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Ghost Song Kickstarter - Metroid meets Dark Souls - GAFer made - funded!


This is something I've wrestled with a bit. I could potentially do more videos and show brand new stuff, but the choice would be -- Either show some warts (I hate showing warts, my approach is to only show stuff in its best light) or go back and work on the old game more, which I am loath to do. when I work on the game I'd prefer to work on the new rebuild.

Once we have cool new high res stuff to show of the game I'm sure we'll give the backers a look at it and that'll be more exciting than just seeing more stuff from the old flash game. The old game is cool, I am proud of what I made, but the new game will have some tweaks and rethinking of certain asthetic/mechanical elements -- And that's where my head is now. I want to move forward.

Possible to put forward like a 3-5 minute demo of old stuff, just for proof of concept?

It might be a bit more engaging for people who will inevitably only hear about this is the waning hours of the campaign
Or maybe just you two talking about the game? You mentioned before that you tried that for the introduction video but you sounded like a 'douche'. Maybe if you present yourself and your partner, and explain how much better the game will end up being, I don't see that ever hurting your cause.

Edit: It doesn't even have to be videos. More art and soundtrack could do wonders, too.


Or maybe just you two talking about the game? You mentioned before that you tried that for the introduction video but you sounded like a 'douche'. Maybe if you present yourself and your partner, and explain how much better the game will end up being, I don't see that ever hurting your cause.

Edit: It doesn't even have to be videos. More art and soundtrack could do wonders, too.

I plan to show more art. :)

Ultimately, I like to post updates and show new things, and indeed I have been throughout, but I think the path is the path now. I don't think anything I do at this point will have a real impact on how this thing finishes out. I anticipate some degree of uptick in the last days as people notice that time is out and they have to make a decision, but that's not going to hinge on whether I posted X or Y new thing.

We have done much better than I ever thought we would, and I can't wait to move forward.


Yeah, I see what you mean by it being difficult to bring out new content/info in this transitional stage. One option could be to give a "behind the scenes" look at some of the older info. Like talk about the alien types (or even a specific alien, name, race, what it does, etc), the landscape, the mood, even technical aspects, and describe their inspirations and the process of arriving at those design solutions. That's a good way to fill in the slots of time so that there's no period of perceived stagnation from the viewpoints of the followers.

I've seen many projects lose interest, and it's mainly because the dev(s) don't continue to feed progress/info. You don't necessarily need to do this, but it would be the ideal to keep people talking about it.

From what I've seen, things that stir debate are good too, info that brings up a question and allows fans to suggest things will sate their appetites for a good week to a month. Much of this is anecdotal...but I do think they're good things to keep in mind.


Sat down and watched the walkthrough, controls look snappy, liked the art and atmosphere. Backed.

thanks for watching :) the full high res game is gonna look better, too. presently I'm working on figuring out a more organized method of animating the character (I was able to get away with more in the old game with the low res character and not being as ambitious with the motions). As you might imagine, animating really detailed, painterly looking 2D characters like I've been doing requires some tricks and shenanigans. You can't just go straight up traditional. At least, *I* can't.

it'll be really cool -- more types of animations than before, higher res, everything. pumped.

I'm going to talk about one of the most important characters-- Rook -- in a forthcoming update. Here's a sketch of him, along with Pasha. Together they sort of comprise the emotional heart of the game in many ways.


Rook in particular has a tremendous story arc in this game, as an npc.
he falls from grace, and is driven to madness. can he be turned back?


Aw, what a cute pic.

I really hope you won't be offended by what I am going to say next since I consider it a good thing, but just to be on the safe side I apologise if this ruffles your feathers:

I love the 80's hair on pasha and the similar vibe I'm getting from Rook. Reminds me of Comics/Manga I read as a youngster. Not sure what it is exactly that makes me feel this way, but I love it nevertheless.


thanks guys. :)

while an 80's design isn't intentional, I have heard a few times that the game reminds people of 80's sci fi, and that's okay. it doesn't offend me. :) Certain things from the 80s have been influential on me, such as the Appleseed manga, and Miyazaki's Nausicaa.. (Studio Ghibli, in general, is very influential to me) So I guess it could make a certain amount of sense.


Going slooow like the Wii U sales.

At least the most important goal is around the corner.

I think there are a significant amount of people who prefer to only back during the final day or even the final hours, because that's when it feels immediate and exciting, plus they have to get off the fence if they were on it.

In any case, even if it stopped now I'd be happy. We've gone way passed what I ever thought we'd get.


With the news about Unity adding native 2D support, I can only imagine that will really make the rebuild more efficient!

