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Ghost Song Kickstarter - Metroid meets Dark Souls - GAFer made - funded!

Well, he needs less than $1k a day to reach the 40k goal so I'd say chances are very good. Consider the surge in funding we'll start seeing if he offers a final Wii U version stretch goal and I'd say those extra features are pretty much confirmed :p

Kickstarter doesn't show the Paypal donations, does it? So it might go even faster.


I will back if a PS3/4/WiiU goal appears, but unfortunately can't do anything without these. However I'm super excited to see that such a great looking game is being so successfully funded for a fellow GAFer. Kudos!


Kickstarter? Is this something like donating money?

You don't know what Kickstarter is? Wow. Well.

Donating money is basically what it is. Before a project is funded, you pledge money to it and if it reaches a certain goal, the amount of money you pledged gets sent to the project creator as soon as the funding period is done. Since this project has already surpassed this initial goal, then yes, as soon as the funding period is done your money is sent to the project creator. Current pledges raise the total amount funded and many creators establish stretch goals for additional features beyond the initial goal.

There are pledge levels, that allow you to get certain creator-specified rewards depending on how much money you pledged. So for example in this project, if you pledge $15, you get a free copy of the game when it releases.


Kickstarter doesn't show the Paypal donations, does it? So it might go even faster.

Very few people have gone through paypal, FYI. If this started happening a lot and there was anything worth mentioning I'd let people know the total periodically. But so far-- It's only a small handful.


Very few people have gone through paypal, FYI. If this started happening a lot and there was anything worth mentioning I'd let people know the total periodically. But so far-- It's only a small handful.

Yeah, I've never backed a project that has gotten any substantial amount of Paypal donations. I'm sure they're appreciated, but they're not going to decide whether a stretchgoal is met or not :p


Yeah, I've never backed a project that has gotten any substantial amount of Paypal donations. I'm sure they're appreciated, but they're not going to decide whether a stretchgoal is met or not :p

It still lets them help and get the rewards. I set up a storefront with most the tiers listed (not the limited ones). And if someone pledges over paypal, I punch their info into a spreadsheet and keep track of them so they get what's coming to them later on.
I got way too attached to my Mag in PSO. I couldn't imagine using anything but Apsaras after having that big bastard floating around behind me for hundreds of hours.


So yeah, that feature's already a hit with me.

Just need that Monomate strechgoal.


Backed, but PC/Mac is kind of a bummer. This type of game demands to be played in bed! Vita, Wii U, whatevs... just give this to me on a battery powered small screen!


Backed, but PC/Mac is kind of a bummer. This type of game demands to be played in bed! Vita, Wii U, whatevs... just give this to me on a battery powered small screen!

thanks :D

I would never rule those things out. even if they don't make it as a stretch goal (The WU stretch goal is something I'm still mulling over) -- eventual ports to other hardware is always something we'll be interested in, stretch goals or not.


thanks :D

I would never rule those things out. even if they don't make it as a stretch goal (The WU stretch goal is something I'm still mulling over) -- eventual ports to other hardware is always something we'll be interested in, stretch goals or not.

I just imagined this on my Vita, and my hormones got all outta whack.


I'm close to making a decision on the wii u thing. I talked to Adelman over email. It does sound doable. Suffice it to say there are costs beyond just getting the dev kit.

I also just made contact with someone from sony and I'm going to find out what's going on with PS4 if I can.

Cool, will be certainly worth your while picking up the phone and contacting Nintendo because they're really reaching out and making an effort to help indie developers, particularly smaller ones. Sony are also making an effort but as far as I've heard Nintendo are pulling out more stops.

You've also got to remember that a metroidvania game is ideal for the Wii U audience so far which should mostly be die-hard Nintendo fans. Plus you've got a bigger installed userbase to aim for which should remain so for a couple of years at least. The Wii U has sold like pants from January to now but with the ridiculous 7 month software drought coming to an end sales are going to pick up before you even think about Super Mario 3D World, Wii Fit, Mario Kart 8 and SSBU being released.

Probably not worth bothering with Microsoft unless things have changed recently.


thanks :D

I would never rule those things out. even if they don't make it as a stretch goal (The WU stretch goal is something I'm still mulling over) -- eventual ports to other hardware is always something we'll be interested in, stretch goals or not.

You should still have a WiiU stretch goal though, the WiiU guys usually help a lot with kickstarters.


wii u stretch goals really do help. take a look at armikrog. they raised $350,000 after announcing the stretch goal with only four days left. i think it's basically how buddy & me was funded with very little time left (although it didn't reach the stretch goal). the fanbase is starved for games. if nothing else, it'll help you reach your other stretch goals.


Neo Member
I've been following this Kickstarter from the beginning, and will definitely back this sooner or later. I was just wondering if in the case you decide on doing ports to some other platforms, will keys for those versions also be included in the game tier rewards?


I've been following this Kickstarter from the beginning, and will definitely back this sooner or later. I was just wondering if in the case you decide on doing ports to some other platforms, will keys for those versions also be included in the game tier rewards?

A Wii U stretch goal is a STRONG POSSIBILITY! I'm just hovering over the trigger on that one.

If I do it, and the goal is met, what I intend to do is allow any game level backers who want the Wii U version to get a key. No game show, no new tier, no "up your pledge to access this and unlock that" type stuff. I'll just give it to any of my backers who need it.


