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Giant Bomb #13 | good and faithful friends ahead

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This GG guy.


Yeah it made me feel more sorry for him by the end than anything else. The world has passed him by and he's raging at everyone and no one and a bit perplexed as to why Jeff would stand up for him and "traditional gamers".

The Saturday morning cartoon example was nonsense. The reason that doesn't exist anymore (at least in the US, Saturday Disney still goes in Aus) is because as Jeff pointed out, the internet/video games/Netflix rendered that model obsolete, just like the market rendered all those mid tier studios obsolete.

And to get really technical, cartoons as a whole are way more violent and obscene nowadays than they were even 20 years ago.
I still have two major gaps in my Giant Bomb viewing.

The Euro Truck Simulator 2 QL and the P4 Endurance run (somewhere in the 40's, last time I checked.)

One of those shall be remedied tonight.

Euro Truck is a magical journey which transcends space, time and internet download links.


I still have two major gaps in my Giant Bomb viewing.

The Euro Truck Simulator 2 QL and the P4 Endurance run (somewhere in the 40's, last time I checked.)

One of those shall be remedied tonight.

Euro Truck Simulator? What's that?

Oh you must mean Vinny's Quick Look of the internet.
New personal revelations from that Kotaku AMA thread.


neoGAF colluded with Giant Bomb at one point?


New personal revelations from that Kotaku AMA thread.

neoGAF colluded with Giant Bomb at one point?

Why do you think this thread is allowed when clearly any sane moderator would shut it down and forward all our IP addresses to our local authorities?



Why do you think this thread is allowed when clearly any sane moderator would shut it down and forward all our IP addresses to our local authorities?

During that stream Adam Boyes gave a copy of The Last of Us to Evillore, today Evillore put Major Nelson on blast...coincidence?

#FollowedTheMoney #Collusion #NotMyPresident

Uff duh

New personal revelations from that Kotaku AMA thread.

neoGAF colluded with Giant Bomb at one point?

Those E3 after shows have all kinds of guests on them. Its like one big industry orgy. In 2013 G.B crew just said fuck it and rented out a porn studio for it. The worst part is they last for the whole trade show. Lol. But for reals those after shows are pretty sweet.


I can't listen to this whole mixlr thing... does the caller go off the deep end at some point? or is it just jeff talking to a brick wall the whole time?

edit: OKAY! nvm. Just got to the SJW's destroyed cartoons part. this is actually great.

You know the traditional games... the ones for dudes who like cleavage.

ugh... now I can't listen to this anymore for entirely different reasons. Not sure how Jeff manages to stay on the line.


You folk like funny quicklooks right? And, through the D&DUnplugged crosslinks, I know a few of you are / have become fans of the McElroy brothers' work.

During this weekend downtime, may I suggest you consume this McElroys/Polygon quicklook of Titan Souls? It made me laugh and I hope it makes you laugh too.


Subete no aware
So I just noticed that Vice did a feature on esports, with a focus on LoL:

And it just reminded me that Brad and Drew were sent to Korea by Blizzard to cover SC2 at the time a few years ago:

What's remarkable is that a lot of it is still mostly the same, with training camps for gamers who play for 16 hours a day, but that it looks like Starcraft is dead. And it's only been 4 years.

It just makes me wonder though, as big as esports will be - now that Brad is more interested in going to the International than he would be in going to Korea for another SC event - I wonder if esports can really get big if the game that people care about keeps changing every 5-10 years. Or maybe it doesn't really matter what people play, because someone will always watch regardless.


Playing Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake.

Just fought a boss where I had to stop an old man scientist from choking out Solid Snake by using remote controlled missiles to hit him from behind. That check outs.

Edit: The Zanzibar Hamster just killed Solid Snake.
Catching up on the Mixlr from last night, and as funny as the GG call is, Jeff repeatedly playing the "AH-HEH!" from that one rap song is killing me


I noticed that GG caller is continuing his discussion about the decline of Saturday morning cartoons in the youtube comments of the GB Unarchived video of jeffs mixlr..


Okay, I'm sick of discussing this shit now, but the guy is commenting in the GB subreddit post about the call if ya'll want to read some more insanity. Reading that makes me appreciate how good the GB subreddit is, 160 comments and almost nothing of the usual Reddit garbage.


Unconfirmed Member
How many discussions do you think he's had about stuff like that? That guy has made up his mind.
If that dude thinks modern cartoons are soft, maybe he should watch some. From the DoA comment he's clearly just saying what he thinks is true & doesn't even bother to look at modern examples of the things he's talking about.

One of my favourite shows, The Legend of Korra, is a cartoon & the first season of that straight up ends with
a murder suicide
. Not to mention some of the stuff in the last couple of seasons. Kids shows are still violent & often darker than they ever were, they've just matured beyond having characters with guns & cigarettes.

The content just keeps on coming.


I need a Demo Derby fix!

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Okay, I'm sick of discussing this shit now, but the guy is commenting in the GB subreddit post about the call if ya'll want to read some more insanity. Reading that makes me appreciate how good the GB subreddit is, 160 comments and almost nothing of the usual Reddit garbage.

Reddit is a terrible website that I can't stop visiting. I've had an account there for nearly 6 years. I've quit 3 or 4 times and wind up getting bored and revisiting it. The Boston Bombing witch hunt and blantant racism were the last time I quit. KIA gets me close.
That GG guy trying to cut in while Jeff is speaking is so cringe-worthy. Dude sounds pathetic.

"They won. They won that battle." Fucking hell.

I think what makes the dude look worse is that Jeff is being 100% reasonable & respectful. A lot of people would have just told him he's crazy & stupid and not bothered to engage him but Jeff actually listens & delivers eloquent & well thought out responses. The guy clearly had no idea how to respond to that, hence his replies which often barely relate to what Jeff just said.

I've been following Monster Hunter 4U news ever since it got announced for the rest of the world so I new about all of these costumes long ago. Check the MH4U community thread to see all the other DLC costumes on the way.

That being said, the Sonic costume looks terrible and it referencing that terrible Black Knight game elevates it to a even higher level of terrible.

Plain terrible.


Unconfirmed Member
Before Brad, I've never even head that there's people out there who hold them in high regard. They are so bad.


Unconfirmed Member
In the bubble called Europe or the bubble of people born after 1980? I know they were big at some point, but these guys made it sound like they were on a level with The Beatles or Queen and I've never heard that before.


the holder of the trombone
I don't really like guns n roses and I was born after the 90s but you have to be under a rock to not know how big GnR was.


"Rock on" might be the final straw to push me into buying an iPad. But I better wait a bit if there's an Android version.

HIM has some kewl songs and definitively better ballads than GNR.
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