gamble on a no name Asian actress just to make internet and cartoon nerds happy.
Still the only times I've seen leading Asian men involved in romance in Hollywood or American TV were Lost's Korean soap opera episodes and Janet Jackson's "If" video.
I know there's plenty more, but I'm fucking old, and this is all I've seen in my life. The problems of representation and social conditioning are obvious to me, but maybe many of the rest of you never even think about it this way.
No one can say Michael Pitt's got the star power or box office draw, so I'm sure he was the best actor for the job.
If the role was playing an Asian body like in Kung Fu then I'd have a problem with the casting of Scar Jo. Maybe the excuse is thin to you, but it's okay with me. It works within the narrative they are telling.
And yes, I'll tell her because of the reason I just said.
I'm tired of people not of my race telling me how to feel about my race.
If the role was playing an Asian body like in Kung Fu then I'd have a problem with the casting of Scar Jo. Maybe the excuse is thin to you, but it's okay with me. It works within the narrative they are telling.
And yes, I'll tell her because of the reason I just said.
I'm tired of people not of my race telling me how to feel about my race.
I think what drives this response to you is that people are waiting for some evidence you actually know the history and struggles of your race. Anyone can dismiss anything they don't know about. That's easy. It's dismissing it when you're made soberly aware of new information that's a challenge.I'm tired of people not of my race telling me how to feel about my race.
No one can say Michael Pitt's got the star power or box office draw, so I'm sure he was the best actor for the job.
Wasn't he one of those indie darlings like 10 years ago? Doing Gus Van Sant and Bertolucci movies? I first saw him in the Funny Games remake and he just became one of those character actors to me. A good one though.
Wasn't he one of those indie darlings like 10 years ago? Doing Gus Van Sant and Bertolucci movies? I first saw him in the Funny Games remake and he just became one of those character actors to me. A good one though.
I'm of your race and you're entitled to however you want to feel regardless of the race of the person telling you anything.
I vehemently disagree with everything you've said though.
That's perfectly fine. I just don't feel upset about the casting. Maybe I'm getting too old to care about it since I'm older. It just...doesn't bother me like I thought it would.
That's perfectly fine. I just don't feel upset about the casting. Maybe I'm getting too old to care about it since I'm older. It just...doesn't bother me like I thought it would.
Who should they have cast instead?
post responses with pics,for the integrity of the conversation entirely
I'm in my mid thirties so I'm not exactly young either but I'm the opposite. As I get older this bothers me more, not less.
I'm not bothered with the casting per se. If they wanted to do a The Departed adaptation, I wouldn't mind. Different countries and cultures adapt stories all the time for their locale. They didn't do that here.
If The Departed had tried to use the original Infernal Affairs characters Cantonese names because they had the same level of cache as Motoko Kusanagi in GITS, but they still cast two white guys I would have similarly had issues.
Seems plausible to me, particularly in that world where nobody seemed to give a fuck about ethnicity. That's in line with the source material.
Me being of Japanese decent want more representation in cinema of Asians.
Not just side characters or people that are good at martial arts.
People of Asian descent make up a good chunk of people in North America.
We deserve to be shown and not hidden.
We're not all fresh off the boat,
some have lived here for generations.
They actually did adapt it and gave a plot reason for her name which this thread is about. Even if the name was changed like it was to Mira, there still would've been outrage because it's much larger than just this film.
The new transformers just looks like noise, time for a reboot.At this point, it'll have to be reclassified as a bad existence. The new Transformers film is the only thing they've got in the blockbuster pipeline that stands a chance of doing something positive for them, and with the trend of the series going down domestically as international grosses climb, who knows how much of a positive that will be once the money is counted.
They actually did adapt it and gave a plot reason for her name which this thread is about. Even if the name was changed like it was to Mira, there still would've been outrage because it's much larger than just this film.
This would be fantastic. Not only does that excuse the white washing, it allows themselves to be seen as the ideal with just enough white guilt to make them seem progressive and self-aware. Like white hollywood has a deep message for Asians regarding beauty and appearance. Thanks Hollywood, once again proving that you only care about Asian portrayal when it conveniently lets you sidestep Asian actors.
Yeah but look at all the articles right now. They were prompted by the last little tidbit.
Literally white bodying her, lore friendly or not, dug the hole deeper for them. If they Edge of Tomorrow'd her, I'd sit easier with the casting. But they didn't. Providing a story reason is worse because we keep getting "but the story justified it! They're aware!" defenses. I'd rather she was just Mira Killian instead of Motoko Kusanagi. I'd rather discuss the merit of "star power" and how to cultivate minority talent rather than discuss how well the whitewashing fits the canon of the sci-fi universe.
My thoughts on this possibility exactly a year ago still hasn't changed.
Literally white bodying her, lore friendly or not, dug the hole deeper for them. If they Edge of Tomorrow'd her, I'd sit easier with the casting. But they didn't. Providing a story reason is worse because we keep getting "but the story justified it! They're aware!" defenses. I'd rather she was just Mira Killian instead of Motoko Kusanagi. I'd rather discuss the merit of "star power" and how to cultivate minority talent rather than discuss how well the whitewashing fits the canon of the sci-fi universe.
My thoughts on this possibility exactly a year ago still hasn't changed.
I still think there would've been outrage. For one, Ghost in the Shell and The Major are much more iconic and influential than a light manga novel nobody in the west has ever heard of. Secondly, I think there's been a growing resentment particurlarly amongst the younger generation of the poor depiction of Asian Americans, lack of Asian American representation in general, and the erasure of good to great "Asian" roles primarily to White actors that are already overrepresentated in American media.
I wanna make a venn diagram of people that think there's nothing wrong with ScarJo as the Major and people that bitched about Heimdall being a black dude.
There would have still been outrage, but incorporating the story reason dug the hole deeper. It was the wrong choice the make. When she's known as The Major, that's all you need. Making her Motoko Kusanagi and also not Motoko Kusanagi was a mistake.
1. They think it's fanservice.
2. They think it automatically makes the whitewashing justified.
Outside of fanservice, it's completely self serving. I don't feel appeased, I feel condescended to that I should be happy that they acknowledged that she used to be Asian.
It just shows how out of touch and in a bubble they truly are, because they thought not only were they being clever it would also silence the whitewashing accussations; Not realizing it would make it worse. LOL
Who should they have cast instead?
post responses with pics,for the integrity of the conversation entirely
Somehow they never realized that going "Don't worry, Scarlett Johansson is really playing an Asian woman" might sound bad.It just shows how out of touch and in a bubble they truly are, because they thought not only were they being clever it would also silence the whitewashing accussations; Not realizing it would make it worse. LOL
this would have been
my second choice
Doona Bae is brilliant and should be cast in pretty much every role, always - but would casting a Korean actress really solve the problem here? 'Memoirs of a Geisha''s Chinese-led cast still generated plenty of controversy for that movie.
I think if you have an iconic character named Motoko Kusanagi, and you're keeping the name and the setting in the movie, the actress has probably got to be Japanese.