Late (?) congrats on hitting the goal already, Jobbs. Starting lurking the Indie game making thread before I got accepted here and enjoyed the gifs and the artstyle.
A Wii U stretch goal is a STRONG POSSIBILITY! I'm just hovering over the trigger on that one.

If I do it, and the goal is met, what I intend to do is allow any game level backers who want the Wii U version to get a key. No game show, no new tier, no "up your pledge to access this and unlock that" type stuff. I'll just give it to any of my backers who need it.

Oh nice, I'd much rather play this on my Wii U than PC. I hope it makes it to that stretch goal.


hide your water-based mammals
A Wii U stretch goal is a STRONG POSSIBILITY! I'm just hovering over the trigger on that one.

If I do it, and the goal is met, what I intend to do is allow any game level backers who want the Wii U version to get a key. No game show, no new tier, no "up your pledge to access this and unlock that" type stuff. I'll just give it to any of my backers who need it.

A nice stretch goal but I have no intentions of getting a WiiU for a while. Consider putting it on PS3/4/Vita.


A nice stretch goal but I have no intentions of getting a WiiU for a while. Consider putting it on PS3/4/Vita.

the unity licensing fees are oppressive on those. I am not ruling it out, but -- just saying.

Plus I just like Wii U -- I think it's a cool console and a natural fit since it's Nintendo. The off screen stuff is also terrific for 2D games like this.


Awesome work on your game so far, Jobbs, you deserve every dollar that you get for this, and then some. Keep posting your updates on the Indie Dev thread, please :)


Awesome work on your game so far, Jobbs, you deserve every dollar that you get for this, and then some. Keep posting your updates on the Indie Dev thread, please :)

thanks. and will do -- I've got an update bomb with new game stuff coming roughly at the midway point. I saved some of my load. :)


I backed Ghost Song already, but would definitely throw some money at it again if a Wii U stretch goal gets added. I'd LOVE to play it on my Wii U.


Are you allowed to go into detail on this?

This is the price of licensing the unity engine -- the price isn't set by sony and has nothing to do with them. incidentally, sony seems extremely good to deal with based on my short exchange. it's just that unity is expensive to license (expensive is relative, but for an indie, it's expensive) for certain consoles. I am not sure why it does't cost anything to publish to wii u. it could be a deal they have with nintendo or something -- Not sure.

but it's in the multiple tens of K range unless my information is completely wrong, and I don't think it is.


Probably just as well. Better to focus on your game and making it the awesomest than have to worry about a bunch of different ports.

P.S. don't listen to people's crazy gameplay ideas either. :p

hehehehe. I mainly just listen to my own crazy gameplay ideas. ;)


How do you plan on getting this on Steam?

I have a couple paths onto steam -- it's not greenlight -- I wish I could elaborate but it's just not something I can detail or officially promise. take that with a grain of salt if you wish, but you asked so I answered. :)


I have a couple paths onto steam -- it's not greenlight -- I wish I could elaborate but it's just not something I can detail or officially promise. take that with a grain of salt if you wish, but you asked so I answered. :)

Well as long as it gets there I can't complain :p


I know how to bypass the ridiculous PS4/Xbox One fees!

1. Add a Wii U stretchgoal at 45k and a ridiculous 150k stretchgoal for PS4.
2. Imply in as many posts as you can that Nintendo does a much better job at handling indies that Sony, both on Kickstarter and social media sites.
3. Make sure the media reports on these accusations.
4. Watch shit go down.
5. Sit and wait until Sony comes begging to your door with a free devkit + unity license.

Don't do this


I'm not quite sure do I like the art style. But I'm definitely interested. I didn't like terrarias art style at first but ended up playing it over 150hours.
Glad to see this is going so well!

I'm no dev, but I got curious and did some searching. What I found, which, I should point out, is a three year old post, is that it costs $80,000 for a Unity 360 or PS3 license. Others have put it in a range between that and $40,000. So, yeah, that sounds like a bit of a hindrance.

Wow, 40k for a psn title? That's highway robbery.

Interested to see if that's gone down in the last few years. I figured it was a few K's at most.


I remember people saying Ninty might send the KS a C&D etc and that it is too similar etc etc

And now Nintendo contacts them for a Wii U version.

Good stuff.


Probably just as well. Better to focus on your game and making it the awesomest than have to worry about a bunch of different ports.

P.S. don't listen to people's crazy gameplay ideas either. :p

I feel like the P.S. was directed at me. That hurts.


As much as I'd love a PS4/Vita cross buy of this, the right thing to do is stick to you guns and maybe make an enhanced port a year later.

Man this makes me want to see this on 3DS so bad. Would really give it some added scale. I might have to back this though, even if it doesn't come to a console/handheld. Just too good to let fall away. Great job.

Holy shit... ok i am a huge metroid fan, 2d or 3d fps and i am liking what I'm seeing! This has to make it to vita and ps4 plzzzzzz.

As much as I'd love a PS4/Vita cross buy of this, the right thing to do is stick to you guns and maybe make an enhanced port a year later.

EDIT: of course, totally. Get it done first then see what you can do jobbs.
Holy shit... ok i am a huge metroid fan, 2d or 3d fps and i am liking what I'm seeing! This has to make it to vita and ps4 plzzzzzz.

EDIT: of course, totally. Get it done first then see what you can do jobbs.

Admit it...the jumping animation hit you right in the feels as well didn't it?


Backed $15 tier and subscribed to this thread. Keep up the good work, looks awesome. I'm hoping for TONS of enemy types.
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