i forgot you are a n00b fan chaobreaker
I am nearly a post-Dan-and-Jason-joining Giant Bomb fan. Started consuming content a couple of weeks before they were hired.
i forgot you are a n00b fan chaobreaker
I am nearly a post-Dan-and-Jason-joining Giant Bomb fan. Started consuming content a couple of weeks before they were hired.
Yep. Double Fine deserves some shit over that, but as noted it's more likely connected to RWS's connection to Gamergate and their hatred for Tim Schafer.
That Team Brad moment was one of my favourite things the Internet has ever produced. It felt like everyone was getting behind him, willing him to beat that level.
new Breaking Brad is my most wanted feature right now. I hope he finds something he wants to play soon.
new Breaking Brad is my most wanted feature right now. I hope he finds something he wants to play soon.
It really would be nice if they could get a 3D World Champions Road save they could use for a Breaking Brad but I guess the Wii U is shit with that sort of thing.
I bet Dan has a Wii-U with a 3D World save with Champion's Road unlocked.
I bet Dan has a Wii-U with a 3D World save with Champion's Road unlocked.
Breaking Brad: Persona 4 Golden (With Jeff and Vinny as Brad)![]()
He did but then his Wii U got stolen when he moved to SF.
Depends, was Dan's original Wii U stolen when his place was robbed?
need Dan in there. his impressions from the PSTV preview made me really interested in a Brad/Dan ER with Jeff sitting back being the consultant and enjoying all the new content.
It would depend which Dan we got. Open minded Dan who might actually like it or insulting Dan who likes to shit on other people's likes and opinions to the point where it becomes obnoxious.
That's never happened before.
I wish they had stuck with the tone of the first Postal, unrelenting dark, disturbed and depressing. Instead they went for perhaps the easiest, cheapest satire possible.
Then again if they had gone with the first Postal as a blueprint I'd say the game would have been even more widely vilified/banned/help up as a "murder simulator". Actually thinking about it that top down shooter thing that was on Greenlight a while back is pretty much that in a sense.
I cant be arsed to go and find examples but that specific thing is one of the reasons im not a big fan of Dan.
"I'm going to make a baseless claim because I don't like a guy."
WTF is that Pudge? Valve should seriously consider sueing Blizzard.
WTF is that Pudge? Valve should seriously consider sueing Blizzard.
WTF is that Pudge? Valve should seriously consider suing Blizzard.
WTF is that Pudge? Valve should seriously consider suing Blizzard.
Pudge is based off an Undead unit model from WC3 so its Blizzard's design in the first place really.
Think of Dota2 as Valve's take on Blizzard's artstyle
Are you serious?
I'm fairly sure chao is well aware of the origins of these games!
Games Workshop you mean?
Dan is going to die early if he keeps this up.
What Warhammer creature looks like a Warcraft Abomination?
Space Marines on horses. Seems legit.