I should be expecting Drew to do the wrong thing at every single possible juncture at this point, but goddammit it still got me to see him ignoring the game completely and immediately going at Volgin with ALL OF THE WEAPONS despite the game clearly setting up a hand-to-hand encounter and Volgin even having dialogue that literally just says "put the gun away"
Except for:
1. Everyone telling you to shoot him in the back/his blind spot.
2. All his invulnerability periods where weapons do damage just fine.
3. The fact that, as Drew has shown, he gets stunlocked really easily with weapons.
4. Even Volgin doesn't play by those rules given that he's constantly shooting you with ranged attacks, half of which involve bullets.
5. Like someone mentioned, Ocelot literally drops you ammo.
The vast majority of people probably never did any CQC on Volgin because why the hell would you.