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Giant Bomb #13 | good and faithful friends ahead

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I went to the GTA V PC to see what people thought of the game, and was greeted with about 30 people posting there specs, 10 people talking about drivers, 5 people talking about Steam issues, and 3 people posting screenshots showing how great they are, and about 2 people talking about actual gameplay.



I'm just real curious to see how the mouse control works in first person mode.


im so fucked up


bringing out the Eva deep cuts

whenever people get sick of us and outlaw anime for good, i just want my evabros to know its been an honor and a privilege
Oooh! A special MGS video tonight! I was literally just thinking how strange it felt that there was no MGS content tonight since we've been getting it on schedule the last few weeks. And then I refreshed the home page...


Welp... Time to start a 3rd campaign in GTA5 (PS3, PS4 and now PC lol)... I guess I'll do the first couple of hours on mute while watching today's stream.
I should get around to actually buying/playing any version of GTA5 one day. I hear its great and I even really enjoyed 4, but man did I not like red dead at all.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Also, Sub-Zero has always been the lamest of the ninjas but god damn Rollins/Maskless Sub-Zero is SO shitty 90s looking. Seeing him in that cutscene just made Shinnok and Quan Chi look way cooler just by comparison.

Why does Torr look way larger in cutscenes than in combat?


Ok look guys... I know that the vast majority of you don't give a shit about hockey and probably nobody other than me here cares about the Habs specifically but god dammit I can't stop watching this video.

I must have watched it 20 times today. This is the most hype thing ever holy shit

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