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Ghost Song Kickstarter - Metroid meets Dark Souls - GAFer made - funded!


Bummer the Wii U stretch goal is such a big leap. I want to support, but only if I can get it on a console. :(

Good luck though! If it inches close enough I will help close the gap.

if it makes you feel any better, I think there's a decent shot at this anyway. I just don't like making promises unless I feel really good and safe about it. I never wanted to find myself in a position where I was overwhelmed.

I love wii u, and I'd love to have the game on it. I just personally like the system and that influences me a bit. The fact that Nintendo makes the Unity license fee go away is also a huge benefit (the Unity licensing fee on consoles can be really astronomical -- at least, from the perspective of an indie, tens of thousands of dollars is a lot).
If you asked me a week ago, I would've snarled at the thought of funding a Kickstarter campaign, but here I am backing two projects (this + MN9) within a day's time. Regardless, best of luck Jobbs!
if it makes you feel any better, I think there's a decent shot at this anyway. I just don't like making promises unless I feel really good and safe about it. I never wanted to find myself in a position where I was overwhelmed.

I love wii u, and I'd love to have the game on it. I just personally like the system and that influences me a bit. The fact that Nintendo makes the Unity license fee go away is also a huge benefit (the Unity licensing fee on consoles can be really astronomical -- at least, from the perspective of an indie, tens of thousands of dollars is a lot).
Right on. I already have the page bookmarked and will definitely jump in before the kickstarter closes if it's sneaking anywhere near the Wii U stretch goal. We share a lot of the same gaming influences and I think your take on the genre looks great, so I'm glad to see the game itself is already well funded and it won't take much of an excuse for me to throw in my lot. It's always good to see someone with a vision and the discipline to bring it together. Godspeed!


Quick question: If we don't reach the Wii U stretch goal, can we still opt for the Wii U eShop key? Or can we choose 2 options: Wii U if you make the port, if not a Steam key or something like that.

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
40K achieved. Very nice. :)

interesting catch, but never an intentional reference. I've liked the name "Rook" for years. The origin of this character and the relationship between him and a little girl named Pasha goes way back to one of my comic pitches in 2008. The comic was never made, but the idea for the character lingered on in my mind.

That's pretty cool! Like several others, I love the idea of having a comic related to the game, maybe like something that takes place before the events of the game.

thanks guys :) no comic planned right now, but who knows. I like comics but they sure are a lot of work to draw.

Start another Kickstarter. :D


Glad you made the 40K stretch goal!

A bit surprised there's so few backers for this. I guess it really hasn't gotten that much coverage.


Once again, overthinkifying: Jobbs, maybe you ought to release a happy Update celebrating the reached stretchgoal. "Yay, I is happy!", add the comics, and blammo. Reminding people that the time is ticking away is a good idea, methinks.

35 hours to go.


Once again, overthinkifying: Jobbs, maybe you ought to release a happy Update celebrating the reached stretchgoal. "Yay, I is happy!", add the comics, and blammo. Reminding people that the time is ticking away is a good idea, methinks.

35 hours to go.

Seriously, Nintendo needs to remake Majora's mask with graphics closer to the artwork. Anyways, I got my early bird pledge and I am looking forward this game but if you ever consider a physical release I'll be there bitting it lday 1 haha


Once again, overthinkifying: Jobbs, maybe you ought to release a happy Update celebrating the reached stretchgoal. "Yay, I is happy!", add the comics, and blammo. Reminding people that the time is ticking away is a good idea, methinks.

Yep, I just did this, and I also included more comic pages that I didn't show in this thread.

Re. Wii U, as I've been saying, I really want to do this anyway. The goal is just to *promise* it, but it could happen anyway. the matter would just be shelved until later when the game is close to done, at which point I'd look into what the situation is and if we can put it onto Wii U.

thanks all :)


Any other forums you guys know off where we can spread the word? I hate to say it but i think some boards on gamefaq need to hear about it.
The forums at Metroid Database would make sense... (I lost my nick and password though...)

The Wii U board at gamefaqs.

The Super Metroid community at Miiverse.

I will email Neurope the biggest unofficial European Nintendo site, so that they can bring story on it(if they want to). Do you have some press material already written for sites Jobbs, or should I just give them a write-up and the kickstarter link?

I will start drawing some 'Support Ghost Song' posts on Miiverse now. Got some time to kill anyway.


Sorry if you've answered this - but I tweeted your Kickstarter to Sony since they've been so active in the Indie scene recently, and have been making moves with Kickstarters as well. Shahid, SCEE, told me that SCEA were "on it" as far as your project went?

Any news? Or hot air to keep my inquisitive mind at ease?


Sorry if you've answered this - but I tweeted your Kickstarter to Sony since they've been so active in the Indie scene recently, and have been making moves with Kickstarters as well. Shahid, SCEE, told me that SCEA were "on it" as far as your project went?

Any news? Or hot air to keep my inquisitive mind at ease?

I don't have any news to report right now.

I'm not convinced enough to put up money in advance, but if I hear good things post-release, I will buy it.

Fair enough, let me know if you have any questions.


