How weird i just finished it a few hours ago as well haha
After a certain point i was like "Oh wait is this game still about zombies?"
I really didn't care for cranes storyline
Some coincidence. I must have dropped it in the post box to go back to the rental company about the same time as you beat it

How many times did you die in that forced free running section with the volatiles chasing you? I bet less than me.
I was intending to platinum the game but after that last mission I looked at my quest log and it was all "find X for X" and I said "fuck that!". Said it out loud too, the dogs gave me a funny look.
Yeah the main story is weak. They could have lost the whole main antagonist and just had the survival aspect, the city as antagonist. I quite like the characters but they either kill them all off cheaply or leave the story hanging.
I recall Brad named DL in "there are already a number of GOTY contenders this year", paraphrasing. I will be interested to see how far he got and if he beats it before the end of the year. I know he has said that he gets vertigo in games and what with that broadcast tower mission and the last mission - he is going to have a fun time.
EDIT : huh, if that psn profile link someone posted is correct it looks like he beat the game. Good for him. He should have written a late review, I would have liked to have read that.