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Giant Bomb #13 | good and faithful friends ahead

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Four is too self serious for it's own good, but at least it set up the franchise pivot that would eventually become Five.

Which is why the only thing worth watching in the entire movie is the last five minutes. Everything else is just "Hey the actors from the original one is back! Looke Mia and Brian! Hey it's Brian, Mia and Dom praying at dinner! This is so much like the original isn't it?! Huh? Huh?"


Ding. Ding.



Just made a batch of those ANZAC biscuits. Used this recipe.

Fuck, these are delicious. No strong flavours, just a moreish little snackypop. Very moreish. Like, dangerously so.

Gonna toss some raisins in if I ever make them again.


The middle image on the Animorph cover is always the best one.


I mean can starfish even hear? Wouldn't be very good at spying. She could just chill there doing nothing until she suddenly starts turning back into a person in a fish tank.

IIRC the character does it to find a ring she's lost at the beach, but gets cut in half and demorphs, but since starfish can survive that she demorphs into two humans and oh boy I'm remembering a bunch of stuff.
I mean can starfish even hear? Wouldn't be very good at spying. She could just chill there doing nothing until she suddenly starts turning back into a person in a fish tank.

Iirc she used it to get away feom baddies in an aquariam, but what happened is she got split into 2 while in starfish form. Then they both morphed back into humans and there was good Rachel and evil Rachel. It was a pretty good arc.

And animorphs was the shit. Best ending arc ever
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