I donated on day one or two and have sort of lost track.

I remember a wrinkle in the Wii U version. Was that ever solved? That's how I would prefer it.
I didn't realize the creator was posting in the thread. Silly me for not at least skimming more before posting.

To clarify, I don't think there's anything wrong with what I've seen, but as much as I like Metroid games, I don't even like all the ones Nintendo themselves have made.

It's a hard genre to get right, because I lose interest if I get lost for too long, but I also lose interest if I feel so guided that I don't feel like I'm actually exploring. And as much as I attribute the good ones to quality level design, I'm also aware that part of it may be dumb luck, where I stumble into the right path in games with really obtuse design or get frustrated with things an idiot could navigate.

Level design is so important, and it's not something that can be domonstrated on a Kickstarter page as easily as art or music or tone.


I didn't realize the creator was posting in the thread. Silly me for not at least skimming more before posting.

To clarify, I don't think there's anything wrong with what I've seen, but as much as I like Metroid games, I don't even like all the ones Nintendo themselves have made.

It's a hard genre to get right, because I lose interest if I get lost for too long, but I also lose interest if I feel so guided that I don't feel like I'm actually exploring. And as much as I attribute the good ones to quality level design, I'm also aware that part of it may be dumb luck, where I stumble into the right path in games with really obtuse design or get frustrated with things an idiot could navigate.

Level design is so important, and it's not something that can be domonstrated on a Kickstarter page as easily as art or music or tone.

This is true. My goal with the level design is to make the primary path, where you must go, laid out logically. Where does it feel like you should be headed? It's a hard thing to get right, but it's important to me to lead the player by getting his attention through subtle environmental cues and engaging him to be proactive, but proactive in a way that leasd him in the right direction.

in addition, there's other stuff you can find just by running around and checking everything. There's not the appearance of "just one path" in this game, you're frequently faced with many ways to go, as you'd expect in this sort of game. The purpose is to attempt to design the main pathway in a way that seems intuitive.

I'm well aware there's a big x-factor here and it can be hard to dissect scientifically. Games where you can potentially get lost or potentially fail may not be for everyone. That said, I'm trying to keep any real ball bustingly hard stuff off to the side as optional, with the required content being challenging but fair and doable.

How do you KNOW if the thing that just kicked your ass is "optional"? I guess you don't know with absolute certainty, but if something is utterly kicking your ass and you're a decent gamer, it'll be a fair assumption that you can go another way and avoid it, or come back later, or whatever. Dark Souls taught me that the graveyard is the wrong way to go at the beginning, not with a quest marker or a fairy guide, but because the skeletons kicked the shit out of me.


How do you KNOW if the thing that just kicked your ass is "optional"? I guess you don't know with absolute certainty, but if something is utterly kicking your ass and you're a decent gamer, it'll be a fair assumption that you can go another way and avoid it, or come back later, or whatever. Dark Souls taught me that the graveyard is the wrong way to go at the beginning, not with a quest marker or a fairy guide, but because the skeletons kicked the shit out of me.

I like this train of thought. I imagine going down a path and this scary-big ass-alien just rushes at me from the other side of the screen, I either run away and take another path or get totally obliterated when I attempt to kill it. At this point, I know I'm too weak to continue down this path.


The forums at Metroid Database would make sense... (I lost my nick and password though...)

The Wii U board at gamefaqs.

The Super Metroid community at Miiverse.

I will email Neurope the biggest unofficial European Nintendo site, so that they can bring story on it(if they want to). Do you have some press material already written for sites Jobbs, or should I just give them a write-up and the kickstarter link?

I will start drawing some 'Support Ghost Song' posts on Miiverse now. Got some time to kill anyway.

Will you make a topic on the WiiU board?


Use the Miiverse website. Just click the link and log in... :)

It's odd, though, I opened up the Super Metroid communtiy on my Wii U and this post ain't there. Is there a moderation process for each post or something? (still relatively new to Wii U)


Brotherhood of Shipley's
Jobbs, don't know if this was already asked, but if you do end up doing a Wii U version, do backers get their choice of which version to get?
Come on secret Russian billionaire, now is the time to dump your wealth into this project!

Seriosuly, Kickstarter needs more secret Russian Billionaires who backs the shit out of great projects.
Backed. Fuck, this game looks gorgeous.

If it garners a lot of good press post-launch, I would encourage the dev to put Sony's self-publishing initiative for the PS4 through the paces. Would love to play this on the PS4 sometime down the road.


Been hustling over at Gfaq's I think I may have squeezed a few donations out of it, still trying to think of some places we haven't hit. I made a topic on the LUE board which is a private board, and the WiiU board.


Man, so close to 45k now. C'mon, ya dirty WiiU scum, put yer bounty where ye beards be. Yarr.

.... I'm sorry.

It's just, between this and the not-Megaman thread I've read far too many "would back if for platform X" or "will only back if it reaches the _____ stretchgoal", which is self-defeating, really. Boils my blood every time.

Oh well. Only 15k to go, with roughly one day remaining. Still seems doable. Ridiculous, considering the initial goal was 15k itself. Heh.
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