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Ghost Song Kickstarter - Metroid meets Dark Souls - GAFer made - funded!


Added: Wii U Stretch Goal

TLDR: 1) The goal amount was set after careful cautious consideration 2) every backer who gets the game will also be able to get the eshop key without doing or paying anything extra. 3) I know some of you prefer ps3/ps4/whatever but wii u is simply the easiest console to get onto, due in large part to unity and what it costs on those consoles to license.



Hooboy, it's a stretch, but it's a NICE stretch. I'd definitely be in if I owned a Wii U. Sweet graphic, too.


Added: Wii U Stretch Goal

TLDR: The goal amount was set after careful cautious consideration; every backer who gets the game will also be able to get the key if they need it without doing or paying anything extra.

Awesome! Increased my pledge from the $10 tier, to the $50 tier. Just curious though; the $50 tier gets three copies of the game, right? I assume only one of those could be for the Wii U, is that correct?


Awesome! Increased my pledge from the $10 tier, to the $50 tier. Just curious though; the $50 tier gets three copies of the game, right? I assume only one of those could be for the Wii U, is that correct?

I'll give you three eshop keys (if you want them) and 3 steam keys (not guaranteed yet -- this is still tentative). I've also made a contact with GOG, I'm learning a bit about it, and it sounds like it could happen.

Both the Steam and GOG stuff is stuff I can't announce officially in the listing because it's still tentative, but between me and my friends on neogaf I think it's likely.


I'll give you three eshop keys (if you want them) and 3 steam keys (not guaranteed yet -- this is still tentative). I've also made a contact with GOG, I'm learning a bit about it, and it sounds like it could happen.

Both the Steam and GOG stuff is stuff I can't announce officially in the listing because it's still tentative, but between me and my friends on neogaf I think it's likely.

hmmm thinking about changin my pledge for the bundle tier


hmmm thinking about changin my pledge for the bundle tier

remember, the steam and GOG is NOT official or guaranteed. if it was, I'd be posting it to the KS listing as fast as my fingers could carry me. I'm just telling you as a dude and a neogafer that I think it's a strong possibility. I've been approached by some legit companies/entities since the KS campaign began and it seems right now like I have options.


Brotherhood of Shipley's
So you're saying if I got into the $10 early backer, i'll get a WiiU Eshop code too?

Man I might just have to throw you even more money.


Added: Wii U Stretch Goal

TLDR: 1) The goal amount was set after careful cautious consideration 2) every backer who gets the game will also be able to get the eshop key without doing or paying anything extra. 3) I know some of you prefer ps3/ps4/whatever but wii u is simply the easiest console to get onto, due in large part to unity and what it costs on those consoles to license.


So backed man.


So you're saying if I got into the $10 early backer, i'll get a WiiU Eshop code too?

Man I might just have to throw you even more money.

yes. if you are "game level", meaning you backed enough to get the game, you'll have the opportunity to get an eshop code (if the wii u goal is met) as well as any other keys or codes we have to give out for various services.

So this just proves that Nintendo is really friendly with indies, meanwhile the press keeps talking Sony, Sony and Sony regarding indies....

To be fair, I think Sony is friendly with indies too. Unity sets their own licensing fees. It could be that Nintendo went out of their way to get an arrangement with Unity to cover it -- In which case Nintendo is MORE friendly. But really-- don't ask me how or why the Unity licensing fee is $0 for Wii U -- My guess is as good as yours.


I am going to back this game when my paycheck comes in! have been rewatching the trailer maybe 15 times already. Keep up the very good work Matt!


I am going to back this game when my paycheck comes in! have been rewatching the trailer maybe 15 times already. Keep up the very good work Matt!

I plan to post a new video with new stuff a bit later on. :)

Are you still working on the game? Or are you waiting for all the funding to roll in.

The premise of the kickstarter is to stop working on the existing game build (which is a flash game) and rebuild it in Unity -- and finish out the content. The rebuilt version will have higher resolution graphics and more graphics in general (since back in the flash version I was planning for a portal release and I was using a lot of repeating graphics and less backgrounds than I'd like due to size concerns).

Work hasn't begun on the build in any big way yet -- but that's really hard while still inside of a kickstarter campaign. I'm trying to lay a little ground work but we won't start kicking butt until a little bit later on.
2) every backer who gets the game will also be able to get the eshop key without doing or paying anything extra. 3)

Wow, that's awesome. Any chance of letting us unlock hardcore mode without completing the game already for those of us who would play on both PC and Wii U? It'd be nice to do a hardcore playthrough on another platform.


