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Ghost Song Kickstarter - Metroid meets Dark Souls - GAFer made - funded!


No hope for a Wii U version now?

there is always hope.


seriously though, I think there's a good shot anyway, it's just more of a "no pressure" thing if we don't hit it -- I won't be making the promise if we don't hit it -- but I'd be lying if I said I don't have consoles on the brain constantly.


I'm certain itll hit the 40k goal in the last push. The end of a ks is when there is alot more pressure to ks if you want in on it.


Looking good, looking good.

Creating characters with much love and involvement, only to subject them to physical trauma and psychological torture - being a writer is an odd jobb, huh. Poor Rook.


Everything wants to be like Dark Souls all of a sudden.
Taking influence from some game and being LIKE that game are completely two different things. This game seems to be taking influence from Dark Souls in that it won't be holding your hands and it's not afraid of offering challenge to the gamers. These are two things that Dark Souls as a (for some, frustratingly) hard game has been in the forefront of bringing back into gaming after years of developers like Bethesda dumbing down RPGs and holding hands being extra-sure that they offer little to no challenge that might possibly frustrate the masses.
I believe Jobbs said that the paypal donations are about 1% of the kickstarter, so we should only be around $1000 away from the Overtime stretch goal.
So awsome that this is happening! Way over twice the amount of the goal. No matter the end this KS is great success for Jobbs.

Edit: Do you think a push here at neogaf would be possible? I'm trying to come up with stuff, but then again, we do have this thread already...


So awsome that this is happening! Way over twice the amount of the goal. No matter the end this KS is great success for Jobbs.

Edit: Do you think a push here at neogaf would be possible? I'm trying to come up with stuff, but then again, we do have this thread already...

Not sure what you're suggesting -- in any case, the fact that we have this thread already and how generous neogaf has been is already amazing. I don't know there's more that can be done with it. :)


Maybe we just need the thread title updated with "last XX hours!" or something like that, just to let people that might have had second thoughts the first time they saw the thread know the window of opportunity to get in on this is closing.
Yeah, good idea.

I'm sitting and listening to the pitch video on repeat. I can't wait to hear what other tunes Rekcahdam has in store for us. It's insanely fitting for the visuals.
Or, if you're active on other boards, just post the kickstarter link there. I did the same. At least two users backed it as well.

tiny stealthbrag


Wow, I'm glad this thread got bumped or I would've totally missed out on this!

The game looks fantastic and I can't wait to play it - Backed! :)


Rough timing with the not-Megaman hype spinning out of control. Hard to go against Inafune-san.

So, how does it feel, now that the end of the campaign is in sight? I think I'd be a nervous wreck right now, but then again, I always tend to overthink things.


Rough timing with the not-Megaman hype spinning out of control. Hard to go against Inafune-san.

So, how does it feel, now that the end of the campaign is in sight? I think I'd be a nervous wreck right now, but then again, I always tend to overthink things.

I'm surprisingly not nervous. I'd be nervous if I was below my goal, but at this point it's all gravy. If it stopped now I'd be happy.

I'm feeling a bit anxious about going full time into development, as you might imagine -- I believe in the game totally, but now that I have high external expectations to meet there's a bit of added pressure. Plus I'm just super excited in general, so it's an odd mix of pure hype and anxiety.

But as far as the listing itself, I'm not nervous. It's all smooth from here.


Thanks for the answ- What are you saying, if it stopped now it would not meet the 40k stretch goal (I think). That would be a terrible shame!

PayPal to the rescue? Have we met the big four oh already?


Thanks for the answ- What are you saying, if it stopped now it would not meet the 40k stretch goal (I think). That would be a terrible shame!

PayPal to the rescue? Have we met the big four oh already?

no, we haven't, but I think it'd be very bizarre if we didn't get over 40k at this point. and there are worse things that not getting 40k, nonetheless. Remember our initial goal was 15k. At that point I'd have been happy to get $15k and just barely scrape by while making this thing.


So I just noticed we're definitely getting past the 40k goal with less than 1k to go. So happy about this!

Great couple of days: Ghost Song gets all the stretch goals I cared about, and Inafune's notMegaman kickstarter gets funded.

Congrats, Jobbs!


Dunno if you have noticed it yet, but look at this thread, Jobbs. Should lift your spirits a bit (even if they're already soaring).

oh cool! I have my own ghost force running around the world. XD thanks for the shout out.

I don't know if you all checked the Rook update or not, but these are the sketches I included in it.


Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
The ship's android is named Rook, as opposed to Bishop. Cute.
oh cool! I have my own ghost force running around the world. XD thanks for the shout out.

I don't know if you all checked the Rook update or not, but these are the sketches I included in it.

The Rook update seems a bit spoilery if you ask me man.
You can already make a pretty good guess as to why he starts turning. Even if it as an early game event.


