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Giant Bomb #13 | good and faithful friends ahead

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you speak so well
Is that was I was seeing? I wasn't sure, but is there blood splatter on your character from combat?
Yeah, you keep getting bloodier and bloodier as you kill dudes until it's just silly and you're dripping red.

imo the worst thing about Bloodborne is that they replaced bonfires with lame lamp posts

This is true. The lamp posts are lame and the lighting animation is so much worse than the bonfire one.
Not quite done with the episode, but the latest Metal Gear Scanlon is a bit of a bummer. I do not remember having any trouble whatsoever fighting The Fury in Snake Eater, although I couldn't tell you how I killed him.
Watching MGS3, I just can't help but think of this when I see Drew getting frustrated with the controls. I'm almost certain it was posted before, but Dara O'Brien predicted Metal Gear Scanlon years ago.

That bit describes Drew perfectly

I am the worst at BloodBorne. I've made sod all progress in the last hour.

I love this game.

It's ok just listen to some Swift to get you up~ I just beat the 2nd boss after like, 6 hours of gaming


Hey guys because of all that sequel Indiegogo stuff happening today I rewatched Super Troopers tonight and I have to say that 15 years later this is still a fucking great movie.




What a handsome devil.

- J - D -

I don't like gifs of vapid youtube people telling me how I should dislike things.

edit: Also, bloodbornt is a videogame I might not like.


By the way, what was the music playing during the Tony hawk Dreamcast demo? I remember it vaguely from my childhood but have no idea what it's actual track name was


Catching up on Danswers - Samantha was a great guest.

I've always felt that one of the most biggest challenges to people coming to grips with transgender people is communication. So many transgender people want to bury their past and not discuss it that it sometimes puts conversations about it an unproductive place where one side is very defensive from the start. It's not unreasonable, given the upheaval, drama, and in many/most/(all?) cases, psychological trauma associated with a gender transition. As someone who has some history with being bullied and an outcast, even if likely to a far lesser degree than the average transgender person, I can sympathize with anybody who wants to put that stuff behind them for good.

On the other hand, this also leads to a situation where possible potential friends and allies can be put off when their curiosity is confused with aggression, and met with defensiveness or worse, lashing out. Whether the confusion is caused by unintentional use of trigger words or taboo questions, a lot questions, many people's first experience talking with a transgender person is a negative one.

That's why it's important that there are people out there who are comfortable talking about it and satiating people's natural curiosity. Getting voices like Samantha's to more ears more often is the way to move the dialog forward on transgender issues. It's perfect normal for people to be curious about something uncommon when they're exposed to it for the first time and to want to ask questions, and it's also perfectly normal for people in said uncommon situation to tire of the constant probing. Hopefully this podcast reached enough ears that it spared a few of those awkward situations, even if it probably won't reach enough to pull transgender issues forward in a major way.

tl;dr version - Samantha is awesome.

also, I apologize in advance if this post causes this thread to derail


keep your pants on myggen!

I will get to it

I need to re-link the links

Mario party and upf go to the subscriber tab

Might link it a recent episode or something

My pants are always off.

With Mario Party you could probably use the link I used in my Premium post. UPF is maybe a good idea to just link to the subscriber tab?
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