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Giant Bomb #13 | good and faithful friends ahead

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so what's the best zelda game on Gamecube?

I have a gamecube but no games.

Wind Waker if you've never played a Zelda game before or are a super sentient baby, Twilight Princess if you're a cool guy who likes cool games, Four Swords if you inexplicably own four GBAs and those weird cables.

- J - D -

so what's the best zelda game on Gamecube?

I have a gamecube but no games.

Ocarina of Time + Master Quest



Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
so what's the best zelda game on Gamecube?

I have a gamecube but no games.

WindWaker if you like to sit around for for 10 minutes 2-3 times each hour, doing nothing at all, starring at an empty blue screen, wondering what you did wrong in your life.
Twilight Princes if you like fun games for fun people.


Wind Waker if you've never played a Zelda game before or are a super sentient baby, Twilight Princess if you're a cool guy who likes cool games, Four Swords if you inexplicably own four GBAs and those weird cables.

Never played before.

Curious to try and see what all the fuzz is about.
Twilight Princess on GC is a solid game. The only reason it gets so much shit is because everyone only played the Wii version, which is waggle garbage. These are all true facts.
Left trigger right trigger, dodge and hit them, batman/Assassin's Creed you just counter and kill, so many games can be boiled down to really simple sounding things. It's a valid thing to be surprised that you're not having trouble with a game that's supposed to be really hard, but Jeff's never been all that big on games that make difficulty a core feature. Super Meat Boy, Spelunky, Souls games, etc. He was playing Ziggurat on easy in the quick look, for example.

I think people who want Jeff to like the game should be thankful that he at least said "There's SOMETHING about that game" at the end. It just sounds like Bloodborne and he have different philosophies, and that's okay. He's a little flippant about it, but that just happens sometimes.


so u agree with me on mkx then wewtness

netherrealm does good work and managed to make the first good mortal kombat game in a stupid long time-- sucks they're tied to a publisher as bad as WB who is likely responsible for any and all bad decisions related to those games.

also an excellent mortal kombat game still has a way to go before its up to Capcom Quality

but i meant more the people throwing modern bioware games, skyrim, bioshock infinite, etc under the bus-- where they belong
And this is why I have a scant few games I allow myself into my heart as "nigh perfect", and others I allow in as "pretty flawed but beloved" and keep a very thick wall between the two in there.
I'm going to kill someone if the inevitable Ultimate edition of the game doesn't come to Vita. Injustice and MK were perfect on Vita!

If they are doing a last gen version, no reason they can't port it to Vita

theres a mobile version if you are interested in it bigkrev
so what's the best zelda game on Gamecube?

I have a gamecube but no games.
The Ocarina and Majora versions are okay, but they're not the best versions of them.

Also, congrats on the gamecube! I know it's popular to hate on that system, but I loved it. There are some true gems on that console, and I hope you enjoy.


i've had vocal, furious arguments with several real-life friends over my totally-sensible and totally-right opinion that the gamecube was at least five times the console the n64 was
  • Paper Mario 2
  • Wind Waker
  • Metroid Prime
  • Super Monkey Ball 2
  • Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
  • Super Smash Bros. Melee
  • Chibi-Robo
  • Eternal Darkness
  • Baiten Kaitos
  • Viewtiful Joe

but maybe get WW and MP on Wii U


  • Paper Mario 2
  • Wind Waker
  • Metroid Prime
  • Super Monkey Ball 2
  • Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
  • Super Smash Bros. Melee
  • Chibi-Robo
  • Eternal Darkness
  • Baiten Kaitos
  • Viewtiful Joe

but maybe get WW and MP on Wii U

Resident Evil, Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime 2, F-Zero GX, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Twilight Princess, Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Sunshine (screw the h8rs, its got some good points)-- heck of a console.


Rorie just posted about outsourcing subscription management to an outside company, so things must be going well if they can afford that or got authorization to do it.
Resident Evil, Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime 2, F-Zero GX, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Twilight Princess, Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Sunshine (screw the h8rs, its got some good points)-- heck of a console.

Think about this: Your praise for Super Mario Sunshine is "it's got some good points."

Think about what you would say for every other 3D Mario game.

It's the Yoshi's New Island of the 3D Marios. It isn't terrible, but holy shit man it should be way better than it is.


you speak so well
Rorie just posted about outsourcing subscription management to an outside company, so things must be going well if they can afford that or got authorization to do it.

Good to finally get a solid system in for that stuff and should make Rorie's job slightly easier now that he doesn't have to manually manage some of it. Win win!
Resident Evil, Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime 2, F-Zero GX, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Twilight Princess, Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Sunshine (screw the h8rs, its got some good points)-- heck of a console.

I left most of those off because you can play them better elsewhere (especially the Resis, with the amazing HD versions, especially 4 on Steam).

But F-Zero GX is a must.
Have you never played a 2D Zelda? LTTP and ALBW are both fantastic games.

3D Zelda though...nah, you're not missing much.
I've never played any Zelda game, when I became interested in trying one of the games I didn't have the means to do so. I now have have a 3Ds and Wii u so I can finally play Zelda games but there are so many that I have no idea where to start.


Think about this: Your praise for Super Mario Sunshine is "it's got some good points."

Think about what you would say for every other 3D Mario game.

It's the Yoshi's New Island of the 3D Marios. It isn't terrible, but holy shit man it should be way better than it is.

I think the gulf in quality between Yoshi's Island and Yoshi's New Island compared to that between Sunshine and the next-worst 3D Mario isn't even close.

Like, the podcast just had an email from a guy who had the fucking gall to ask if the duders prefer Mario 64 or Banjo Kazooie. We live in a world where people can revere a fucking Rare platformer of the era more than Super Mario Sunshine just because Sunshine isn't nearly as good as 64. Messed up, man.

I left most of those off because you can play them better elsewhere (especially the Resis, with the amazing HD versions, especially 4 on Steam).

But F-Zero GX is a must.

Yeah, but for posterity. In case anyone who doesn't own a PC or modern console and is considering investing in a Gamecube happens upon this thread.
For posterity's sake, then, I'll also say that you shouldn't miss out on Melee just because you may have a more recent Smash game...

...but if you have a more recent Mario Kart, you can skip Double Dash.
Ocarina of Time on 3DS.
I figured that or link to the past would be the best starting points. So I guess an ideal path would be Ocarina, Majora, Wind Waker, lttp then lbw? Or would it be best to alternate between 2D and 3D Zelda? I'm also not sure where stuff like minish cap would fit in.
I think the gulf in quality between Yoshi's Island and Yoshi's New Island compared to that between Sunshine and the next-worst 3D Mario isn't even close.

Like, the podcast just had an email from a guy who had the fucking gall to ask if the duders prefer Mario 64 or Banjo Kazooie. We live in a world where people can revere a fucking Rare platformer more than Super Mario Sunshine just because Sunshine isn't nearly as good as 64. Messed up, man.

you better include "3D" before people start thinking you're out of your fucking mind

I think pretty much any of the three DKC games that Rare did are better games than Super Mario Sunshine.

their 3D stuff is pretty lame though
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