Roger already has used Unity to make 2D games and has customized his own version of existing 2D setups -- and, don't quote me on this -- But I think his setup already does everything that the official 2D tools are saying they'll do. That's why I was a bit confused when I saw it and everyone's reaction to it -- Because that seems like stuff people have already been doing.


40k is a lock, but 25k in under 4 days is a strech. A frenzy would have to turn up to get to the WII U goal.


Is there any chance of this being ported to PS4? Is the Unity license the biggest hurdle?

I'm not ruling anything in or out, I keep saying -- it's a goal of mine to get it onto many platforms, eventually, however I can, whether we meet any stretch goals or not. the nature of the wii u stretch goal was -- okay, I did my homework, I know how to do this, if we get this high amount of money I feel comfortable promising it at the outset. But just because I don't promise it at the outset doesn't necessarily mean I won't do it at some point.

I apologize if this comes off arrogant somehow (I'm not an arrogant person), but judging by some of the connections I've made just by the kickstarter listing -- I think once the near-finished game is able to be played, opportunities will present themselves. I am that confident. It's going to take some time and work to get from here to there, (rebuilding everything, redoing all the art, testing new changes and additions, finishing out the game flow and world design, new enemies/bosses, etc) but I know in my head and in my heart exactly what I want to do, and I know that between us we have the necessary skills to pull it off.

It's a bit of an adjustment going from the flash game assets to producing all the assets in super high res for 1080p (you can be a tad lazy with the low res ones like I was making) but I've gotten a bit of a head start on that, tinkering around, and I think we're going to have some great results. This game running on a nice big TV and looking great will be a dream come true.

There I go rambling again!
Sorry if it has already been asked (certainly) but if I pledge hoping for Wii U I won't get my money back if there is no Wii U version, am I right? :/


Chû Totoro;79310693 said:
Sorry if it has already been asked (certainly) but if I pledge hoping for Wii U I won't get my money back if there is no Wii U version, am I right? :/

Unfortunately it's just not that simple, because if everyone did that then we won't know where we stand.

If you absolutely *must* have a Wii U version and you want nothing to do with it otherwise, then the wise course might be to just not back it. As I said, Wii U has a relatively low barrier to entry, especially if you have a good game, and it remains a goal of mine to get it on there. but I'm just not in a place where I'm making promises about that (yet).


I believe in a future PS4/Vita version. I know your game will be awesome and you will get what you need to make it a reality.
Unfortunately it's just not that simple, because if everyone did that then we won't know where we stand.

If you absolutely *must* have a Wii U version and you want nothing to do with it otherwise, then the wise course might be to just not back it. As I said, Wii U has a relatively low barrier to entry, especially if you have a good game, and it remains a goal of mine to get it on there. but I'm just not in a place where I'm making promises about that (yet).

Ok thank you for the very quick answer. Your game deserve some support. It already have what it needs but I'll do my part and pledge for the Bundle Tier :)
If the Wii U version don't come out with the kickstarter I may buy it if there is some novelty or bonuses. If it doesn't come at all on Wii u it's not that bad. The game deserve some attention whatever the platform it comes on.

So if no Wii U, Mac version for me :p

Yay another kickstarter !


I'm going to talk about one of the most important characters-- Rook -- in a forthcoming update. Here's a sketch of him, along with Pasha. Together they sort of comprise the emotional heart of the game in many ways.


Rook in particular has a tremendous story arc in this game, as an npc.
he falls from grace, and is driven to madness. can he be turned back?

I just wanted to say that you are one fantastic illustrator, Jobbs. This looks like something out of an early 90's era manga. Dig your style.
Chû Totoro;79310693 said:
Sorry if it has already been asked (certainly) but if I pledge hoping for Wii U I won't get my money back if there is no Wii U version, am I right? :/
You wont get your money back no, but your safest bet for a Wii U version is that this game gets as much attention as possible. So back it up! Edit: And you did! Good on you!

I've been lurking for quite some time and will back in the next days. I'm mostly only interested in a Wii U version, but this game represents so many good things about gaming that I can't not back it.


Roger already has used Unity to make 2D games and has customized his own version of existing 2D setups -- and, don't quote me on this -- But I think his setup already does everything that the official 2D tools are saying they'll do. That's why I was a bit confused when I saw it and everyone's reaction to it -- Because that seems like stuff people have already been doing.

Yeah I was fully aware that these toolsets existed, I was just making note that it had the potential for being even more accessible, Although you make it seem like Roger is going to have a supreme hold on this regardless, so thats good news.


