I actually stopped listening to the Bombcast ads a bit after Small Business Man left because they stopped being entertaining. Are they good again?
I actually stopped listening to the Bombcast ads a bit after Small Business Man left because they stopped being entertaining. Are they good again?
I listen to all the ads. I applaud the commitment to an ad-free version of the podcast.
The only thing that bums me out is the lack of break music.
I feel like no one who's answered you so far has given appropriate weight to the possibility ofI actually stopped listening to the Bombcast ads a bit after Small Business Man left because they stopped being entertaining. Are they good again?
Drew would not concern me in a bar fight. He is physically fit but that pretty face doesn't look like it has taken many punches.
Drew would not concern me in a bar fight. He is physically fit but that pretty face doesn't look like it has taken many punches.
Why would you hit Drew? He's like the nicest guy in the world.
Anyone actually have the old break music for iPhone on hand? Wouldn't mind a new alarm ring for the morning.We're robbed of the best break music ever. Before I had to reset my phone a few times it was my ringtone. Haven't bothered to look for it since though.
I mean the ads are like 1-2 minutes of a 3 hour show.
Not really bothered by them enough to skip it.
Crunchyroll has a "random show" button, I thinkJeffBrett should watch an episode of something random, try to describe the plot, and use that as the ad.
they become bothersome when the same company does ads on like 4-5 of the podcasts i listen to. Naturebox, Me Undies, etc. I mean, me remembering their names must prove that the ads are working but now i skip them completely on all of my podcasts, regardless of whether the show does a good job with the ad or not.
Sure, I've never done this before.
I would never answer any calls!We're robbed of the best break music ever. Before I had to reset my phone a few times it was my ringtone. Haven't bothered to look for it since though.
they become bothersome when the same company does ads on like 4-5 of the podcasts i listen to. Naturebox, Me Undies, etc. I mean, me remembering their names must prove that the ads are working but now i skip them completely on all of my podcasts, regardless of whether the show does a good job with the ad or not.
I would never answer any calls!
they become bothersome when the same company does ads on like 4-5 of the podcasts i listen to. Naturebox, Me Undies, etc. I mean, me remembering their names must prove that the ads are working but now i skip them completely on all of my podcasts, regardless of whether the show does a good job with the ad or not.
Crunchyroll has a "random show" button, I thinkJeffBrett should watch an episode of something random, try to describe the plot, and use that as the ad.
This could actually be great. If it was random episode of random show it would be even better.
I just want it to drop him into a random episode of Gintama.
I just want it to drop him into a random episode of Gintama.
or Strike the Blood
Did Medaka Box ever get an anime? If it got into the later episodes it would be hilarious to see Jeff get randomly dropped into one of the later fights.
Or episode 8 of nisemonogatari.
I think I remember seeing it on there. I have 0 idea what that show even is.
Not sure if I can even explain it anymore. The manga at least(Not sure if the anime stayed with the original concept) started as some school thing with a girl being good at everything and it somehow turns into some insane shonen fighting series with ridiculous powers. The stupid levels it goes to is really the only thing that made it interesting.
Crunchyroll has a "random show" button, I thinkJeffBrett should watch an episode of something random, try to describe the plot, and use that as the ad.
We each bet on whom we believe the winner of Mario Party Party 4 will be. If our choice does not win, we will have to wear the winner's picture as an avatar for 28 days.
If it ends without a winner, we must wear a Yoshi avatar for 28 days.
I'm betting on Jeff.
That actually sounds really dumb. I'll have to put it in the backlog just to see how stupid it gets.
Skrillex and Girl Talk are musicians. He doesn't know what he is talking about.
That actually sounds really dumb. I'll have to put it in the backlog just to see how stupid it gets.
Taylor Swift is more of a musician than either of them, jesus christ. Unless this is revisionist history where the only track Skrillex ever made was the theme to the Syndicate reboot, Jeff Gerstmann's 5-Star Game of The Year 2013 or whatever
The revisionist history where people who make music are musicians?
Medaka box manga is fun. Not sure about the anime though.
All anime is terrible compared to their manga counterparts anyway. /animehipster
I actually agree with the argument, the dude just could have picked two slightly less overly fucking commercialized corporate sellouts to prove a point.
Like I dunno, whoever is doing dubstep remixes of Cher and the Jurassic Park theme.
the random button only takes you to the first episode of a random show
anime tm
wow that space adventures QL game look superfun
i think i just had a daytime nightmare. I swear i saw a wall of anime and i almost passed out.
the random button only takes you to the first episode of a random show
anime tm
What's with all the anime? I thought this was a cool thread for cool people.
it took me to this
"A hot boy mermaid named Wakasa has taken over the bath of a teenage boy named Tatsumi! This cute but selfish freeloader is a perfect match for the cool but tender and caring Tatsumi. Let's see how they get by together"
anime y'all
but if nothing else, it reaffirms how good of an idea this is