The ship's android is named Rook, as opposed to Bishop. Cute.

interesting catch, but never an intentional reference. I've liked the name "Rook" for years. The origin of this character and the relationship between him and a little girl named Pasha goes way back to one of my comic pitches in 2008. The comic was never made, but the idea for the character lingered on in my mind.

I hope we can get to 40k !
Worry not, I'm sure a lot of people are holding back on backing until the last day(me).

So the Wii U stretch goal is most likely not gonna be met, but I'm really glad that all the substantial goals have been fulfilled. It'll now one heck of a game.

Btw Jobbs you don't have to reveal/spoil the actual size, but do you have a size/layout of the game planned already?


Looks like the game is on track to hit the 40k goal. Awesome, glad we'll be getting lots of content in the game! :D And even if it doesn't hit the Wii U goal now, could still happen in the future if the game gets a good audience.


Took a quick look around, and I like it. Backed.

I've now backed three games on Kickstarter -- this, Mighty No. 9, and Star Citizen.

Looking forward to this one!


thanks guys :) no comic planned right now, but who knows. I like comics but they sure are a lot of work to draw.

Btw Jobbs you don't have to reveal/spoil the actual size, but do you have a size/layout of the game planned already?

The flash game was going to be 90-120 minutes to "finish" on average, with more time possible if you explore a lot or suck.

For the redesign I'm going to go back to the drawing board with the map, and use a lot of the same game flow points and progress points, but add new stuff and expand it. The previous game would measure up as either an enormous flash game or a fairly brief retail game. So, as a retail game, I'd now like for it to be larger than that.

It's remarkably hard to guess finish times on games with non-linear maps. For obvious reasons. So it's really hard to talk numbers. All I can tell you is that the map will be meaty and have cool stuff to find and quite significant secret/optional areas (think along the lines of ash lake, which was a good lesson for me in what is okay in game design... hiding enormous, blow your mind shit behind the most unlikely illusionary wall in the corner of nowhere is actually quite okay to do).


Ohgod. Full color comic snippets. Ungh.

Please include whatever parts of the comic you can in the game (maybe as bonus gallery, unlockable on a per page basis, or as a gog-like "artwork zip"). Doesn't matter if the game has nothing besides the characters in common with the art. Give us the comic snips, the sketches, just ...everything related to this game.

...at least let Kickstarters know about this "origin story" in an update.
Cool, good to hear Jobbs. And it's just very interesting to read, even the smallest thought processes going through your mind when making this project
ash lake, which was a good lesson for me in what is okay in game design... hiding enormous, blow your mind shit behind the most unlikely illusionary wall in the corner of nowhere is actually quite okay to do).


This is exactly what kickstarter should be used for! This looks like everything I've wanted for several years, alas I'm completely broke at the moment. =(
I really wanted to help out on this one... but it's hard living on 600$/month. =/ I literally can't spare one single dollar until I get paid in ~10 days time. Hope it's a triumph!!

Edit: Ok, I caved... I had to help.


thanks guys :) and I hope you don't go hungry because of that!

@CT the comic pages I posted were from a comic pitch I made over 5 years ago... I reused general aspects of those two characters, but the story and overall universe are not the same.


@CT the comic pages I posted were from a comic pitch I made over 5 years ago... I reused general aspects of those two characters, but the story and overall universe are not the same.
Yes, exactly, they are the prototypes of (the looks of) characters in the game.

Maybe they even share some personality quirks and whatnot. Even if they're completely different, the three strips still show that you have been lugging Rook + Co around with you for years now - before finally finding a home for them. I say, for a fan that is a pretty interesting tidbit.

(Also, it fleshes out your character a little bit. So far, you are the one thing representing the game. Presenting yourself is part of PR. If the Backers get to know you a tiny bit better then they'll be more comfortable with sharing your project with others. You needn't build up a personality cult or anything, just remember that your average Kickstarter has no clue who you are. For all they know you could be a bum leeching Wifi off a McD with a stolen Laptop, a bitter industry veteran, a naive University student fresh off the presses or whatever else... here on neogaf, you are more or less a known entity, at the very least we can rummage through your posting history, see what's on your profile or take note of/ask people that have interacted with you. On kickstarter, you are just one of many faceless devs. Not like everyone is a stalker, just saying, is all.)


Yes, exactly, they are the prototypes of (the looks of) characters in the game.

Maybe they even share some personality quirks and whatnot. Even if they're completely different, the three strips still show that you have been lugging Rook + Co around with you for years now - before finally finding a home for them. I say, for a fan that is a pretty interesting tidbit.

This. I would totally share those pages with the backers too :D

Also, just shy of $200 to go! Woo!
Bummer the Wii U stretch goal is such a big leap. I want to support, but only if I can get it on a console. :(

Good luck though! If it inches close enough I will help close the gap.
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