Jobbs you didn't want to create a business first?

It's all been taken care of. I wouldn't post the goal if I didn't have everything figured out.

Can you still get higher tiers when the Kickstarter project has finish, when you donate more?

As far as I know you can't donate through KS after the listing has completed. If you wanted to do it through my own storefront after the KS listing is over I'd offer you the hookups. edit: if you're talking about those derrangedly high tiers that are unlikely to get any backers -- I can't put "limited quantity" tiers on my own storefront for obvious reasons. But if you really wanted to do this, after the listing is over, just contact me.


thanks for the wii u stretch goal. I'll go ahead and pitch in. Hopefully, it makes it to wii U but it looks worth supporting regardless.


As far as I know you can't donate through KS after the listing has completed. If you wanted to do it through my own storefront after the KS listing is over I'd offer you the hookups.
Ok, Nice!


Have you done any promotion so far? Sending out press kits to gaming sites? Interviews? Things like that.


thanks guys :D

Have you done any promotion so far? Sending out press kits to gaming sites? Interviews? Things like that.

I've done a couple interviews and I have... 5 more interviews sitting in my inbox. I'm trying to get to everything.

The game was covered on usgamer, destructoid, and indiegames so far -- among other sites too.

If you have more ideas about stuff I could be doing I'm all ears, naturally. (that said, I'm pretty busy trying to stay on top of stuff as it is while also preparing a few new things from the game to show)
Looks like Nintendo blogs are starting to talk about this game and the Wii U stretch goal. That should give you a nice boost. Nice :)


This looks fantastic! I plan on getting a wiiu next year so this is great! I am also planning on getting a new laptop soonish too! I'll pitch in soon!


I knew it sounded a bit too good to be true, don't mind having kicking in a couple bucks extra to get a Wii U code though.

I may be able to just offer a wii u *only* tier for the same price as now. one of the fears was that people would ALL opt in for the key because it was free... and if that happened I'd simply be crushed by it. either way, promising specifics about this prematurely is what got me in trouble last time. so I'll see where we're at if and when we hit that goal.
Lets hope your game gets it to the console from the manufacturer that actually is the base of inspiration here, contrary to some other Mexican character based game that bluntly uses references from games from said manufacturer and releases it on the competition...


Any idea how soon a playable demo would be available? Is that probably going to be a Beta thing?

It doesn't look to me like you'll have this problem, but I was on the fence with Legend of Iya until I played its demo and couldn't appreciate the game control.

I think you might get some additional pledges if you released the flash version you already have, not as a demo, but as a proof of concept. Then again, maybe the Super Metroid influence is all the PoC we need?

Anyway, good luck with this campaign!


remember, the steam and GOG is NOT official or guaranteed. if it was, I'd be posting it to the KS listing as fast as my fingers could carry me. I'm just telling you as a dude and a neogafer that I think it's a strong possibility. I've been approached by some legit companies/entities since the KS campaign began and it seems right now like I have options.

Are you puting a greenlight page up soon?


Are you puting a greenlight page up soon?

My information is that greenlight precludes us from getting on steam in any way BUT greenlight. We intend to get on in another way.

Any idea how soon a playable demo would be available? Is that probably going to be a Beta thing?

It doesn't look to me like you'll have this problem, but I was on the fence with Legend of Iya until I played its demo and couldn't appreciate the game control.

I think you might get some additional pledges if you released the flash version you already have, not as a demo, but as a proof of concept. Then again, maybe the Super Metroid influence is all the PoC we need?

Anyway, good luck with this campaign!

The control is basically the opposite of Iya. It's very precise and responsive. No long waits to change directions or jump or land, etc. That said, I do like Iya. But I did feel as well that it was a bit too sluggish in its current form.

Anyway, it'd take a lot of work to cobble together a publically presentable demo of the game, and when you consider that the current build of the game is not going to be continued -- it's going to be REBUILT in unity -- It feels strange to spend a bunch of time working on the old game to make a nice presentable demo with perhaps little or nothing to gain from it. If I released the game "as is", as you say, it would, I fear, do us no good, because it's got large holes in it and it's missing things and it's somewhat askew -- It's mid-development, that's how that goes. Imagine a car where you have a LOT of the pieces to it, but a lot of them are on the floor of the garage. Average person won't know what to do with it.

That said, I'm gonna show some new stuff from the game that I hope people will find very exciting midway through the campaign in an effort to keep interest and conversation going.
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