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Giant Bomb #13 | good and faithful friends ahead

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The 7th Guest is awesome and it had FMV

I'm not saying that games like 7th Guest or Phantasmagoria are bad games, but the FMV aspect of them is not what made them good then, and only makes them look silly these today.

Releasing a game in 2015 that is trying to play FMV straight is comical. I'm glad they're doing it, of course, since I have no interest in pretend instrument games anyway.


I'm not saying that games like 7th Guest or Phantasmagoria are bad games, but the FMV aspect of them is not what made them good then, and only makes them look silly these today.

Releasing a game in 2015 that is trying to play FMV straight is comical. I'm glad they're doing it, of course, since I have no interest in pretend instrument games anyway.

i strongly disagree. The puzzles in the 7th Guest are esoteric and mostly fucking impossible without cheating. The FMV is why you play the game
Even though playing bass isn't easy, bass in Rocksmith has all of the arcade fun of a GH / RB game because it's easy enough to sight read bass tabs.

Oh fuck it, I'll probably still buy both of these new music games if the song lists are good.

yeah I've been playing guitar for over 20 years and I found Rocksmith's guitar stuff utterly baffling and hard to figure out, but the bass was more manageable and super fun

and then my cable died.

i strongly disagree. The puzzles in the 7th Guest are esoteric and mostly fucking impossible without cheating. The FMV is why you play the game



Darn, that knife video showed me everything I already knew how to do. I was hoping Brad had ninja tricks to get the hard drive out of the PS4 casing with a knife.
So on a level of 1 to 5, how dismissive do you think the crew will be about the new Guitar Hero?

And do you actually think Jeff will put a score on the MKX review or will it be another Dance Central 3 situation and he wont want to lower the metacritic of his pals shitty game?



The FMV was never 'good', though. When you say the FMV is why you play the game, don't you mean that it's enjoyed ironically?

Now? maybe.

At the time, the 7th guest scared the SHIT out of me.
The ghosts were terrifying. Stauf haunted my dreams.

The quality was never great, but there was nothing to compare it to.
So on a level of 1 to 5, how dismissive do you think the crew will be about the new Guitar Hero?

And do you actually think Jeff will put a score on the MKX review or will it be another Dance Central 3 situation and he wont want to lower the metacritic of his pals shitty game?


Jeff's article was fairly positive.
Now? maybe.

At the time, the 7th guest scared the SHIT out of me.
The ghosts were terrifying. Stauf haunted my dreams.

The quality was never great, but there was nothing to compare it to.

Huh. Well I always thought FMV looked like trash, and the appeal of those games was the weird environments and puzzles (terrible design notwithstanding). Either way they've aged poorly, although I would make the argument that the FMV has aged better because it was always bad.


That upgrade video made me miss the old basement studio and the green screen.

They don't really have a table or panel to do a discussion like that.

I guess something other than the couch.
Brad seemed very fatherly in this knife video. This should be taken into account during the next round of "Which Duder would I want as my dad" discussions.
then again there were a bunch of people in that one new 3ds thread complaining that they didn't own even a single screwdriver which I also found confusing

what kind of person doesn't have a single tool in their entire house?
then again there were a bunch of people in that one new 3ds thread complaining that they didn't own even a single screwdriver which I also found confusing

what kind of person doesn't have a single tool in their entire house?

Ok, I can maybe understand not owning a knife but no screwdriver is crazy.
Surprised, High Voltage has done another turd of a job with their PC ports and those with MKX are currently unable to access gameplay modes and even online play. We can't even rip the netcode on that platform because no one has access to it.

these guys, they fucked up the MK9 and Injustice ports too. Why, WB, why?
I've only got two (non-kitchen) knives, one is a simple folder and the other is a leatherman

I'm just baffled that it's not just something that everybody owns?

I don't have a folding knife, and everytime I get a package from Amazon I use a kitchen knife to open it. I really should get a folding knife instead.

then again there were a bunch of people in that one new 3ds thread complaining that they didn't own even a single screwdriver which I also found confusing

what kind of person doesn't have a single tool in their entire house?

I have toolkits in my house, with a variety of screwdrivers. Whenever I've moved into a new place, if I don't have a toolkit with me, it's usually one of the first things I purchase. Just one of those things that are handy to have.

it's like the second most useful tool in my entire house except a philips screwdriver

what do you use when you need to cut something?

knives are fuckin rad, what kind of question is this

Scissors or a Stanley knife (retractable blade).

A flip knife is the kind of knife that gets you five years in jail here, even if it's a tool.

Vic Tokai

Neo Member
Literally the only thing I can think of that I need a knife for (outside of the kitchen) is opening packages, and a kitchen knife or a pair of scissors will do that just fine.

I really can't think of another use I ever have for one. But then, I'm a not at all handy dude who rents his abode, so I'm very much in the call-somebody-else-whenever-something-breaks-in-my-home-or-car camp.

Scissors or a Stanley knife (retractable blade).

A flip knife is the kind of knife that gets you five years in jail here, even if it's a tool.


even one of these? because like, this is one of the best objects I own

I've injured myself with kitchen knives and scissors. never once with a pocketknife.

I dunno, maybe I'm the weirdo here for doing work around the house or repairing electronics or whatever. shit breaks? I'll fix it.
A retractable stanley knives are the knives of choice for delinquents

Are you a delinquent giant_frying_pan?.
No comment.

[EDIT - Yeah that kind of tool isn't wise to possess unless you have a very good reason. The police have knife amnesties every now and then and the photos they show of their 'haul' include knives like that.

Don't get me wrong, I am pro-badass tool, but not a huge fan of knives that are pretty much meant to be concealed and used as a weapon (yeah, I know the Stanley knife has this reputation, I only really need it to cut carpet or something).]


Is stanley-knife a Britishism? Or are there places in america that call them that.

Everyone just says "box cutters".

And i've never seen value in "all in one" tools. I'd rather have quality versions of the tools individually
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