I just wanted to say that you are one fantastic illustrator, Jobbs. This looks like something out of an early 90's era manga. Dig your style.

Thank you. :) I have spent many hours staring at Appleseed and Battle Angel Alita mangas, (among others) and I really love that style of illustration.

YI've been lurking for quite some time and will back in the next days. I'm mostly only interested in a Wii U version, but this game represents so many good things about gaming that I can't not back it.

You are too kind. :)
Thank you. :) I have spent many hours staring at Appleseed and Battle Angel Alita mangas, (among others) and I really love that style of illustration.

You are too kind. :)
No, really. I've gone into deep discussion about it with fellow gaffer GrotesqueBeauty in so many Metroid threads. What made Super Metroid so good? Why do so many Metroidvanias try and fail at replicating that experience? And furthermore why can't Nintendo just throw us a bone and do a sequel to Super Metroid instead of going in new directions with the franchise(I consider the Prime trilogy to be godly, but still... very different than Super).

And while I can't say for sure that Ghost Song will deliver that exprience(for me), at least what I've seen so far has kindled my faith that someday I will play that game. And that's worth backing for!


What's your favorite manga jobbs?

It should be stated that I haven't actually *read* a ton of mangas, I have a relative few that I just keep going back to. That's how I learned to draw.

That said, probably Appleseed. not because of the overall story, which I found a bit convoluted/uninteresting (which is often the case with mangas/anime), but I love the drawings and the relationship between a human and a cyborg (Deunan/Briareos). I'm very ADD, so I often find it interesting and motivating as an artist just to pick up an Appleseed book and flip through it, get immersed in his drawings. This was also made before Manamune went "full pervert". :) Ie -- If I open one of the later Ghost In The Shell books -- I just feel silly. The technical expertise on display when it comes to the drawings is unsurpassed -- Truly, there's no one better -- But the subject matter and designs are so beyond juvenile that I start feeling a real distance from it, and, in fact, embarrassed to even own it.

I have a GITS book on my shelf right now that basically is completely uninterested in male characters, they almost don't appear anywhere, and environments/tech are barely the focus either. It's basically just a series of pinups of large breasted women in uber-sexualized poses masquerading as a story. At some point Manamune stopped caring about anything other than T&A. If you think I'm exaggerating, go look up his later work. :)

When it comes to eastern storytelling, I feel like I really have to go to some of the great movies to really find something that resonates with me. The catch all example is "anything by Studio Ghibli", in particular, Princess Mononoke, Nausicaa, and Castle in the Sky. By the time people get to play Ghost Song I think some Ghibli influence will be evident (not CHANNELING it; more around the margins).

I'm working to move the asthetic of the game *slightly* towards a more animated look (I am careful to keep things generally faithful to the overall idea presented in the KS listing, but I am definitely interested in nudging things around and making improvements and adjustments), and I've even met an animation mentor who's going to help me along with some of the more challenging animation.
Has this got any mention in the miiverse at all I think it would be great if it got spread around there a bit these last three days seeing as these last three days are all about getting the wii u port stretch goal.


Ooooh. I definitely know where you're coming from w.r.t. Masamune Shirow. Nicely said.

Let me just add that I really appreciate your stance on 2.5D over at the "Megaman Kickstarter" thread. Mostly because I agree, of course*. ;) Good to see once again that the project is in good hands.

I still backed it, because I cannot NOT throw money at a "Megaman sequel" from what many refer to as the father of Megaman. I am weak like that.


Ooooh. I definitely know where you're coming from w.r.t. Masamune Shirow. Nicely said.

Let me just add that I really appreciate your stance on 2.5D over at the "Megaman Kickstarter" thread. Mostly because I agree, of course*. ;) Good to see once again that the project is in good hands.

I still backed it, because I cannot NOT throw money at a "Megaman sequel" from what many refer to as the father of Megaman. I am weak like that.

haha, I called him manamune. played too much league of legends. :)

I appreciate the vote of confidence. re. MN9, remember -- I didn't say I WON'T buy it or it won't be good, I am hopeful that it'll be good. I loved the mega man zero and zx games! I'm a huge fan of the series in general. I just have to be a little skeptical by the combination of 2.5d + no actual gameplay shown. If they show it and it looks good and alleviates my doubts, then I'm right there with you.

re. miiverse -- it's a thought. is there a way to post links on miiverse? I love my wii u but I'm still a newbie at it.


Backed for 15$.
I love the art a great deal, but i suck ass at Metroid, so..

Also forgot to check, this will have controller support, right?


Also forgot to check, this will have controller support, right?

hell yea! lack of getting controllers to work (without outside software like joy 2 key) in a flash based game was one of the catalysts for bailing out of flash and wanting to go full size.

I'll be designing the controls with the basic 360 style controller in mind. A controller of this general configuration will be THE way to play it.


re. miiverse -- it's a thought. is there a way to post links on miiverse? I love my wii u but I'm still a newbie at it.
As a Wii U-less heathen I don't know exactly how you'd do that, but you basically surf over to https://miiverse.nintendo.net/ and log on, and from there you should be able to reach whatever image or post you want to share. I think you can even hotlink the images. May be best to ask one of our resident Nintendogaffers, though.

Edit: No wait, Links ON miiverse? I very much doubt that. This is Nintendo we're talking about. I figure "google for XYZ" is the best you'll be able to do. As I said though, someone light the Mario signal. We need a pro in here.
I'm not ruling anything in or out, I keep saying -- it's a goal of mine to get it onto many platforms, eventually, however I can, whether we meet any stretch goals or not. the nature of the wii u stretch goal was -- okay, I did my homework, I know how to do this, if we get this high amount of money I feel comfortable promising it at the outset. But just because I don't promise it at the outset doesn't necessarily mean I won't do it at some point.

I apologize if this comes off arrogant somehow (I'm not an arrogant person), but judging by some of the connections I've made just by the kickstarter listing -- I think once the near-finished game is able to be played, opportunities will present themselves. I am that confident. It's going to take some time and work to get from here to there, (rebuilding everything, redoing all the art, testing new changes and additions, finishing out the game flow and world design, new enemies/bosses, etc) but I know in my head and in my heart exactly what I want to do, and I know that between us we have the necessary skills to pull it off.

It's a bit of an adjustment going from the flash game assets to producing all the assets in super high res for 1080p (you can be a tad lazy with the low res ones like I was making) but I've gotten a bit of a head start on that, tinkering around, and I think we're going to have some great results. This game running on a nice big TV and looking great will be a dream come true.

There I go rambling again!

Cool. Well I hope the game is successful for you and you can afford to bring it to PS4 at some point.


haha, I called him manamune. played too much league of legends. :)

I appreciate the vote of confidence. re. MN9, remember -- I didn't say I WON'T buy it or it won't be good, I am hopeful that it'll be good. I loved the mega man zero and zx games! I'm a huge fan of the series in general. I just have to be a little skeptical by the combination of 2.5d + no actual gameplay shown. If they show it and it looks good and alleviates my doubts, then I'm right there with you.

re. miiverse -- it's a thought. is there a way to post links on miiverse? I love my wii u but I'm still a newbie at it.
You can't post links on Miiverse. And I also doubt it's allowed to promote a kickstarter on Miiverse. You should read the Miiverse TOS before you post about the project. It could get you banned.


You can't post links on Miiverse. And I also doubt it's allowed to promote a kickstarter on Miiverse. You should read the Miiverse TOS before you post about the project. It could get you banned.

I didn't have plans to actually do it.. I was curious about the suggestion because I just got my Wii U and I don't know a lot about miiverse yet.


You can't post links on Miiverse. And I also doubt it's allowed to promote a kickstarter on Miiverse. You should read the Miiverse TOS before you post about the project. It could get you banned.

I and a lot of other guys made a few drawings for A Hat in Time and Armikrog for promotion and nobody got into trouble. I don't think Nintendo will ban you for promoting a game that will possibly release on it's system.


Crossing my fingers we make it to the 40k mark. Maybe the paypal donations will actually make a difference this time? Still I figure those are in the low 100s.


Crossing my fingers we make it to the 40k mark. Maybe the paypal donations will actually make a difference this time? Still I figure those are in the low 100s.

Paypal donations are roughly 1% as of this writing. :) I think it's very unlikely we end just a few hundred shy of $40k, but if we did, yeah, I'd call on the PP numbers and say let's do it.

I believe we'll go over 40k, that's just how it seems based on how things are moving along and my knowledge of how these things tend to spike up in the final days. but like with the wii u goal, it's something I'm still interested in doing, either way, I just am not going to make a promise or a guarantee about it unless that number is met.


Im confident the next goals will be achieved in the next 12 hours, fuck it im upping my pledge, mutiplatform here we go! I hope theres a last media push.


I and a lot of other guys made a few drawings for A Hat in Time and Armikrog for promotion and nobody got into trouble. I don't think Nintendo will ban you for promoting a game that will possibly release on it's system.
So link your drawings here so we can find and like them.
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